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Lockdowns in the US don't Work

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posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Should the omicron variant start a new wave of infections, China will be best able to block it, the state-run Global Times newspaper said in a Sunday editorial. The world’s most populous nation has maintained a Covid-zero approach -- taking extreme measures to curb recent outbreaks, including locking down cities -- even as other stalwarts of the policy shift toward living with the virus as endemic.

It is interesting how this article is propping up China and their methods without talking about the downside.
They are trying to plant the seed.
"living with the virus".
What kind of living is that?

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:13 AM
it has all been tried.
lock down. non essential workers. non essential business.
masks, double masks.
vax, vax boosters, boosters for vax boosters

insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

What we are doing is just insane.

Everything we have done is insane.
  • We sent old folks with known infections to nursing homes so they could infect as many high-risk people as possible.
  • We tried social distancing... make people stand outside in a line crowded together with others for hours so there will be room in the store to social distance for 15 minutes.
  • We tried lockdowns... so anyone who thought they might have a case would spend the day in town stocking up on supplies (aka spreading the virus) before they got tested.
  • We closed down smaller, less crowded businesses while allowing crowded big box stores to remain open.
  • We kept those who needed strength to fight off an infection from seeing loved ones, depriving them of the support they desperately needed.
  • We isolated older people, keeping them from seeing their families, so they could lose their will to live.
  • We denied people needed health care because we thought we might need those beds for someone with this particular virus.
  • We tried forcing people to wear face masks, increasing the viral load in those infected and littering the ground with discarded petri dishes.
  • We tried vaccinations, which then were so ineffective the CDC had to literally change the definition of a vaccine so they could continue to call this series of shots a vaccine.
  • We demonized every single potential treatment that showed any promise of being effective in treating the infected, even those treatments that were renowned for their long-term safety before this virus got loose.
  • We drove people out of the medical profession at the very time we supposedly needed them over ridiculous regulations.
  • We even closed down churches, tried to tell people how to "safely" celebrate holidays, and closed down schools, and then acted surprised when people either demanded relief or just ignored the regulations.
Every single step of the way, we have done exactly the opposite of stopping a virus. Of course there is a pandemic! How could there not be with us doing everything in our power to make things worse?

Any day now, I'm expecting someone to decide that the only way to stop the spread is to force everyone still alive to breathe in contaminated air! Maybe they'll start using crop dusters to spread the virus wholesale so they can "stop the spread."

At this point, I'm not even sure "insane" is a strong enough word.


posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

We demonized every single potential treatment that showed any promise of being effective in treating the infected, even those treatments that were renowned for their long-term safety before this virus got loose.

Just wanted to highlight this part!

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Oh Lortdy!! yfozpJOSaqsseoQHZwXdPsrf-_TZXbXpm4Vr8

Biden delivers remarks on the emerging omicron variant

edit on 29-11-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

My favorite were the curfews based on time/number of people.

The Vid waits for you in the bushes until it's just after 10PM and your 11th guest comes over, then he pounces, licks all your faces and knocks over your beer pong table.

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: sraven
it has all been tried.
lock down. non essential workers. non essential business.
masks, double masks.
vax, vax boosters, boosters for vax boosters

insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

it has not actually "all been tried". the fact is that so called "lockdowns" in places like the US and Canada were pretty much a joke. more of a quasi lockdown, doing the bare minimum. and so no one should be surprised when such half measures don't work particularly well.

sure they shut down non essential businesses, "to keep people from going out, when they didn't need to". yet they never actually did anything to actually stop people from going out, unless they needed to. people were all still out, going for walks, jogging, and driving around visiting everyone, going "window shopping" at stores that were open etc. heck, i even know someone who was driving back and forth between the US and Canada pretty much every couple of weeks, the entire pandemic, visiting family. even at the very beginning, they went from Canada to the US, to "house sit" for family that went on "vacation", (yes away from home, traveling on vacation during the so called lockdowns? yup they were not real lockdowns alright). not to mention every birthday, anniversary, Canadian and American holiday, plus whenever, just to visit. so much for "lockdowns". so of course the lockdowns didn't really achieve anything, since nothing other than closing non essencial businesses was ever actually done. no even attempted stopping of people traveling between towns, or states was done. which means people were free to spread the virus far and wide. heck they never even bothered to shut down public transit at all.

and nothing was really done to even properly limit the number of people in those businesses that were allowed to be open. nor was any real attempt made to track and trace the spread of the virus. nor even the basic step ofr taking people's temperatures before they let them in. a very simple, way to instantly stop people who might have the virus from entering, a fever being one of the most common symptoms of the virus, and one easily and instantly tested for. thus turning those businesses allowed to be open, into likely transmission centers.

or look at the quasi "mask mandates". again, never actually done other tan a half hearted, attempt that was not enforced. many people never wore a mask the entire pandemic. and then there were tons of people evempted from even wearing a mask. you can't expect it to work, when it wasn't actually even done. so again another half measure, which of course did not work. nor was even "social distancing" even really enforced. even to the point of allowing protests, rioting and looting to occur all during those so called "lockdowns". so yet again, no wonder these things didn't seem to help. because once again nothing was even really done to enforce any of it.

so NO it is not even close to "it has all been tried". since the fact is other than pushing vaccines that do nothing to stop the spread, was even any of it actually done at all, past half hearted, not even attempted to be enforced half measures put into place.

and lets face it, whatever moron came out with the "it's only going to be needed for TWO WEEKS", with a virus KNOWN to have an incubation period of at least two weeks, is an incompetent idiot. it always should have been at least a month. and from how it actually worked, it seems such lockdowns need to be at least TWO MONTHS.

the fact is places that actually did, actual "lockdowns", did quite well at controlling the spread. only running into issues after they started to open back up too soon, and too fast. although some of those have managed to still do not too badly due to doing things like partial shutdowns when numbers started to rise. as well as quarantining badly hit areas. and even moving people who had it to quarantine areas/facilities where needed. not to mention ensuring EVERYONE wear a mask (even masks AND face shields), when outside of their private homes/properties, for the entire pandemic.

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The lockdowns & vaccines worked great if you think the internet is the future.

posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: generik

That all may be true but *many* people absolutely refuse to be "locked down" again.



posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It should be evident now that what we're seeing, the lockdowns, the vax passports, the restrictions, all of it, is pertinent to COVID in name only.

This is a dress rehearsal/pregame walk-through for bigger things coming down the pike.

1. The end of paper currency (have you noticed grocery stores posting signs about not being able to change $$$ for coins due to some B.S. excuse about "problems at the U.S. mint"? HAHAHAHA sure)
2. Introduction of a social credit scoring system
3. Rationing of goods and services contingent on one's participation in points #1 and #2 above.

I had been very skeptical of those who had made these ^^^ points earlier in the pandemic, but now as the evidence mounts, and more and more and more illogical, contradictory and senseless rules and distinctions are made to separate the "vaxxed" from the "unvaxxed", the only conclusion I can draw is that we are being run by impossibly idiotic people, OR this is all just a dry run.

Keep in mind how the WEF/WHO/NWO types LOVE to "war game" and practice their strategies before they move to the execution/implementation phase.

Right now, I think we are in pregame warmups...
edit on 29-11-2021 by SleeperHasAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: generik

the fact is that so called "lockdowns" in places like the US and Canada were pretty much a joke.

So let me get this straight... you think we should all have sat in the dark/cold, no heat, no electricity, no food, no water, for a few months? ARE YOU INSANE?

Poser plants do not function without people there to operate them. Machines break; who fixes them in a lockdown? Groceries do not miraculously hop off the shelves and deliver themselves to you all by their lonesome. Water treatment plants do not operate if there is no one there to operate them.

I am getting pretty sick of people making this insane claim. You are essentially saying you want everyone to literally die to stop a virus with a fatality rate of a percent or two from spreading. Again, ARE YOU INSANE?

sure they shut down non essential businesses, "to keep people from going out, when they didn't need to". yet they never actually did anything to actually stop people from going out, unless they needed to.

What, you want a 24-hour surveillance team on every single person on the planet to ensure they only go out "when they have to"? So now you want over half of the planet to be out, so they can watch others! That's what you think a lockdown should be? I promise you, there would be no shortage of people volunteering to watch someone else at least; that would be the only way to survive!

Do you have some kind of list available as what constitutes "need to"? How about being hungry... does than mean one "needs to" go out for food? Where are they going to get it? Loot an empty store? What happens when all the shelves are bare from looting? Who waves a magic wand to restock them? Do truckers "need to" bring more? Who's going to unload those trucks? Now we have dock workers who "need to" be out. Who's going to load those trucks? More dock workers who "need to" work. And when the warehouses are empty, who "needs to" make more food?

What about the farmers? Do they "need to" grow more food? Food don't grow in the winter, you know.. nature does not give two shakes of a damn rat's tail about your "need to" requirements. They either plant when nature says "plant" and harvest when nature says "harvest" or we all do without.

And now we have this army of more people following these "essential workers" around to make sure they "need to" be outside. How in the blue HELL is that going to help matters?

One cannot lock down a population completely without killing that population.

and nothing was really done to even properly limit the number of people in those businesses that were allowed to be open.

What color is the sky in your world?

We had lines at every store that could afford to stay open, with dedicated employees counting how many people were in each store, and forcing people to stay outside in close proximity to others for sometimes hours on end, so they could walk inside a lowered-occupancy store for a few minutes. That was the state requirement that caused many places to shut down, some for good. That means they're never coming back... owners lost everything they had, workers lost their jobs, customers lost their suppliers. We all wound up with less places to shop, which meant we all have been placed in closer proximity to everyone else when getting the things we need. And somehow that wasn't enough? What did you want... maybe we should just shoot anyone who tries to enter a store?

or look at the quasi "mask mandates". again, never actually done other tan a half hearted, attempt that was not enforced.

Are you telling me that I was not barred from stores due to my inability to tolerate a face mask? I was not forced to have blood drawn for medical testing in the freakin' parking lot? I was not denied car repair when I needed it? Again, what color is the freakin' sky where you are?

the fact is places that actually did, actual "lockdowns", did quite well at controlling the spread.

How about some actual numbers? Where are these magical places of which you speak? I want names and locations, not some "well, they're over yonder."

The truth, which seems to be incompatible with whatever you are attempting to think with, is that there has been no difference between places with hard and soft lockdowns. South Dakota never had a lockdown mandate; they have not been eradicated from the planet; their numbers do not loos worse than anyone else's. Florida stopped their mandates early; their case numbers are sharply declining and they have not all wound up in graveyards. Israel went under a strict lockdown, required strict "vaccination," and they're still battling this thing. New York leads the nation in number of cases per capita and number of deaths... and they were the biggest advocate of lockdowns. Michigan went absolutely insane, to the point of literally placing residents under de facto house arrest for a while... and they are still fighting this spread.

Where is this magical land of which you speak?

I can, in closing, admit we did one thing right... people like you were not allowed to make any decisions. That may have saved us from extinction. The virus that is making people like you think such absolutely insane thoughts is a hundred times more contagious, deadlier, and more prevalent than anything that ever thought about coming out of Wuhan, China, and if there's a vaccine for it, it works as well as the vaccines for the Chinese virus.


posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

So let me get this straight... you think we should all have sat in the dark/cold, no heat, no electricity, no food, no water, for a few months? ARE YOU INSANE?

no, i am not insane. nor would have anyone have been sitting in the dark or cold, or without food and water. since literally everything you mentioned are in fact essential services. and thus would all have been in operation. in fact any INSANITY[/I], lies with people who think such things would even happen, when it was always specifically spelled out that essential services like these would still be in operation.

we still even had water delivery, restaurant delivery, propane delivery, etc. plus of course deliveries from online companies similar to Amazon. not only that many people even started selling online meats, fish, fruits and vegetables (that they bought and had been brought in from farms and such into the city). even major grocery stores started selling on Amazon type sites. along with pretty much everything else. sure there were a few changes made to the way such deliveries operated. such as putting money for the stuff in a container, stepping back for it to be collected. and the deliveries put down instead of just handed over, to limit physical contact and maintain social distancing.

and of course i can't forget about the fact that the government also delivered food to EVERYBODY, who were locked down, while the lockdown was in place for a couple of months (and that includes in a city with a population of over 14 million people). so no one was going to "starve" because of it.

What, you want a 24-hour surveillance team on every single person on the planet to ensure they only go out "when they have to"? So now you want over half of the planet to be out, so they can watch others!

don't be so drastic and melodramatic. there was no need for such draconian surveillance, especially such as requiring half the population doing so.

it was actually rather simple to both implement and enforce. for the most part it was the normal police dealing with it, with the help of some military (which was used in a large part to man all the road checkpoints), as well as the normal security at stores. it certainly helped that with the lockdowns in place, most crime completely went away, so the police had plenty of time on their hands.

it was very simple. during the lockdown only those who worked at an essential job could be out to go to and from work, and of course carried documentation to do so. other than that only one person per household was given a pass, to be allowed out to buy essential things.

enforcement was even easier. if you were seen out doing non essential things like jogging, walking your dog, or just appearing to be "hanging out" you would be stopped and checked if seen. and being seen was easy, since no one was really out in the first place. and if no valid reason to be out, you were arrested.

even easier to stop kids from being out. since of course since during the lockdowns ALL children under the age of 21, were completely banned from going out at all. only exceptions being to go get medical care, and of course those working at an essential job. so any kid found out had their parents arrested, or put into social care if no parents around, except for older teens, which were themselves arrested for being out.

and since only essential businesses were allowed to be open, anyone non essential business that was open, or breaking the rules such as restaurants being takeout or delivery only, any seen open, they would be arrested. and enforcing only those with a pass being out was also simple. since to go into any open business, your pass was checked before entry, along with having your temperature checked, and use of provided hand sanitizer or alcohol to clean your hands (some places even handed out disposable gloves). so you quite literally could not even go anywhere, or do anything that was open, without that pass.

and the first few times you were arrested for being out (as long as you didn't cause trouble), you were generally taken to an open area such as an outdoor basketball court (which are literally everywhere, and definitely not fun in almost 100f heat), and got to sit around (social distanced), for a few hours. along with a lecture of the rules and reasons for them.

Do you have some kind of list available as what constitutes "need to"?

yes it was very clear. "need to" was essentials like food and medical supplies and care (needed medical care you didn't need a pass for). very simple and very clear. with the only things even open to the public being food markets and stores (and things like variety stores that sold food (sale of alcohol was banned), restaurants (take out or delivery only). and of course banks operating on limited services. businesses that sold medical supplies and pharmacies, and of course doctors and such. even things like bill payment businesses and services were closed.

What about the farmers? Do they "need to" grow more food?

again, stop being so so drastic and melodramatic. not only is food production (which obviously includes farming),
essential. but farms tend to be "their own property", and not a "public area". so not only could they still work, they wouldn't even need to wear a mask while doing so.

We had lines at every store that could afford to stay open, with dedicated employees counting how many people were in each store, and forcing people to stay outside in close proximity to others for sometimes hours on end, so they could walk inside a lowered-occupancy store for a few minutes.

that is not what i was seeing in the news, or being described by pretty much everyone i know in the US or Canada. where people were describing stores crowded with far more people than normal. including whole families at once, and many people just walking around looking at stuff. in fact it was even being used by many people to show how ridiculous the lockdowns were, because of all that crowding in open stores. even saying things like "covid only gets passed in places other than grocery stores". or "if it is such a deadly problem, how come they allow stores to be so crowded"

we did have to line up for entry into stores. in temperatures around 100f. yet at least most stores provided both chairs so you could sit in line. and a tent roof or similar to protect from the sun, or rain over the lines. and of course that social distancing was strictly enforced in those lines (the chairs being appropriately spaced helped a great deal with that). not to mention enforcement of EVERYONE wearing a face mask AND face shield, also kept people safer.

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: generik

It would have been munch simpler, if people who screech and holler about an invented responsibility to others, would be equally responsible for themselves and don their own masks while keeping their opinions, and wants from others, to themselves entirely.

NO ONE deserves compliance out of malice, fear, intimidation, emotional manipulation, abuse, or anything else other than 100% completely voluntary actions arrived upon at their own accord. NOT mine, and NOT yours, THEIRS. If I'm unhealthy enough to be At Risk (which I am) then the onus is on me to protect myself. I have no right under any banner to expect that from you, or anyone else.
edit on 11/30/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

caused many places to shut down, some for good. That means they're never coming back... owners lost everything they had, workers lost their jobs, customers lost their suppliers. We all wound up with less places to shop

that was due to the lack of appropriate government protections for things like businesses that were forced to close. admittedly a failure in most places, but especially bad in the US and Canada, regardless of what political party was in charge.

heck here the big mall companies, on their own initiative stopped charging any rent for businesses that were forced to be closed, while they were forced to be closed. even companies such as restaraunt chains like McDonald's, and big chain stores and many businesses that could afford it, actually continued to pay their employees, be they completely not working, or hours cut due to reduced, allowed staffing levels, during the lockdowns.

as for the color of the sky, that depends on the day and time of day. it might be blue, or grey, and even at the right time of day a golden color (about an hour before sunset).

Are you telling me that I was not barred from stores due to my inability to tolerate a face mask? I was not forced to have blood drawn for medical testing in the freakin' parking lot? I was not denied car repair when I needed it?

perhaps you actually were appropriately bared from stores at some point, since some places did actually try to enforce mask wearing here and there for a bit.

but you certainly would not have had your blood drawn for medical testing in a parking lot because of not wearing a mask (but some places were doing such things for everyone to be safer). instead you would have been appropriately arrested, for being outside of your home/private property without wearing a mask. and has been that way the whole pandemic, even now. although i believe instead of just kept sitting in an open area for a few hours for doing so, you now get fines, that increase with each violation, possibly being put in jail after enough times (and forced to wear a mask in jail), for being out without wearing a mask. forget about just not being allowed to get your car serviced or barred from entering a store.

and the closest thing to a medical condition to not be able to wear a mask is for mental health issues. and your choice would be to either deal with your mental issues, or just stay at home, your choice.

all i have mentioned did keep the numbers of sick down, especially in comparison to the population, here in the Philippines (which wasn't even near the best in Asia, of countries that actually did proper lockdowns), especially during the initial, proper lockdown for two months that we had. plus all that has been done since. in fact just this last week was my father allowed to go to church (being fully vaccinated), since the pandemic began. being over 65, which had been banned from leaving the house for most of the pandemic. children under 5 i believe are still banned from leaving their homes, since the pandemic started, with the age dropping from children under 21, gradually to where we are now. yes most children have not left their homes/private property for almost two years now. with many more, only being allowed out for the past few months.

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: generik

It would have been munch simpler, if people who screech and holler about an invented responsibility to others, would be equally responsible for themselves and don their own masks while keeping their opinions, and wants from others, to themselves entirely.

NO ONE deserves compliance out of malice, fear, intimidation, emotional manipulation, abuse, or anything else other than 100% completely voluntary actions arrived upon at their own accord. NOT mine, and NOT yours, THEIRS. If I'm unhealthy enough to be At Risk (which I am) then the onus is on me to protect myself. I have no right under any banner to expect that from you, or anyone else.

the issue is you don't wear a mask to protect yourself. you wear a mask to protect everyone else FROM yourself. which completely invalidates it being "voluntary". in fact it sounds like you are an example of why it needs to be mandatory, since you really can not appropriately protect yourself from it. and only by everyone doing their part can you even have any measure of protection.

although i agree it should not be done using fear, intimidation etc, just by force of law, and appropriate justice for those who do not follow the rules. such as fines and if needed incarceration.

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: generik

It would have been munch simpler, if people who screech and holler about an invented responsibility to others, would be equally responsible for themselves and don their own masks while keeping their opinions, and wants from others, to themselves entirely.

NO ONE deserves compliance out of malice, fear, intimidation, emotional manipulation, abuse, or anything else other than 100% completely voluntary actions arrived upon at their own accord. NOT mine, and NOT yours, THEIRS. If I'm unhealthy enough to be At Risk (which I am) then the onus is on me to protect myself. I have no right under any banner to expect that from you, or anyone else.

the issue is you don't wear a mask to protect yourself. you wear a mask to protect everyone else FROM yourself. which completely invalidates it being "voluntary". in fact it sounds like you are an example of why it needs to be mandatory, since you really can not appropriately protect yourself from it. and only by everyone doing their part can you even have any measure of protection.


I will not reward people for being too lazy to defend themselves from minor illness. Do it yourself, this is not someone else's responsibility, nor a government's. Unless you are willing to admit that all of the above that you said indicates all people are inherently mentally retarded and CANNOT function at all without someone else doing something for them instead.

One of those two lights is better to be in than the other. Are you in the Inherently Retarded boat?

edit on 11/30/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: generik

It would have been munch simpler, if people who screech and holler about an invented responsibility to others, would be equally responsible for themselves and don their own masks while keeping their opinions, and wants from others, to themselves entirely.

NO ONE deserves compliance out of malice, fear, intimidation, emotional manipulation, abuse, or anything else other than 100% completely voluntary actions arrived upon at their own accord. NOT mine, and NOT yours, THEIRS. If I'm unhealthy enough to be At Risk (which I am) then the onus is on me to protect myself. I have no right under any banner to expect that from you, or anyone else.

the issue is you don't wear a mask to protect yourself. you wear a mask to protect everyone else FROM yourself. which completely invalidates it being "voluntary". in fact it sounds like you are an example of why it needs to be mandatory, since you really can not appropriately protect yourself from it. and only by everyone doing their part can you even have any measure of protection.


I will not reward people for being too lazy to defend themselves from minor illness. Do it yourself, this is not someone else's responsibility, nor a government's.

it's not in fact rewarding "people for being too lazy to defend themselves". it's the fact they really can't protect themselves, from this dangerous virus. even these vaccinations are not a perfect solution, and may even be at least as likely to cause some of the exact same harm on their own.

where something as simple and completely non harmful like everyone wearing masks and keeping distance is a huge help, even though it is not perfect. more perfect would be to require proper masks that can both protect the wearer, as well as everyone else. but there is nowhere even close enough of them, or even the ability to make the at least 8 billion masks a day that would be needed. so since the best is impossible, we only have the not perfect option.

in fact the real "mentally retarded" people, to use your term, is those people too selfish, and lazy, to do their part, in doing such a minorly inconvenient and non hazardous thing as wearing a mask, to help protect everyone.

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: generik

It would have been munch simpler, if people who screech and holler about an invented responsibility to others, would be equally responsible for themselves and don their own masks while keeping their opinions, and wants from others, to themselves entirely.

NO ONE deserves compliance out of malice, fear, intimidation, emotional manipulation, abuse, or anything else other than 100% completely voluntary actions arrived upon at their own accord. NOT mine, and NOT yours, THEIRS. If I'm unhealthy enough to be At Risk (which I am) then the onus is on me to protect myself. I have no right under any banner to expect that from you, or anyone else.

the issue is you don't wear a mask to protect yourself. you wear a mask to protect everyone else FROM yourself. which completely invalidates it being "voluntary". in fact it sounds like you are an example of why it needs to be mandatory, since you really can not appropriately protect yourself from it. and only by everyone doing their part can you even have any measure of protection.


I will not reward people for being too lazy to defend themselves from minor illness. Do it yourself, this is not someone else's responsibility, nor a government's.

it's not in fact rewarding "people for being too lazy to defend themselves". it's the fact they really can't protect themselves, from this dangerous virus. even these vaccinations are not a perfect solution, and may even be at least as likely to cause some of the exact same harm on their own.

where something as simple and completely non harmful like everyone wearing masks and keeping distance is a huge help, even though it is not perfect. more perfect would be to require proper masks that can both protect the wearer, as well as everyone else. but there is nowhere even close enough of them, or even the ability to make the at least 8 billion masks a day that would be needed. so since the best is impossible, we only have the not perfect option.

in fact the real "mentally retarded" people, to use your term, is those people too selfish, and lazy, to do their part, in doing such a minorly inconvenient and non hazardous thing as wearing a mask, to help protect everyone.

THEN BUY THEM A HAZMAT SUIT AND BE DONE WITH IT. This is one's ultimate barrier, yet no one who needs others to cater to them puts one on. It speaks volumes about who's willing to go to what lengths for continuing to live, indeed.

It is not the job of others to do this FOR them. The demands are not for invalids in long-term palliative care, they are not for those dying in hospice, they are not for people who think they're special as hell at all. Be your OWN barrier, no one else is as effective.

Are you too fearful to lift your own fingers for this? WHY? If you have no excuse, then stop making them. The only people this legitimately applies to are squarely in the They Can't Mind Their Own Selves pseudo-mission camp, they are a standing numerical minority with their own mitigations already well-established.
edit on 11/30/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2021 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

if proper hazmat suits (non disposable) were both easily affordable (say $25, or for disposable, under $1 each), and easily available for all who would want one, you might actually have a point. i would love to have a couple proper ones to protect myself. but since they are not, it's not a valid point. where the masks we are currently using are cheap, and many reusable, and easily available to all.

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