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Tested positive for Covid again.

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posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: elevatedone
Those are the symptoms I had in Jan / Feb of 2020. Took about 3 weeks to finally feel better. The Fever and chills lasted 2 to 3 days, the rest was a nagging cough.

Feel better soon.

Mine was a fever for one night, with extremely achy joints, slept for 24 hrs, flet better on third day, then had a dry cough for about 10 days especially at night and that was it. No doctor visits, just let my immune system take care of it, this was back in December 2019.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: elevatedone
Those are the symptoms I had in Jan / Feb of 2020. Took about 3 weeks to finally feel better. The Fever and chills lasted 2 to 3 days, the rest was a nagging cough.

Feel better soon.

Same here. Same exact timing too. Problem for me, was, I had to work 12 hour shifts in the cold. I used 2 sick days, and the Plant Manager was snooty about it. I had also lost my most precious dog Ive ever had, unexpectantly to cancer. It really took me down emotionally. I was very sick for about 2 months.

I think you have to get a bad case of Covid to develop good and plentiful antibodies. I havnt been sick since, and I never wear a mask
edit on 3-10-2021 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:43 PM
Vitamin C

That will heal you fast

Thats the formula Dr. Zelenko uses with great results.

Hang in there. Keep your mood positive. It really kelps

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: chr0naut

Then how come the official science of the PCR testing for false positives was to high, about one third of the higher repetition tests were false positives. They lowered the repetitions now, but went a little too low and now there are false negatives more which is another problem. That info is found in many places in scientific research and the FDA and CDC did reduce the repetitions. Check out how the test works, all you need is a piece of a dead virus and it can trigger a false positive if the tests are run too much. That testing of false positives was done here in America and several European countries and all had similar results, varying no more than five percent either way of the one third false positive. The problem is now corrected, it was corrected last fall some times in anticipation of the vaccine coming out....they did not want false positives that showed it wasn't working.

Most of that didn't happen. It was alleged to have been the case but no evidence of that has ever been produced. Usually the ridiculously high numbers of cycles, like 45 or thereabouts, were discussed as absolute maximum values.

The CDC recommendation centers around 28 cycles, but that is only a recommendation because cycle depth is used to indicate abundances of the sequence in the initial sample, i.e: how much virus the person is 'carrying'.

For a positive test, 28 cycles is ample. For higher than that, it indicates that there may not be sufficient viral load to be classed as an infection. Normally if such is the case, it is an indicator the they need to retest in 24 hours to see if the infection is blooming, or if it is over.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Think positive thoughts and let your body rest
Wishing you a speedy recovery

I agree with others as I believe zinc helped me.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: chr0naut

It is the way PCR works. PCR only amplifies RNA. It cannot tell you if there is the entire sequence of RNA or enough there to create an active disease process.

The more cycles on a PCR you run, the more like you are to pick up a lot of cases where you only have fragments of the RNA and not active disease process in a patient, and this is how sensitive the tests were set. They were picking up viral fragments, not the entire virus in plenty of tests which is how you could test mangos positive for COVID.

PCR only replicates DNA.

To make it replicate RNA, the RNA strand has to be 'complemented' chemically to make it into a double stranded pseudo-DNA sequence.

Then the polymerase reaction, similar to what happens prior to cell mitosis, replicates the strand into two, by splitting the strands apart and once more creating complements to each 'side' of the split apart double helix.

That is what 'amplification' is. The duplication of a single double helix DNA strand, into two identical double helix DNA strands.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: elevatedone
Those are the symptoms I had in Jan / Feb of 2020. Took about 3 weeks to finally feel better. The Fever and chills lasted 2 to 3 days, the rest was a nagging cough.

Feel better soon.

Mine was a fever for one night, with extremely achy joints, slept for 24 hrs, flet better on third day, then had a dry cough for about 10 days especially at night and that was it. No doctor visits, just let my immune system take care of it, this was back in December 2019.

Sounds pretty much the same as vax side effects.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Sounds exactly like the bought of COVID i had in January banging headache, full blown nasty fever to the point where i ended up hallucinating, shivers are running up my spine felt like razor blades, my lungs were ok through thank god, and recovered from the worst of it in about 3 days.

Anyhoo get well soon Grenade.

edit on 3-10-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
So, as anyone who follows this board will know i'm against vaccine mandates, early in the pandemic i tested positive for covid and had little to no symptoms, i have to assume it was the 'wild type'.

However, I'd like to share my experience having contracted whatever strain is currently ravaging my body.

On Thursday i experienced ear ache and a strange acidic taste at the back of my throat, thought nothing of it. Friday morning woke up with a headache like you wouldn't believe and a runny nose. Since Friday i've deteriorated rapidly, full blown nasty fever, as i type this the shivers are running up my spine with every click of the keyboard. My lung as aching, my heavy cough has left my throat in pieces and i have to say this is the worst virus i've ever had.

If the tests are accurate then whatever i was infected with last year is not the same strain or virus. I'll be honest i'm feeling like death.

I took a test this morning which came back positive for covid. Still, hopefully my immune system kicks in to gear and renders future encounters less severe.

If you never see me again you know my stubborn nature and lack of faith in medical care systems came back to haunt me.

It appears Covid is no joke!

Yet, i still don't believe tyranny or vaccine mandates are any kind of cure or treatment.

You chose to reject the vaccine and now you're sick. Your sense of good policy or decision making has lost credibility.

Get better soon.

+8 more 
posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Grenade
So, as anyone who follows this board will know i'm against vaccine mandates, early in the pandemic i tested positive for covid and had little to no symptoms, i have to assume it was the 'wild type'.

However, I'd like to share my experience having contracted whatever strain is currently ravaging my body.

On Thursday i experienced ear ache and a strange acidic taste at the back of my throat, thought nothing of it. Friday morning woke up with a headache like you wouldn't believe and a runny nose. Since Friday i've deteriorated rapidly, full blown nasty fever, as i type this the shivers are running up my spine with every click of the keyboard. My lung as aching, my heavy cough has left my throat in pieces and i have to say this is the worst virus i've ever had.

If the tests are accurate then whatever i was infected with last year is not the same strain or virus. I'll be honest i'm feeling like death.

I took a test this morning which came back positive for covid. Still, hopefully my immune system kicks in to gear and renders future encounters less severe.

If you never see me again you know my stubborn nature and lack of faith in medical care systems came back to haunt me.

It appears Covid is no joke!

Yet, i still don't believe tyranny or vaccine mandates are any kind of cure or treatment.

You chose to reject the vaccine and now you're sick. Your sense of good policy or decision making has lost credibility.

Get better soon.

Yet he could have still gotten sick with the vaccine, your logic seems to be flawed, your opinion therefore must be rejected as you cannot seem to grasp simple concepts.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

It very well could be...or it could have easily been a false positive on the first time and the fact he had no symptoms before and now a bunch of symptoms lends credence to a false positive before. Depends on what kind of test the first one was and how they ran it. Also Covid tests are not antibody tests they are actually testing for the virus. You test for antibodies after you think you've had it not unless he later did an antibody test there is really no sure way to know if the first test was a false positive or if he just was unlucky and got it twice. There is still a very small chance you can catch it twice its just very uncommon.
edit on 3-10-2021 by RickyD because: WTF is up with autocorrect these days...its all over the place and wrong more than right...

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Gee, considering coronaviruses are RNA viruses, then no wonder the PCR tests suck.

Actually, PCR testing can do both, but the test has to be specific to the type. You have to use either a DNA or RNA polymerase, so in this case, they would have to have been using RNA polymerase for the test to have been any good at detecting coronavirus at all. There is also the matter of having the correct nucleic acids as well.

I live with a microbiologist.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Grenade
So, as anyone who follows this board will know i'm against vaccine mandates, early in the pandemic i tested positive for covid and had little to no symptoms, i have to assume it was the 'wild type'.

However, I'd like to share my experience having contracted whatever strain is currently ravaging my body.

On Thursday i experienced ear ache and a strange acidic taste at the back of my throat, thought nothing of it. Friday morning woke up with a headache like you wouldn't believe and a runny nose. Since Friday i've deteriorated rapidly, full blown nasty fever, as i type this the shivers are running up my spine with every click of the keyboard. My lung as aching, my heavy cough has left my throat in pieces and i have to say this is the worst virus i've ever had.

If the tests are accurate then whatever i was infected with last year is not the same strain or virus. I'll be honest i'm feeling like death.

I took a test this morning which came back positive for covid. Still, hopefully my immune system kicks in to gear and renders future encounters less severe.

If you never see me again you know my stubborn nature and lack of faith in medical care systems came back to haunt me.

It appears Covid is no joke!

Yet, i still don't believe tyranny or vaccine mandates are any kind of cure or treatment.

You chose to reject the vaccine and now you're sick. Your sense of good policy or decision making has lost credibility.

Get better soon.

That's far too easy considering I know of two people now who are fully vaccinated and still got it. I am vaccinated myself and may have had it too earlier this summer.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 11:07 PM
You need early treatment because if it gets worse, there is nothing they can do. Prevent it from getting worse and the longer you delay the worse you'll be. I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice, this is what I would do:

Quercetin 1000mg per day with 75mg of Zinc
2.5ml of 10% provine iodine in 8oz of distilled water, gargled and nasal irrigation with netipot.
full aspirin every night
10,000 iu of vitamin D or if you haven't taken it in a while then front load 50,000 iu for the next 3 days.

lvermectin 0.5mg/kg with a doctor's prescription, you can get it at

and then take whatever else the doctor prescribes but if I were you, I wouldn't go to a regular doctor, just one who follows the FLCCC protocol.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 11:47 PM
Take this for what it's worth...I have used this method to beat many kinds of illnesses where there is fever involved though I am not sick very often. When I am sick I can usually get rid of quickly doing these simple things. I take vitamin c, 3000mg in 1000mg doses three times a day, morning noon and night. I drink a ton of water with a pinch of baking soda in it. Finally the real medicine; I make hot tea with honey, very very sweet, climb in bed with a 5mg dose of melatonin, wearing pajamas, socks and a heavy blanket. That usually causes a drenching sweat so I keep a bathrobe nearby for when I wake up. Take a warm shower and drink more water. I've killed off the flu and strep throat with fever this way the same day.

I'm not a a doctor and it's not medical advice but it works for me and just about everyone I have convinced to try it.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:07 AM
Viruses are little bitches. They suck. Natural immunity is solid, until it mutates. That's why we can catch the same colds and flus multiple times in our life. Your body learns how to fight a specific part of it, that part mutates, then you can catch it again.

I'm currently in round 2 of covid making its way around my house of 6 people (wife and 4 kids), and I haven't gotten sick yet aside from a brutal bout of shingles in the first round. It's possible that I had it, my immune system kicked its ass, and the shingles popped up because my system was stressed fighting covid.

I wish you the best. When I get sick, I watch horror movies on the couch, and make my mom and wife cook me chicken and dumplings and stuff.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Grenade

DId you sign up for the treatment? Trial in ATS

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: Grenade

DId you sign up for the treatment? Trial in ATS

OMG, stop.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Thanks everyone, trying a regime of ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D and chicken soup. Going to crawl into bathroom when i build up enough energy and try the super hot shower technique. Fever seems to be breaking but every time i cough feels like there's glass in my lungs.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:37 AM

You chose to reject the vaccine and now you're sick. Your sense of good policy or decision making has lost credibility.

Get better soon.

I do not understand the ridiculous general dichotomy of judgement based on vaccination status of a C19 victim.

Unvaxxed - "Your good policy and decision making has lost credibility." Basically the inference is, someone who gets C19 whilst unvaxxed is an idiot for choosing not to get vaxxed.

Vaxxed - General response... "Awwwww. That sucks. Just dern bad luck. Everyone knows breakthrough infections are a possibility. Are you soooooo glad you got vaccinated. Imagine how bad it might be if you weren't."

Anyone ever hear of this kind of derision previously with the flu vaccine? A widespread "You dumb fudge, serves ya right ya got the flu. Moron. Don't ya know there's a vaccine for that?" I don't know that I've heard anyone get ostracized for getting flu and being unvaccinated. Get C19 and not be vaxxed, there are some out there that won't even wish ya a speedy recovery or a get well, some actually believe you deserve to die.

We were warned of this kind of societal division. See Theodore Geisel's treatise from 1961 - Sneetches and Other Stories. The division, I believe, long term will show to be worse than the pandemic itself.

To the thread starter, I appreciate your steadfastness in your beliefs. I make zero judgment against your credibility. Your sincerity is quite evident. Get well. Be well. May you feel better post haste.

edit on 4-10-2021 by davegazi2 because: It's late. Added words I left out.

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