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UK Official Covid Vaccine Report More Vaxxed Dying of Delta Than Unvaxxed

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posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Some of us are perfectly able to read and analyse the statistics, my issue with the covid crisis is the blatant manipulation of facts and underhand persuasion / exploitation of people into taking a vaccine while engineering and manoeuvring the pandemic response for their own gains. My body and those of my children are not the property of the government and my choice to refuse the vaccine is a personal one. To those who can't accept my choice, take your fascist crap and ram it.

edit on 27/6/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

strange your numbers include people who 1. already had the virus and didn't go to to hospital but still got the jab paperwork and
2. people who would have not ended up in hospital in the first place. with or without the vaccine.

By the governments own numbers 95% or more didn't need hospitalisation before the vaccines.

You want the jab so you feel safe and superior you go for it.
But until every single shop worker ends up in hospital, with a deadly highly contagious virus.
That can't be treated with anything except a new super expensive therapy then I'll give it a miss.

Get fit, eat a dandelion

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

As noted earlier, I don't have very high expectations for my post. Still, it will probably survive such incompetent criticism as this.

edit on 28/6/21 by Astyanax because: you can't stiffen drool.

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Astyanax

My body and those of my children are not the property of the government and my choice to refuse the vaccine is a personal one. To those who can't accept my choice, take your fascist crap and ram it.

The trouble comes if your choices impact on other people.

The more unvaccinated people the higher the risk of mutation, and the higher the risk of someone who was vaxxed but it didn't take getting sick too.

Sometimes you need to stop thinking of yourself and to start thinking of your community, whatever happened to the days when we stood united against a common enemy, or in support of a common cause?

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: Salander

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
I wonder what the typical vaccine shills/lovers will say about this one.

They will pretend it does not exist.

But the figures don't support the premise of the OP, they show the vaccine IS effective, or did you not read the whole thread?

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 08:27 AM
reply to: AaarghZombies

Our research demonstrates that the use of leaky vaccines can promote the evolution of nastier ‘hot’ viral strains that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk,” Nair said.

Marek’s disease used to be a minor ailment that did little harm to chickens in the 1950s, but the virus has grown stronger and today is capable of killing all the unvaccinated birds in poultry flocks, sometimes within 10 days.

edit on 28-6-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Nice virtue signalling. You're such a hero for taking an experimental vaccine. Someone get this guy a badge and a gold star.

Again, worry about your own health and i'll worry about mine.

I don't need to share my medical history with you nor do i need to endanger my children with an unnecessary vaccine.

Your argument is beyond stupid. Not only does it have no basis in medical science, as i stated i've already had Covid and natural immunity.

Evolution spent millions of years developing my immune system, the rather shady and profit driven pharmaceutical industry spend 6 months and you think it's a more effective treatment. You my friend are a member of the cult of scientism and not a very bright one at that.

The Covid pandemic and response, the emergency approval of vaccines considering its mortality ratio are all unprecedented in human history. The mNRA technology likewise, so no, history has no examples of the community coming together in this scenario. In fact i'd wager communities would have laughed you and your arguments out of the building even 20 years ago. Without the internet the propaganda machine wasn't as effective or intrusive into our everyday lives and thinking.

"You don't want gene transfection, OMG you must be a granny killer"

Listen to yourself, another robot of orthodoxy. Your group think hive mind ideology does not impress me. Try thinking for yourself for once.
edit on 28/6/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Astyanax

My body and those of my children are not the property of the government and my choice to refuse the vaccine is a personal one. To those who can't accept my choice, take your fascist crap and ram it.

The trouble comes if your choices impact on other people.

The more unvaccinated people the higher the risk of mutation, and the higher the risk of someone who was vaxxed but it didn't take getting sick too.

Sometimes you need to stop thinking of yourself and to start thinking of your community, whatever happened to the days when we stood united against a common enemy, or in support of a common cause?

The bolded have that completely arse about tit.


posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
The usual Causation/Correlation discussion is irrelevant here. The simple fact comes down to maths and does not need a "bigger picture"

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: ziplock9000

The usual Causation/Correlation discussion is irrelevant here. The simple fact comes down to maths and does not need a "bigger picture"

And what math would that

Used car salesman uses math too.

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: EvilAxis

Yesterday, I met a young nurse (in her twenties, I guess). She caught Covid last year and spent weeks on a ventilator. Another young nurse being treated in the same ward at the time, sadly, died.

Even if I was prepared to ignore the huge global death toll and suffering, particularly in countries with inadequate medical facilities, such personal encounters are impossible to shrug off as exaggeration.

When COVID is bad it is really bad, thankfully for the vast majority its not much of anything.

It seems like it works more or less like bee stings.

Some people have a reaction to it that is very much like anaphilactic shock. (Except that it is against a virus, so it doesn't go away in a few minutes, after an epinepherine shot, like bee sting reactions can.)

originally posted by: EvilAxis
a reply to: Grenade

I'm acutely aware of both the gatekeeping and the surge of duff information. The presence of the former does not prove or imply an absence of the latter.

No disputing that MSM has agendas (sometimes conflicting) which frequently don't coincide with the interests of ordinary folk... but if you're going to dismiss all mainstream science because some of it gets reported in MSM, you're committing to a world of ignorance. That level of paranoia is unwarranted and unhealthy.

Trouble is, you're only getting the piece they want you to get. For example, we didn't get to see Francis Collins research suggesting the Corona Virus showed signs of engineering, until after Fauci's emails revealed it, after they became public.

That would have been nice to have, and it was "mainstream" science.

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: EvilAxis

Did you read the study you just posted?

It’s entire purpose was to confirm and isolate the zoonotic transmission link, something which it failed to do conclusively.

Many credible scientists still claim on 9/11/01 that 3 skyscrapers in New York exploded into dust due to plane strikes.

Regardless of their peer reviewed scientific analysis my eyes tell me something different.

There has also never been a strong refutation directed at Dr. Jones' nano thermite hypothesis.

I think someone would have refuted it if they could have. The truth is out there.

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Salander

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
I wonder what the typical vaccine shills/lovers will say about this one.

They will pretend it does not exist.

But the figures don't support the premise of the OP, they show the vaccine IS effective, or did you not read the whole thread?

Looking at pages 13 and 14, it looks like unvaxed were slightly more likely to have an overnight stay at the HR. But only slightly. 58% of cases were unvaxed, but they made up 63% of onvernight hospital stays. However, unvaxed only made up 38% of the deaths.

If we can assume that elderly people and those with strong risk factors vaxed first, then the data suggests the vaccine worked (just not as well as you might have expected it would.)

Strangely, the actual demographics of who did and did not take the vax is hard to find online.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 01:08 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Nice virtue signalling. You're such a hero for taking an experimental vaccine. Someone get this guy a badge and a gold star.

Again, worry about your own health and i'll worry about mine.

I don't need to share my medical history with you nor do i need to endanger my children with an unnecessary vaccine.

Your argument is beyond stupid. Not only does it have no basis in medical science, as i stated i've already had Covid and natural immunity.

Evolution spent millions of years developing my immune system, the rather shady and profit driven pharmaceutical industry spend 6 months and you think it's a more effective treatment. You my friend are a member of the cult of scientism and not a very bright one at that.

The Covid pandemic and response, the emergency approval of vaccines considering its mortality ratio are all unprecedented in human history. The mNRA technology likewise, so no, history has no examples of the community coming together in this scenario. In fact i'd wager communities would have laughed you and your arguments out of the building even 20 years ago. Without the internet the propaganda machine wasn't as effective or intrusive into our everyday lives and thinking.

"You don't want gene transfection, OMG you must be a granny killer"

Listen to yourself, another robot of orthodoxy. Your group think hive mind ideology does not impress me. Try thinking for yourself for once.

It sounds to me like your simply defying for the sake of defiance and are looking for reason justify your stance.

There is no experimental vaccine, the experiment ended last year we got the data and the final version of the vaccine is in use. It does not alter your genes. It uses mRNA which cannot change DNA. Suggesting that it dies shows that you slept through high school biology and got your information from infowars and secure team 10 on BitChute.

You can protest that it's your body all that you like, but the fact of the matter is that your bad choices can harm other people., and ignorance like yours is just prolonging this pandemic.

People like you have existed throughout history. You act based on emotions and deny science. You remind me of one of those people who insisted prayer and clean living would protect them from the plague or small pox who then went home and infected their families.

We need to pull together in times of crisis, not give in to the Liberal politics of division. We didn't defeat communism by sticking our finger in our ears and calling it fake news.

I get it, you don't like being told what to do and you don't like Trump so you feel the need to resist his vaccine as a way of resisting him, but sometimes what your told to do is in your own best interest. The government isn't always wrong. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

FYI, a lot of these vaccine conspiracies aren't from America, they're from Africa and the Middle East. Particularly the ones about vaccines being used to sterilise women. When you take these seriously your essentially supporting people who claim that white supremacists are Trying to murder blacks and Muslims.

Your supporting liberals and their politics of division and hate.
edit on 29-6-2021 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You’re entitled to that opinion, even if it is strewn with ridiculous nonsense and a complete regurgitation of the MSM narrative.

My body, my choice. As I said previously you can ram your fascist BS and virtue signalling.

The rest of that indoctrinated babble doesn’t even deserve a response, in fact some of those statements suggest mental illness.

As an example I never said it edited DNA I said it was a gene transcription therapy, clearly this definition went whooshing over your head.

The only reason the lockdowns are being prolonged is because knuckleheads like yourself are suckling at the tit of authoritarian governments.
edit on 29/6/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth
a reply to: ScepticScot

so quick math:

27.192 delta cases with vax, 68 deaths, 0.25% death rate

53.822 delta cases non vaxed, 38 deaths, 0.07% death rate

so vaxed people have a 4 times higher chance to die if they get delta

Vaxed includes the most vulnerable, unvaxxed the least vulnerable. When you run those numbers the vaccine is a stunning success.

Most of the unvaxxed have a 95% or above chance of surviving covid, 99% for many. So a 4 factor difference proves that the vaccine saving lives.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You’re entitled to that opinion, even if it is strewn with ridiculous nonsense and a complete regurgitation of the MSM narrative.

My body, my choice. As I said previously you can ram your fascist BS and virtue signalling.

The rest of that indoctrinated babble doesn’t even deserve a response, in fact some of those statements suggest mental illness.

As an example I never said it edited DNA I said it was a gene transcription therapy, clearly this definition went whooshing over your head.

The only reason the lockdowns are being prolonged is because knuckleheads like yourself are suckling at the tit of authoritarian governments.

Typical never Trumper, your twisting everything to fit your narrative which is why you fall back on to they typical Liberal emotional arguments, whaaa ma feeeeling, respect my body, respect my choiiiices. Respect maa identitiiiii.

Cry me a river, you can choose not to be vaxxed but don't expect to be treated as if you were. You get to choose, but don't complain when you get left out of things.

If you'd listened to Trump's briefing you would know that heard immunity is the fastest way of getting past covid, vaxxing is our fastest way to get heard immunity.

The more people who think like you the longer this will drag on because people like you harbor the virus and can transmit it to other.

And if you don't like the MRNA vax you can get the traditional version, there are us, European, Russian and Chinese versions of it that use the old fashioned killed virus method. The EU version went through full clinical trials and does not use the new mechanism. So that's most of your argument sunk right there.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

So the basis for your “science” is Donald Trump?

Your assessment of my political affiliation is about as accurate as your science.
edit on 29/6/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

It sounds to me like your simply defying for the sake of defiance and are looking for reason justify your stance.

i feel that this is the justifiction of many people who are scared of the vaccine.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You’re entitled to that opinion, even if it is strewn with ridiculous nonsense and a complete regurgitation of the MSM narrative.

My body, my choice. As I said previously you can ram your fascist BS and virtue signalling.

The rest of that indoctrinated babble doesn’t even deserve a response, in fact some of those statements suggest mental illness.

As an example I never said it edited DNA I said it was a gene transcription therapy, clearly this definition went whooshing over your head.

The only reason the lockdowns are being prolonged is because knuckleheads like yourself are suckling at the tit of authoritarian governments.

Typical never Trumper, your twisting everything to fit your narrative which is why you fall back on to they typical Liberal emotional arguments, whaaa ma feeeeling, respect my body, respect my choiiiices. Respect maa identitiiiii.

Cry me a river, you can choose not to be vaxxed but don't expect to be treated as if you were. You get to choose, but don't complain when you get left out of things.

If you'd listened to Trump's briefing you would know that heard immunity is the fastest way of getting past covid, vaxxing is our fastest way to get heard immunity.

The more people who think like you the longer this will drag on because people like you harbor the virus and can transmit it to other.

And if you don't like the MRNA vax you can get the traditional version, there are us, European, Russian and Chinese versions of it that use the old fashioned killed virus method. The EU version went through full clinical trials and does not use the new mechanism. So that's most of your argument sunk right there.

i feel that you are a diamond in the rough among your political peers, from my experience of this site those who vote Republican are more likely to opine that the Vaccine is killing more people than the virus.

The Liberals on here have been saying wwear a mask and socially distance since the start.

i love it when i find myself agreeing with someone on a different limb of the political tree on a different topic.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I’ll address your points:

1. I never said it altered DNA, this is a lack of reading comprehension on your part.

2. The plague and smallpox can’t be compared to a mild respiratory illness with a less than 1% mortality ratio.

3. Yes people like me, human beings have existed throughout history, again covid is not smallpox or the plague.

4. I’m not a liberal at all, probably somewhere right of centre however I don’t see what political affiliation has to do with the science of virology.

5. I would have voted for Trump over Biden, you can check my posting history if you doubt that.

6. You’re casting aspersions again, I’ve never invoked feelings or any conspiracy theory regarding sterilisation.

7. Suggesting I support liberals suggests you’re pulling these points directly out of your ass.

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