a reply to:
Silcone Synapse
Science tells us that the universe is heading towards a state of complete entropy/collapse/the end.
Who is this 'Science' you keep talking about?
I ask this to stop your train of thought that takes it as granted that when you say 'Science tells us', that's supposed to MEAN something. Science is
a METHOD, not God. Science is not to be worshipped, it has made SO many mistakes during its time, that it hasn't been able to fix, and we're supposed
to worship it and trust it blindly? Oh, THIS TIME it has everything right? Really?
Science is nothing but sociopathic, emotionless nerds in white lab coats arguing about trivial aspects of their wrongful theories about reality, that
doesn't care about their theories that they'll never prove anyway.
Why should you trust THAT? There are better ways of knowing reality, like KNOWING reality - and there are better methods of acquiring information than
limiting and narrowing your view to purely physical level and just picking and poking around atoms and seeing what happens - or worse yet, trusting
someone else to do that for you.
So whatever this undefined "SCIENCE" tells us, is irrelevant. First define what you mean by 'Science', then we'll talk.
What your precious, but from another world's perspective, pathetically limited, narrow-minded, self-important, egotistical, frog-perspective 'science'
with its nihilistic and materialistic attitude towards the WONDERS of multi-dimensional Universe has to say about .. THE UNIVERSE (are you kidding
me?! You TRUST what THOSE labcoats say about the UNIVERSE?!)..
..doesn't really matter. Reality doesn't care.
The Universe is NOT going to end. It's not going to any 'Entropy'. They are talking purely about materialistic, physical side, from their purely
materialistic, physical perspective, and their assessment is based on a THEORY that is wrong. There was never any 'big bang'. (I explained the whole
thing in another post)
The Universe, like life, is eternal. Einstein himself (a scientist, so you should TRUST him based on your 'Science tells us' (when 'Science' never
TELLS anything, it's full of conflicting theories about EVERYTHING, not to mention fighting people)) said that energy can never be destroyed.
How do you reconcile 'entropy' with 'energy can never be destroyed'? That's just a nihilistic, darkness-worshipping, unwise worldview (or should I say
'Universeview'?), that's just not true.
This lame theory doesn't take into account that the Universe is a living spirit, it doesn't take into account different dimensions, it doesn't into
account how everything EVOLVES and PULSATES, not 'expands' or 'entropies'. It doesn't take into account that they can't really know WHAT will happen
in the future. It doesn't even understand that a solar system doesn't end just because its sun goes supernova.
After the supernova, it takes some time, but a new solar system will be formed from the now ELEVATED (=higher-frequency) remains of the old solar
system - a new sun will eventually start shining in the middle of it, and start its life - the remains will begin their new life on a higher
frequency, so the spiritually evolved inhabitants have an appropriate frequency-based planets to live on. Nothing ENDS, everything just CHANGES.
Everything EVOLVES. The Universe is full of infinite energy, and you talk about the end of the Universe?
I would need multiple necks to shake my head enough for that kind of comment.
Even if your precious 'Science' (WHO, exactly, I'd like to know.. who?) were correct and it SEEMED that the 'Universe' will end (of course only the
physical plane), it can mean that the physical plane is simply speeding up its frequency to rise to an elevated state, so it would seem on the lower
level that everything ends. It could mean the Supernova-kind of situation, where it LOOKS like the end, but it actually is just another, new
Do you really think a living spirit would let itself just end with some stupid 'entropy', just because a clumsy, smaller-than-ant 'scientists' in
their clinical labs have so decreed, without even one actual trip to even another planet? Come on, be reasonable here.