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Vaxers May Be Infecting Un-vaxed Loved Ones with China Virus or Worse by Shedding

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posted on May, 26 2021 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: Salander

So no sources at all then. I will wait for a source. I work in healthcare, I have heard zero people talking about it. What's the mechanism for this shedding? What is being shed? What is it causing? What's the evidence?

Like you said, LOTS of medical professionals including Doctors fully capable of doing research and being published are talking about this. So since so many are talking about it there should be quite a few sources for you to give me.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Oh Goody, you work in healthcare. Strike up the band! Let's all bow and pray to the neon god headed up by Anthony Fauci and his many followers.

Thanks but no thanks OR (is that a play on names or what?). A mainstream medical profession that demonizes America's Frontline Doctors and those of Great Barrington is a medical profession that has sold out to pharma (as so many did with the opioid scam) and utterly abandoned the Hippocratic Oath.

Encouraging people to take a very dangerous drug for protection against a virus with a 99% survival rate is immoral. In a civilized country it would be illegal too.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Salander

Still waiting on those sources.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Ask Anthony Fauci. He will provide you with answers you like.

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 05:32 PM
Inventor of MRNA technology SAYS China Virus "vaccine" sheds Spike Proteins...and TWIT suspends him for saying it!

Twitter suspended the INVENTOR of mR.N.A tech for saying that vac.cin.ated people are shed.ding sp.ike pro.tein..///
READ AGAIN!!! THE INVENTOR OF M.R.n_A is saying the un_vacc-inated are in TROUBLE.. AND TWITT SUSPENDED HIM!!

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Twitter is horrible and noone should use it. The inventor of mRNA tech said it's such a small amount it can't cause anyone harm.

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: IAMTAT

Twitter is horrible and noone should use it. The inventor of mRNA tech said it's such a small amount it can't cause anyone harm.

His actual words: ​"almost certainly can't" and, even then, he speaks of "in miniscule amounts".
He is still saying it's possible even in miniscule amounts and, logically, more so in larger amounts.

edit on 30-5-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

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