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That’s racist, so Is that, and that

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posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: Bluntone22

Your only guilty of giving this nonsense even more airtime.

Don't fuel the fire.....ignore it.

No. We need to confront it head on and mock the sh!t out of this absolute stupidity.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:18 PM
"When adapted to living a life of "privledge", even if one may not be aware of it, the road to equality will always feel like persecution"


"When used to privledge, true equality feels unjust"

Have no idea who said either and since im paraphrasing likely didnt even get the words verbatim...however in my opinion, it is the best descriptiok of the mentality exposed when I personally have watched other white people be called out for bias of some type- unconsious or abject.

Much like im a work place, one does not get to decide whether their own actions were sexual harassment or not, it relies on the perception of the victim. The same is true for racism. If an action, sentence, word, etc is racist amd taken as such by someone else, the person responsible no matter how well intentioned does not get to determine that its not racist. Thats just simply not how it works.

Intentions in my opinion go a lot farther than the words themselves. Did the person intend to be racist/sexidt/etc? Sometimes its incredibly hard to tell someone elses intentions- which is why Unfortunatly when it comes down to it they dont really get a say in determining if it is.

If something is said or done , and a second party lets one know that the behavior was offence- specifically because they felt it was racist- the only appropriate course is to acknowledge it, perhaps attempt tp explain thats not what was meant, and to change the behavior. That it. To argue that something wadnt racist and double down that one is offendex for being called racist only highlights- imo- the true intentions.

Ignorance can only be defeated by education. Period. But to be educated one has to be open to thw process of learning. Racism comes from ignorance ergo being told/shown/"taught" is the only way to truly combat it. It doesnt matter- it. does. not. matter. - if its a phrase or action one has done all their life with good intentions, it doesnt matter if their truly isnt a racist bome im their body, if something is racist it simply is.

Whining and crying about all the things one cant do or say because its too 'PC' or because of cancel culture or whatever rightwing buzzword beimg sniffed this week.... All of it only highlights thwnfact that those people just want something to be mad at.

This subject really isnt complicated at all- nor is figuring out why something is deemed racist. Its not some mine field that has to be carefully navigated... Contrary to the way some insist on making it. Its pretty cut amd dry..... Pretty, black and white if you will.

If someome wants to throw a temper tantrum because theyve never had to consider the way thwir words or actions affect those around them- well boo hoo. Suck it up and for the love of god grow up. Be thankful you were given the oppurtunity to understand that something you were doing was offemce to someone else.

There is a word for it though, and it has nothing to do with the silly words the right and those who are racist but are rightfully ashamed of it being known so they cry when called out about it... Its a word that should be known to most everyone.

Its called accountability for f...s sake.

THAT is what is finally beginning to happen in this country. However when one has lived their entire life without having to actually be accountablr for what they say or do... Then obviously it feels like they arw being attacked.

No. Theres no attack, its not some grand conspiracy nor even a hard to umderstamd concept.

Im so tired of hearing amd seeing people proudly proclaim their owm ignorance, amd act like they aremt as completely transparent as they are. We see right through it- and its pathetic.

Note any use of the word "you" is not directed at any user specifically, including OP, its meant to reference whomever the example is in my text. Not attempting to attack anyone directly- merely calling out why attempting to whine when held responsible for am action.... Is about as immature as it gets.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

It's pretty obvious that people are pretending to be offended to gain the upper hand, and many do it just because they are bad people, to begin with. Too many of the so-called victims are fakes pretending to be offended to excuse bad behavior.

Real racism is a horrible thing and rightly needs pointing out, but fake victims are also a very real problem. Our own leaders are setting an extremely bad example by using false accusations for political advantage.

You can't point out one truth, without pointing out the other.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

The guy that shot his coworkers live on the air felt that they were all being racist against him. Do you know what one of his complaints was? One of his coworkers brought watermelon to work, and it wasn't even for everyone, it was just a part of that person's lunch.

The man who snapped didn't tell anyone that the he thought they were making racial slights by bringing watermelon, and can you really say that someone bringing watermelon was a racial slight? How many people do you know who don't like watermelon? Further, do you actually know anyone who would go so far as to calculate which of their POC coworkers would be there to observe them eating watermelon because they thought they were making racial comment by doing so?

In other words, you just described a world of dog whistles, and only dogs hear the whistles.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 09:02 PM
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

I miss the good ol' days when that↑ was true for everyone.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: Bluntone22

Your only guilty of giving this nonsense even more airtime.

Don't fuel the fire.....ignore it.

No. We need to confront it head on and mock the sh!t out of this absolute stupidity.

Oh okay so we'll continue to lower our frequency to that of a agitated state whilst living in the past in a state of confrontation and confusion.

I urge you to reconsider your stance.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 09:38 PM
all singing, all dancing crap of the world

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: itswhatev

It's pretty obvious that people are pretending to be offended to gain the upper hand, and many do it just because they are bad people, to begin with. Too many of the so-called victims are fakes pretending to be offended to excuse bad behavior.

Real racism is a horrible thing and rightly needs pointing out, but fake victims are also a very real problem. Our own leaders are setting an extremely bad example by using false accusations for political advantage.

You can't point out one truth, without pointing out the other.

I do acknowledge there is quite a few people, a % of people, who feel the same or similar to the way you do. Because so many are truly impassioned about this, logically I have to believe that comes from a genuine place and not one of malice. I believe, you and many others believe that.

I just dont.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: itswhatev

The guy that shot his coworkers live on the air felt that they were all being racist against him. Do you know what one of his complaints was? One of his coworkers brought watermelon to work, and it wasn't even for everyone, it was just a part of that person's lunch.

The man who snapped didn't tell anyone that the he thought they were making racial slights by bringing watermelon, and can you really say that someone bringing watermelon was a racial slight? How many people do you know who don't like watermelon? Further, do you actually know anyone who would go so far as to calculate which of their POC coworkers would be there to observe them eating watermelon because they thought they were making racial comment by doing so?

In other words, you just described a world of dog whistles, and only dogs hear the whistles.

Youre welcome to believe anything you like - I 100% stand by the statement I made regardless though.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

I miss the good ol' days when that↑ was true for everyone.

Except the reality is that has never been true for anyone. Whether acknowledged or not, emotional trauma is a very real thing often compounded from multiple angles and people. In a lot of ways physical wounds heal fairly quickly, only ocasionally leaving a scar depending on severity.... However the same can not be said for emotional trauma, such as repeatddlt being on the receiving in of racism/sexism/bigotry of some form.

It is only fairly recently in our history mental health has become acknowledged enough that its no longer considered taboo to talk about- as it shouldnt be.

That statement is merely a superficial echo from a time where, in terms of mental health in general like emotional trauma- ignorance on the subject was more pervasive than knowledge. Thankfully, times are changing and slowly humanity is aswell... Those who inflict emotional trauma- even if it may be unintentional and not deliberate - is now becoming socially acceptable to bring attention to. Its no longer taboo to call it out when its present.

If i make a statement or colloquialism i grew up hearing in a light hearted way, I may be completely unaware of deeper meanings to some. It could be completely harmless and innocent in my mind, however someone else the complete opposite. That is not me purposefully being racist, how could I know? Well I wouldnt... Until someome called me out on it. Omce I am aware however it is my responsibility to acknowledge that, and change tue behavior out of genuine commom decency...especially because my intent would never be to purposefully enflict trauma on anyone even unintentionally. Its pretty simple really...

Now if my intent was in fact to continue saying it even after I know better, to complaim I cant say it amymore even though I always have, to lambaste those who may be offended by it for being offended and needing to grow a thicker skin, to go out of my to get indignant that someone had the audacity to hood me responsible for my actions instead of just ignoring them like everyone else has in my "circle"... Well to me that can only be for one or 2 reasons. Either I am truly racist but rightfully am ashamed of it, and am only mad because I dont want people to actually knos that....... Or I lack commom decency as a human being and am too immature to grasp the fact that words do actually carry weight, and sometimes that weight indeed can hit harder than a physical punch.

Thats just how I see it though

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: itswhatev
The problem with your position is that no one will ever be able to speak freely again.

I cannot read a person's mind to know when what I say or do may or may not upset them for any reason, and yet with your stance, if I do it, it's my fault for not knowing the unknowable. So how do I say anything at all?

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: itswhatev

Btw, your statement and view is highly offensive and bigoted to me. I am deeply hurt by it.

How dare you be so immature as to fail to understand that you are basically telling me to shut up lest I say something wrong. My feelings are hurt by the idea that you think I am some kind of insensitive person who doesn't care about anyone. Now I am crying at work.

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!@!!

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: itswhatev

Btw, your statement and view is highly offensive and bigoted to me. I am deeply hurt by it.

How dare you be so immature as to fail to understand that you are basically telling me to shut up lest I say something wrong. My feelings are hurt by the idea that you think I am some kind of insensitive person who doesn't care about anyone. Now I am crying at work.

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!@!!

You couldnt be more transparent if you actually tried.

Do better.

Stay safe

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: itswhatev
The problem with your position is that no one will ever be able to speak freely again.

I cannot read a person's mind to know when what I say or do may or may not upset them for any reason, and yet with your stance, if I do it, it's my fault for not knowing the unknowable. So how do I say anything at all?

I have no peoblem speaking my mind... i also have absolutely no problem with being haradsed for spouting racist or other similar insensitive ideologies.

The fact that you assumedly do, would say more about you than anything anyone else could.

The irony here is , for those of us that acknowledge the fact that racism especially, is prevelant to the point its literally built in to this country (U.S- tho its built into most former colonialst countries just the same).....well we dont seem to have an issue.

Yet.. Those too immature to accept the fact that changing is psrt of growing up , or refuse to continue to learn as they do grow and instead willfully cling to their own ignorance out of some childish spite... Are the ones feiging 'persecution' because others have the audacity to call them out on it.

Again....none of this is even remotely complicated to the majority- so it once again leads me back to the fact that the problem must lie within those people and not the world around them.

There is no defense as far as Im concerned, and if being made aware that something is racist and one chooses to continue anyway, again the problem is with them.

And its indefensible.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: itswhatev

Ah so you have embraced Critical Race Theory.

I am genuinely sorry for you because you are what you think you're learning how to avoid being. Did it ever occur to you that CRT trains you to view everything and everyone through the prism of their race, and if that isn't judging by skin over character and assigning socio-cultural characteristics simply based on that one simple fact, nothing is.

Nothing more needs to be said. It's not often I run into a genuine racist.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: itswhatev

Ah so you have embraced Critical Race Theory.

I am genuinely sorry for you because you are what you think you're learning how to avoid being. Did it ever occur to you that CRT trains you to view everything and everyone through the prism of their race, and if that isn't judging by skin over character and assigning socio-cultural characteristics simply based on that one simple fact, nothing is.

Nothing more needs to be said. It's not often I run into a genuine racist.

The projection and denial is strong with you. We both know exactly what youre attempting, though failing, to do. It would be cute, if not so pathetic. I personally though am not amused- nor entertained. Deep down the only person you seem to be foolimg is yourself, if you even believe yourself. Im just thankful people like yourself tend to be so "loud"- makes you easier to see.

I actually often run into people just like yourself, Unfortunatly have quite a few in my own family.

My response is usually always the same though, pity. It just doesnt make sense for people to be so wilfully ignorant. Its a waste of human potential in my opinion.

Bless your heart.

stay safe!
edit on 563049111am30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: Words

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: itswhatev

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

I miss the good ol' days when that↑ was true for everyone.

Except the reality is that has never been true for anyone.

Based on what you have stated in this thread, your opinion seems to be that what is reality to some people, is not reality to all, so how can you possibly claim to know that something "has never been true for anyone"? A bit contradictory isn't it?

When I was a child, my reality was that this↓ statement was indeed true for myself and everyone else.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

It is only fairly recently in our history mental health has become acknowledged enough that its no longer considered taboo to talk about- as it shouldnt be.

That may have seemed like a good thing at first, but it has quickly become a term that is now frequently overused and abused.

In our current society, people love playing the victim. It can be very beneficial for some. Too many people just immediately believe, and agree without question. Not only can they benefit by gaining sympathy, but thanks to platforms such as GoFundMe, they can benefit monetarily.

At this point, it has gone beyond ridiculous, and is only getting worse. It is far too easy for people to take advantage of the system, because so many other people are afraid to question and deny their nonsensical complaints of inequality and racism.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: CthruU

originally posted by: ketsuko
As I said in another thread:

There are some people who seem to think that white people are so obsessed with wanting to hate on and oppress black folks that all we do is sit around thinking about how to design every aspect of everything in a way that oppresses them and denigrates them.

It's really sad and says a lot about them.

After generations of slavery and undermining can you blame some folks for being psychologically over sensitive????? Fact is the white man has countless incidents to be ashamed of regardless of how far the reach at times.

"Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Did you forget the color of the people who rounded those slaves up to sell or trade to the white men? Without those people, slavery doesn't exist in America.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: itswhatev

There is no defense as far as Im concerned, and if being made aware that something is racist and one chooses to continue anyway, again the problem is with them.

My issue is that I'm not personally being accused of racist actions, or of making racist statements, yet in this current society we are being bombarded with claims about other things that are now somehow considered racist.

If someone feels they need to go out of their way to explain to me why something is racist, then the way I see it, they are the one whom is racist.

When you try to force others to see racism, in things that have absolutely nothing to do with race, all you are trying to accomplish is creating and spreading more racism.

The world needs less racism. Not more.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 01:53 PM
A) If someone feels they need to go out of their way to explain to me why something is racist, then the way I see it, they are the one whom is racist.


B)The world needs less racism. Not more.



A) the fact you say this unironically, just makes me well up... Bless your little heart too.

B) yes. Yes it does, so i truly hope those who choose to cling to their own ignorance and apathy, get the wakeup call they need.

I have nothing to argue with any of you though, ive stated my belief, and much like the ignorance wafting theough this thread and Unfortunatly much of ATS, its not changing.

I guesd in some ways one could argue Everyone has a right to be racist... But they also have a right to be held accountable for their words and actions, much like the rest of us. My mama always said "If youre gonna be stupid, you ought make sure youre tough too" - same premise really. Its not hard to not be racist.... Not even a little, nor is it complicated to understand, some just need to play that victim mentality and then project their insecurities on anyone who dares call them out. If someone takes offence when someone points out how something is racist, theres only one reason why...and its not because they arent, its because they are rightfully shamed and their pride suffers. Thats why their reaction is anger and sanctimonious indignation. Its as clear as a piece of suran wrap to everyone but them.....and its sad.

Though as i mentioned to someone else, in some ways im glad those who espouse this nonsense are so annoyingly and obsessively loud about it. Makes it a helluva lot easier to spot.

edit on 543011101pm30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: Words

edit on 553049101pm30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: (no reason given)

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