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Video shows polls workers pulling out suitcases of ballots | GA election hearing.

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posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Brassmonkey

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: djz3ro
But clearly, this video shows Facts, don't they? And if they reject this in court then they're blind and not willing to see.
If there was nothing to succeed in court for then Rudi Guiliani and Sydney Powell would have quit or given advice to President Trump to stop this?

What facts do the videos show exactly?

They don't show people being told to go home.

They don't show anything to suggest these ballots were fraudulent.

They don't show Republican observers being shut out?

So what evidence can be gleaned from them in your opinion?

Georgia state Statute says that voting tabulation needs to be done in public view.

You won't mind showing me where it states that then?

Per your request here is the GA state law that requires voting tabulation be done in public view:

The law states that the tabulation has to be done in public. Now a locked room doesn’t seem public to me. Here is the link:

“The tabulation and consolidation shall be performed in public. However, the election superintendent may make reasonable rules and regulations for conduct at the tabulating center for the security of the results and the returns and to avoid interference with the tabulating center personnel.“

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Brassmonkey

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: djz3ro
But clearly, this video shows Facts, don't they? And if they reject this in court then they're blind and not willing to see.
If there was nothing to succeed in court for then Rudi Guiliani and Sydney Powell would have quit or given advice to President Trump to stop this?

What facts do the videos show exactly?

They don't show people being told to go home.

They don't show anything to suggest these ballots were fraudulent.

They don't show Republican observers being shut out?

So what evidence can be gleaned from them in your opinion?

Georgia state Statute says that voting tabulation needs to be done in public view. The poll workers and the media were told to go home because counting of the votes was stopped for the night. Nevertheless, after everyone was told to go home voting tabulation clearly continued for 3 more hours into the night without any supervision and not
Within public view. I am not saying any fraud happend. I can’t prove that. What I can prove from video evidence is state law was violated during those 3 hours making those votes tabulated during that time illegal votes whether they were from Trump or Biden.

Please cite to the evidence that shows "everyone was told to go home." You can't prove that either. Point to where any poll watchers were turned away in the video? They weren't. The law does not state that poll watchers must be present, only that they can be present. And putting aside all of your other errors, a technical violation in counting procedures does not mean that the "votes" were illegal, and the remedy would not be to throw out the votes.

Here is a local CBS affiliate news broadcast from November 4th showing that the fulton poll workers were “Told to go home”

This is why the poll watchers left because they actually thought that everyone else was going home because of the order for the vote counters to go home.Why else would they all leave at once like that? Do 15 people all have to go to the bathroom at the same time? Do people usually all leave at the same time without a connecting reason? You can see in the election video where that place clears the F out in like 5 min.

Magically the 3 or 4 people that continued counting votes I guess didn’t get that email or maybe they were so consumed in their work and dedication that they didn’t notice the whole room of 20 clearing out and their commitment to this election was so above reproach that they decided to defy their supervisors orders for the greater good of the Republic to count those votes that have been in 4 boxes hidden under a table all day since 8am! Interesting why those boxes of ballots became extremely important when everyone left! Not so much from 8am-11pm which was 15 hours sitting under the table with a black sheet over it so you couldn’t see what was beneath the table.

Does it bother you at all that there was no one there at all for 3 hours besides those 4 individuals? I understand that it’s not a requirement for poll watchers to be there but does that give you the Warm and fuzzies knowing that these 3 or 4 individuals were counting votes with no oversight from anyone?

edit on 4-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Brassmonkey
I understand that it’s not a requirement for poll watchers to be there...

You just showed that the tabulation had to be conducted in public with the administrative rule you cited. Administrative rules have the full force and effect of law.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: Doctor Smith

The ballots tabulated during that time period must be examined. It's in the interest of free & fair elections considering that having monitors who represent the other parties and nonpartisan monitors to be present is expected based on what's customary, alone. It's what the voters expect. That was a deviation and the voters dealt with enough deviations, in this election, to justify this incident.

If they are legal ballots, then it should not be a big deal to make sure other sets of eyes have seen those ballots...perhaps without any Democrats present to monitor, as a punitive measure...well, I can dream, anyway.

Yeah. What are the Democrats afraid of? Could it be they are afraid of something? Audit the votes. Throw out the illegal votes and Trump will win.

The Georgia votes have been hand audited already. What are you talking about?

If they insist on having fraud risky mail in ballots. They have to verify those voters are still alive. The addresses they live at are legit. Are they legal citizens? Are they criminals. Can they legally vote. Their is only a .2% difference in the vote count.
Recounting fake ballots again will only show lack of accuracy in counting not whether or not the ballots are legitimate.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

The main argument you have is that fake ballots were cast. You don't have any proof but you have a hunch. A Republican Secretary of State, a Republican governor, in many Republican-majority districts and you suspect foul play.

A lot, if not most, of this checking and verifying you seek is done in the registration process. Not the voting process. Ballots are verified by signature verification and then processed to be tabulated. Oftentimes this process separates voter from ballot so that only ballots are left, that specific point is to protect the voters privacy in who they voted for.

Earlier this year Democrats in congress tried very hard to strengthen election security. One of their bills explicitly forbid vote counting machines from being connected to the internet and being made in foreign countries. Now I hear conservatives wailing about Dominion machines in Germany and vote manipulation.

Where was Trump during all of this? Where were his federal agents to ensure election security across the country? Nowhere to be found! Trump insisted time and time again that the election was fraudulent and Democrats were cheating, but only if he lost.

The GOP and Trump have done nothing to prevent any of this and you're all shocked and aghast that it could've happened (even though it didn't).

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: links234
President Trump and Attorney General Barr sounded plenty of alarm bells regarding the likelyhood of widespread mail-in ballot fraud. But Republicans choked. No hearings were conducted.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Yeah they choked alright. On that sweet sweet bribe money.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: links234

Wrong...yes there is proof... Witnesses are proof. More so when witnesses include DEMOCRATS and Independents who didn't even vote for Trump, or didn't vote this time around but have testified under oath they all saw massive voter fraud...

There are thousands of republicans, in various counties, whom have stated they never requested for mail in ballots or absentee ballots, yet when they went to vote they were told they already voted & can't vote again, even though they did not vote at all...

We have USPS workers whom have testified they were told to drive truck loads of ballots from New York, or other places, into Pennsylvania and other states and that those are the ballots "that suddenly appeared out of nowhere" and had been well stacked and shrinkwrapped...

We have the testimonies of republicans who voted for Trump yet their votes were changed to Biden...
We have witnesses that state that republican voters were treated differently from democrat voters, that they saw how poll workers coached people into who to vote for, etc, etc.

Not to mention that despite the fact that the witnesses include democrats, & independents, including people who didn't vote for Trump, yet all testified under oath they saw massive voter fraud and you want to keep claiming "it didn't happen?...

Videos showing that after telling others, including republican observers, that they were going to stop counting and close for the night, when everyone left we saw these people pulling out suitcases full of ballots from under a table that was covered all day and at no time do you see anyone puting any ballots during the time that the polling place was open. Yet despite that it can be seen quite clearly that these aholes took those ballots after they claimed they would stop for the night, and you can see them counting those ballots, yet you want to claim "there is no evidence of voter fraud"?...

The only thing you, and others, have proven is that you are dishonest.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Democrats know that witnesses and whistleblowers are PROOF. Those idiots impeached President Trump using those two categories of EVIDENCE.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: TKDRL
I'm preparing to start a thread on the subject. Maybe it's time Trump supporters "choked" the spineless GOP.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: network dude
There is no election fraud. Barr said so.

you forgot the /s

Barr said a lot of things. But my lying eyes and ears have seen and heard of a lot what appears flat out to be fraud. Hell
Wasn't it being said in a meme/joke that the Pope said he wanted to canonize Biden for getting 1 million voters to rise from the dead just to vote for Biden?

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:52 PM
Georgia election officials show frame-by-frame what really happened in Fulton surveillance video

State election investigators have already spent hours analyzing the video showing what Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said was suitcases being pulled from under a table.

They were, in fact, official, sealed ballot containers.

“We can show exactly when they were placed in there,” lead investigator Frances Watson said.

Watson said they weren’t mystery ballots that came from a mystery location.

Video taken hours before shows the table being brought into the room at 8:22 a.m. Nothing was underneath the table then.

At 10 p.m., with the room full of people, including official monitors and the media, video shows ballots that had already been opened but not counted placed in the boxes, sealed up and stored under the table.

The reason? Employees thought they were done for the night.

“They were closing things up and getting ready to leave,” Watson said.

Media and observers left as employees packed up. But Fulton’s election director called a supervisor at State Farm a few minutes later, telling them to keep counting after the Secretary of State’s office called and said they shouldn’t stop counting for the night so early.

After that call, employees pulled the containers of ballots back out and went back to work.

“No magically-appearing ballots,” Gabriel Sterling with the Secretary of State’s office said. “These were ballots that were processed in front of the monitors, processed in front of the monitors and placed there in front of the monitors.”

So what about the time gap between when the media and observers left and then the observers returned about an hour later? Employees scanned ballots.

“These are just typical everyday election workers are just doing their jobs,” Sterling said. “This is not some Ocean’s Eleven-level scheme being put together in the middle of the night.”

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: Thiaoouba Prophecy
The coup d'etat of our beautiful Country will not go without a fight! We The People are United to show that our forefathers have not died in vain. That constitution means something. It has a cosmic power level of 500 which is the power of reason. If we lose this battle and fall into fascism/communism we will forever be ruled by the elite upper class. They have almost infinite power since the advent of the microchip. They wish to control the world with just a push of a button.

Ruled by the upper class. This is the Democrats? Isn't Trump a billionaire? Aren't the Koch brothers that funded all the brainwashing y'all fell for hook line and sinker billionaires? The Republicans are the elite upper class.

With respect to this video evidence. You cannot tell who left and who stayed. It could have been that some people had to leave and others were staying. Further, they did 2 recounts by hand that confirmed the counts. They reconcile the vote via a computerized number on each ballot to make sure it is the same ballots being counted. These same computerized numbers make sure that if a ballot is accidentally run through the counter more than one time it only counts as one vote. They audited the results. Therefore, these videos show some workers doing what they are supposed to do, count ballots and are evidence of nothing.

Anyone that thinks these videos are sufficient evidence to over turn an election because they provide a greater level of evidence compared to two audited recounts is simply incapable of critical thinking and understanding what constitutes irrefutable evidence. Sorry, I am all for rooting out election fraud. But to do that, you need to show ballots were counted more than once (The recount is proof that did not happen.) Dead people voted. (This video shows no proof of that.) Ineligible voters voted. (This video shows no proof of that.) Since 1 did not happen and the video cannot prove 2 or 3, there is no evidence.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TKDRL
I'm preparing to start a thread on the subject. Maybe it's time Trump supporters "choked" the spineless GOP.


I support your cause 1000%!

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: Brassmonkey

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Brassmonkey

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: djz3ro
But clearly, this video shows Facts, don't they? And if they reject this in court then they're blind and not willing to see.
If there was nothing to succeed in court for then Rudi Guiliani and Sydney Powell would have quit or given advice to President Trump to stop this?

What facts do the videos show exactly?

They don't show people being told to go home.

They don't show anything to suggest these ballots were fraudulent.

They don't show Republican observers being shut out?

So what evidence can be gleaned from them in your opinion?

Georgia state Statute says that voting tabulation needs to be done in public view. The poll workers and the media were told to go home because counting of the votes was stopped for the night. Nevertheless, after everyone was told to go home voting tabulation clearly continued for 3 more hours into the night without any supervision and not
Within public view. I am not saying any fraud happend. I can’t prove that. What I can prove from video evidence is state law was violated during those 3 hours making those votes tabulated during that time illegal votes whether they were from Trump or Biden.

Please cite to the evidence that shows "everyone was told to go home." You can't prove that either. Point to where any poll watchers were turned away in the video? They weren't. The law does not state that poll watchers must be present, only that they can be present. And putting aside all of your other errors, a technical violation in counting procedures does not mean that the "votes" were illegal, and the remedy would not be to throw out the votes.

Here is a local CBS affiliate news broadcast from November 4th showing that the fulton poll workers were “Told to go home”

This is why the poll watchers left because they actually thought that everyone else was going home because of the order for the vote counters to go home.Why else would they all leave at once like that? Do 15 people all have to go to the bathroom at the same time? Do people usually all leave at the same time without a connecting reason? You can see in the election video where that place clears the F out in like 5 min.

Magically the 3 or 4 people that continued counting votes I guess didn’t get that email or maybe they were so consumed in their work and dedication that they didn’t notice the whole room of 20 clearing out and their commitment to this election was so above reproach that they decided to defy their supervisors orders for the greater good of the Republic to count those votes that have been in 4 boxes hidden under a table all day since 8am! Interesting why those boxes of ballots became extremely important when everyone left! Not so much from 8am-11pm which was 15 hours sitting under the table with a black sheet over it so you couldn’t see what was beneath the table.

Does it bother you at all that there was no one there at all for 3 hours besides those 4 individuals? I understand that it’s not a requirement for poll watchers to be there but does that give you the Warm and fuzzies knowing that these 3 or 4 individuals were counting votes with no oversight from anyone?

Astound news post states, the actual workers left because they were tired. It’s very plausible that the watchers did the same. Until we have some sort of reliable corroboration, this video is evidence of nothing nefarious.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Democrats know that witnesses and whistleblowers are PROOF.

They are not proof. No judge to consider any of these “witness” statements has found any evidence of fraud. What does that tell you?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Democrats know that witnesses and whistleblowers are PROOF. Those idiots impeached President Trump using those two categories of EVIDENCE.

Worse, they used LIES from foreign agents. Christopher Steele is a foreign agent who admitted he wanted to affect the U.S. elections, and so are the Russian officials and the Russian spy they knew was a Russian spy from the start. They also knew those claims were never corroborated, despite Comey signing FISA warrants claiming the claims were corroborated... He later recanted in front of Congress and said it was never corroborated... But did he suffer anything?... He was fired, but that isn't enough more so when he keeps getting tons of money lying more about "Russia collusion..." If it had been a republican he would be in jail right now...

Same for Kerry... Why hasn't John Kerry being indicted? He acted and claimed he was a representative of the U.S. government when Trump was POTUS, and attempted to make deals with Iran... This is illegal...yet was he punished for it?... No... Instead John Kerry will be part of Biden's administration if the election is conceded to Biden/Harris...

William Barr claims to be in favor of law and order, but he hasn't done anything with the criminals... Including the journalists all whom lied and committed treason making up lies not just about President Trump and his administration & campaign advisors, but also every American who voted for Trump was labeled by the lying journalists as "nazis and white supremacists..."

If they can do that during an administration they do not control what can't they do in an administration they will completely control?...

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

They are not proof. No judge to consider any of these “witness” statements has found any evidence of fraud. What does that tell you?

FALSE, first of all, the judges that have decided not to hear the witnesses they themselves don't care for the law. Judges are supposed to listen to witnesses and listen to the lawyers and then make a decision. instead they had already made up their minds and decided they would not listen to anyone and outright dismissed cases...

At least one judge who had agreed to listen to the arguments from the Trump team, and already there was a date set for the hearing, on the day the hearing occurred the judge told the Trump team of lawyers that he was not going to listen to the witnesses, instead he alright dismissed the case and told the Trump lawyers that they had until 5 pm that same day to respond to a case the democrats had presented and which the Trump attorneys knew nothing about... It gave no time for the Trump lawyers to get ready. Not only does it show bias by the judge, but he broke the law... But since it happened in democrat hell holes nothing will occur to that ahole of a judge.

However, some of the state supreme Court judges stated that the lawyers' statements & witnesses did give reason for a trial but that the lawyers had to go through the district courts first, although they already did, they were told to try again.

If this continues the Supreme Court will have to decide.

edit on 5-12-2020 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 02:52 AM
Proof is being shown daily, where is your head? Wake up and stop kidding yourself, look at it from a 3rd person view, you can not continue to have ignorance and be completely blind! a reply to: links234

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: GravitySucks

Is that the reason why the Georgia governor "changed his mind" and now they are going to do a recount with all observers present?...

What's more, I am in that link you gave and NOWHERE can I see any videos that you claim were presented...

What I see is the following error: "Error. Something went wrong."

edit on 5-12-2020 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments and pictures.

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