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I believe David Icke was a plant.

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posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 05:17 PM
I used to think he was a plant of some sort but knowing what we know now I'm not so sure.

The greatest trick cosmic lizards did to us is trick us into thinking death is real, and soul energy doesn't excist.

On a cosmic scale if you want to enslave a species you deploy a mind weapon (bible) and trick that species into believing only what they see, not counting genetic manipulation.
That's why the elite use human life as currency. All systems are of pyramid design for a reason.

edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago5705699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

The thing is we are quite capable of tricking and lying to ourselves without the intervention of aliens or anthropomorphized invisible sky gods.

Our brains do it us all the time.

And the elite at the top of the heap have known this for quite some time, control being the goal, via fear and disinformation.

Divide and conquer 101 really.
edit on 26-11-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Flesh699

The thing is we are quite capable of tricking and lying to ourselves without the intervention or aliens or anthropomorphized invisible sky gods.

Our brains do it us all the time.

And the elite at the top of the heap have known this for quite some time, control being the goal, via fear and disinformation.

Divide and conquer 101 really.

I understand. From my experience as management in a very large corporation I've seen first hand the unorganization of people. Which leads me to believe that all these crazy symbols that's persisted throughout history is an impossibility for humans to keep going for so long—unless, of course, there's a group of people that purposely keep earth shattering information hidden on purpose for god knows what.
The fact is, in my view, is that even if people are confronted with the truth they'll refuse to believe it and it's nobodies fault. We as a planet are serious victims.
edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago4205699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Humans have always loved to hide esoteric knowledge in plain sight, it's kind of our bag, especially in architecture and art.

We as a race are in serious trouble unless we come together, put aside our petty squabbles and indifference over diminishing resources and religious belief, and start to address the real problems our species face.

Like having all our eggs in the one basket for a start or the disproportionate distribution of wealth amongst our respective populations.

Never happen all the same as long as we are fascinated with the next shiny thing that we think we need. LoL
edit on 26-11-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

When we have people split over whether we should be wearing masks or not, then you know divide and conquer works at every level in life.

We do need to come together as nations, but I don’t think the people are necessarily ready to do so. There truly is so much hatred from each side for the opposite side.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Well, it's a strange year, where you can walk into a bank, without a mask and pair of latex gloves on, and look out of place.

I don't doubt that we are in any way ready nether Cobaltic1978.

That doesn't mean that time cares one iota as to our readiness.

Nature will play sink or swim with our species ether way.

Coz ready or not here she comes, and she always has been coming, we just notice her more these days down to the manner in which we are all connected to one another in some rather interesting ways.
edit on 26-11-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 09:29 PM
I also think they (space lizards) are using genetics to raise the dead. Genetic Resurrection. This is one of the reasons you see many Camp Grown Celeberties that look extremely similar to people from the past:

I came to that conclusion because of this:

Horrifying Satanic Imagery, Curses Appear with Trump’s Tweet on COVID Diagnosis

The public response to President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis went a step beyond the malicious Friday morning, as strange accounts flooded the social media announcement with Satanic imagery and apparent curses.

Seemingly the most common among those responses was a lyric verse or spell, traditionally written in the northwest Indian language of Punjabi.

“The dead are resurrected day and night without anyone knowing,” the users wrote, according to a translation made available by Twitter’s embedded Google Translate feature.

“Take refuge in the madness you are about to endure, or you will be drowned forever by its cold teeth, as it points out.”

There's no explanation for any of this, unless of course we're being lied to about something big. There's a quantum understanding of energies not available to the general public, if we knew what was actually going on we would be capable of uniting over night and put a stop to it.

It's hard for us to think some other thing may be smarter than us.
And I'm sure this is just Pop Art:

Even Steven King's in on it:

Love you all!
edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago4709699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 01:12 AM
"Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her."

Whichever one of you has not make mistakes throw the first stone at Icke

I see Icke doing more good than bad, he's score has more ++++ than ------

Conspiracy forum which rants against fellow conspiracy theorist ....

Seriously, Icke has been doing good work regarding what a disappointment to see this kind of writing here.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 05:05 AM

Of course, David Icke learned what he did about the Reptilian aspect from Jordon Maxwell.
Spend a little time with him, and you'll learn much... might even change your whole view on reality.
Believing is very different to knowing something. You'd be surprised how much of reality is not what it seems.
The key to finding out is light and dark.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Good answers thanks.
I hear what you're saying, but I consider myself (as I'm sure a lot of us on this site do) as a conspiracy researcher with the same amount of enthusiasm as Icke or Jones, and I often go off the deep end and discredit my own hard work.

I'm just trying to say that this is the cost of being open minded with zero oversight or restrictions.

I get it. And for me, I still put a lot of value in what Jones or Icke has to say. You just sometimes need to weed through the reptilians and gay frogs.
Even though Jones was right about gay frogs, and Icke is probably correct about alien/reptilian early beginnings that developed in areas like ancient Sumer.

I at least find these (2) to be more informative than any mainstream talking point.

And the world would suffer without their voices.

edit on 27-11-2020 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

I consider myself not a conspiracy researcher but rather a reality researcher with a sub-heading of conspiracy researcher. The main reason I joined ATS was in that search. No longer wanting to study the ''big time'' ideas that humans had developed over our time here but more wanting to study the thoughts on reality of individual thought, other individuals, as I considered myself.What do iconoclastic thinkers think about it all.

There is this general classification that the masses of people have put on them.The sleepers. We hear it here all the time with words like sheep and sheeple and others I'm sure you are familiar with. THose who have not woken up to whatever ''truth'' that seems so powerful to the rest of us, no matter who the rest of us are. From this comes the call to ''wake up WAKE UP''.

To me, it's not a matter of waking up but rather maturation. Maturation into a world that is so complex that none of us can really get a grasp on it when we first begin to take our place in the world of individuality. In the case of any young indiviudal(and here I see that a young individual can be ten years old or fifty years old) there is often a spark, some conundrum that hits that persons consciousness and cracks it open. Maybe a teacher, maybe a certain sentence in a book, maybe a scene in a movie. Maybe just a flock of Canada Geese flying by can toss a person into a reflection mode of seeing themselves as something other than all of that. And this of course has been covered in many books and philosophies over the years and still remains as a major field of study. Consciousness. And from where ever and how ever that spark in a person is ignighted, it's not immediately a flame, just a spark, a spark that will take a whole life time to finish making that person who they might truly end up being.

My perspective in that earlier reply comes from my own youth when I was in that initial ''spark'' phase of my life. I carried that spark like a badge of supriority, knowing that I was not one of the masses but instead an individual. My mental gymnastics and reflections had carried me into what I later came to know was called Descartes' Cogito Ergo Sum, I think therefore I am. Yet I had never read or even heard of Descartes at that time.

From there I took my fledgling self and began to wander the wide world of information and then encountered a teacher, one who spoke to my own course of individuality in a sea of unconsciousness. He was a ''teacher from the East'' one who had taken the fundamentals of both Eastern and Western thought and synthesized them into a ''new philosophy'' that could usher in a world full of mature individuals. People who could mature and provide examples that others could follow.

Sound good? It did to me. That is how I was suckered into the cult of Sun Myung Moon, whose cult is more commonly known as the ''Moonies.'' After four years of my prime young life stolen from me, or rather willingly handed over, I managed to extricate myself from the mental chains his cult teachings I had accepted. When I left, in 1974, I left behind hundreds and world wide hundreds of thousands of people who did not then and still to this day have not managed as I had. They are still there, turning and twisting each and every thought they have with mental gymnastics the defy the imagination.

It's with that experience that years later I read Icke. And Jones. With both, the warning system I had developed over the years began to buzz. Both offered too much information packed up front. Information that would seem wise and well informed to a novice or as I called it earlier in this post, a young ''individual''.

So while I appreciate that both of these cats can serve as a match to ignite the opening of minds, which is good, they also can provide the match that can start a mental conflagration that can consume and destroy the mental capacity of any who fail to pull away from them and walk on their own.

Sorry to have taken so long on this reply, but I felt is necessary to dive into my own history to make my cautions about those guys more understandable.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 12:27 PM
Ick... a 'Plant' like in the movie Little Shop of Horrors intelligent Plant

i thought he got Sane Lately in his YT channel --- after distancing himself from the Reptile meme

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: Kakamega

Nah. Pretty sure he's an animal.

He could be part Man part Cauliflower. It's as plausible as anything else in the world of David Icke.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Kakamega

I think Jones is a FAKE but not Icke. He may be bizarre and a bit out there but I believe he is sincere.

He is one of the few conspiracy guys who didn't go for the nonsense that Trump was fighting the deep state.

He said that was nonsense and that Trump is just another puppet.

To me, that confirms his honesty

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