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Personal anecdotal BS I hear and see on a regular basis

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posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: AutomateThis1

What are some BS anecdotes you've heard?

“We have more cases because we test more!”

Probably the most idiotic thing I’ve heard during this pandemic.

Dude, I swear you are losing brain cells. How much green do you smoke?? Seriously.

How is that idiotic? Having more cases because of more testing? They are using the testing to figure the number of cases, yes? So if they test ten people and 3 test positive, that’s three cases, yes? If they test 100 people and 30 people test positive, that’s more because the sample was larger, yes? What in the WORLD is your problem with that?

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: jhin1place

The majority of people will get covid and be just fine.

The people with pre existing conditions and undiagnosed pre existing conditions are the ones that are at risk. Which is why it's important to see a doctor and get blood work done to see if you are at a higher risk.

Luckily enough I have not had any immediate family that have tested positive for covid. However people that I know have had friends or family members have died from covid.

My take is that we should take this seriously, socially distance, wash your hands, stay away from large gatherings and wear a mask. If you do these things you will be fine. We will reduce the risk of catching or transmitting the disease and we will get back to normalcy. If we don't do these things now then we will be stuck with covid for much longer than necessary.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: baddmove
Not gonna lie here folks...

I still don't know anyone

who knows anyone

who KNOWS anyone

who has had covid-19 and I have family in 5 states.

Me neither other than 2 cases from a friend. One was purely assumption and her friend also has leukemia so was never tested but didn't feel good, needed oxygen. Um yeah. The other was her son who tested positive. He had symptoms of exhaustion but I had to point out that he also was a first time father of a newborn keeping him up at nights. This is two "cases" over a vast area and both about a 10 hours drive from here. Nothing closer.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:38 PM
Political propaganda. Most likely BS. There are people who have had lasting side effects, but I do not believe this is one of those cases, they should be able to see the damage like they do in most other cases where there is a link to long term covid problems.

Could this be real? Anything could be real even though I doubt if this case is. I know a few people who died of covid, and actually I know quite a few that tested positive. Most people have a cough that lasts a month to six weeks after they had if they have a little worse case, it but then it goes away. The people I know that had it fairly bad felt really tired, something like the flu. They were back to work within maybe three to four weeks, two weeks after they had gotten better off of it.

Being that it has a Biden marker on it, I won't believe it is real. As soon as Biden wins the election he will miraculously get better...magic.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: baddmove
Not gonna lie here folks...

I still don't know anyone

who knows anyone

who KNOWS anyone

who has had covid-19 and I have family in 5 states.

I know some people who have had covid, The vast majority of them had flu like symptoms. I do know two people who died from it, but they had underlying conditions that caused their death. One of the two that died died from Covid 19, he had copd and his immune system was screwed, it took out his lungs, liver, and did some heart damage. He chose not to stay on the breathing machine, the damage was really bad already. He is one of the maybe twenty thousand people who actually died directly from the covid. When he got weakened badly he got pneumonia too, but his risk factor was the COPD and possibly some of the meds he needed to take to keep that under control on a regular basis. Strangely, he was on one med that would have made covid worse and one that would have somewhat protected him. So I guess they cancelled each other out and he got really bad. He chose to unhook because he did not have a future and he was putting his family through hell. He was in his upper fifties. He decided it was not worth living if all he was going to do is be a burden on his family. He caught it from his wife who was a nurse who got it working in a covid section of the hospital.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
Most of the claims on here of "I know so-and-so, and they're #ed up from covid now", I categorize as bullcrap. It's always from the same staunch nitwits in favor of balls-to-the-wall heavy-handedness, with the added suspicious factor of no new folks backing them up all these months in. Stinks like quite the pile of manipulative BS to me.

a reply to: AutomateThis1

If guy is in the range of, say, age 50, then it's ENTIRELY possible he's got some male menopause gearing up (aka andropause, you dudes really do get a version of menopause) And being a smoker won't help andropause out any.

Nah, he's not that old, probably has 10-15 years before then.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: jhin1place

The majority of people will get covid and be just fine.

The people with pre existing conditions and undiagnosed pre existing conditions are the ones that are at risk. Which is why it's important to see a doctor and get blood work done to see if you are at a higher risk.

Luckily enough I have not had any immediate family that have tested positive for covid. However people that I know have had friends or family members have died from covid.

My take is that we should take this seriously, socially distance, wash your hands, stay away from large gatherings and wear a mask. If you do these things you will be fine. We will reduce the risk of catching or transmitting the disease and we will get back to normalcy. If we don't do these things now then we will be stuck with covid for much longer than necessary.

If we don't do these things what? Covid isn't going anywhere.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Political propaganda. Most likely BS. There are people who have had lasting side effects, but I do not believe this is one of those cases, they should be able to see the damage like they do in most other cases where there is a link to long term covid problems.

Could this be real? Anything could be real even though I doubt if this case is. I know a few people who died of covid, and actually I know quite a few that tested positive. Most people have a cough that lasts a month to six weeks after they had if they have a little worse case, it but then it goes away. The people I know that had it fairly bad felt really tired, something like the flu. They were back to work within maybe three to four weeks, two weeks after they had gotten better off of it.

Being that it has a Biden marker on it, I won't believe it is real. As soon as Biden wins the election he will miraculously get better...magic.

The Biden marker is some BS profile picture thing that let's everyone know you voted for him.

Don't worry she "weighed the pros and cons" of voting for Biden, but she didn't want to "get into the details"

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: AutomateThis1

What are some BS anecdotes you've heard?

“We have more cases because we test more!”

Probably the most idiotic thing I’ve heard during this pandemic.

Could you explain why.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 06:41 AM
I know a female who lives near me, and when I jumped on bookface earlier this year looking for local news and reports related to the outbreak, I kept seeing several-times-daily updates from her on her condition, as she 'had covid', this was about back in March, before we had 'serious numbers' of infections.

Seriously, morning, afternoon, and evening, 'my throat' this and 'my lungs' that, the list goes on.

With each post she was getting lashings of support and sympathy and she was lapping it up enjoying every moment.

I smelled BS, so I called her on it and asked when she tested positive, she hadn't been tested and it turned out she had been getting on with her life as normal.

If you need a hug or some kind words just come and cry on my shoulder and tell me what the problem is, but don't bullshyte me for sympathy and attention, I don't play that game.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:16 AM
Here is a good article dealing with T cell immunity, this is not antigen based immunity, this is innate immunity and this type of immunity utilizes B cells which they have recently found have memory too. The vaccines they have been pushing on us only consider antigen immunity, that is only one part of our immune response. There is a lot of scamming going on with pushing vaccines, this innate immunity is shown to last six months and longer, even from a mild case. This immunity protects all people, with or without vaccines. Some people do not get sick from viruses, because of this kind of immunity. I do believe that some vaccines are necessary, and I do know that there are food chemistries out there in our supply chain that destroy this innate and antigen immunity. Why does the government allow these chemistries to be used in our food preparation. Now this innate response is newly discovered, yet it has always been there. It is not new, just newly discovered because they were not looking for it.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
I hear ridiculous stuff every day. People saying they had Covid, or they knew someone who had covid, or they knew someone who knew someone who had covid.

I see people talking about and sharing graph after graph showing whatever the current infection rates are, but they never show graphs that depict deaths.

Here's an image I saw earlier.

This guy claims to have had Covid, but almost 9 months later he had "night sweats," and "9 days out of 10" every breath hurts, even though his xrays and ct scans show his lungs are perfectly healthy.

Also his "antibodies are confirmed to be completely gone" and he worries about getting it "again."

This reads like BS to me. And apparently to some other of his friends as well, because they called him out on his all day every day smoking which he deflected from.

He supposedly had what is supposed to be the scariest new virus in the world and he recovers, only to claim that he now has trouble breathing, even though the scans say that his lungs are healthy, even despite his daily smoking.

This kind of stuff is why I don't take people seriously. I'll be honest I don't believe the guy. He's just trying to get some pity support.

What are some BS anecdotes you've heard?

They have a name for this

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 10:23 AM
I only know a few friends of friends that have actually had it, maybe six or so from different families. They all say the only symptom they had was fatigue and loss of taste. I think the youngest person in our county to die of covid was 64, and we had a handful of deaths.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Posts telling me to share, etc get ignored. Everyone has this need for creating viral stuff. Those posts about suicide, or prayers. "If just 2 friends....". Or DJT (or anti-DNC memes) telling you to like and share to show your agreement with groupthink. The worst are the stupid ass religious ones where its like "Devil: he's my child not yours. God: no he isn't" yada yada yada...

I've blocked quite a few accounts. The worst of the worst are validation vampires. My sister does this. Mom had a minor surgery last Thursday, and she came out just fine. Its was a day surgery, very minor. Over the weekend my sister is summoning prayer warriors on FB for her.

I've been clear to any who know me: share my crap on social media and i will disown you entirely. Im not a platform for your validation.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

That’s about right for adaptive or specific immunity, both T and B cells last about 4 months to just over a year for multiple strains of cold viruses and influenza with memory cells and being able to stimulate an immune response from exposure to antigen. The innate immune (not specific) response like dendritic cells, macrophages, neutrophils all work together to destroy foreign organisms and infected tissue, or tissue presenting abnormal proteins/antigens signaling that they are in trouble through cap independent pathways or other methods.

Then they present antigen to T cells and B cells so they can go and do their thing. You want an adaptive immune response, with good antibodies from B cells and good antigen recognition by T-cells otherwise there is a risk of enhancement with bad antibodies stimulating an exaggerated immune response while doing nothing to limit viral replication. The problem is getting a vaccine to work, it’s different in age groups, different depending on the pathogen and when developing a vaccine they need to balance th1 (cell mediated) and th2 (antibody mediated) immunity because one or a combo may work better depending on the target pathogen and expressed disease. What if they cause the dreaded th17 response? That could be bad but they’re still researching that aspect of first generation Covid vaccines.

I’m really rooting for the mRNA vaccines if they can get them to work. You just hand the cells the blueprints for the target protein instead of all the guessing and checking and cell division. But the body is going to want to break it down, cells don’t like free RNA running around the cytoplasm and they have numerous methods of removing it.

DNA vaccines are great too, incorporating DNA (transfecting) into host cells. It reminds me of how bacteria use CRISPR to gain immunity to viruses. But eukaryotes have far more complicated genetic material, with silencing, packaging, regulatory methods etc. You would get a balanced cell mediated and humoral response compared to a vaccine though.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 12:39 PM
Kind of off topic but a good story. Late Spring of 2019 I became so ill that I was hospitalized. I actually didn't even go to the ER until about 4 days after running a high fever and splitting headache.I figured it was the flu. Got to the point where I thought if I went to sleep that night I wasn't waking up. I'm healthy, eat right, exercise daily and all that BS. Everything imaginable went wrong with me from high fever, aches, pains, chills, headache, loss of smell and taste to rashes and internal problems. In the hospital they tested me for everything under the sun and after six Lyme tests they decided that's what it must be. Never actually had an official diagnoses. Took a bunch of antivirals and other meds and it cleared up after a week or so. That January I was working in a different location in the city and noticed some of the Asians starting to wear their masks again and knew something was coming and shortly after that I heard the word Covid for the first time. Turns out when I was so critically ill earlier the year before I had been working in what because one of the worst hot spots in this area. I'm pretty convinced it was Covid before anyone knew about it. But I healed and have had no side effects. Also when numbers were getting dramatically high right before lock down I was literally shoulder to shoulder on a crowded train and in the middle of a super crowded city daily. When you take the subway for a number of years you watch the Asians and when they start wearing their masks you know something is going on. I kept getting home and telling my family something was coming. They thought I was crazy haha.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
This kind of stuff is why I don't take people seriously. I'll be honest I don't believe the guy. He's just trying to get some pity support.

Could be - or could be someone angling for some kind of permanent disability claim so they don't have to work any more and can lay around watching porn all day.

What are some BS anecdotes you've heard?

Just two people who claim they had it (guy at work and his wife), but they both had minor symptoms and recovered easily, even though they are both high risk - old (70+), and he has pretty advanced parkinsons or something (his hands shake pretty bad). Also, one person who claims that someone she knows had an aunt or something that died from it, even though that person was in and out of the hospital for years and had lots of health problems, and the tests are BS and lots of people are being labeled as having died from it when it was something else.

Yeah, its pretty much BS it seems except for those with high insulin resistance/diabetics (and maybe pre-diabetic).

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: BoxerBrawler

I don't buy most of the official narrative. I very rarely ever get sick.

Last December I got kind of sick. Not throw up sick, but I had a headache, aches all over, like my hair hurt, my balls hurt, my eyes hurt, my joints hurt. I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

The worst of it lasted a few days, but felt like ass for a couple of weeks.

I don't know if it actually came from the lab in Wuhan, but I bet if it or whatever it was it was making it's way around the planet way before it was publicly announced.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

This affects people with diabetes the worst? What about other immuno-compromised or suppressed people?

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

That’s one of the groups, inflammatory conditions, chronic diseases, anything that gives the virus more binding sites. Big ones are type 2 diabetics, kidney disease, hypertension and maybe overweight (there’s so many patients it could be circumstantial but I doubt it, most of these conditions accompany one another). Followed by liver and lung diseases and then cardiac issues, stroke and cancers.

In these populations there are issues with signaling and inflammatory responses, they get it worse because they are fat or have a chronic condition and those issues directly and negatively influence signaling and regulatory mechanisms that increase the chances of severe disease in the lungs like ARDS or pneumonia versus bronchitis or a head cold. One of the issues is they are more likely to destroy their own tissue rather than generate a humoral response and inactivate virus and compromised cells and limit damage.
edit on 3-11-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

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