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How is this going to end?

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posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

This isn't anarchy. If it were there'd be no oppressor, which means nobody would be oppressed and instead of rioting if something's broken you'd just fix it.

But seriously it's already cooling down and that's how unspectacular it will end, it will run out of steam.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

This is today's generation. The weakest generation. We will look back at this time in shame. Not for police brutality, no, we will remember the entitled youth and weak leadership that cowered in their homes in fear of the flu. A generation of politically correct weaklings, who raged mindlessly, in the richest nation on the planet, for more handouts. A generation trained by media and elites to hate their country.

Crazy stupid kids and their entitlement to...*checks notes*...not being murdered by the government.

What are they thinking.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: underwerks

Trust fund upper middle class whites typically are not targets of police killings.

Not even within the narrative.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:51 AM
Last night I was watching the video of two guys driving around Santa Monica from this thread:

Its 27minutes of pure madness-road blocks,looting,cops beating people,people attacking cop cars,alarms going off everywhere,fires,people trying to protect their businesses-Just total chaos all over the city.It was like the start of a zombie apocalypse movie.

After watching that,while in that nice "almost but not quite asleep" state I started thinking(I sometimes get good ideas in that state,but this time wasn't so good)-

I started to think what if all the rioting and all the police beatings were actually not what they seem?
What if the whole covid thing is not what we are told?
What if-it was released from a lab,and the people unfortunate enough to die from it were just experiencing "side effects" or "fore shocks"of the main event-that the virus was actually designed to slowly but surely drive people into a violent frenzied madness.

The rioting and civil unrest may just be the first wave of the "real"design of the bioweapon showing itself.
What better way to spread itself though the population than to encorage behaviours where people mass together in a protest/riot scenario?
Weeks later,the bleeding from the eyes and the drooling begins,people lose some motor function and are left in a primal state-like the zombies from 28 days later..

Anyways,that was my not so jolly sub conscious thought experiment from last night..
Remind me to lay off the cheese before bed.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Just like always. In 10 years everything will be different and the next generation will ask themselves how we let that happen.

I'll remember this time as the left let go of helping the ones in need as they formerly did as strong men and women. The "new" participants are focused on them selves and their so-called rights.
I'll remember this time as the right which has lost the strong shoulders on which societies could be build. The "new" participants are now circlejerking in such manner that if they did that in a public restroom even George Michael would walk out blushing.

Neither brings a solution and both need a serious reset. A proper reset of both sides would be best to build up a new society with a similar glory of the past but with a new paradigm that will be aware of the dangers of polarisation in society. (which imo is the cause of the issues today)

Without a reset more totalitarian control will come either by governments or companies that 'save' us. That's my biggest concern btw. The big tech companies that can place themselves outside of any jurisdiction will 'offer' the public tools that even if a local/national government will try to stop that, the dislocation from jurisdictions will prevent any real action to be taken against them and the 'offers' they give the public will attract the masses.

Kinda like only be able to register an account on a conspiracy website by using one of the big techs social media accounts.

But I also think people need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for the lies they print, state, or help perpetuate.

I agree but it is a slippery slope. I don't think you can only be held accountable for lies when it is connected to a job, there are many lies on social media raging like a wild fire. But the people that post them might not know it is a lie as they lack the understanding of the topic as they do not have all the data required to make a proper judgment (yes I do not mention their lack of capabilities of truly understanding the topic). So the question is can we hold people accountable if they talk about topics they do not properly understand?

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy
We're already in a zombie apocalypse. Everyone was turned into sheep after they drank the kool aid.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

it stops when we end the capitalist system of profit before people and planet
when we are no longer warring for resources and we are a unified species

Ive seen 3 videos of economics professors from across the world state that the only way this ends is if we replace capitalism with a new model that doesnt exploit humanity

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Psilocyborg
The end will start in a city.

On Monday my friends and I attended the protests nearby to help keep the peace. The side that wasn't protesting was filled with military cosplayers and AR-15s but their numbers were small vs. the protesters.

Some bad apples on both sides. The state of Jefferson cosplayers threw 2 water bottles at the protesters to rile them up but we formed a human line in the streets chanting "they're not worth it" to prevent a brawl til cops showed up.

Happened in a smaller town but we did it right and cool heads prevailed.
I do not have the same confidence in bigger cities.

There are 15 year old little $#!+$ in these crowds that don't understand what's going on and just eager to throw something.

The end will start when a big city riot begins, the government will use force to stamp out rebellion.

I see enforcers getting itchy trigger fingers like in V for Vendetta and opening fire on people.

Once that happens, all hell breaks loose, the officials run to their bunkers, the people storm the gates and right before our leaders are dragged out from their holes they hit the button.

Toast from salt.

Did you get what you were looking for at the protest march? Just what exactly are you looking for?

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: CIAGypsy

it stops when we end the capitalist system of profit before people and planet
when we are no longer warring for resources and we are a unified species

Ive seen 3 videos of economics professors from across the world state that the only way this ends is if we replace capitalism with a new model that doesnt exploit humanity

To acheive that,you would have to rip back the power from the elite of the world-all those people and mega corporations who hold all the power,wealth,guns tanks and missiles.They own governments/intel agencies.They run death camps.They initiate wars,commit genocide..They own/rig banks and financial systems.
The system we are under the jackboot of will grind your bones into the dirt before they give up their power.

Unless you can get a group together with insane numbers globally,who are heavily armed and willing to sacrifice their life to overthrow the elites,there is no way to change the balance of power.
And the system is geared to stop people waaay before they ever get such a group together.

I don't know what the answer is,or if there even is an answer.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Definitely Werner Von Braun’s fake alien invasion.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: CIAGypsy
So my fellow does this end? And what are YOU doing to help us get there?

If the liberals want to burn up their liberal cities ... I'm fine with that.

They take a step towards me or mine ... and it's all self-defense after.

Except that there are a lot of INNOCENT people in those liberal cities. Look at it through the filter of the situation as it preempted WW2. Did people say "why should I care what Germany is doing to their Jews? It isn't my country... The Jews stood by and did nothing while Hitler came to power so it's their own problem." No, I don't think that is the right answer.... These people ARE our countrymen and we need to address this before it grows into something bigger and far more out of control.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: CIAGypsy

It ends with us all getting stung to death by Murder Hornets.

Maybe we should round up all the Murder Hornets and send them back where they came from?

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: CIAGypsy

This is today's generation. The weakest generation. We will look back at this time in shame. Not for police brutality, no, we will remember the entitled youth and weak leadership that cowered in their homes in fear of the flu. A generation of politically correct weaklings, who raged mindlessly, in the richest nation on the planet, for more handouts. A generation trained by media and elites to hate their country.

Crazy stupid kids and their entitlement to...*checks notes*...not being murdered by the government.

What are they thinking.

Yeah, except that the people rioting and looting and destroying businesses and people's livelihoods are NOT doing it because of George Floyd. They are doing it because no one is stopping them and they can get away with it.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: underwerks

Trust fund upper middle class whites typically are not targets of police killings.

Not even within the narrative.

You could make the case that trust fund ANY RACE are not the targets of police killings. It isn't about race but about WEALTH PRIVILEGE.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: CIAGypsy

it stops when we end the capitalist system of profit before people and planet
when we are no longer warring for resources and we are a unified species

Ive seen 3 videos of economics professors from across the world state that the only way this ends is if we replace capitalism with a new model that doesnt exploit humanity

And what system are you proposing here? Socialism? Communism? Go to Venezula and live there for a month then come back and tell me about that "new model"

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Dumbass

Kinda like only be able to register an account on a conspiracy website by using one of the big techs social media accounts. 

That really irks me.

Thankfully I made an account before that for whatever it's worth.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: Dumbass

Kinda like only be able to register an account on a conspiracy website by using one of the big techs social media accounts. 

That really irks me.

Thankfully I made an account before that for whatever it's worth.

It isn't just conspiracy sites that try to put you in that corner. I don't do social media of any type and I run into this problem all the time.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 11:04 AM
I would say total centralized corporate dependency. Like this. The link, to be clear, is complete Happytopia propoganda and marketing.

The destabilizing forces focus on the US first, then slowly kneecap the entire west.

This has been, and will be done, by directing people who believe they are fighting for their ideals in a way that serves the technofascist, corporate end. Which, for now is general destabilization, economic weakening, and general infrastructure depletion (like the medical apparatus).

Compliance will be enforced with everything from social blackmail to biometric ID to drones and robots. Human-based enforcement will dwindle.

Mass forced vaccinations, kickstarting a cycle of illness and disease that will be exceedingly profitable as well as make the serfs easier to keep in line.

Persecution of any ideologies or thoughts that diverge from the inculcated hiveminds (2 of 'em, replete with drones, warrior, and queens). "Individualism" will be highly demonized, "decentralization" will have a carefully crafted Narrative to ensure it doesnt happen.

People will be "so surprised" when they learn that corporate technofascists currently already hold positions of power in government. Instead of just being "silly billies" in 2020, they were intentionally working towards a very specific end under the guise of incompetence.

They will end everything from capitalism as we know it, to eradicating any means, methods, or even thoughts of autonomy or self-determination. ..And people will cheer and beg for it in equal measure.

"The new normal," if you will. Its success banks on the notion of people bickering over media planted seeds of manipulation and an already extensive dependency on centralized systems for food, power, manufacturing..

Oh, and at some point, enough people will figure out that its not all just a bunch of coincidences and will likely mount an armed resistance. This is all according the The Plan though, and will be used as such.

As long as the serfs dont start adopting the means & tools for self-sufficiency, and as long as they keep getting mindf&#(ed by the news, social media platforms, etc. It will succeed.
edit on 5-6-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 11:24 AM
I predict that things will get worse as far as racial tensions go. This current influx of protest and violence is just the tip of the iceberg.
I can see a huge event occurring in either a large city or a very unlikely place that results in much pain and death. The reaction from TPTB will be to enforce police-state actions permanently.
I see this all recurring once the trials of the 4 guilty officers begins, they get acquitted or slapped on the wrist due to evidence presented (which nobody will like) and the powder-keg we're currently fueling will go BOOM
I predict low-income areas will look like Beirut in the 80s when this is done, more and more people of low-income status will become reliant on the government for basic needs and "welfare zones" will be established, under heavy guard and control mind you.

To me, the markers are all there for this to happen.
Contact Tracing (tattletale apps)
"The New Normal" as if they're selling us on the upcoming change
Mobilized Nat'l Guard
Pre-planned hostilities during protests (bricks)
The slowly growing division of support i.e. Black Lives vs Blue Lives vs All Lives
The now-acceptable practice of support-shaming. You can't say you support a cause without saying Floyd's name etc.

It totally disgusts me and I hope I'm wrong on ALL of this.

my 2c. Be safe all

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 11:33 AM
How little get it...well planned for years..a reply to: DBCowboy

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