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New leaked video of black jogger gunned down by a white father and son duo

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posted on May, 8 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi

Frankly I don't care about the racial angle, I don't bite on that crap, all I know is I don't like vigilante assholes taking the law into their own hands. We have enough problems with cops acting like judge and jury, we don't need private citizens doing the same yahoo nonsense.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Is it racist to point out his name sound like "Armed Robbery"?

Ahmaud Arbery

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:06 AM
Newest article.

In a press conference Friday morning, GBI Director Vic Reynolds said that "there was more than sufficient probable cause" to charge the McMichaels with felony murder in the case. The bureau made the arrests within 36 hours of beginning their investigation. He said that the investigation was ongoing and they were looking into other potential suspects as well.

According to his friends and family, he was an avid runner. A Satilla Shores resident told The Brunswick News they had seen him jogging several times in the neighborhood off of the U.S. Route 17 where he was killed. 

What We Know

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
Yes, that if you read, had this to say:

However, Waycross District Attorney George Barnhill wrote that there is video of Arbery "burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation."[4]

Which answers the posters question, I believe?

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: bastion

For months we heard "hands up don't shoot" and saw people from NFL players to ABC news anchors holding their hands up with emotional looks on their faces. Months... Only to find out it was all a lie just like everyone else had been saying.

Let's not get too caught up in innocence until the real story finally unfolds. It only makes things worse.

I just don't know what details could come out that will make what they did legal. I mean whether he had done something he shouldn't have, I just don't think grabbing a gun, jumping in a truck and hunting someone down, which ends in death, is gonna be legal. Had they caught him in their house or maybe even committing a crime and attacking them in the process, they would have a chance. In this case I don't think so.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Sorry i do not appreciate you claiming i do not have the narrative straight (when i may just simply have a different narrative than yours, and thats the whole point here, to figure out the true/right narrative) and then simply dismissing me, and irregardless I did mention they stopped him before in my post. But again, i do not see that as life threatening in and of itself. I.E. accosting (if by this you mean simply approach, it has yet to be proven they did so "aggressively") and impeding him is not the same as intending to harm him.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Jaellma
Some more things to note:

1. The deceased is a well known runner/jogger and was also a hs football player
2. The adjoining neighborhoods are heavily segregated and not as racially mixed as some would want to believe.
3. Person who recorded the crime was also pursuing the jogger and was supposedly armed at the time
4. The following day after the shooting, father of the shooter reportedly was bragging on FB how his son gunned down the jogger.
5. Even after repeated pleas, the video of the shooting was never released to the family of the deceased up until a "Good Samaritan" within the circle of family and friends of the shooter and company relented to good conscience and decided to release it publicly.
6. The name of the 3rd person chasing the jogger is Brian Williams

More to come

Here, I'll help add to your list:

7. The deceased was also a well-known criminal who had a history of running away from the crime scene - well-known runner indeed.
8. The deceased was also from a well-known criminal family with at least a brother and cousin currently behind bars.
9. The sensationalism of how great of a community member he was can stop right here.

Sad he is dead. But the story is not "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism". Stop with that crap.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
Is it racist to point out his name sound like "Armed Robbery"?

Ahmaud Arbery

Maybe, but the fact that he wasn't armed makes it irrelevant.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: FellowHuman


Dam you America

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: primus2012

Sad he is dead. But the story is not "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism". Stop with that crap.

No the story is that two men killed another man they assumed was a criminal. When he should have been arrested, tried, and sentenced by acting Law Enforcement.

Now to men will be sent to jail and their lives will never be the same. Sometimes, you just can't fix stupid.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: primus2012

originally posted by: Jaellma
Some more things to note:

1. The deceased is a well known runner/jogger and was also a hs football player
2. The adjoining neighborhoods are heavily segregated and not as racially mixed as some would want to believe.
3. Person who recorded the crime was also pursuing the jogger and was supposedly armed at the time
4. The following day after the shooting, father of the shooter reportedly was bragging on FB how his son gunned down the jogger.
5. Even after repeated pleas, the video of the shooting was never released to the family of the deceased up until a "Good Samaritan" within the circle of family and friends of the shooter and company relented to good conscience and decided to release it publicly.
6. The name of the 3rd person chasing the jogger is Brian Williams

More to come

Here, I'll help add to your list:

7. The deceased was also a well-known criminal who had a history of running away from the crime scene - well-known runner indeed.
8. The deceased was also from a well-known criminal family with at least a brother and cousin currently behind bars.
9. The sensationalism of how great of a community member he was can stop right here.

Sad he is dead. But the story is not "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism". Stop with that crap.

No. They are white supremacists who lynched an unarmed black man. They have also lied to the police. He was a well know jogger in the neighborhood. Neighbors have already reported that to the press. He's a well know football player. Shame on you.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: FellowHuman
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Sorry i do not appreciate you claiming i do not have the narrative straight (when i may just simply have a different narrative than yours, and thats the whole point here, to figure out the true/right narrative) and then simply dismissing me, and irregardless I did mention they stopped him before in my post. But again, i do not see that as life threatening in and of itself. I.E. accosting (if by this you mean simply approach, it has yet to be proven they did so "aggressively") and impeding him is not the same as intending to harm him.

Two guys in a truck with guns, chasing you down, blocking your path, possibly wanting to carry out their justice doesn't seem life threatening to you? I don't know about that. I don't know the history. But there are many ways I could see it as life threatening.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:35 AM
Sounds like the narrative is not correct and he was not out jogging. He was running from a crime he committed. He knew he was caught. He had been there before...and at night.


There were two 911 calls just before the shooting. One call was from the man who filmed it. The other is here.

That call was one of two placed to 911 relating to Arbery's supposed suspicious behavior in the moments before the shooting, with a second made to the non-emergency number of the Brunswick Police Department.

'There's a guy in the house right now, a house under construction,' says the caller, whose name has been redacted in the two-minute clip, obtained by

He tells the operator the property is at 219 or 220 Satilla Drive, which would be around 500 yards from the home where Travis and Gregory McMichael live.

'And you said someone's breaking into it right now?' the operator asks.

'No, it's all open, it's under construction,' the caller explains. 'And he's running right now, there he goes right now.'

The operator replies: 'Okay, what is he doing?

'He's running down the street,' the caller says.

'Okay, that's fine. I'll get them out there. I just need to know what he was doing wrong,' the operator says.

The caller alleges that Arbery had been seen previously in the neighborhood.

'He's been caught on the camera a bunch before at night,' he claims, 'It's kind of an ongoing thing out here.'

Now. I am not saying I agree with going after someone who may have robbed or was casing a house however. Up to the point where the victim attacked the guy with the shotgun. However, this kid was known to the two guys and they knew his past and his gun charge so I think I might have gone in cautious.

The media is sensationalizing the death of a kid and making it sound like a lynching. Horrible. This should have to do with common sense not race.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: primus2012

originally posted by: Jaellma
Some more things to note:

1. The deceased is a well known runner/jogger and was also a hs football player
2. The adjoining neighborhoods are heavily segregated and not as racially mixed as some would want to believe.
3. Person who recorded the crime was also pursuing the jogger and was supposedly armed at the time
4. The following day after the shooting, father of the shooter reportedly was bragging on FB how his son gunned down the jogger.
5. Even after repeated pleas, the video of the shooting was never released to the family of the deceased up until a "Good Samaritan" within the circle of family and friends of the shooter and company relented to good conscience and decided to release it publicly.
6. The name of the 3rd person chasing the jogger is Brian Williams

More to come

Here, I'll help add to your list:

7. The deceased was also a well-known criminal who had a history of running away from the crime scene - well-known runner indeed.
8. The deceased was also from a well-known criminal family with at least a brother and cousin currently behind bars.
9. The sensationalism of how great of a community member he was can stop right here.

Sad he is dead. But the story is not "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism". Stop with that crap.

Maybe you need to direct your angst towards someone who specifically told you the story is "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism"...those were your words...never mine.

instead of piling on me with your racist bias maybe you need to focus those energies on people telling you what you claim I said. So, stop coming at me with crap, nonsense, and idiotic rambling stupidity. Get on it with the folks riling you up. Got it! Good!

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:51 AM
I spent a few of my teen years in Brunswick, Georgia. Granted, this was in the mid to late '80's but I remember a distinct racial divide existing in that town.
Lots of generation-spanning hatred (fear) of "others" barely disguised as pride (insecurity) in their own.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: game over man

You honestly believe these two men are white supremacists and hunted down and murdered a black man innocently out jogging?

Let's look at your statements

1. They are white supremacists - No Proof. So I guess all black people are Black Panthers right?
2. who lynched an unarmed black man - Nope. There was an altercation and someone was shot.
3. They have lied to police - IS they the shooter? His family? So now not only are they card carrying KKK members they are lying to police?
4. Well known jogger - Actually, the only reason he was 'well known' in that area was people seeing him case homes.
5. Well known football player - who cares if even one person knew him and he played football at one time. He also brought a .380 to school at 13. I'd worry more about that then his 40yd time
6. Shame on you for creating a racial narrative. Because if this was 2 white guys who shot a white guy or 2 black guys who shot a black guy or even 2 black guys that shot a white kid....None of you would give two #s...

to be brutally honest....why would they wait til broad daylight and do this if they wanted to and it was pre-meditated? Why not just wait till he comes back again at night and murder him?
edit on Maypm31pmf0000002020-05-08T12:04:59-05:001259 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: game over man

originally posted by: primus2012

originally posted by: Jaellma
Some more things to note:

1. The deceased is a well known runner/jogger and was also a hs football player
2. The adjoining neighborhoods are heavily segregated and not as racially mixed as some would want to believe.
3. Person who recorded the crime was also pursuing the jogger and was supposedly armed at the time
4. The following day after the shooting, father of the shooter reportedly was bragging on FB how his son gunned down the jogger.
5. Even after repeated pleas, the video of the shooting was never released to the family of the deceased up until a "Good Samaritan" within the circle of family and friends of the shooter and company relented to good conscience and decided to release it publicly.
6. The name of the 3rd person chasing the jogger is Brian Williams

More to come

Here, I'll help add to your list:

7. The deceased was also a well-known criminal who had a history of running away from the crime scene - well-known runner indeed.
8. The deceased was also from a well-known criminal family with at least a brother and cousin currently behind bars.
9. The sensationalism of how great of a community member he was can stop right here.

Sad he is dead. But the story is not "2 white satan nazi's killed an innocent black child for no reason other than racism". Stop with that crap.

No. They are white supremacists who lynched an unarmed black man. They have also lied to the police. He was a well know jogger in the neighborhood. Neighbors have already reported that to the press. He's a well know football player. Shame on you.

I am not shamed nor ashamed sorry; mainly because I am not eating up the story as told by the media. They insert emotion and omit facts to get their point across to readers/viewers that buy it wholesale. The shame lies upon those that twist the narrative (and also upon those that accept what they are given as gospel and refuse to ask questions).

I believe that any life lost is sad and tragic; doesn't matter what the person looks like, what color skin they have, how old they are - from conception to 120 years old, or where they come from. I think it is sad and tragic when a baby is aborted, when an innocent is killed by any means, when someone takes their own life, when a criminal dies during a crime, when a murderer is executed. Bad choices led to those killings. Bad choices lead to murder, to abortion, to suicide, to execution, to war. Bad choices by others influence how a life begins and ends. Bad choices by individuals often lead to their own demise.

If the McMichaels targeted the deceased because he was black and they wanted a modern day lynching to take place, then they need to burn in the fire-y-pits of hell for all of eternity. If they set out to kill someone they suspected of robbing their neighbors then they need to face the penalties according to the full extent of Georgia law. If they set out to apprehend someone they thought was a criminal and turn him over to the police but ended up killing him, then they need to face the penalties according to the full extent of Georgia law.
Before facing any penalties, they need to be given a fair trial. We'll let God sort out the eternal justice and a grand-jury/jury for the justice rendered unto man. Justice is not determined by Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Rush Limbaugh, nor John Q. ATSer.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Which answers the posters question, I believe?

That's the buffoon who had to recuse himself for not disclosing he had a professional relationship with one of the accused.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: FellowHuman
...and impeding him is not the same as intending to harm him.

Yeah? How do you read someone's mind? Are you able to infer what an armed person is trying to accomplish when they accost you more than once?

The clowns have been charged at this point, let the legal system deal with them now.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

The clowns have been charged at this point, let the legal system deal with them now.

As it should have been for the jogger, too. But why quibble, right??

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