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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

they were also dramatic about the dangers of the virus when it was in China and I was the minority then too.


That “information” card is a little dramatic and I would expect there to be no scientific basis of confirmation with “facts” which is fine if people want to believe it.

I'm sure you are aware the UK MRHA is the equivalent of your FDA and our Yellow Card scheme is the equivalent to your VAERS. Neither reporting systems are perfect but it's all we have to monitor a un-licensed medicine.

in older less reliable vaccines that are more likely to cause these effects.

Which vaccines are you talking about please? Mumps, Rubella, yellow fever (often cited when it comes to vaccine passports), diphtheria, whooping cough, cholera?

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

You left out the big one, influenza vaccine, the yellow card thing is like our reporting system but the actual site handles it a little differently than that card. Vaccines cause inflammation, they’re supposed to, the card lists inflammatory responses in an entire range of people with different unknown issues going on that could either be related to the vaccine or not.

Posting “facts” from social media just because it may reference subject matter experts doesn’t make it correct, it’s not different than these YouTube doctors who do have credentials yet they are making money off the opposite end of the spectrum opposed to the pharmaceutical companies. Telling half truths, sourced from compromised or uneducated sources and scaring people.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

You left out the big one, influenza vaccine,

Influenza vaccine is not a 'vaccine' in the strictest sense of the word. Much like C19 jab, it has to be adapted seasonally. I mentioned the other vaccines because they are 'one off' jabs that do what they say on the tin and job done. Oh, and Flu kills more people seasonally than C19 has done, jab or no jab.

the yellow card thing is like our reporting system but the actual site handles it a little differently than that card.

So what? What is your point exactly? Like I said its the best we have at the moment. If neither system existed we would never know about the adverse reactions to this jab or any other vaccine or medication (the yellow card scheme has been in existence in the UK for a very long time for all medicines. I can't comment on VAERS)

Vaccines cause inflammation, they’re supposed to, the card lists inflammatory responses in an entire range of people with different unknown issues going on that could either be related to the vaccine or not.

Yes, vaccines can cause an inflammatory response doh! But to the detriment of otherwise perfectly healthy people who have no underlying health issues left with some debilitating illness? Seriously? You think this is OK?

Posting “facts” from social media just because it may reference subject matter experts doesn’t make it correct,

Neither does posting 'facts' from the likes of Fauci or our Witty!

I understand you have taken the jab. Fair play to you. I chose not to because I have the T&B cells for it and following my GP's advice not to have it because I have that natural immunity.
However, as time goes on, one of us is going to get 'blown out of the water' and will have to 'eat crow' I believe is the same as eating humble pie. I'll be quite happy to do that if I am proven wrong. Will you?
Further, I know of only one single person who died with C19. Older and underlying respiratory issues. On the other hand I know of several who have Long Covid, something way back February/March last year I suspected we would see. But the more worrying of my 'personal and direct statistics' is the amount of people contacting me with adverse reactions to the jab. THAT by far is my greatest concern and is literally growing on a daily basis! Two people in last 24 hours, one in hospital with adverse reactions and C19 positive, the other who can't get to the top of his stairs for lack of breath, totally lethargic and by just speaking to him (I have known him for 40+ years) it's like he has early stages dementia Perfectly coherent and sensible 3-4 months ago, but not since having his jab. He now sorely regrets it.

So forgive me if what I am seeing and hearing DIRECTLY from people affected is 99% higher than the 1% death I know of and is skewing my judgement.
Like I said, time will tell and I sincerely hope and pray you wont be one of the ones affected further down the line.


edit on am78America/ChicagoSaturday2021-07-31T08:55:05-05:0008America/Chicago07000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree but I’m sticking with immunology and what I know regarding molecular medicine. I do recommend you research the source of some of these alternative med doctors, they have just as much financial interest as the other side. Their goal is to make money not help people. Fauci is a moron, so is the WHO, plus the people I went to school and trained with at Pfizer, that worked on the vaccine aren’t crazy, well at least not mad scientist muhahahaha crazy. You either vaccinate everyone or expose everyone there is no midpoint and we have messed that up very badly and it has the potential to kill more people than this vaccine conspiracy.

We’re probably both wrong, you do usually have a good gut or sixth sense so let’s analyze that and we can throw in some science. Long COVID, people expressing viral antigen in areas of the body with long lasting cells or in areas that are supposed to be sterile. If you look at the card you listed and the organ systems impacted you should notice a couple unique trends.

I don’t think the vaccine is causing these issues, I think we have a crap public health net and people are developing these other issues, getting vaccinated, having immune system problems, and then responding with this immune response that goes out and is hyper vigilant in these areas of the body. I would expect much of it to be viral antigens being presenting in these cells or antigen presenting cells that is similar to the virus and the immune system having an aha moment and nuking the area. It’s a little too similar to cohorts we use in animal research when we challenge the animals after exposure to the pathogen and whatever variable we are analyzing. The only thing that makes sense to me is infection has allowed it to spread to these other areas and they may not even know they are infected.

mRNA in the state it exists in the vaccine, with the ingredients published just can’t persist long enough in the body to cause these issues, that’s basic genetics and the central dogma. So it has to be something else that we aren’t considering that is causing these issues, latent infection or a genetic issue in the host sounds like a good place to start to me.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: angelchemuel.

This site has really shown how resistant the population will be to genetic vaccines in the future and that is unfortunate.

I would say the majority here are fine with vaxines, just not this one, and for (lots of) good reason(s)!

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

My cousin is an eighty-year-old RN in Australia who did not want the Jab, it seems the only one they are handing out is the Astra Zeneca, she checked with her Doc who said she was on the right stuff for any reaction. Blood thinners and blood pressure medication. She said if she didn't get the Jab she would be in a lockdown situation and couldn't go anywhere. She said she was fine for a few hours but then was bedridden with flu-like symptoms which landed her in Bed for three days but is fine now. I am thinking how fair is it to make people of this age go through this Especially when the death rate is less than the road traffic rate. this is in Queensland. Queensland returned to lockdown, still can get the flu anyway, but just played a game of Russian roulette at an age when the stress levels should be removed because her freedom would be gone if she refused the jab.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

don’t think the vaccine is causing these issues, I think we have a crap public health net and people are developing these other issues, getting vaccinated, having immune system problems, and then responding with this immune response

Again its Pfizer and moderna who made these mRNA sorry but these ones i still dont trust not to mention the shady history of Pfizer with drug recalls and lawsuits.

No one here has a issue with traditional vaxs.

edit on 31-7-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

The mRNA is still new dispute that it has being under research for 30+ years? the mRNAs had being researched for mostly cancer and Prophylactic mRNA Vaccination against Allergies.

edit on 31-7-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

It has a couple decades of viral research and vaccine research as well.

It’s the future, society will get used to genetic vaccines as we move forward, people just get scared of what they don’t understand and it’s been that way for as long as we have recorded history.

Vaccine hesitancy will continue and people will wonder why they get sick or have other issues. Genetic vaccines have the potential to cure everything but at this point I’m beating a dead horse trying to explain molecular biology to people who don’t study it. I still have no idea where people got the idea it persists, changes genes, modifies responses, anything really but lucky for us, they stayed out of the scientific field for the most part.

People seem to think that Pfizer and Moderna can fit so much genetic material into a small amount of space to cause these changes not realizing how difficult it is to do that rather than build a blueprint of virus protein.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

I get it, but I don’t believe they are the Umbrella Corporation. I think we’re seeing neurological and long lasting COVID in these organ systems combined with genetic issues which are significantly under diagnosed and happen more often in the young and old since they can’t deal with it like the other age groups.

I just hope they stop dragging this thing out and let it burn out rather than limit vaccine programs and shutting down society over and over again. That will make it worse.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Nice to hear from from you once again, Keep up the good work.


posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Why couldn’t the mRNA vaccines cause damage to healthy tissue?

My understanding is the mRNA “vaccines” will infect a healthy cell (any cell) and then get to work manufacturing spike proteins. Those spike proteins are then expressed on the membrane of the healthy cell, whereby the immune system (t cells and natural killer cells?) come along and recognizes the antigen as foreign and then destroys that cell. B cells generate antibodies to the spike protein and bind to the antigen later on ( the memory immunity). So if the above is correct, and a portion of the “vaccines” do make it to other systems in the body and infect heart cells or neurons, endothelial cells, or a number of tissue types that don’t repair themselves very easily, are we not sacrificing those cells every time we get an injection? Is there permanent damage done with every injection?

This is the difference between the traditional vaccines and these new mRNA ones, correct? —where the traditional, you’re just injecting the antigen into the blood where the immune system can react directly with it— and the mRNA vaccines sacrifice your own healthy tissue to generate the immunity, no?

What is the dose? Is it 40-80 trillion mRNA molecules that are injected? How much of the injection stays local to the injection site? How much is passed throughout the body? Can the expressed spike proteins cleave off and bind to ace 2 receptors in the heart and endothelial cells, or other areas? What does the immune system do when it encounters a healthy cell with a spike protein attached?

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

No not exactly, you’re over simplifying it. Luckily my migraine is over, I had a nasty one yesterday, one of the worst and we have people getting delta at work, and it’s also why my posts are grumpier than usual. They want us to image deceased patients in virtual autopsies but everyone is afraid of it so much stricter protocols. You know when they start closing banks and businesses in hospital it is getting close again. Maybe it’s COVID yet again.

APCs (antigen presenting cells) are the primary target since this is a non-systemic route of injecting, IM. It’s also tailored, allegedly, for these cells. If it wasn’t we would have rotting out holes in our arms right? It happens in vaccine trials in animals. CD8 cells will target the cells presenting viral spike protein, antibodies can help bind and tag it for destruction as well. This is a solid delivery system because SARS-CoV-2 suppresses APCs helping us overcome that obstacle. APCs are attracted to the site of injection because of DAMPs and PAMPs being activated after injection and protein production, that is they can sense damage associated molecular patterns and pathogen associated once APCs take up the mRNA.

The injection stays local, you’ll notice that it spreads to the proximal lymph nodes from the injection site, especially those that have larger ones. This means APCs are taking antigen to the lymph nodes. With any vaccine the viral proteins are broken down and presented by MHCs in signal rich lipid rafts of the cell membrane, it would not be productive if they were still active.

Exosome generation containing viral proteins is a popular one that these disinformation doctors love to push. What they forgot to mention is that in those studies excessive doses were used and viruses specifically generated to do this were used, luckily for us the mRNA vaccines aren’t a virus and don’t do this. That is one way for this to occur and there are viruses that use it.

The immune system won’t find a healthy cell with a spike protein attached because it would be have been internalized after binding. If it finds cells presenting portions of the antigen and it knows it’s foreign, that cell is tagged for destruction. This can happen through apoptotic pathways or a cytotoxic T cell can come and initiate the process. APCs of the innate immune system may come and grab them too.

Traditional vaccines and mRNA vaccines both do the same thing. They both result in portions of pathogen antigen being presented in the cell membrane to initiate the process. mRNA let’s us use that specific target that works best rather than other targets that can result in antibody dependent entry or other immune problems. This results in humoral immunity from B cells and cell mediated immunity from T cells. It also results in innate immunity stimulation because we are teaching the APCs to better recognize molecular patterns in pathogens.

I believe all this associated tissue tropism and other issues are from a genetic anomaly in the patient or they have a COVID infection or something similar in these sensitive organ systems.

One example I love is the OMG the placenta is similar to this sequence, it’s a sterility campaign! Anyone with a few college courses in molecular and microbiology will immediately realize many things have similar sequences yet they fold completely differently and this won’t happen. Look up the four components of protein structures. People also forget the central dogma and direction of gene expression and make crazy claims of mRNA using half truths and scaring people for no reason.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:09 PM
UK update.
And guess what-I am far from impressed with the idea.

Boris and co have decided the latest way to encourage younger people to get the vaccine is to offer discount takeaway and Uber taxi vouchers.

I # you not.

So the much touted healthy eating/excersise drive(due to the obvious connection between obesity and high death rates from covid) goes up in smoke then.

Fancy a side of diabeties with your vaccine?
Step right up.
No actually-don't step,get a taxi.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse
I’ve been very surprised at how quickly people went back to getting takeaways. You have no idea how many people, nor the level of PPE has interacted with your meal by the time it gets to you. Surely it’s a no brainier that of all things to be cautious about top of the list must be stuff you shove into your cake hole!

Simmilar story with taxis! A small, confined space that’s been occupied regularly by others before you, as well as the drivers who must near the top of the list as potential super spreaders.

Richie Sunak (the chancellor) is an ambitious twat who thinks solely about the economy. His I’ll conceived ‘eat out’ gimmick before Xmas to try and kick start the hospitality industry has been attributed in some quarters to contributing in no small way to the post Xmas surge that killed tens of thousands (imo, of course it bloody did!)

Not only did he somehow escape repercussions for that, but he’s now at it again 🤦‍♂️

edit on 1-8-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: McGinty
Indeed McGinty.
Are we not blessed to have such an effective government in these difficult times?

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Your reply is both misleading and speculative, with some parts verbatim from the Pfizer submissions, but we both know that is not what is actually happening, right? Nice touch with the opening paragraph, but if I could give you one criticism, a little too over-the-top with the bit about the delta variant fear leading to more business and bank closings...

But that’s not what gave you away. The symbology in your avatar. The distortion of the caduceus, for those that can’t see it search “dark caduceus” in google images.

Prove the injections stay local to the injection site in everyone. Your response is at best speculative. Just because the local lymph nodes are swelling does not mean the mRNA liposomal vesicles did not travel around the body in a lower concentration. Your response makes it seem as if APCs are just sitting there waiting at the injection site...that is not what happens.

You danced around the answer to whether every cell that the mRNA enters ends up dying. One word, Yes or no.

Do traditional vaccines destroy healthy tissue? Yes or No

You danced around the answer to what happens when spike protein travels around the body and attaches to ace2 receptors on the heart and blood vessels.

Your answers are based on theory, and the actual data tells a different story.

Explain the hundreds of thousands of reported adverse reactions. Why would the heart swell in a small number of people? Why would there be nerve damage? You really believe that’s a genetic anomaly? What genetic anomaly? Don’t you think we should know the answer to these questions before we continue giving these experimental medical treatments to people who absolutely do not need them?

Explain the 10000% increase in VAERs first 6 months of the year, and don’t give the line about how anyone can log onto vaers and enter a case anonymously...I don’t buy that for a second. You can go to jail for a long time for submitting a fraudulent case on VAERs.

Explain the lawsuit from the cdc whistleblower regarding coverup of over 45000 deaths potentially related to the “vaccines”.

Explain the censorship and smearing of any Doctor that comes out against the prescribed narrative? Why not an open debate and discussion regarding the science? Why the need to censor and attack those people personally?

In three words or less, what is the dose of total mRNA molecules in the trillions for both Pfizer and Moderna?

You clearly have some abvanced immunological training, but you’re a bad actor in my book. Too many black flags.

edit on 1-8-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

It’s the worst of governments at the worst of times. Perfect storm!

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter
I just came across an article with some research that you might find interesting -

- I think it backs up your points, if I've read it correctly.

link: mRNA vax & non-neutralizing antibodies

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Here is a bit of backup to the discussion related as whether the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer) remains in the localized injection site.

And the linked Pfizer’s own bio distribution study (Japanese)

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