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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: carewemust

She shut down bars last night 7 1 2020 at midnight except where her summer home is and the UP. The warning didn't get out till after 5. People hate her.

Talked to a friend of mine and he's not closing again and the local Legion isn't closing again.

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: johnb
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Sorry can't resist - told you it'd be higher than you thought (cases) last month.

Also new daily cases have doubled in the USA since the start of the month but obviously that's nothing to do with any protests (cough)

Yes but only 18.9% more than the maximum predicted. What is positive is that the deaths are less than predicted by 100k again around 20% out.

We shall just have to see what happens between now and Dec and particularly if there are 2nd waves, but having said that first waves are still ongoing.

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

Er, you really do love to twist my words so you can have a rant about your personal misgivings! I suggested Leicester lockdown is a knee jerk response to English dummies hitting the beaches en mass. If you remotely agree there’s a virus out there, then such scenes are a petri dish for its spread. If Leicester‘s new lockdown were designed to be covered relentlessly by the press in order to convince the beach dummies that behaving like that will spread the virus, then i would back it as a temporary measure necessary because the Tories haven’t presented a clear message. They’re forever course correcting their own cock ups.

I’m not sure what you expect from ending lockdown just like that and telling people to go to the high street and shop for Britain. That’s what the moron Boris was saying 2 weeks ago and because of that the hard of thinking assumed that meant the virus was all gone away now.

We can’t stay locked down forever and I’ve never asked for that. Of course it makes people suffer - I’m a tv freelancer and there’s no work for me so long as social distancing is in place. Nor do I qualify for the financial help 90% of people are getting because I operate as a small business. I’m fooked until, this is over. But common sense and foresight dictate that if we come out of lockdown too rapidly and without effective track and trace (which the U.K. doesn’t have) then the R rate rises and we’ll end up being in lockdown even longer because of our rush.

But thanks as ever for your ‘telling off’. You’re obviously very angry about the virus preventing many making a living. I know how that feels. There’s not much I can do I’m afraid, apart from hope as many as possible find a way through. There’s huge problems caused by lockdown and huge problems caused by not locking down. The best weapon we currently have is social distancing - the more of us take personal responsibility to do this, the lower the R rate and the safer it is for those that need other medical or psychological help right now to get it.

There are no good options, just the least bad one which imo is to persevere with lockdown until the R rate is low and until effective track and trace is in place so infection clusters can be nipped in the bud. Then we can get out of lockdown and have realistic chance of staying out. If the English can’t take personal responsibility and are determined to ignore common sense, then we’ll hit a second wave, just like parts of the US are now encountering, and another perhaps longer full lockdown will commence.

I’m not sure how my post on Leicester led you to Brexit And Scotland (I’ve already told you I live in England), but I guess you enjoy ranting at me and if that distracts you from your problems, then feel free.

Humm because you brought it up --

originally posted by: McGinty
But in trying to keep the virus simmering Boris has sent to message to the hard of thinking in the U.K. that it’s all and dumb brits are hitting beaches, the high streets and acting as if it’s all over without safety measures, or any distancing whatsoever. Boris just wants Covid to simmer Until BREXIT’s done, but also not get ousted for it spreading too much in the meantime (he’ll want that second wave as the bad deal is signed with the EU and we flunk out). It’s a fine line.

In the inevitable virus inquiry he can hold up Leicester and say, “Look, I acted when necessary.” Perhaps Leicester doesn’t need to be locked down - we don’t know the exact true r number there. But in spite of, or rather because of Boris’ venal schemes Brits need to know that it’s not all over and acting like twats will send the r number soaring again. Like I said, Boris is saving that for BREXIT, but we all need to see that it’s up to us to avoid it happening at all.

The government being venal psychos ...And locking down a city being the for the best are not mutually exclusive. See past your paranoia - see people dying - deny ignorance.

I did ask you about your location I asked if YOU would be happy if SCOTLAND was forced to take in 1,000s of boat people.

You have a complete hate for the English - except for all your friends and ..... read your own posts change the word English for BLACK and you might understand how your post as a non-English person reads to those Tory English people.

Agree with you on

The best weapon we currently have is social distancing - the more of us take personal responsibility to do this, the lower the R rate and the safer it is for those that need other medical or psychological help right now to get it.

However if the individual countries acted like their own bubbles and close all borders with the isolation of individuals in the originating country and/or destination country we might stop a spread of the different mutations.

Which NZ is an example had eradicated the virus internally then allowed 2 women visiting from Britain to break quarantine and now have 18 active Cases.

Hoping the Swiss study might be true and the HERD immunity can be redefined. Hoping with new treatments and preventive measures it will not be a deadly as predicted ( already down from 3.4% to less than 0.3% )

Have a nice day and hope you try to understand "bias" is not only a skin colour problem it's perceived cultural difference one.

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 05:13 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere :


posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
It’s equally clear that by saying it’s sensible to avoid large gatherings and respect distancing until the R number is lower I’ll be accused by some of denying their freedoms, causing poverty and killing people who have cancer.

All we are saying is, if you feel the need to socially distance, have at it.

Just please stop insisting on forcing your views on everyone else.

If we want to go out an not socially distance, then we should be free to do so.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 06:13 AM
It seems there's a new strain of the virus among us... it has mutated yet again and become more infectious:

oronavirus: Deadly bug has mutated into a new, more infectious strain, scientists warn

cases around the world are now at over 10.6 million, and now a new study suggests that most of those cases are caused by a new, more infection strain of the virus. Researchers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Duke University and University of Sheffield claim that a new variant called ‘D614G’ is now the most common strain. This variant includes a small but effective change in the ‘spike’ proteins on the virus’ surfaces, making it easier to enter and infect human cells. Dr Thushan de Silva, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases at the University of Sheffield, said: "We have been sequencing SARS-CoV-2 strains in Sheffield since early in the pandemic and this allowed us to partner with our collaborators to show this mutation had become dominant in circulating strains. “The full peer-reviewed study published today confirms this, and also that the new D614G genome mutation variant is also more infectious under laboratory conditions.

Dr Bette Korber, from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said: "It is possible to track SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) evolution globally because researchers worldwide are rapidly making their viral sequence data available through the GISAID viral sequence database. “Currently tens of thousands of sequences are available through this project, and this enabled us to identify the emergence of a variant that has rapidly become the globally dominant form." Thankfully, while the new strain is more infectious, the researchers don’t believe that it causes more severe disesase. Dr de Silva added: “Fortunately at this stage, it does not seem that viruses with D614G cause more severe disease.”

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

Amazing what a coincidence.

I am beginning to smell a rat. The biggest give away is the political riots in the streets. This new strain of flu that originated out of a country we ARE IN A TRADE WAR WITH I am beginning to think is a geo political stunt to remove the politicians who do not agree with globalism, a desperate and literal declaration of war if you ask me. Now its easy to devolve into the stupid mind control of partisan politics and divide ourselves, that's what they want they are counting on us to be stupid 🙄.

Almost 7 months later I am seeing some very disturbing things in the USA. Covid-19 is not as deadly as the democrats and the media is saying they are propagating it which should be considered treason, but again to many stupid people devolved into partisan politics. What i am seeing right now is TREASON. He'll i would have to make another thread to discuss that.

Don't belive everything you read on the internet. The closest thing that makes sense to what is going on is, WE ARE IN A WAR...

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Bicent

The ironic thing is you blame the democrats, then two second later, you complain about it devolving into stupid mind control of partisan politics. Definitely do make another thread, this one is for updates, not politics.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: asdfas

That is usually the problem - group a hates group b and they each deny completely anything the other side says - even if they were saying the same thing not so long ago.

Until people stop buying into all the LSM crap nothing will change unfortunately. (lame stream media)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: johnb
a reply to: asdfas

That is usually the problem - group a hates group b and they each deny completely anything the other side says - even if they were saying the same thing not so long ago.

Until people stop buying into all the LSM crap nothing will change unfortunately. (lame stream media)

Much of that issue seems to be people convinced they're not buying into the media when they clearly are.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: asdfas

I blamed no political party. I provided a tactical scenario, that appears to be in place, hypothesized by myself based off of the facts we have at the present on this Third day of July 2020 of our lord.

As far as a covid-19 update, technically my post by design is a update, whether people want to accept it or not, pull their pants up or not, covid-19 is more than just a flu virus strain, it is also a social and political topic, made that way by society..

Being quick to judge, is one of the reasons or the very reason, we are in the position we are in now, in the world.


posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 05:14 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere :


posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:22 PM
so WHO updates timelines changes history.

Wonder why the butt-covering is happening so soon? Is the some back story we are not aware of yet?

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

More infectious and less deadly, milder symptoms is what another article said about it.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Salander

Link please

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

Good find and thanks for sharing.

Seems like China may regret making an enemy of India in Kashmir. Obviously India now have an Axe to grind with China, but unless there’s a context omitted in this report (frankly I can’t imagine what that could be), then they’ve caught the WHO with their pants down. Seems the WHO lied in the first instance about China’s cooperation and now fear reprisal and are trying to erase those lies. Maybe it’s about them needing that US funding to return, but if so why not wait until November, since it’s looking ever more likely that Trump will be ousted. Like you said, it makes you wonder if there’s a missing piece of this jigsaw.

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

Interesting, but not unexpected to see the CCP doing some back peddling on this one. When you have to go back and start messing with the archives just so China appear a more innocent victim that is working hard, something stinks and it looks guilty to be such motivated.

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
I'm not triggered,

Claiming you're not triggered - while exhibiting classic triggered responses.

I agree - very very sad.

Also you didn't acknowledge your distasteful and ignorant comment

"old people die" - Yes this is a fact 👍🏻

Yes it is.

"is that tragic?" is a terrible thing to say,

It is a question, not a statement. One you never answered. Here, I'll help you...

Yes, it is tragic - but it is simply a part of the circle of life.

You are the most transparent person in these threads, and literally nobody is listening to you,

I guess that is why you keep responding...


posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

Sounds a little like (a perhaps more complex) fibromyalgia. undiagnosable pain and fatigue. More than anything it shows how little we really know about the physiological/neurological mechanisms.
Or it is just all in their head, and/or they're lying about it hoping for government handouts for the rest of their lives...

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: BPilgrim

Sorry I don't remember where I read it. Perhaps it was RT, I think the data was gathered in Europe somewhere.

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