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UK & Europe Lockdown Personal

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posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: stosh64

Alas most of the peasants are too busy signing on the dole to storm Windsor and the rest only take instructions from google or siri so not sure just how much storming would be done before the batteries ran out on their Iphones and of course there'd have to be the Health & Safety Checks first and then a committee meeting to ensure standards

Storming isn't what it was in my day that's for sure
I remember when....

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

You are going to make it through this, and your kids will get new employment. We are all in this together.

Things are strange here in California, but my family and friends don't know of anyone who is sick. Still waiting for it to hit here. I shop with gloves and a N52 mask on. They have everything except TP, PT, and disinfectants and rubbing alcohol. We can go out as we like, though restaurant dining and theaters are closed. Even the bong/head shops and grow stores are open here.

Its like we are all in a lottery and we are waiting to see if our number is going to be picked to give up the ghost

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:36 PM
I'm an awful person I know for just thinking of myself and family and for thinking short term, but I'm one of those people who like to consistency so I can plan my day/week
Not know when this is going to end is driving me nuts, not knowing if the shops will have food from day to day is driving me nuts and not know if I'm gonna even be here next week is again driving me nuts lol

I've been packed for my holiday for 2 months ....and we don't go till June but I holiday so rarely because its an expense I can personally not afford, that when the offer is made and its paid for I've been super excited as has my daughter as she hasn't been on holiday since 2003 either.

Even if this was all a scam fake hoax whatever, I just wish other people would be sensible and just let it pass by doing as advised so hopefully we can all get out of this without losing too many we know

I dunno I'm ranting because...the little things
a reply to: visitedbythem

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:38 PM
Here in Bristol, it is very strange also. A trip to the supermarket now takes 2 hours instead of 45 minutes. I queued today for around 20 minutes, then had to walk in one direction around the store. Although I had a list, I forgot a few things and had to follow the one way system. Just when I thought I was done I realised I had forgotten something else and ended up going around the one way system once again. We had to queue to join a queue to be served, but at least there was toilet paper, Tonight, my family went outside and clapped for me at 8.00pm. They were so happy with what I brought back, I felt like the hunter returning.

Remember pubs? They were great places.

Stay safe people, if you can’t, at least stay sane.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Bhadhidar

When the Huns were dropping bombs, the pubs still stayed open.

They wouldn’t have if those bombs were loaded with germs.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Dear God.

What happened to Britain's ""stiff upper lip"?

You should set the example to the world.

In the US, in some places, you can be arrested just for being out of your home.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Dear God.

What happened to Britain's ""stiff upper lip"?

You should set the example to the world.

In the US, in some places, you can be arrested just for being out of your home.

That was replaced by, “America’s got our back” in 1941.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:49 PM
Oh aye I had that in Tesco yesterday. Usually I pay up then go to the cig counter and get my baccy only I wasn't allowed lol it was cordoned off so I had to out and back in and the security guard didn't look best pleased. Apparently I should have done the cig counter first then followed the arrows and stopped when the person in front of me stopped which made the trip 10 times longer. Many of the remaining supermarkets now have signs up saying "no browsing". Its surreal.
so sorry its my first pandemic and I'm still learning the rules

a reply to: Cobaltic1978

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:50 PM
Oh believe me I do have the stiff upper lip but I'm hoping to get it sorted when I can finally get a doctors' appointment

a reply to: DBCowboy

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Sh#t cuz, we're a nation of pussies now.


posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I think it’s the majority of people’s first pandemic, it’s kind of fun in a strange way.

We are continuously learning and we now know how incompetently unprepared the Tories are when it comes to a real crisis. Organising tax loops, check. Arranging for our chums to be awarded big tax payer funded projects, check. Providing the frontline staff with personal protective equipment? Oh look, footballers taking the p**s.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy


But your president knows everything about everything. There has never been a president that knows everything about everything like he does. Surely he will find a way to save us?

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:04 PM
haha yeah we've become a part of history....we'll be spoken about in virtual reality history classes

I actually thought that they'd done a pretty ok job considering. I think Labour would have fannied about having discussions meetings and making sure no-one was offended before anything got done. I can't imagine setting up the entire country to go into lockdown, arranging payments for newly unemployed and furloughed staff, arranging field hospitals, organising supplies blah blah was easy and I think they did it all at a pretty fast pace! Mistakes have been made and of course the vagueness of the "laws" is coming out now, but not a bad job really. It was almost as if Labour and tories had swapped places! Who has ever heard of the Tories looking after the small man? strange times indeed

Of course, the systems already in place can't cope especially the DWP and the persistent underfunding of the NHS ain't helped either. Who knows? Maybe they'll see the light and stop syphoning it off to private health companies and shareholders
One can hope
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Trump knows all the best vurises, he's got the best viruses and no one else has the best.

It's bigly best.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:11 PM
Awww bless him...I think he means well he just isn't presidential material as he goes off script so often and seems to not understand how the world works. I think though he did a cracking job with North Korea.
I sort of like him for his bluntness and hope that all the gaffs he's made are due to bad advisors and not him personally but don't hold out much hope. Think he's screwed up on this corona lark though, but guess it doesn't help when every state does their own thing!
a reply to: DBCowboy

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:13 PM
What's strange is how long the shelves have been empty. It's not like our population jumped drastically or people are eating a lot more.

Most foodstuffs take time to get through the system and become a product... It wasn't over shopping either, as mentioned most Brits don't have the space to store that much food.

Oh yeah, power cuts is bs. Fuel is still being shipped around and the demand should be a lot less. There's no way employees use more energy at home than say in a car factory. Something's not quite right.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:18 PM
When you consider what the average home consumes as opposed to a huge factory or even a large office block it just doesn't compare.
I've been told by my holiday paying chum who works at Tesco that, much food is going to waste as wholesalers have lost so many contracts now to hotels & restaurants. Also, drivers are having problems getting stuff from Europe...quelle surprise!
Sainsburys was re stocked nicely On Monday I managed to get a few bits but come yesterday no milk, no bread, and as usual no pasta. I think people are going back numerous times because of the limits imposed

a reply to: RAY1990

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

We’ll never know if Labour would have dealt with it any better, but we sure know the last 10 years of austerity has impacted hugely. I could forgive them until I read that in 2017, they undertook an exercise to test the NHS’s resilience under a pandemic crisis and it failed miserably. They knew this and did nothing to rectify it. No additional funding, no additional equipment provided, just hoping that it would never happen.

I’ve been told we should not make it political, but when people are dying because of historical political decisions, then I will not bow to that request.

I hope we do not lose anymore frontline staff, but the lack of resources ultimately means we will.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:24 PM
Didn't know about that so yeah bad news
then again I DID know that Virgin Healthcare and others were chipping away at the NHS bit by bit, and also that on various boards of directors of these private companies were members of BOTH parties! As well as some famous names like Anita Roddick of Body Shop. Bradford Royal Infirmary is like a bloody strip mall now with wall to wall vending machines everything from toothbrushes to hairdryers! And they charge for everything and I mean everything! Its criminal.

Neither side really want the NHS, it was only supposed to last for 10yrs after the war its now considered an expensive burden but instead of just coming straight out and admitting they want it all privatised, they are doing it by stealth.
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I used to work in hospitality, this has been devastating for suppliers. A lot have done what they can but some things just can't be sold. I could cry for all the kegs of beer going bad. It's not cheap to get the proper system in place and getting the gas supply etc so it's all wasted beer.

My old manager who runs/ran a restaurant cooked the last of his stock and gave it away to care homes and stuff. More should be done for suppliers of the industry because there's literally tonnes of high quality food going to waste. That's just mental to me all the logistics and stuff are in place. It should be a simple operation to supply supermarkets. Repackaging is the only issue I can think of.

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