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Suspend Mortgage and Rent until we can work!

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: smurfy

Sure. Normal people matter.

And government response to the virus has screwed normal people.

Now we have normal people asking government for help to a problem that government has created.

I said ordinary people, that's a big difference. Ask any psychiatrist what is normal and they will poo on you, big time, not that is any accolade for psychiatry per se, just that psychiatry has no real definition for normality other than that same posture in general, or behaviour is clearly not what most of us experience.

I do agree though that it is possible that government did create this whole scenario, why and for what purpose, i'm not so sure, but whatever, it's gone badly wrong...just my take thus far.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

Freeze all mortgage (held by banks) and rent payments for two months. 

People have to work to pay the bills.

I don't see how thousands of people are just going to go back to work after two months. The demand has to be there, the money has to be there.

People here are really worried about this shelter in place and shutdown of non essential businesses.

People will run out of money sooner than later.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: Daughter2

Freeze all mortgage (held by banks) and rent payments for two months. 

People have to work to pay the bills.

I don't see how thousands of people are just going to go back to work after two months. The demand has to be there, the money has to be there.

People here are really worried about this shelter in place and shutdown of non essential businesses.

People will run out of money sooner than later.

Pretty much, when the music died...but I'll work on that.
edit on 20-3-2020 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: interupt42

This is not something to make fun of.

If no one does anything about the upcoming rent/mortgage that is a direct result of the workforce being out of work and pay, it will get ugly.

Wall Street got a bailout already. It is time this administration did something noble for the working class. Those who can not afford a month plus of no pay or at best a major pay cut because unemployment checks are small, need something done.

It is a recipe for serious civil unrest, riots, ect.. and the US and State governments have a serious obligation to 'Ensure Domestic Tranquillity' and 'Promote the General Welfare'.

I am not here begging for a handout or bailout, I am trying to address a serious volatile issue that could potentially spark a civil war if not handled responsibly.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: jrod

It was not to make fun but rather point out that you as a w2 worker well not be getting a bailout like corporate america .i agree with you that a finacial timeout would be the best way to handle this.

See my other post to dbcowboy

Even suggested the financial time out efire you created this thread.

In addition instead of spending 1.5 trillion in a stock market bailout and the many more trillions coming we should have called a timeout and froze the whole nation financially with only essential personnel running out and about for 2 to 4 weeks.

It might have hurt for that 2 to 4 weeks ,but it would be beat the 10 year tecovery we have coming if lucky

edit on 35331America/ChicagoFri, 20 Mar 2020 23:35:28 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: jrod

My take on it is that the Government should COVER such costs until the crisis is over, how much do they spend on firing one single missile and how many home's and livelihood's could that same cost cover.

If the virus is being treated as a war, public restriction's being brought in to contain the virus are even more stringent than those many nation's faced during wartime and the loss incurred by business and private individuals is directly related then either a government need's to enact emergency legislation to PROTECT and safeguard the very people whom will have to pick up the pieces after the crisis is over OR cover the costs themselves which will actually end up being far lower than an actual war would have cost though still a huge amount that will have to then be payed off national debt in better time's.

AND if we can PROVE China is responsible then government's can defer that debt by forcing China to pay for it as fair is fair.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: jrod

Right! No income and forced to "shelter in place"? Hopefully if people go nuts, they'll direct it at the responsible authorities, and not at each other. As seen in Chicago every day, authorities don't mind violence, as long as it just sheep slaughtering each other.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: jrod

The petition for this nationwide is up to 500,000 signatures. Half way there. Sign it now if you can please everyone.
edit on 21-3-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:26 AM
In one of my rentals lives my younger brother

He hasn’t paid rent in over ten years.

The other one hasn’t had a rent increase in almost just as long. If she has to stop work she can stop paying rent too.

But.....I don’t owe the bank any money. If I did, my brother would have to pay me and I couldn’t give anyone a break from paying rent.

A lot of landlords are gonna find it very hard being pressured to relax on the rent. It’s not their fault and they’re all in the same boat as their tenants.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

Those petitions are often a waste of time and go nowhere.

Believe or not, threads on here can sometimes get the right attention, at least more attention than those petitions.

This is why suspending mortgages is crucial, it will allow landlords to suspend rent.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: jrod

Right! No income and forced to "shelter in place"? Hopefully if people go nuts, they'll direct it at the responsible authorities, and not at each other. As seen in Chicago every day, authorities don't mind violence, as long as it just sheep slaughtering each other.

The responsible authorities as in trump and his administration of all the best people...

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 02:34 AM
It's a state government problem, not for the Federal government to solve.

The states have their own laws for credit collection activities with over-arching laws from the Federal level. If you get evicted, it doesn't go to a Federal Court, it goes to the County and State. The Federal government would have to subsidize the moratorium for landlords for the same amount of time mortgages are suspended, and get the States to all mandate that no evictions will occur for either renters or homeowners.

The income can't just magically vaporize, it will have to be paid. If it's subsidized by the Fed to the State, everything works out, renters will have to eventually pay the rent, possibly at a reduced rate and spread out over small incremental additions to their existing rent. Mortgage payments, same thing, it will be amortized over the length of the loan or the extra couple of months tacked on to the end with no interest, something like that.

Here's the thing... there are a lot of great ideas floating around, but I don't think anyone here can fully grasp or appreciate the incredibly difficult challenges and complexity that is involved here. I hear a lot of people here sounding off like the President and Congress have a magic wand to just do things - a lot of "do this" or "no, they should do this". That's dangerous. There are repercussions for ANY decision that is made, consequences that will be foreseen, and others that will not. Expect it and accept it now, and understand that you might be a smart person, but you alone don't have the answers or solutions to this crisis... no single person does.

Put political leanings aside and understand that there are a lot of people working really hard to do their best under the current circumstances. Take things one day at a time. There will be frustrating moments when you can't get someone on the phone or find answers to your questions and concerns. Work on the problems when they actually happen, there's nothing you can do today. Why add stress to an already stressful situation? Does it feel good? Probably not... so stop thinking about it until you need to take action on it, then you can invest the necessary energy to come up with a solution. Put your energy into the things that are in your control and stop wasting it on the things that are not. (make a checklist of each, it will help)

When your bill is due, call and find out what your options are. If you don't have any, what can you do? You do whatever you can, it's that simple. Pay something, even if it's small, or pay nothing if you can't. Manage your money differently, that's ok. But PLEASE... don't use this as an excuse to toss aside responsibility. Credit card companies, loans, bills... they will appreciate anything you can do right now and help to keep someone's job, and rather than grind things to a complete halt, we can all make sure there is still a trickle and pay forward what we can.

That's the America I grew up with and love.

edit on 21-3-2020 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

I physically won't be able to pay rent. We go to Bank of America, deposit cash into my girlfriend's account then transfer it to my landlord. The bank lobby is closed because of this. We would have to deposit over $2k into ATM but have no way of transferring it to the landlord.

I figure by April 1st, there will be a government declaration on mortgages and rent. If not, we literally have no way of paying it, though I think it will be wiser to save that cash for things like food and medicine for now.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: jrod

A novel idea, however...

people who provide essentials like folk who operate power stations, waster supplies, etc, however the little guys like plumbers, carpenters, no dice.

As for KFC workers? it's a damn shame...NOT crude oil is less greasy.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 05:07 AM
all this talk is pointless there is NO solution . You all talk as if after 2 months this will be over when its barly getting started .
does not matter now how the virus got started its here and china and south kyra have taken the strong stance against the virus BUT even They will be lucky if it does not brake out all over once they ease restrictions .
Here is the fact No shot for it for alest 12 months to a year .
Australia has a dramatic incress over the last two weeks from 200 to over a 1000 so heat is barely slowing it down and summer will bring no end to it or even slow it down much in most ares of the US .
US now at 21 k confermend which means alest 40 k total or more .
Now if the whole staying at home thing works that alone would take two months before you would get a drop and then it will just start all over . The diamond princess had 3700 people 770 got it now 2 months later 540 some are no longer sick and STILL over 125 are sick and 15 critical .
No way the government can keep thsi in your home thing going 2 months the system is collapsing as we talk if they dont start easing restrictions in the next 2 weeks even thous JOBs you are talking about WONT be there heck as it is we have already lost millions of jobs .
no this one is going teh full round slow it down we may but it will just prolong the effects and over the next 18 months you can expect 80 million jobs just wont be there when its over .

so a 2 month brake on morage wont work rent wont work hand outs wont work .It will be down to just how well Americans can work together a thing we lost long agaio this will amke the depression look like a walk in the park .
all i acn say i hope its wrong i hope even now even with this post as bad as it is its wrong because even this post means a massive depression is in the works .

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 05:11 AM
I fear america will collaps sooner or later NO taxes comeing in the hand out of any type stop and no money to borrow from china as they have there own problems .
2 months ? even if 2 months stopped it cold it will be 20 years or longer until we recovered even to the louse lv we were at .
after all its was ww 2 that finly ended the depression 15 years later .

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:35 AM
I am not big on spreading the wealth. But if a state governor closes businesses for weeks on end, the state should shoulder the financial responsibility. I understand that ultimately taxe payers flip the bill. But there has to be some responsibility and balance to moderate government closing whole industries.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: midnightstar

The USA and many countries have been spending more than what they bring in for years.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: jrod

As I have said for years,this has been planned out long ago,there is no virus it is a control method,now people will be threatened to be evicted if late for rent or mortgage,now the government will step in,they will now own all private properties,as the current currency has collapsed,why they are keeping people compartmentalized,any day now internet will be shut down,no correspondence other then a TV set,which started this mess

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: jrod

I understand your point - but what about the landlord?

I rent one unit and it's my only source of income.

I'd be dead if 'rent' was suspended.

What works for you - puts a huge burden on others.

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