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Suspend Mortgage and Rent until we can work!

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posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: jrod
Still nothing for mortgage/rent relief in Florida(New York has a moratorium).

Mortgages are done via the bank itself, you need to contact them for a deferral.

I plan on paying half on the 1st since I only worked half the month.

You're better off not paying your mortgage at all and getting a deferral.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I rent. The landlord wants the full amount on the 1st and said next month we could do half but it would come out of our last month's.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:19 PM
As it stands, it appears the lockdown will continue throughout April with even tougher restrictions which means more people out of work.

Florida's unemployment is $275 a week(the same as it was 10 years ago). My rent is $2300 plus about $200 in utilities. Even with the $1200 stimulus, the numbers do not add up, especially when you consider groceries and other essential items plus things like car insurance.

My point is, we need the Governor of Florida and others(New York and California have already acted) to step up and give us rent and mortgage relief. Perhaps we need a federal mandate from Trump.

Even though many landlords have had mortgage payments deferred, we still need a mandate because many will not do the right thing.

If nothing is done, we will face a housing crisis.

Furthermore, providing rent/mortgage relief will.mean the average person will need less aide from unemployment and 'stimulus' packages since this is most of our biggest expense.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: jrod
As it stands, it appears the lockdown will continue throughout April with even tougher restrictions which means more people out of work.

Florida's unemployment is $275 a week(the same as it was 10 years ago). My rent is $2300 plus about $200 in utilities. Even with the $1200 stimulus, the numbers do not add up, especially when you consider groceries and other essential items plus things like car insurance.

My point is, we need the Governor of Florida and others(New York and California have already acted) to step up and give us rent and mortgage relief. Perhaps we need a federal mandate from Trump.

Even though many landlords have had mortgage payments deferred, we still need a mandate because many will not do the right thing.

If nothing is done, we will face a housing crisis.

Furthermore, providing rent/mortgage relief will.mean the average person will need less aide from unemployment and 'stimulus' packages since this is most of our biggest expense.

I agree and though my wife and I are working right now, we’re sending whatever money we can to our family members who are not. We’ve tapped into the meager savings we have to keep them afloat. We’ve got a 30 year mortgage and we’re 2.5 years into paying it off. In the grand scheme of all of this, adding 4 months to the back end of that mortgage is nothing and will allow us to prop up our family members for the duration of this.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 02:49 PM
Paid 60% of the rent. Landlord was ok with that. He said he has a friend in the Pentagon that says the sequester could last till June. I hope not. Looks like I am not going to be able to go to Costa Rica, nor buy a boat this year.

Still have not got any unemployment benefits from Florida. I was lucky to get my application in,but the system appears to be down. Likely overwhelmed by all the applicants.

Economically this is getting worse by the day. I can't imagine what it will be like May 1st. All my important bill are paid until then....but if this continues until.June, I won't have a savings account and maxed out credit card.

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