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Coronavirus: Preventing/Fighting Pneumonia with Conventional, Nutritional and Natural Remedies

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:55 AM
Pneumonia has become the number one serious complication to develop with the Coronavirus, accounting for the most hospitalizations and deaths. Current treatment protocols for CoV-19 -- both suspected and confirmed cases -- cite self-isolation and self-care by the patient unless and until life-threatening complications develop. We are literally on our own unless and until then. And if worst case projections become reality, then it's very possible/probable that our hospitals will become overwhelmed with more patients than healthcare providers can treat, so even then professional medical help is not guaranteed. And that's okay. We're not helpless or defenseless. We can do this.

I do not have any cures for CoV-19, nor pneumonia, to share with you. No one does.

We can only treat the symptoms and give our bodies what they need to heal themselves. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I'm going to focus on how to treat the symptoms from the first signs of illness, especially in terms of items and substances that are common household items that many patients will already have and not need to go out for. These treatments will include those recommended by conventional medicine, nutritional supplements to fortify and strengthen the body, and natural remedies. I will provide sources and links for further reading, but will summarize more than excerpt from these sources.

The Basics: The coronavirus (a viral infection) most often begins with a scratchy throat and a dry cough. If/when pneumonia (a bacterial infection) develops, this dry unproductive cough develops into a rattling "wet" productive cough, accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath. Patients are advised to seek emergency medical care when the shortness of breath becomes life-threatening, at which time patients can be put on ventilators to basically breathe for them. Although the older and chronically ill populations are most vulnerable to complications, younger folks are also developing severe complications. Our best hope -- for everyone -- is to prevent pneumonia from the gitgo.
How to Tell if it's Pneumonia
Cracking the Cough Code
What does the coronavirus do to your body? Everything to know about the infection process
Who is getting sick, and how sick? A breakdown of coronavirus risk by demographic factors

Quick FYI: WHO Now Officially Recommends to Avoid Taking Ibuprofen For COVID-19 Symptoms
More Info: Coronavirus and ibuprofen: Separating fact from fiction

Home Treatment:

The most common and consistent advice for preventing lung infections/pneumonia is three-fold:

~~ Soothe the cough; do not suppress the cough
~~ Elevate torso; do not lay flat
~~ Steam your environment and yourself

The purpose is to minimize inflammation and fluid building up and/or settling in the lungs.

Soothe the cough; do not suppress the cough:
~ A severe cough can actually injure a person, and measures should be taken to soothe the cough without suppressing it completely.
~ Good old-fashioned tried and true Vicks is still worth it's weight in gold. Rub it on your chest, or apply to cotton ball and set by your pillow where you can still breathe it in.
~ Some folks swear by applying Vicks liberally to the soles of the feet, then covering with thick socks.
~ Castor oil pack: Saturate a washcloth folded in half (or similar) with castor oil. Warning: Sticky and messy! Apply to chest. Cover with sturdy plastic (a ziploc bag is good), cover with heating pad (hand warmers work too), leave in place for 20 or 30 minutes. Have a second ziploc bag handy to store the castor oil pack supplies for re-use. Wash oil off chest with warm soapy water.
~ Cough syrups and cough drops, especially with soothing ingredients like honey, lemon, ginger, peppermint.
~ Drink hot fluids -- teas, toddies, broths, soups, etc. Many teas are flavored with the same soothing ingredients as cough syrups and drops. A good bone broth is also nutrient rich when so especially healing at a time when you may not have much of an appetite.
~ Every hour or so, while sitting up and slightly forward, bracing your tummy with your forearm or a pillow, force yourself to cough. If you can get one or two deep coughs out -- great. If not, try three shallow coughs in a row, take a few deep breaths, and do it again.

Steam your environment and yourself:
~ Allow yourself to inhale the steam from those hot fluids mentioned above.
~ Take a warm (not hot) shower or bath, keeping the shower curtain closed to concentrate the steam.
~ Add one or two cups of Epsom salts, or apply essential oils to cotton bowl and set somewhere dry in shower/tub.
~ Use a vaporizer to steam your environment. If you do not have a vaporizer you can find a few ideas here: How to Make a Great Homemade Vaporizer
~ Your vaporizer may have a little tub or pocket for Vicks by the steam vent; there are also liquid products by Vicks (and others) that can be added directly to the vaporizer water.
~ If the cough is severe, and/or becomes "wet" and productive, you might want to add an antiseptic clear liquid -- some peroxide, vinegar, or colloidal silver -- to the water; all of which will serve the added benefit of keeping the vaporizer and water/steam clean. Suggested amounts to use vary, anywhere from 1/4 to 2 cups and more. Personally, I would use 1/4 peroxide or vinegar (apple cider or white) if I only wanted to keep it clean, and probably one cup to clean up my lungs. For the colloidal silver, I would probably use one or two ounces.
~ Or if your vaporizer has a bowl by the vent, you can add essential oils, such as lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, or even oregano oil.
~ Rest is important, but so is a little mobility and movement. Every few hours, try to get up on your feet and move around a little, stimulate your circulation, stretch your muscles, etc.
~ Sit in the sun; if you are not up to going outside, sit in a sunny window.

(continued in next post...)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:55 AM

Elevate torso; do not lay down flat
~ The upper torso of the body should be elevated at least 45° to the lower body.
~ A reclining chair is (of course) perfect for this
~ If your bed is not the elevating kind, use pillows or spare bedding to prop yourself up. I've found that it helps to build up a little cushion on each side to not have to brace yourself or otherwise keep yourself propped up. Let the bedding do that for you.

How to Clear the Lungs in 5 Easy Steps
Pneumonia Treatment and Recovery
Are there any home remedies for pneumonia?

Nutritional Supplements:
~ Multi-Vitamins (of course) -- the best multi-vitamins are from whole foods, non-GMO and organic.
~ Vitamin C -- Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections, increase recovery rates and thus decrease death rates. Common recommendations are 1,000 to 2,000 mgs per day, taken in two or three doses. (Maximum tolerable dosage is 2,000mgs per day)
~ Vitamin D3 -- Reduces inflammation, and Vitamin D deficiency is associated with pneumonia. Recommended doses vary from 1,000 to 10,000 IUs per day. I would personally take 5,000 IUs per day. (The recommended upper limit is 4,000 IUs per day for adults)
~ EmergenC -- Full supply of Vitamin C (1,000mg) and essential minerals, often lost to dehydration during illness.

Blue Light: I actually posted a thread about this a while back -- Blue Light Therapy Kills MRSA -- and so much more!!!. The specific shade is kind of an ocean or electric blue. There are lights designed for the specific shade of blue considered most beneficial, which are quite hot and bright and require eye protection. But you can also create your own blue light with sheer fabric or paper between you and the light source. For example, curtains between you and the sun, or a screen between you and a lamp, etc. Agriculture experiments have shown positive results at least. Sure can't hurt, eh?

As long as this is -- and I apologize for that! -- this is just a drop in the bucket of measures we can and must take for ourselves to prevent (or at least mitigate) the most common and serious complication of CoV-19. I had to stop somewhere, and since I'm exhausted and it's already running into two comments, I might as well stop here.

Of course, everyone is welcome to add to this. If you've written a similar thread -- and there have been a few -- please post a link in a reply so others can refer to it as well. Whatever you've got that might help is appreciated!!! We cannot be too informed. Knowledge is power... and, perhaps, life.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:43 AM
Thanks for the advice.

I dont know about anyone else, but when i sneeze its the best my lungs ever feel. Thats my plan for the clearing the lungs ... pull out a nose hair every hour and try clear the lungs.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:57 AM
Thieves Oil

The use of thieves oil dates alllll the way back to the year 1413. The time of the infamous Bubonic Plague (aka The Black Death) that devastated a large portion of France. The Black Death spread like wild-fire amongst the citizens, and the doctors alike. It seemed impossible to be in the vicinity without contracting it, and at the time, the sickness really did mean ultimate demise.

The Thieves told the judge their secret: they were perfume & spice merchants who were unemployed due to the closure of the sea ports and the devastation of the plague. They had prepared an essential oil recipe that when applied to their hands, ears, temples, feet & a mask over their mouths, kept them safe from infection. The judge stayed true to his word. The men were not burned alive, but instead they were hanged for their crimes.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: bellagirl
Thanks for the advice.

I dont know about anyone else, but when i sneeze its the best my lungs ever feel. Thats my plan for the clearing the lungs ... pull out a nose hair every hour and try clear the lungs.

What a great idea! Well, maybe not the how... ouch!!!... but I like the logic and purpose. Sneezes really do help clear out the crap.

Thank you!

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: misskat1

Thank you! From your link:

Thieves Oil Blend

Traditional Thieves Oil is a blend of 5 essential oils: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary

The rosemary surprised me, but it shouldn't have!

I'll bet that smells wonderful too.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:07 AM
If i understand anything about the blue light , it is preferred to be between about 400-420nm, ideal being 405nm

NAC is important for lungs, and it also help greate glutathione .

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
If i understand anything about the blue light , it is preferred to be between about 400-420nm, ideal being 405nm

That's what I understand as well. There is a range deemed most effective for antiviral and antibacterial purposes. However, other health benefits are provided by deeper shades, or more purple or green shades. There's a graduated pic here.

NAC is important for lungs, and it also help greate glutathione .

NAC = N-acetyl cysteine --

Cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid.

Cysteine is found in most high-protein foods, such as chicken, turkey, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds and legumes.

Consuming adequate cysteine and NAC is important for a variety of health reasons — including replenishing the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione. These amino acids also help with chronic respiratory conditions, fertility and brain health.

Thank you for adding that!

L-Lysine is another amino acid with some antiviral properties, which has been shown effective against shingles and HIV in clinical trials. HIV is reportedly a component of this CoV-19 also.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Mullien is an antiviral and an antibacterial, I woke up in a coughing fit, unable to breath, so I desperately rolled the Mullien like a joint and smoked it, and after the first puff my lungs calmed down and the cough stopped and I could breathe easily. The native americans have used mullien for pneumonia for thousands of years.

Smoking seems counter productive, but I swear it really worked. It delivers the antiviral directly to your lungs. You can also drink it as a tea, or boil on the stove as a humidifier.

It grows all over N. America, there are lots and lots of antiviral herbs, including sage, so it might be a good idea to research what you have in your cupboard that will work in a pinch, like cinnemon, oregano rosemary, a lot of your common spices are also medicinal.

edit on 19-3-2020 by misskat1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
~ Vitamin C -- Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections, increase recovery rates and thus decrease death rates. Common recommendations are 1,000 to 2,000 mgs per day, taken in two or three doses. (Maximum tolerable dosage is 2,000mgs per day)

Well, that last is just flat wrong.

I'm currently taking about 25 grams (25,000mgs) per day, in 4 or 5 doses of about 5 or 6 grams (5,000 or 6,000mgs) each.

Vitamin C is about as non-toxic of a supplement as you can get, the worst that happens if you take more than your current 'tolerance level' (everyone is different, but you can also increase your limit) is diarrhea.

It is easy to determine your ideal dose - and to be clear, I'm talking about l-ascorbic acid - use the 'bowel tolerance' method. When you take more than your body can use, it eliminates the excess... through the bowels, in the form of diarrhea. What you do is start low - 2 or 3 grams, 2 or 3 times per day - and see how your bowels react. If no reaction (no loose bowels), slowly increase your dose.

Or, if you're like me, you can just dive right in.

~ Vitamin D3 -- Reduces inflammation, and Vitamin D deficiency is associated with pneumonia. Recommended doses vary from 1,000 to 10,000 IUs per day. I would personally take 5,000 IUs per day. (The recommended upper limit is 4,000 IUs per day for adults)

D3 is extremely important, but also needs K2 (both types, MK4 and MK7), and should be taken with fats (it is fat soluble).

I'd also add selenium and very important, Zinc.

As to amounts - I take 50,000iu at the first sign of anything the first day, then 20,000iu twice per day the next day, then 20,000iu per day for a week or so, then back to my daily 10,000iu.

That said, you should get your levels checked before doing this, and monitor them occasionally.

All studies done on Vitamin D toxicity were done with D2, which is very toxic.

~ EmergenC -- Full supply of Vitamin C (1,000mg) and essential minerals, often lost to dehydration during illness.

No, it has sugar in it. A lot. First two ingredients are fructose and maltodextrin - fructose being the absolute worst sugar you can ingest.

Just take l-ascorbic acid.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: Boadicea

Mullien is an antiviral and an antibacterial, I woke up in a coughing fit, unable to breath, so I desperately rolled the Mullien like a joint and smoked it, and after the first puff my lungs calmed down and the cough stopped and I could breathe easily. The native americans have used mullien for pneumonia for thousands of years.

Thank you! I have read this before, but didn't even think of it until you mentioned it.

Smoking seems counter productive, but I swear it really worked. It delivers the antiviral directly to your lungs. You can also drink it as a tea, or boil on the stove as a humidifier.

It is a very efficient delivery system, yes. I know there are vaporizers these days to "smoke" cannabis too for medicial purposes for this very reason. For the same reasons vaporizers for colds work so well.

...there are lots and lots of antiviral herbs, including sage, so it might be a good idea to research what you have in your cupboard that will work in a pinch, like cinnemon, oregano rosemary, a lot of your common spices are also medicinal.

Most excellent advice -- thank you!!!

Anyone in a pinch, look around you. Healing plants and foods are everywhere! See what you've got. Many trees have healing properties. I have an olive tree out back, and I've been looking at how to make my own olive leaf extract. What kind of weeds are invading your yard? Look them up and see what healing qualities they have. What spices do you have in your pantry? Look them up and see what healing qualities they have.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: bellagirl
Thanks for the advice.

I dont know about anyone else, but when i sneeze its the best my lungs ever feel. Thats my plan for the clearing the lungs ... pull out a nose hair every hour and try clear the lungs.

Funny story about when I had a really bad head cold a long time ago.

I had ordered a bunch of powdered cayenne - the super hot kind - from Dr. Schulze's site back when they sold it (I imagine I found out why they stopped). He had a video of t hem grinding it and packaging it - in basically hazmat suits, with huge gloves, masks/respirators, etc...

Anyway, I had this bad head cold when I got it. I remember it was double bagged in these super strong/thick plastic baggies.

I could smell the cayenne through these bags when I opened the box.

I opened the outer bag, and the smell got much stronger.

Unthinking, I just opened the inner bag, and must have inhaled right when I did, because everything went blank - I couldn't see, and I was gagging like you wouldn't believe. My eyes and nose started running like freight trains, lasted about 1o minutes.

When it was over, my headcold was just gone. Completely gone. Nose and everything else felt great.

That said - I wouldn't advise anyone else ever trying that. I actually thought I was going to die during the process.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Well, that last is just flat wrong.

Not wrong exactly... but I should have specified that is the FDA recommended dosage. At 3,000mgs per day some folks begin having adverse effects, mostly gastrointestinal. The side effects are uncomfortable, but not fatal.

D3 is extremely important, but also needs K2 (both types, MK4 and MK7), and should be taken with fats (it is fat soluble).

Fortunately, most D3 supplements and all fat-soluble supplements come in oil. With long term use, K2 is definitely preferred. And, to one extent or another, all fat-soluble vitamins complement each other in different ways. Much like the B-Complex should be taken together, as they work in synergy with each other.

No, it has sugar in it.

Under ordinary circumstances, I would agree... but we're not in ordinary circumstances, and many people will have to rely on what they have on hand or can find at the store. If EmergenC is all they have, it's better than nothing. For the same reasons I don't want my husband to rely on it or make his go to, but if he needs a quick boost of electrolytes after working in 115° weather and sweating out all his fluids, then EmergenC fills the ticket.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Ebay seems to sell 405nm outdoor lamp


posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Cayenne -- Thank you! Another great suggestion -- with care and caution.

Any/all hot foods can help clear out congestion and alleviate pain. Salsa, Curry, Wasabe... Food can be our medicine too.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: Boadicea

Ebay seems to sell 405nm outdoor lamp


I was able to buy blue bulbs too on Amazon. These days though, I'm not sure that's practical. Besides the health risks, at least Amazon is prioritizing its shipments -- blue lights may or may not make the cut. Ebay might be different, since it's independent vendors, but they may take similar steps too.

As well, by the time one needs it, it's too late to order it. If anyone wants to be prepared just in case, now would be the time for do so.

One more thought is that there are FDA approved blue light devices (for acne -- another bacterial infection) available in stores, which could probably be adapted for these purposes.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Are you sure about fructose? It is the sugar in every fruit. Sucrose is the worst I have always heard.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: tanstaafl
I should have specified that is the FDA recommended dosage.

Ah, ok, yeah that sounds right, but I haven't cared what their recommendations are for decades they are so wrong.

At 3,000mgs per day some folks begin having adverse effects, mostly gastrointestinal. The side effects are uncomfortable, but not fatal.

I wouldn't even call them uncomfortable, but correct, even in extremely high doses, it isn't dangerous.

Under ordinary circumstances, I would agree... but we're not in ordinary circumstances, and many people will have to rely on what they have on hand or can find at the store. If EmergenC is all they have, it's better than nothing. For the same reasons I don't want my husband to rely on it or make his go to, but if he needs a quick boost of electrolytes after working in 115° weather and sweating out all his fluids, then EmergenC fills the ticket.

I have to disagree. Emergen-C is a poor source of electrolytes. Each packet does have 1 gram of C, but you get a lot of fructose/sugar with each one, and fructose feeds viruses.

If I was dying of scurvy and had no other options, I'd take Emergen-C. But can't think of any other situations where I would.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:49 AM
Victory Garden,

Fresh air, sunshine, all very healthy, and the fresh food might be a really good source if supply chains break down or if the farmers are too sick to get their crops in.

Even if you have no space for a full blown garden, consider some potted cherry tomatos, a zucchini, even flats of salad greens, which you can trim and use in a salad and let it regrow another salad.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: tanstaafl
Are you sure about fructose? It is the sugar in every fruit. Sucrose is the worst I have always heard.

Yes, I'm sure.

All sugars are bad, but fructose is the worst by far. It spikes insulin levels in the worst way, and is the primary driver behind the skyrocketing levels of Type II diabetes.

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