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Biden....possible way out....

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posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:10 PM
So...I have thought about this for a bit and have a REALLY out there theory.

Basically it is true that a political rival can't be investigated. Joe never should have run and it is obvious based on videos from his past and his flip flopping on everything. It just shows how he panders to whatever will keep him in his seat for as long as possible. Can't blame him....easy money.

Now what if what is being said is true? What if Joe DID blackmail Ukraine and others and his son DID take a lot of money for doing nothing?

So Hunter would be his worst nightmare on the stand....he has screwed the pooch in every sense for years. He would crumble under the scrutiny of the POTUS attorneys.

So my theory is what if Joe HAD to run so he could claim this was a political hit job but has been slowly setting his public image as becoming senile?

It has definitely gotten worse throughout his campaign. He has very few people at his rallys. He has changed his slogan a few times. thought he is playing this to drop out soon and claim mental incapacity if he is ever called on to speak about it.

The guy never had a chance in this race....why would he try? Why hasn't his own boss, Obama, endorsed him? He is getting hung out to dry and it seems really obvious to me.
edit on 1/30/20 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Basically it is true that a political rival can't be investigated.

Did anyone tell Trump this? haha

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:17 PM
Biden should never have run for president, he brought this upon himself because he bragged about what he did in Ukraine, thinking the public was too stupid to see the connection between his son at that company and his actions.

It appears he decided to run after Trump and his team were thinking about doing an investigation into Bidens actions there, it may have been to protect his own butt that he ran, using the Democratic party as a tool to get him off with his misdoing.

We actually need to make some laws governing what Biden and his relatives did while he was in office. His relatives made lots of money off his prestigious job, and a lot of Senators friends make a lot of money from their associations too. It has been that way for a long time, maybe even since the beginning, it can be very profitable for a congressman and his associates and family if they serve a few terms in congress and even moreso if they get to the whitehouse.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:18 PM
I've had the same thoughts on this as well.
I think it does make sense, but when it all comes out what will actually happen?
Will Joe or hunter be held accountable for anything?
Hunter has shown that he is just a drug addict who has someone sweeping his dirt under his rug for some time now. but the rug isn't big enough anymore and the dirt is starting to get tracked into the open.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:28 PM
Does Tulsi's $50 million lawsuit against Hillary Clinton have any impact on potential investigations having access to adjacent information?

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 01:45 PM
I don't believe Biden is faking senility; he has always been dumber than an empty box of rocks. If he's running for Potus to save himself, it would have to be because somebody else directed him to.
Biden thinks a lot more of himself than even his most ardent followers ever could.

From emails to Benghazi to Beau Bergdahl to releasing top terrorist organizers to pallets of money given to Iran to so very many people with known ties to Islamic terrorist organizations being given top government jobs- just to name a few- absolutely nothing was done . Not one darn thing. Republicans could- and should have- stepped up to the plate to protect our nation from openly illegal actions by the POTUS.

Why wouldn't Slow Joe think his party was above the law? Why did the Republicans allow all of the Obama policies and actions stand with no contest? He did FAR worse than anything Trump is accused of.

Both parties partake of the Golden Goose, and look the other way when they see blatant corruption. It has been the status quo for decades. Bush was a Rino, IMO. Between him and Obama, the stage was set to move us into a fully socialist nation- and Donald J. Trump rocked the boat. The Democrats will destroy the entire country before they allow Trump to run a second term, and the Republicans weak, mock objections are mighty telling.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: Tekner

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Basically it is true that a political rival can't be investigated.

Did anyone tell Trump this? haha

Someone should tell that to the DNC.

Trump has been under investigation in one form or another since before he won the primary, after all...


posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 03:08 PM
Biden running was his last ditch effort of shutting down investigations into his family, he knew he was being investigated before he announced. That gave the democrats the foundation to impeach Trump. Him running is his way of hiding in plain sight until Trump is removed, an undercover patsy. It's the plan democrats are trying to see through now.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe
You might want to add to your theory that Trump said Biden would be a dream race before all this or Biden entered.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Lumenari
Yeah which oddly enough started with FISA or another words somewhat started internationally.

I still can't fathom the previous administration using the international community to spy and then try to bring down a president. Then blame the president for doing similar but would seem Trump did it without crossing the rule of law.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I don't believe Biden is faking senility; he has always been dumber than an empty box of rocks. If he's running for Potus to save himself, it would have to be because somebody else directed him to. ...

I agree. Biden is too dumb to figure out something like that. (His boy is dumber. I really kind of feel a little sorry for him when I see him in interviews.)

If this is the plan, there are two possibilities:

1. Somebody with more to loose than Joe put him up to it as a major CYA effort.
2. The end was predetermined to hang old Joe and his boy out as scapegoats.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: incoserv_javascript:external()

1. Somebody with more to loose than Joe put him up to it as a major CYA effort.

Sanders and Warren were doing well enough to threaten the Democratic status quo, so somebody urged Creepy Joe to throw his hat in. As big as his ego is, it wouldn't take much to convince him it would be a walk in the park. I don't understand people who think this stupid, corrupt politician would be the best choice, but here we are.

2. The end was predetermined to hang old Joe and his boy out as scapegoats.

Gee, wouldn't that be the perfect time for the Hildabeast to put down the bottle and crawl out of the woodwork? They've propped up the voting base in 7 states by only requiring a drivers license to vote, and I expect more states to join in before election time. New York provided illegals with transportation to the DMV,and free baby sitters so they could get a drivers license. Add the 'Me,Too' movement and the abortion advocates and Hillary would no doubt get the most votes.

More and more states are drinking the Kool-aid and electing Democratic representatives, most with strong socialist ideals. I'm not liking the direction our country is heading.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: chadderson
Does Tulsi's $50 million lawsuit against Hillary Clinton have any impact on potential investigations having access to adjacent information?

So far Hillary has avoided being served, so who knows?

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 09:25 PM
I think a big part of this is that a lot of our current politicians were politicans before the internet was a thing.
The only source of political information was from newspapers, the radio, and like the three news channels they had.

Information disemination was a lot slower even twenty or thirty years ago. It was easier for politicians to recant or hit up a media company to get them to change the story.

People didn't get their news bits mere seconds after after whatever happened happened.

So, now we have old, aging politicians who aren't too adept to modern technology. So when a politician brags about getting a foreign government official canned he doesn't realize that millions•x of people *will remember that*

When he says he wasn't aware he had family sitting on foreign business boards potentially doing shady #. Millions•x of people can within minutes can check him.

He's from a different era and has no place in politics. He shouldn't even be where he's at. Things are going to change A LOT for better or worse in the next few decades.
edit on 3012020 by AutomateThis1 because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 11:05 PM
Biden is running for he reason Vasa Cro said and I think DNC needs him.

Hillary is tainted goods and no way they want Bernie. They are trying to cut Bernie down almost daily now.

Biden played his hand in the public event today. He said he needs a young VP coz he’s getting old and may not survive 8 years. That’s the setup, female VP, maybe Warren, Joe does 6 ineffective months, steps down due to health, Warren becomes President.

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