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NEWS: Government Plans for Flu Epidemic: Update

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posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Gools

If the susceptibility number is not very high then we have a potentially large reservoir for transmission which is bad news for the susceptible population or do we have a potential "typhoid Mary" kind of situation with high susceptability?

Looks to me like might be "typhoid Mary" situation but I don't know for sure. ...The human-to-human transmission was called quite some time ago but didn't get much coverage. This item seems to be quite hot - likely meaning they're letting it out because they won't be able to hide it...


posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 05:53 PM
Well after a bit of searching and visiting the WHO website I did not find any information on human susceptibility and resistance rates.

Unfortunately, those numbers will likely be known only after a full blown pandemic has been underway for some time.

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 06:13 PM
Ahh HA!
so my suspicion is verified... that is actually good news, sort of (yeah, I'm right!)

really, the 70% fatality rate was scary... finding out that many people get it that don't even know they get it is a good thing... (except that it does have the typhoid mary effect)

BUT the good news is that the actual mortality rate is probably closer to 10-30% which gives us a chance as a species... we do know now, that we don't know the actual mortality rate of infected people.

the fiddleback spider was once thought to be deadly and dangerous. a bite would leave a hideous deep volcano type scar, or kill if the poison spread to the brain or organs...

just recently they discovered that only about 10% of the bite victims even know they have been bit and have a dangerous reaction... the rest never know, and never have more than a pimple type reaction.

Most uncommon diseases were not truly studied until the last decade, and many myths have been shattered in that time...

I hope the 70%+ death rate is another myth formed from lack of historical info. It seems that china has studied it the most, and now has more facts to check...

but quarantine is going to be difficult... hopefully we will also find out that the non-symptomatic victims are not as contagious.

lot of hopes here... but it never hurts to hope, just don't rely on it...

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

really, the 70% fatality rate was scary... finding out that many people get it that don't even know they get it is a good thing... (except that it does have the typhoid mary effect)

BUT the good news is that the actual mortality rate is probably closer to 10-30% which gives us a chance as a species...

It IS good news. ...But surely you didn't think the survival of the species was on the line?

You've made me aware of something (esp. after readin a comment on another thread) - apparently I can tolerate a more than usual amount of "negative" information without having it scare my pants off. I mean, do other people really just freak?

...To me, it's just science - interesting information - and in context, about social injustice. Something to learn about, think about, plan for, if possible. ...The possibility of death or destruction doesn't really bother me at a personal level - I mean death is a part of life, so...

Maybe I have that Buddhist gene mutation...

[end blather].

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 09:26 AM
Two primary weapons stand out in the USA's arsenal of defense against the bird flu pandemic: 1) quarantining human victims in America; and 2) blaming China.

Neither of these efforts will do diddly squat to help Americans, but hey, that's not the point of the exercise.

Blaming China for bird flu is an old scam - and it's just not true. I am OUTRAGED at the injustice, and warmongering, implicit in these blame games.

WHO Refutes Claims Bird Flu Originated in China

Here's a quick overview of hard scientific and political/economic information about bird flu available right here on ATS:

Flu Vaccine Technology: Who's Blocking its Use?

WHO Pushes for Bird Flu Vaccine Production

Bush Pushes Wrong Flu Vaccine to American People

Bush Signs Quarantine Orders for Bird Flu

Government Plans for Flu Epidemic: Update

Military Says Terrorists Might Use Bird Flu as Bioweapon

Threat Analysis: Genetically Engineered Stealth Bio-weapons

Humans Included in the 6th Mass Extinction?

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