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Eleusinian and Isis mysteries beliefs hidden in Modern Olympics.

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posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: Astronomer62
I just need to go back to 2012 for a couple of posts involving the Paralympics Closing Ceremony that started at 20:30pm on 9th September 2012, at that time in London Sirius aligned to Due North or Nadir, IC.

Obviously quote taken from previous page, however there is one more alignment for the 2012 Paralympics closing ceremony, not only is this marked by Sirius at actual time start on day, but it was also marked by ancient Greek day marker, but on actual day, as ceremony occurred after SUNSET!
Graph below:-

edit on 1-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: Adding Graph

posted on Oct, 1 2019 @ 10:29 AM
The Olympic torch for the 2008 summer Olympics was lit on 24th March 2008 on Mount Olympia, please read second paragraph below on link:-
I don't have an astronomy fix for Mount Olympia, the nearest town is Pyrgos, Elia, Greece, which is very near, therefore i'm using that as a location, it won't change results!
Midnight day marker was used at location, where Alnilam sets in the West.

edit on 1-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: Adding Graph

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 10:42 AM
The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Athens Greece, the Olympic torch was lit on 25th March, as shown on link below:-
Midnight day marker was used, Alnilam is near setting point as shown below:-

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 12:03 PM
The Olympic torch of 2008 arrived in the city Beijing, the host city on 31st March 2008, ancient Greek day marker was applied, being sunset on 30th March 2008, when Sirius was culminating!
Link and graph below:-

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

A few here will know that Sirius is the Isis star and in beliefs of esoteric secret religion is where souls go after death, however there is dispute or dual knowledge, the Osiris star is Alnilam, center star of the Belt of Orion, these are the two stars that i will investigate from the start of modern Olympics in 1896,

The marriage of Osris and ISIS. The star was in his hand. Then on to the death of Orion in the love story of Artemis (the virgin IsiIs) and Orion.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

A few here will know that Sirius is the Isis star and in beliefs of esoteric secret religion is where souls go after death

MAybe Sirius A is ISIS and Sirius B her sister isis and nephthytis. The dark second star is also depicted as Anubis. The is further connotation to the place of the dead and that being the centre star of the pleiades. Which is directly above us on the day of the dead.

posted on Oct, 3 2019 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: [post=24662694]purplemer[/post
Hi Purplemer,
Great posts!
Perhaps the myths of Prometheus that gave humans fire is bound up in the Olympic Torch?
Near the Summer Solstice and before the 2012 Olympics a strange ritual was performed in London, link below:-]

posted on Oct, 3 2019 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: purplemer
The Isis star Sirius is bound up in many mysteries, it is intentional by humans that the last day of the Gregorian Calendar that most observe today, at midnight to bring in New Year, we find Sirius Culminating!
However when we first started the Gregorian Calendar in Rome in 1582, we all had local time, time zones came much later that clouded the issue, the only place where real local time is observed now is Greenwich, London.
To find other locations where Sirius culminates at New Year needs explaining.
One degree of longitude is equal of 4 minutes of time, this means 60 minutes equals 1 hour, the the division is 15 degrees longitude.
So every 15 degrees, give or take a degree will show Sirius culminating at midnight, Cairo and pyramids will show this as it is approx 31 degrees longitude which is involved with time (15+15=30 degrees).
Another example would be New York being approx. 74 degrees longitude.
If your longitude is every 15 degrees of longitude from Greenwich mean time in Northern hemisphere which is 00:00 longitude, and you don't suffer from light pollution or clouds, you will see Sirius culminate at Due South at precise minute of New Year, the only day it will do this!
I thought you would like video below LOL:-

edit on 3-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: adding link

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Another example would be New York being approx. 74 degrees longitude. If your longitude is every 15 degrees of longitude from Greenwich mean time in Northern hemisphere which is 00:00 longitude, and you don't suffer from light pollution or clouds, you will see Sirius culminate at Due South at precise minute of New Year, the only day it will do this!

Thanks for the reply.

The odd thing about this is the fact that it happens this way every year. I have heard it said its a better time keeper than our sun.

I was wondering if you might help me with something. I have been doing some research on the rise of Sirius and read that the Washington monument lines marks its rising once a year. Would you know if this is the case or not.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

The Pleiades lines up sometime around the day of the dead every year too. Is there other stars that do this would you perchance know what stars that do this are called?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

What is the software that you use to plot the course of the dog star and is it difficult to use?

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Astronomer62

Another example would be New York being approx. 74 degrees longitude. If your longitude is every 15 degrees of longitude from Greenwich mean time in Northern hemisphere which is 00:00 longitude, and you don't suffer from light pollution or clouds, you will see Sirius culminate at Due South at precise minute of New Year, the only day it will do this!

Thanks for the reply.

Hi, i do see you sent me a private message about the Washington Monument some time ago, please forgive me for not giving you a reply, i was sick at the time getting over a operation, and was moving to a new address that have carers all day as i suffer from paraplegia etc.
I will now answer all your questions later today!

The odd thing about this is the fact that it happens this way every year. I have heard it said its a better time keeper than our sun.

I was wondering if you might help me with something. I have been doing some research on the rise of Sirius and read that the Washington monument lines marks its rising once a year. Would you know if this is the case or not.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: purplemer
Hi Purplemer,
Link below to Washington Monument:-
The cornerstone was laid on 4th July 1848, and the alignment isn't what you thought, ancient Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen for Alnilam, Belt of Orion, and Osiris star rose with the Sun at that date and location.
Stars move slightly over the years, previously this alignment was showing up in Philadelphia on 4th July 1776.
I have run out of ink so you will have to wait for astronomy graph!
This is symbolic of the Obelisk as it is connected to Osiris!

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 08:24 AM
You will note that the Washington Monument has sunk into the ground by approx. a foot,originally it was 555 feet 5 and one eighth inches, Freemasons have always been interested in PHI or the GOLDEN RATIO, and this is symbolic of this as PHI as an equation can be 5^.5*.5+.5 as shown below:-

edit on 5-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: Link fault

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 08:33 AM
The Washington Monument has recently reopened after repair on 19th September 2019 as shown below:-
On this day at location, ancient Egyptian day marker was used again for as the Sun rose, Alnilam was culminating up from Due South, i'll post graphs after i get some more ink.

edit on 5-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: Link fault

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 08:43 AM
I'm an archaeoastronomer and use many different astronomer products, one that is free is stellarium, you will find it one the web, however as i would deal with myths and legends of the stars i find Starlight easiest to use, however it is expensive and has a few glitches (£200,00).

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Soz not good with all this stuff. What do you mean a ancient Egyptian day marker.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: purplemer
A lot of secret societies use parans (shortened) that can use actual time of event but usually use marking the day.
Ancient Egyptians and Romans used sunrise. The ancient Greeks used sunset before date and much later midnight was used, today all three methods are used to keep you guessing!
Parans are the most ancient of astrology beliefs and at least go back to 13th century BC, however they are possibly far older, there is a link below that you may understand better. Please note i'm not being patronizing, archaeoastronomy can be complex and needs explaining in baby steps, it isn't studied in general households.

posted on Oct, 6 2019 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

If you start with a sphere and ratio it down with phi you create a shape that fits perfectly within a 72degree pyramid. Ifs of interest that is the number of ISIS and the hieroglyph has on it a 72degree pyramid and a 5 pointed star 5/360 is 72 again. 72 degrees is also the PA Positional angel of Sirius A/B. Ofcourse the 672 degree pyramid found on the dollar bill also has 72 bricks. Just points of note.

Thank you for the desciption of paranatellonta appricate the help. Sorry I still dont understand it though.
For example when you say

The Washington Monument has recently reopened after repair on 19th September 2019 as shown below:- On this day at location, ancient Egyptian day marker was used again for as the Sun rose, Alnilam was culminating up from Due South, i'll post graphs after i get some more ink.

You are saying that a paran occurred that being an ancient Egyptian marker. What celestial alingement happened that day that makes you say that.

Thank you for your replies.

Also is regards to the Washington Monument. I came across information before saying it lined up with the helical rising of Sirius are you saying this is not the case. I can no longer find the information about it.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: purplemer
You are both correct and wrong about the Heliacal rising of Sirius regarding the Washington Monument, let me explain, sorry for late reply, but i have not been feeling well!
Firstly lets make clear how parans work, it is the same as astronomy, it is clear and visual, link below may help:-
Some astrologers use inaccurate projected measure, that use the ecliptic and the apparent moving of the Sun through the zodiac as a fix to see if Sirius is rising, but it doesn't rise on 4th July 1848 in Washington DC.
However astrology is a belief and if the astrologer thought Sirius was rising with the Sun by projected measure, we can check this. By projected in 1848 Sirius was at 11 degrees 59 seconds in the constellation of Cancer, the Sun rose at 04:44:26am in Washington on 4th July 1848 when the Cornerstone of the Washington Monument was put in place, diagram below will show that the heliacal rising star is Alnilam, but you can see that Sirius is well below the horizon.
On same diagram it will show projected measure below graph:-

However if we set the process at the moment of Sunrise on a astrology wheel which shows the four angles that are important to beliefs being Due East, West, South and North, we find the Sun at 12 degrees 28 seconds of Cancer, and when we look at the position of Sirius it is 11 degrees 59 seconds by inaccurate projected measure thus being within one degree margin, so by the beliefs of some astrologers you are right.
The book you are referring to is "The secret Zodiacs of Washington DC by David Ovason". Second graph is below:-

edit on 13-10-2019 by Astronomer62 because: Adding Graph

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