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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Oh, and hey y'all, since I'm new to the thread, I can give a personal Q-proof that happened awhile back. With all that has happened I nearly forgot about this. I live in Arkansas. Home of Linda Collins Smith, the former state senator murdered while working to expose shady trafficking stuff Clinton and CPS related.

Well, the day before we heard about her death (and TWO days before the death of the state senator from Oklahoma turned up dead) I was visiting a family member. We were outside in the front yard and we watched a military helo circle around town for a good 30 minutes. CLEARLY flying a search grid pattern over town, low with both bay doors open and armed troops inside in an extraction posture.

Now, I'm former military myself and I have conducted air assault missions. There was no mistaking what this was. It was a Blackhawk helo with at least four troops inside, weapons in hand, with surveillance equipment mounted to the front of the bird. They were flying low enough that I could see that they were armed.

Again, this was the day before the news broke that our former state senator was murdered. And we were maybe 40 minutes drive from the Oklahoma border.

I knew EXACTLY what was going on at the time, but when I tried to explain it to my family member I realized they were probably thinking "WTH is he on about THIS time?" Lol

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: onehuman
Also, the pic discussed in the last page or so is the same that I saw elsewhere last night DIRECTLY AFTER we heard word that 8chan was going offline. Someone definitely dropped that in retaliation. To me it seems an obvious threat...If you keep us down, this gets made public. And yeah, a power drill is used. I would say what it's used for but I don't even like typing that ish out. Sick mofos make me literally angry.

I wish people with damning evidence would simply publish it, instead of using it as "leverage".

President Trump was allegedly holding back on declassifying certain documents that would hurt Democrats, because he was using them as leverage to keep Pelosi at bay.

As long as this leverage is working, the "secrets" stay secret. The crooks roam free.

Why was Jeffrey Epstein's trial set for late 2020? He'll be dead by then, or powerful people will intimidate the prosecutors into being professional wimps, as was done in 2008.

Where are the thousands of pages of Epstein evidence that a Federal Judge ordered unsealed and published? That "order" was issued almost a month ago, wasn't it? The longer it takes, the greater the chance that we will NOT see much...or anything at all.

edit on 8/5/2019 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The crap sure did hit the fan when JE was taken in didn't it.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: onehuman

One of the few long threads I have felt compelled to read to the end.

Good post onehuman.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:49 PM
U.S. Expands Sanctions Against Venezuela Into an Embargo

Trump has signed an EO freezing all of Venezuela's assets & prohibiting transactions with it, unless exempted. 1st action of its kind against a gov't in the Western Hemisphere since 1985. Puts Venezuela on a par w/North Korea, Iran, Syria & Cuba.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EMN, could you PM me those three Q posts you wanted me to look for correlation/decodes on? I can't seem to find the post.

(included Q513?)

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:51 PM
Think laterally about what taking down a site that has people researching about a conspiracy does.

They postulated and laid out the idea that the research of these conspiracy theories radicalizes people. So the outcry is to remove the place where these people congregate.

If this is really what they want, to shut down a place of congregation, they will get a reaction they don't want. If you were working on something and trying to shine a light on it, then it gets shut down, all it does is validate that there are actors opposed to what you were trying to shine a light on coming out. From that perspective all it does is ads credibility to what you were working on, even if it was not credible in the first place.

So now you have hundreds, if not thousands of people who's work appears to be validated by these actions. These people then have nowhere to go but either deeper into the recesses and back alleys OR down main street and taking overtly public action.

They were obviously there because they felt or knew something was off in the first place, and now where they could converse with others that are like minded is gone. You are forcing them into the public. Now, if you wanted to keep it from going public shutting it down is the last thing you really want to do, and it would be better to just let it keep going in the "dark corners" of the internet where no one else is bothered. Shutting it down now forces people out. It is the now internet famous Streisand effect. ( )

These people have to be so expletive stupid to go to that degree. The only reasons to do such a thing would be out of sheer terror of what it had become or plain stupidity. In giving them the benefit of the doubt, they are afraid, very very afraid.

Then take into account that these supposedly radicalized people are such because they are social outcasts. They just took away the only social connections they had no matter how tenuous they are. The only result of that is pushing those near the edge due to isolation over the edge completely. If they really wanted to stop violence, taking away the one place those outcasts had to vent away is again the last thing you want to do to prevent violence. None of these actions make sense unless they themselves are only acting reflexively out of fear. of being found out. That is why they are being labeled terrorists and not nutjobs no matter what their proclivities actually are.

It is sickening, and the actions being taken are the exact opposite of what they should be if they actually cared about people.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Those are all great questions.

I mean, let's face it when it comes to Epstein, that mofo is most likely gonna die in custody. I just hope that they truly do have everything and it won't matter in the end.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

My goodness! I said the same thing on ATS yesterday, as a way to deter mass murderers. They're young males who do NOT want to be paraded about, or put in a cage and spat on, or share a cell with a 300 pound professional sodomist.

SOOO.. you make sure the next one captured gets all 3 of the above, and they're well publicized online. That will deter other would-be mass murderers.. or at least those who don't plan on being killed or committing suicide.

But why wait? The Parkland Shooter and Dylann Roof (killed 9 Black Churchgoers in 2015) are in prison. Let's put them through the public grinder!

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust

They used to hang them high on the town square for a reason. I just don't think these people deserve a quick death. It should be slow, and public.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I have stated several times that I am tired of "waiting". I have also been critical of Q/POTUS as using this for political gain.

I have come around to thinking that Trumps 2nd term is an essential part of "The Plan". Maybe Q is partially politically motivated. If it delivers the justice we all seek, I am ok with that.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:04 PM
i know we have heard/read about this before but here it is again


NEWS: ODNI provides @JudicialWatch 12 pages about the meeting between the ICIG and the FBI about anomalies in Hillary Clinton emails which suggested that every message was forwarded to a Chinese third party.

What is so disgusting is that FBI knew this and still wanted HRC.

What does that say? Brennan supposed ex communist who actually voted communist. Comey communist in college and became republican.

Anyone can claim any party. Doesn't mean they actually support the party. All for looks. Party affiliation means nothing.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Im with you. Death is way to easy. I wouldnt mind 24 hour live webcams from their gitmo cells. Can you imagine knowing thousands of eyes could be watching you at any point in time 24/7? I don believe one would go mad after a time.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: dubiousatworst

2 birds with one stone...1st and 2nd amendment right's all in one "shot"
edit on 5-8-2019 by Sabrechucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: carewemust

SOOO.. you make sure the next one captured gets all 3 of the above, and they're well publicized online.

Do Not Drop Yourself Down To Their Level.

Trial, Verdict, Punishment either Jail or Firing Squad.

We are all supposed to be the good guys.

Good guys do not torture people.


posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: dubiousatworst

Who is the "They" you're referring to, who are powerful enough to shut down a research website like 8-channel?

I'm in awe of how resourceful and dedicated some of the researchers are. There are a couple in this thread too. (If they were medical scientists, cancer would be cured by now!)

Since the 8-chan researchers have been uncovering truths that the controllers/cabal wanted to keep hidden, for at least a couple of years, there must be a new variable that scares the daylights out of them at this point in time.

I think that newly arrived threat is William Barr and his DOJ. BARR is THE SPARK that can ignite all the dynamite uncovered and exposed by 8-channel researchers, and other investigative reporters like John Solomon and Sara Carter.

"They" know that if they can't intimidate William Barr, they're going down...hard. When Barr gave that one interview where he said he's at the end of his career, and is operating without any fear, that sent chills down the backs of a lot of powerful, guilty people.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Moravec

Did anyone catch DJT mistakenly naming Toledo for Dayton at the 10:13 mark? Teleprompter error?

Yeah. Not a mistake,IMO. Ohio corruption is heavily weighted in Toledo. I'm in Dayton, btw...

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Stroppy Me
Australian speaker



posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

OK then. So we don't form lines and shoot spitwads. But maybe we could still hold them in plexiass cages on the town square?

I really do think they need to be able to be in full view of the public. The idea of livestreaming them while incarcerated is a good one I suppose. But people need to be able to SEE these people in jail. Whether that be on the town square or in jail somewhere, they deserve it.

When history writes the books on the Clintons people will be STAGGERED by the death toll numbers. It's WAY higher than the internet sites claim as the "Clinton Body Count". The true number is likely in the millions and I would imagine these sickos at some point realized this and hoped they could top Hitler or Stallin.

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Enderdog

I saw something earlier about one of the Dayton victims being from Toledo... can't remember where I saw it now.

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