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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The "break in" at the Qummings "residence" sounds like a sympathy funnel for political reasons similar to the Smollett hoax 😎

I understand that the Cummings break in occurred several hours BEFORE President Trump's first Tweet about him and Baltimore.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:00 PM
Talk about a kiss of death for Sue Gordon at DNI:

From Adam Schiff

Schiff: Sue Gordon is superbly qualified to serve as Acting Director of National Intelligence..Rather than seeking to sideline Sue Gordon, the President should recognize that she would be an excellent candidate to replace outgoing Director Coats.

Not gonna do it, not gonna happen.
They really are stupid.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Why not read it first?

Remembering what someone told me about book burners....

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:13 PM
So Fox has an article up about Ellen Pompeo (actress, no relation to Mike in case no one knows her) being called racist for her comments about Kamala Harris.

The lunacy kicks in when you realize Ellen Pompeo is married to Chris Ivery -- a black man. I love when these jackasses start popping off at the mouth about people/things they're not educated on. It shows their derangement even more. He must be one self hating black man to be married to a racist "white" lady.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
a reply to: carewemust

the one yahoo put up.

Oh...THAT Report. The FBI put out something similar about Martin Luther King. The declassified version was posted in one of the prior Q threads.

The FBI and CIA are very suspicious and cautious. Keeps Americans relatively safe, compared to many other nations.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Analysis: John Ratcliffe was targeted and torpedoed by the DEEP STATE, with the Senate Select Committee of Intelligence leading the way.

Worth a Quick Scan:

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:32 PM
"Jeffrey Epstein's Weird Blue-Striped 'Temple' Completely Different From Approved Blueprints"

A strange cube-shaped building sitting on Jeffrey Epstein's infamous 'pedophile island' differed significantly from blueprints which were submitted to the Department of Planning and Natural Resources, according to NBC News, which has seen the plans.

"Jeffrey Epstein's bizarre blue-striped building on private island raised alarm"

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:39 PM

DJT tweet

"Oracle" - seer.

"Pupils" - eyes

(clip) Steve agrees: None make out of of summer. This debate nonsense was an act - performance to reveal the truths.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Well, it is legal now to propagandize the American public, no? Why was that done I wonder.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:20 PM
Q#3507&2327 connections

Rule 6(e)

Smoke And Mirrors - all is not what it seems...

Will members of the D party Congress attempt
to amend Rule 6(e) in order to obtain grand
jury material deemed 'critically important'?
Logical thinking, why?
Why paint a narrative that the one item you
cannot possess is the one item you need in
order to justify your argument?
People elected 'knowingly' spreading false-
information [disinformation]?
Puppets follow orders.
Think for yourself.

Q saying these are stooges doing what they are told because their actions make NO SENSE. Amend the "rule" - not a law, and get what you want. But they are not. Why?

Future Proves Past

Did the delay and smear tactics used by D's re:
Justice K help R's re: public support /
endorsement re: confirmation & NOV 6 E?
Did select D's expose themselves re: leaks /
release of confidential personal info, [CDE[F]?
If you know your opponents move(s)

Justice K "rule 6(e)" Justice K will Rule on "rule 6(e)" which is pointed at: "D's expose themselves re: leaks / release of confidential personal info"

Q: Never interfere with the enemy...

This says to me that instead of them changing the rules, they are being forced to walk their sorry asses up to the Supreme Court (the overlords) who will then RULE on their actions and deeds.

Watch the clip - do they look in control?

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Steve Bannon could be jumping on the Trump Train again.
edit on 2-8-2019 by EchoesInTime because: posting issues

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Invesco (QQQ) Trust stood to make huge gains if Hillary Clinton won.
When Trump won, Invesco (QQQ) Trust lost big.

Investors Pour $24 Billion Into ETFs Amid Trump Victory

On the flip side, the biggest individual ETF loser of the week was the tech-heavy PowerShares QQQ Trust (QQQ), with redemptions of $1.8 billion. Some analysts suggested that Trump's policies could be detrimental to tech companies.
edit on 2-8-2019 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2019 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Sorry lol

This is one forum where I don't mind double posts, saves trouble of having to scroll all the way back

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Before 9/ about all the way back to the fall of Atlantis

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: dubiousatworst

August the 11th Music event, is mentioned by this Guy at about 3:40, He goes on to explain a certain Book he read and says more at 11:45. From there he shows and reads the book line by line. Winds up giving out a series of Geometria numbers etc.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

It supposedly outperforms the NASDAQ index but it really just out leverages the NASDAQ.
OH look there is a Q ID in NASDAQ..

Now the real question can you eat just 6 Doritos?

edit on 2-8-2019 by Slichter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Sounds like a 1920 Kapp Putsch all over again and we all know what that led up to

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

No sorry needed. You were first...a couple posts ahead.

No need for me to dilute the conversation started by you.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

This really appears to be juveniles reaching for Something, anything.

Has any evidence been presented to substantiate their claim?

What do they do if there is a sealed indictment against one of their own? Say Mark Warner or Harry Reid.

They surely have to present something other than they think there may be.

Just meandering thoughts.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: crankyoldman
Before 9/ about all the way back to the fall of Atlantis

Yes far more then what is known is the in mind cloud.

But it is a pretty good reference point and I'm thrilled to see it at all being retwitted.

I wanted to draw attention as it made it out of the chans, and while it was well highlighted here in threads 1&2 it is very good to see it elsewhere and was worth keeping a ...pupil... on.

Several folks here mentioned how rereading the drops months later really opened their awareness. That is due to the subtle layer contained within. Reading all 3570 now would be a helluva chore indeed but it is all still there.

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