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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

It's Q-related because underlying processes are a mystery to the un-initiated, like me. The lacing intricacy in the 3D clip was lovely. Likewise, Q's words are encouraging, but only a few analysts (like RelSciHistItSufi) see and appreciate their underlying meanings.

BTW... SEAN HANNITY says he's received updated information. When revealed by the DOJ, it will "Shock The Conscience of the Nation".

Brief Article: -video/

Like everyone else following SPYGATE, Hannity is wrong with timelines for releases of important reports, but he and his regular investigative journalists have never been wrong about the information they share in advance.
edit on 8/7/2019 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Excerpted from:

The owner of 8chan, the online message board that's been repeatedly linked to mass shootings, was summoned to appear before the House Committee on Homeland Security, but even the Representatives who made the request on Tuesday seem wary that he'll show.

That's because little is known about Jim Watkins, 8chan's owner, including — it appears — his physical mailing address.

"Please provide the Committee with current physical contact information for you or your authorized representative in the United States so that you can receive communication from the Committee," the House letter read.

Watkins, a US Army veteran, is said to have relocated his family in 2004 to the Philippines, where he reportedly lives today — raising pigs and running various websites, including an audiobook company and, 8chan.

"Repeatedly linked to mass shootings" is a LIE isn't it? The article's photo of Jim Watkins appears to be intent on making him look like an unsavory character.

TRUTH: Twitter and Facebook Have been linked to multiple mass shootings and individual shootings. A proven FACT.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 03:46 AM
I found a highly symbolic link between two admittedly highly speculative theories I have been posting about.

Theory 1 "The Bloodlines" ™ are preparing for a major shakeup and anticipate the end of western democracy as a governing system.

Theory 2 Could the cabal be planning a 911 style event in multiple locations on 817 ?

Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (17 August 1786 – 16 March 1861), later Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, was a German princess and the mother of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. 

And now I know why I messed with the date formats. Her birthday adapted to the "911" format is 817 1786 and the European version is 178 1786

17 = Q

8 = 8chan

817 1786 = Birthday of Queen Victoria's mum

187 187(6) = Date rearranged to spell "murder murder "

Q in his very last drop before 8chan got in trouble: "The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT."

Uruguay's travel warning for the US in general and Baltimore, Detroit and Albuquerque in particular.

817 = Hot August music festival (Baltimore)

817 = African World Festival (Detroit)

817 = Summertime in old town (Albuquerque, thanks EMN!)

When I say 911 like event I don't mean it in the sense of planes steered into buildings or events. I mean it in the sense of a coordinated attack simultaneously in several locations. I would expect a combination of multiple shooters and possibly some homemade bombs. A FF made to spin the Q/8chan/Trump = Nazi/white supremacists narrative into overdrive to such a level that I don't even want to imagine the consequences.

Boy, I hope I am wrong! As I wrote: this is highly speculative dot connecting with many, many ifs. The probability of this actually happening is very low despite the intriguing symbolism. The impact however would be absolutely devastating.
edit on 7-8-2019 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

I've been thinking for a while that this is the plan!

Probably ANTIFA connected but they're probably just useful stooges being used for the 'agencies'.

My biggest concern at the moment is that there's going to be an 'A' attempt of DJT and or family member(s).

Got very bad feeling that the tipping point is getting very close

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Trillium
Yes Thank you I did catch that. I got to thinking about it and Im pretty sure Q wouldnt use something like that anyway. Not to mention the difficulty it would cause some not so tech savy folks. I would never share the 8 link with anyone because I know what lurks behind the scenes there as it is. Sending folks over to Zero Im sure would have been worse.

I have my own site anyway that I built after Q showed up. Figured we would need a bigger storage locker for all that information. I made it for anyone that wants to their discoveries along the line, or their digs. A safer space where new folks cant hurt themselves! It has a chat room on it also that can be utilized so its not like there arent options while in the holding pattern.

I figure now is a good time to do some reviews and read the drops again. Knowing what we know now makes or puts the rereading into a different light. May also trigger new ideas to pursue and dig into. Not a bad thing this moment of darkness really.

Been nice to be home here anyway!

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:23 AM
Ok, that GV artwork above her bed is pretty friggin sick. Any meaning to the dice “1-5-4”?

Anyway, this dual path evil/corrupt between DS/Russia Hoax and Epstein/trafficking may or may not intersect but they must be feeling heat.

The FF attacks flipped the narrative from Mueller and failed Russia to gun control and White supremacy and 8chan in a single day.

Barr/Durham can flip this right back if and when they wanted.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: LurkNoMore

From what I have read over time, it appears the parents have a lot to do with it in some form. Some comes from military, some comes from parent affiliations and some comes from extreme religious views or practice of the family. Then of course of you say, "or all the above."

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Guyfriday

I feel this is the end of the matrix

No, just a part of the big plan by the forces of Nature/God. Some things are never acceptable to the masses and those things attract the weak minded and the very powerful alike for obvious reasons. That children are the most easily influenced to participate is why they are the majority of victims apparently.

These things must stop. It is not human nature to do the things we have seen reported.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: imthegoat

as if everyone connected to Q is not already a nut job.


This nonsense reads like some insane hallucinogenic drug induced nightmare.
I am so glad it is being exposed as the ridiculousness that it is.

I am sure it is for you.

For the rest of us it has been like a slow train wreck. Watching the inevitable conclusion of bad decisions by those bent on destroying society in the Western world.

It is funny, once you are red pilled, that in a maniacal way people like you attempt to change the narrative. I believe because it is the Marxist party plank to do so and they are compelled Marxists. Thank goodness more and more people wake up daily to reality. There is hope yet.

edit on 7-8-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:05 AM
Check this out. Connor Betts mother owns a tech company with ties to DARPA. Imagine that....

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

a lil autism can go a long way.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: dashen

Why do the children of parents with ties to the government and DARPA continue to become mass shooters? It should be noted here that there is A LOT of crazy stuff happening in the Dayton area, with Wright Patterson AFB and the Air Force Research Lab located there.
edit on 7-8-2019 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

because when youre a spook your life and your children's lives belong to the Company

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: cherokeetroy

There is a company out there called Human Domain Solutions, LLC who had been hiring crisis actors for an El Paso event. They have a Faceborg page. They are currently hiring actors for an event in Alabama.

These events are getting extremely sloppy. They aren't scrubbing internet presence before these events.

this popped up on my local news this morning

Anniston man accused of threatening to 'shoot up' Walmart in Oxford

Keyword Anniston. When I went to the FB page you shared yday, I saw where Anniston was where the next training exercise was scheduled to take place.

Coincidence I’m sure. Supposedly this man smelled of alcohol and was just spouting off at the mouth to employees, no weapons were found when searched, BUT!

From the FB page of human domain solutions llc:

GET PAID to up to $250 to work as a Casualty Role Player (CRP) supporting an Alabama National Guard Disaster Response Training Exercise near Anniston, AL on AUGUST 7 - 8, 2019

It’s all weirdness. Just thought I’d throw it down. Probably nothing.... maybe just the universe throwing jokes my way-
Or maybe what I read on the net in other places dictates what news stories are thrown up into my FB feed. I’ve long thought the latter was possible. It’s not just “ads” it’s targeted “news stories” as well.

edit on 7-8-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: SouthernGift

A few people here dug into that outfit 9-10 months ago along with another one based in McLean, VA which right next door is C1A and Pentagon. It was noticed some of these so-called victims 'crisis actors' were appearing in multiple tradegy events on news media.

Anniston, AL is a well known human trafficking hot spot right off I-20. Some here may remember Yellowhammer news.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 09:45 AM
lookin like nuclear boogaloo brewing between india and the pakis

india has suspended all diplomatic relations with pakiland

be afraid

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: Trillium

I have my own site anyway that I built after Q showed up. Figured we would need a bigger storage locker for all that information. I made it for anyone that wants to their discoveries along the line, or their digs. A safer space where new folks cant hurt themselves! It has a chat room on it also that can be utilized so its not like there arent options while in the holding pattern.

Not to sound negative but how is that different from the guys who setup 8chan (Fakechan) P2P site? Assuming you would share it. Granted it's a trust issue.

Qmap added a message: "Note: when Q returns, we will get the posts. Avoid 8chan on zeronet as per CodeMonkey"

I dug into Fakechan on ZeroNet last night and found a few things that the average unsuspecting user would be oblivious until its too late. I use multiple Virtual Machines (VMware) on a separate PC platform that I can nuke and restore within minutes; best method for lurking on the dark web sites.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: dashen

I heard. Children playin with nuclear bombs never ends well.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: SouthernGift

A few people here dug into that outfit 9-10 months ago along with another one based in McLean, VA which right next door is C1A and Pentagon. It was noticed some of these so-called victims 'crisis actors' were appearing in multiple tradegy events on news media.

Anniston, AL is a well known human trafficking hot spot right off I-20. Some here may remember Yellowhammer news.

Yes! I remember some.... I actually think it was the I-20 stuff that finally drug me into posting, actually. I posted that bridge demolition on I-20 as a great visual of how the construction across americas interstate system may be demolishing their trafficking routes- silly me, I wanted so badly to participate in this fine discussion!!

I was following along with the “crisis” actor thing as a lurker, as well.

Also just for the added info, Incase anyone else
perhaps experiences this phenomena- I was also a lurker reading along with this threads discoveries of the “anti aging blood plasma adenochrome” and all that falls under that umbrella- and suddenly started seeing a slew of news stories pop up about Peter Thiel (goog) funding research for the therapies as well as the FDA shutting down some “blood plasma injections for anti aging therapy startups” it all seemed, well, too coincidental- I had a “feeling” I was seeing these stories because of what I was reading here, clicking on links shared, and searching out my own terms. That usually happens with ads, but I never run across anyone suggesting it happens with NEWS STORIES!

Also the trafficking explosion after it was discussed heavily in this thread- I think is quite obvious. but a little different as I believe it was forced by Trump/border discussion. It exploded for everyone, not just me.

I’m just throwing out the idea that perhaps the algorithms/spying are being utilized somehow to suggest to us “news” stories that coincide with what we’re finding on the internet in the same way targeted ads are being used to try and sell us things we seem interested in.

Which speaks volumes to the intent of “mainstream media” whose purpose is to inform, not to manipulate.

We all know the reason behind the ads(profit first, and many other reasons fall behind)- but if news stories are being pushed out to people in varying ways using the same kinds of tactics, what then can we say, besides manipulation, would be the reason?

I’m not affected by the news story popping up in the same way a person who didn’t have my background would be. Especially someone who didn’t read the post yday about the crisis actors and Alabama having an event next. It did not incite fear in me, but curiosity and a low level spark of “what does it mean!” - and of course, my intuitive nature to share it here.

Just something we might think about.

There is a vast difference in the news stories I “seek” and the news stories I am “shown”- and I know from following the thread that most here don’t do “social media” so I’m just trying to give some insider insight.

There’s just so much that can be speculated when you start connecting dots..... I feel like this is a puzzle that just when you think you’ve finished, someone goes and drops some new pieces right on top of you, just out of the sky, and maybe some of them fit- and maybe some are dis info.

“Every gambler knows, the secret to surviving, is knowing what to throw away, and knowing what to keep”

Heard that old classic this morning actually. Seems synchronistic.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Well, I have had it up since late December of 2017. Im just a few members shy of 2000. It has been built around Q and all the information that has come from the digs. Large collection of official pdf files etc also. I have a pretty strong following on Twit also that I have established a good trust with.

Besides Im not saying to make the site the official headquarters. I was just saying it could be a good place to keep sharing information while they get the new home built by using The chat feature which would be similar to what the 8 board was as far as a continual roll out of information.

Information is going to still be added there daily regardless just like it is here. You just need to be a member and I only to that so any trouble makers can be kicked. That would also be a good tool to have to keep the spammers and bots off the chat.

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