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My life in Asia

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posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 09:18 PM
Life here is like a fall leaf falling and bouncing on the changing tide of weather. Always a silence of peace follows me here.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 09:25 PM
It feels as though I am being washed over by Tao reading your caption and watching the video.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 09:33 PM
Food looks good! Nice snap shot of down town China. Pretty peaceful it seems, I hope you have a good social score though.

a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Great answer....

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed the man doing his soldering of the circuit board. The street scenes reminded me of Bladerunner (but without all the lights and modernity). I bet these Chinese scenes inspired the Bladerunner street scenes.

I want to ask you a million questions about your life in Shanghai. I am most interested that you are posting here. Is this site okay in China? Do the government let it through on the internet there? Obviously you are getting access, but are the Chinese allowed sites such as ATS?

I have much respect for China, but of course as a Westerner I must be concerned with international politics and I have great concerns about China's political system - that it keeps the people under the thumb so.

This is for you,

edit on 10-3-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed the man doing his soldering of the circuit board. The street scenes reminded me of Bladerunner (but without all the lights and modernity). I bet these Chinese scenes inspired the Bladerunner street scenes.

I want to ask you a million questions about your life in Shanghai. I am most interested that you are posting here. Is this site okay in China? Do the government let it through on the internet there? Obviously you are getting access, but are the Chinese allowed sites such as ATS?

I have much respect for China, but of course as a Westerner I must be concerned with international politics and I have great concerns about China's political system - that it keeps the people under the thumb so.

This is for you,

He doesn’t live in China bro. He lives in Japan and he is American.
edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Malak777
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed the man doing his soldering of the circuit board. The street scenes reminded me of Bladerunner (but without all the lights and modernity). I bet these Chinese scenes inspired the Bladerunner street scenes.

I want to ask you a million questions about your life in Shanghai. I am most interested that you are posting here. Is this site okay in China? Do the government let it through on the internet there? Obviously you are getting access, but are the Chinese allowed sites such as ATS?

I have much respect for China, but of course as a Westerner I must be concerned with international politics and I have great concerns about China's political system - that it keeps the people under the thumb so.

This is for you,

He doesn’t live in China bro. He lives in Japan and he is American.

I put my feet in Japan
I get to go where the wind blows in my life
I want to share the Asian part of the world with you
Yes, I have a life with no borders but my passport keeps me in tack of the fact that life is so beautiful in the land of "I want to go where my airplane ticket takes me"

edit on 0300000049272019-03-10T05:27:49-05:00274903am5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Dude I have been up late here in the states and you are tripping me out with your responses.

I give you props man.

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: musicismagic

Dude I have been up late here in the states and you are tripping me out with your responses.

I give you props man.

our life is like the air we breath
we can go in direction of our breath
you cant touch the wind, but it follows you in life

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

A salient wisp. Never the story revealed, only knowing that when I look to the sky, I see the same as those across the realms of reality. We are always connected. Each breath is the same air.

then I look down, and see my pint, unhindered by my lips.. and lament.. Oh for shame, these sordid things we embark upon. And strive to be better, as I gulp away the sentiment of futility.

Sit, sit in the park.. it's a veritable oasis of calm. look yonder, a figment.. a man with his dog. parading as if there were nothing else. sanctity if only for a moment. the pooch approaches, snorting and slobbering, yet festive. He sniffs at your boots, and you dare not move. As if guffawing, the animal snorts once more, and runs fro. His human, on his tail. "Don't mind him, he likes everyone." he proclaims, jogging as if chasing a recalcitrant, wayward friend. And they are gone.

But the tree.. remains steadfast. Having witnessed this culpable event, yet showing no lament. It will remain.

idk, I was just waiting for the 2 minute noodles to boil..

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

A salient wisp. Never the story revealed, only knowing that when I look to the sky, I see the same as those across the realms of reality. We are always connected. Each breath is the same air.

then I look down, and see my pint, unhindered by my lips.. and lament.. Oh for shame, these sordid things we embark upon. And strive to be better, as I gulp away the sentiment of futility.

Sit, sit in the park.. it's a veritable oasis of calm. look yonder, a figment.. a man with his dog. parading as if there were nothing else. sanctity if only for a moment. the pooch approaches, snorting and slobbering, yet festive. He sniffs at your boots, and you dare not move. As if guffawing, the animal snorts once more, and runs fro. His human, on his tail. "Don't mind him, he likes everyone." he proclaims, jogging as if chasing a recalcitrant, wayward friend. And they are gone.

But the tree.. remains steadfast. Having witnessed this culpable event, yet showing no lament. It will remain.

idk, I was just waiting for the 2 minute noodles to boil..

The noodles do boil in 2 minutes.
I have reach the open door temple here only to tell me that I have to keep my spirits up and follow the whispers of the wind

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

A salient wisp. Never the story revealed, only knowing that when I look to the sky, I see the same as those across the realms of reality. We are always connected. Each breath is the same air.

then I look down, and see my pint, unhindered by my lips.. and lament.. Oh for shame, these sordid things we embark upon. And strive to be better, as I gulp away the sentiment of futility.

Sit, sit in the park.. it's a veritable oasis of calm. look yonder, a figment.. a man with his dog. parading as if there were nothing else. sanctity if only for a moment. the pooch approaches, snorting and slobbering, yet festive. He sniffs at your boots, and you dare not move. As if guffawing, the animal snorts once more, and runs fro. His human, on his tail. "Don't mind him, he likes everyone." he proclaims, jogging as if chasing a recalcitrant, wayward friend. And they are gone.

But the tree.. remains steadfast. Having witnessed this culpable event, yet showing no lament. It will remain.

idk, I was just waiting for the 2 minute noodles to boil..

The noodles do boil in 2 minutes.
I have reach the open door temple here only to tell me that I have to keep my spirits up and follow the whispers of the wind

But all those vows of silence.. Oo I can't keep the ones in my head in check, let alone what creeps out of my face. oO

You need a still to keep your spirits up, but don't get one if you can. I have one, and it almost killed me.

PS: I love the sentiment of your thread.
sorry if I have steered it in a weird direction. People who do know me, often think I'm a little woo woo for some of the mindfulness I express. or did..

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

A salient wisp. Never the story revealed, only knowing that when I look to the sky, I see the same as those across the realms of reality. We are always connected. Each breath is the same air.

then I look down, and see my pint, unhindered by my lips.. and lament.. Oh for shame, these sordid things we embark upon. And strive to be better, as I gulp away the sentiment of futility.

Sit, sit in the park.. it's a veritable oasis of calm. look yonder, a figment.. a man with his dog. parading as if there were nothing else. sanctity if only for a moment. the pooch approaches, snorting and slobbering, yet festive. He sniffs at your boots, and you dare not move. As if guffawing, the animal snorts once more, and runs fro. His human, on his tail. "Don't mind him, he likes everyone." he proclaims, jogging as if chasing a recalcitrant, wayward friend. And they are gone.

But the tree.. remains steadfast. Having witnessed this culpable event, yet showing no lament. It will remain.

idk, I was just waiting for the 2 minute noodles to boil..

The noodles do boil in 2 minutes.
I have reach the open door temple here only to tell me that I have to keep my spirits up and follow the whispers of the wind

But all those vows of silence.. Oo I can't keep the ones in my head in check, let alone what creeps out of my face. oO

You need a still to keep your spirits up, but don't get one if you can. I have one, and it almost killed me.

PS: I love the sentiment of your thread.
sorry if I have steered it in a weird direction. People who do know me, often think I'm a little woo woo for some of the mindfulness I express. or did..

we ponder in life for the piece of our thoughts of life
yet it can be in front of us with our eyes open
it's not that we see or can not see the path in front of us, yet we know it is there

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Just subbed to your YT.

My wife and I are about to embark on our own world travels.
Currently RV'ing around the USA and planning to head overseas this Fall with the intent of exploring SE Asia.

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: musicismagic

Is this your yt channel?

Neat vid saves the minimalist thread.

The rich have many material goods.
The poor in the countryside side are the most happy ones.
Ones foot is the path of a life of happiness in the countryside.
But one dreams of going to the city, a city of hope and dreams.

Gaijin cannot know the path, only the path knows the gaijin.

Mushi mushi ano ne ano ne ahhso desuka.

I sit under the tree regardless of where it exists, and hear the wind discuss reality with the breeze that cause the leaves to whisper.

It is good that you have felt the wind of truth in your life

A salient wisp. Never the story revealed, only knowing that when I look to the sky, I see the same as those across the realms of reality. We are always connected. Each breath is the same air.

then I look down, and see my pint, unhindered by my lips.. and lament.. Oh for shame, these sordid things we embark upon. And strive to be better, as I gulp away the sentiment of futility.

Sit, sit in the park.. it's a veritable oasis of calm. look yonder, a figment.. a man with his dog. parading as if there were nothing else. sanctity if only for a moment. the pooch approaches, snorting and slobbering, yet festive. He sniffs at your boots, and you dare not move. As if guffawing, the animal snorts once more, and runs fro. His human, on his tail. "Don't mind him, he likes everyone." he proclaims, jogging as if chasing a recalcitrant, wayward friend. And they are gone.

But the tree.. remains steadfast. Having witnessed this culpable event, yet showing no lament. It will remain.

idk, I was just waiting for the 2 minute noodles to boil..

The noodles do boil in 2 minutes.
I have reach the open door temple here only to tell me that I have to keep my spirits up and follow the whispers of the wind

But all those vows of silence.. Oo I can't keep the ones in my head in check, let alone what creeps out of my face. oO

You need a still to keep your spirits up, but don't get one if you can. I have one, and it almost killed me.

PS: I love the sentiment of your thread.
sorry if I have steered it in a weird direction. People who do know me, often think I'm a little woo woo for some of the mindfulness I express. or did..

we ponder in life for the piece of our thoughts of life
yet it can be in front of us with our eyes open
it's not that we see or can not see the path in front of us, yet we know it is there

Ponder... the very instant you were born. You had nothing to tether you to this life; you were simply the you that screams at life. All you knew was hope, the desire to be safe, and the unending need to be cared for. But as soon as you took your first breath, you started to become. And over time, as days passed, each and every encounter, entanglement, interaction, placed onto you an ever so subtle layer. That would keep on layering over you, till this very instant - you. You are you right now. You are not the same you as you were 1, 2, 5, 10 years ago.. those layers keep being applied, ever changing the personality that you are.

But underneath that, is still that infant.. the basic ME.. the one who yells "I will never drink again" or "I will never love again" from the suffering caused.. that intimate part that IS you..

And when we stand in that small hallway, with life and all we know behind us, and the shimmering, bleak void before us.. we realise.. it is non attachment. We return to the very thing we came from. And all of this, was merely an illusion. A story told to us, as we layered it to us. We are simple, us.

We think we will lose everything, and we lament the pain of losing it, but it is no more than walking out of a cinema.. we may say "That scene was touching, I really liked how that movie was!" but we don't say "I WANT TO BE BACK IN THE MOVIE..".. we know it was simply a fleeting moment, a flight of fancy.

/drops mic.

edit on 10-3-2019 by gallop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 08:13 AM
Ahha.. I think my new wine club was a terrible idea. Every sunday, at 8am, we all meet at the park and partake.

Well I say club, it's open slather, really..

Probably best I didn't invite them over for cheese on toast after.. especially when I don't have any cheese. It's just toast then, innit..

Actually, I say wine club.. I mean hobo reclamation protest, really.. *turns off internet*

edit on 10-3-2019 by gallop because: (no reason given)

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