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Florida Statue Depicting V-J Day Kiss Vandalized With '#MeToo' Paint

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posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 03:45 AM
Feminists deface iconic "WWII Victory Kiss" statue in FL

Florida Statue Depicting V-J Day Kiss Vandalized With '#MeToo' Paint

A statue in Florida depicting the iconic image of a sailor kissing a woman in Times Square while celebrating the end of World War II was found vandalized with the "#MeToo" hashtag just days after the sailor died, police said.

The "Unconditional Surrender" statue in Sarasota was discovered with the hashtag spray-painted in red on the nurse's leg just before 1 a.m. Tuesday, Sarasota police officials said.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 03:49 AM
The SJWs, Feminists,MeToo movement has gone to far now. The MeToo movement in these two past years has being making such nonsensical ideas, demands going even as far by demanding for the baby outside its cold song to be banned because it offends them.

MeToo movement needs to be reeducated. Its not a surprise that the MeToo movement and their supporters found the ionic kiss as offensive. This sadly has gone to far. Some of the MeToo movement leaders and protesters seem to have to forget the lessons of those WW2 soldiers who fought for the same freedoms that this movement seems want to take away.
edit on 20-2-2019 by AtlasHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:11 AM

That is all I can say.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: AtlasHawk

Pretty scummy thing to do, let me make that clear, because the next part will trigger some (most).

If one wanted to create false outrage, this is how you’d do it.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:26 AM
destroy all statues

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: AtlasHawk

Boo to the femi- thugs! The crones have gone "Nora Batty"! They sure have gone dung ga reeeeeeeeeeee this time, big time!

I got no problem with women trying to right the balance in terms of status, pay et c, but this kind of vandalism is going to destroy any credibility the "them2" guys had. G-D accepted "them2" long time ago, didn't HE? HE said HE made them man and woman, which nature did. For me they are just another destroying troll upon the West, another extreme ideology that is destroying it and sending it totally out of balance. I am a friend of the true feminine cause, but those guys I see as an extremist foe like I see other extreme demon-factions who are here to destroy us.

Once an extremist always an extremist. If your beginning ideology is extreme in concept then you will obviously be that way too.

Of course, it could have been sabotage. It could have been somebody deliberately making it out to be them to tarnish their image, though in this case I think it unlikely.

Yes, women can be Barbarians too. Ask Euripedes and Jason about that one, ho ho!

I'm working on this. I am wondering why the MSM are deliberately race baiting us ALL continually on their front pages every day. I am wondering why the Liberal Press are deliberately manufacturing race hate by extremism of over representation and extreme positive discrimination? If you keep calling the whole electorate stale, pale, male I think you are asking for huge trouble and you will get it. It is disgusting RACISM of the worst order and they are DOING IT to us all day, every day on the front page. They are the RACISTS.

DO NOT LET THEM TRIGGER. Be clever and use your brain against this. Do not do as they do. Be organized and positive. It is not the other races' fault, honestly. It is THEM. They are doing this on psycho-purpose. It is some kind of social engineering op' that is wanting to cause all this. They are the enemy of every minorities' true interests to be accepted by the majority in the wider community. I accepted all minorities a long time ago with my own attitudes from me, not those Liberal dictatorial extreme ideologies. Who wants that crap in their brains?

I don't believe the MSM could be so naive. It then follows they must know what they are doing and why. They are not doing the Jews, Muslims, gay people and all any favours. They are making their lives much harder as we are NOW seeing. Must I list the incidents? There are so many. If I was a Jew, woman or a a black man (I am in one minority that is hated because of their # stirring) I would tell the MSM to STFU now. They are the enemy and they are causing this. They are stirring the whole thing up.

MSM! I can't even look at your disgusting racist sites any longer. You are the RACIST. You are blatantly race baiting, being totally and unashamedly openly racist about white people, their culture and history right in their faces all the time, day after day and you expect them not to have something to say about that?

Vandalism has no place in politics and expression. If you do that to your own culture you have already shown you are a Barbaric thug with behaviour issues who has no respect for anyting, a criminal with nothing of any value to offer any of us.

edit on 20-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:30 AM
I’d put money on this being done by a douche for a laugh.
Even militant feminists couldn’t be that stupid.

If it’s just a bit of paint that can be scrubbed off then I reckon it’s pretty funny.
Whoever did it is a master troll

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 05:23 AM
Did anyone else notice that the reporter was too gutless to show the whole statue.

They had to make insinuations about the kiss they could not show you, days after the sailor dies.

Both the vandalism and the reporting were done by thugs.


posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: Malak777

You know, as Jesus came with His Sword, we come with our swords. I am a sword. I have the satisfaction of knowing those who hate me are sending themselves to oblivion. I am cutting them off from reason if they react in a hostile and contrary way to me. They will not do as I am suggesting so they go to their doom. It is because I am positive. This sword metaphor, look into it, as it is a handy tool to have. Metaphorically you can send a demon to their doom by it. You make them behave in ever increasing crazy ways that they will eventually no longer be able to function and start looking like the "pillock" they are. We then will see their true motive, their true spirit.

This is mind war. No blood is spilled. Only a few tarnished egos and raised blood pressures in certain offices shall be my slaughtered foes, my prisoners of war, my slain on the battlefield.

Just don't let them make an extremist of you. That is what they want. They want to cause you to make a stupid extremist move so they can be justified in their extremism. Blank them and meanwhile let's write a commentary about their insanity and downfall.

edit on 20-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:00 AM
I haven't looked further into this story, but I am assuming that the authorities have not yet arrested the responsible party. If 2019 has taught us anything so far, it should be that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and assign guilt to groups of people based of nothing more than our own individual bias. More often that not these type of cases end up having the opposite outcome of what you would assume.

That being said, I am deeply troubled by how aggressive new feminism has been in the wake of the #MeToo mass moral panic. It is also very troubling how much influence these types of people have in our public schools. The message to young boys isn't about teaching them to control their urges and take responsibility for their personal behavior. It is now a message of persecution. They tell them their very nature is toxic and that they are all essentially predators in waiting.

This kind of thing has to be very damaging to a young person's psyche. And as we know is sometimes the case with people who grow to be child predators when they become adults it is often because of a stunting of sexual maturity when they were themselves children. Whether it be that they themselves were assaulted as a child or what has typically been the case in a lot of child predator's history they had a strict religious upbringing that stunted their sexual maturity at a young age. I have to wonder in this new era of the puritanical left if we are just not creating an entire generation of potential pedophiles and doing so at a systemic level through the government and pubic schools.

This is precisely why when this country was founded they wanted to have a separation of church and state. But now we are quickly nosediving into a troubling trend where the state is becoming the church. It seems to me that sociologists these days do little to no objective research and analysis of factual data and a lot more meddling and getting data to fit a particular desired outcome. That is a recipe for disaster for any society.
edit on 20-2-2019 by sooth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:02 AM
I wonder how many feminists would have survived the Bataan death march.

Or been pulled out of the water of the USS Indianapolis torpedoing.

edit on 20-2-2019 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:08 AM
Been there, been to Marina Jack's on the bay behind it MANY times. It was considered an eyesore when the statue went up, but the locals actually grew to really like it. Defacing it is akin to sh#ing on their front porch to be a dick.

Degenerate teacups. That's all they are anymore. Maybe if they spent more time encouraging immediate reporting of actual violations/violence instead of social media whining, there'd be no need to say "me, too" because they wouldn't be personally holding the door open for additional crimes by way of NOT reporting anything. That's called enabling a criminal.

I think it's high time we hop off the coddling feminism train and start holding it over their heads. Been assaulted and did nothing to prevent more assaults on others? Oops, now you're effectively a lowlife enabler. Nice job, hope you feel great about yourself now.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: neo96
I wonder how many feminists would have survived the Bataan death march.

Or been pulled out of the water of the USS Indianapolis torpedoing.

You don't get much more pathetic than statements like that - are you suggesting said feminists wouldn't have survived because they are female or because of their views? Either is fairly puerile, have you ever wondered if you are actually part of the problem?

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

Try again.

There's nothing more pathetic than a feminist.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: neo96
I wonder how many feminists would have survived the Bataan death march.

Or been pulled out of the water of the USS Indianapolis torpedoing.

You don't get much more pathetic than statements like that - are you suggesting said feminists wouldn't have survived because they are female or because of their views? Either is fairly puerile, have you ever wondered if you are actually part of the problem?

I know you were just trying to make a point but I will toss an answer there..

Their views, most hard core feminists I have know are pretty vocal about their rights and about telling guys what to do etc... the Japanese during the death march would have bayonetted them in a heart beat for not shutting up and for being disrespectful.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: neo96
I wonder how many feminists would have survived the Bataan death march.

Or been pulled out of the water of the USS Indianapolis torpedoing.

You don't get much more pathetic than statements like that - are you suggesting said feminists wouldn't have survived because they are female or because of their views? Either is fairly puerile, have you ever wondered if you are actually part of the problem?

Neo and I seldom see eye to eye. We've agreed on one thing, ONCE, in all my years on here.

This is the second time I agree with him. And I'm female. He's right on the observation, they wouldn't have made it back alive from either event. They may have the strength to flap their gums a lot, but I highly doubt a feminist today would live through a real life or death atrocity. They wouldn't have the inner strength to.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: neo96
I wonder how many feminists would have survived the Bataan death march.

Or been pulled out of the water of the USS Indianapolis torpedoing.

You don't get much more pathetic than statements like that - are you suggesting said feminists wouldn't have survived because they are female or because of their views? Either is fairly puerile, have you ever wondered if you are actually part of the problem?

I know you were just trying to make a point but I will toss an answer there..

Their views, most hard core feminists I have know are pretty vocal about their rights and about telling guys what to do etc... the Japanese during the death march would have bayonetted them in a heart beat for not shutting up and for being disrespectful.

Frankly, I think just a minority would get that far. Most would die quickly from the mental and physical stresses. A old southern grandma (best friend's grandma) once said the louder the mouth, the weaker the body. She didn't mean one's character, she meant overall in terms of survival. An early Darwin stab on her part, IMO.
I think it would be very applicable to First World country feminists today in real war situations.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:06 AM
The woman who did this was probably PMSing and not thinking very clearly.

Just give her some cleaning supplies and instinct will take over and the l'il gal will have it all cleaned up in no time.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
The woman who did this was probably PMSing and not thinking very clearly.

Just give her some cleaning supplies and instinct will take over and the l'il gal will have it all cleaned up in no time.

Might want to calm her down first with sammich making time. Can't have a raging hormonal mess working with chemicals all flustered & upset.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:12 AM
While I agree that this is just #lame, it is a bit funny since the guy in that famous picture grabbed some random woman and kissed her for the picture. She didn't know it was coming.

It's just funny.

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