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In your humble opinion, what's REALLY going on?

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posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:22 PM
And whatever it is, is it fair to call it a "conspiracy" at some level, even if we're talking about existence and the meaning of life itself?

Of course the materialist monists would beg to differ by saying it's just a random fluctuation in eternal nothingingness which just so happens to be whatever it is. But to me that rings hollow and seems unscientific, to make an appeal to the strong anthropic principal, namely that if it were any other way, even by the smallest degree, we would not be here.

But here we are, while mired in a political drama involving issues of authority and leadership and accountability to principals of truth and justice, and isn't that the way, that at the very heart of things there's this fundamental controversy surrounding issues of authority and of good and evil.

If by some strange solipsism, the Earth is at the center of a cosmic drama involving this same struggle, and if it's true that we live in a non-local, holographic universe wherein LOCAL MATTERS, then in my humble opinion, we're actually in a great predicament of the very farthest reaching implications and significance, even if our sun one day goes supernova.

"All these things will pass away, but my word will never pass away."

The word, as somehow at cause. If this is the creative principal in the domain of human being and interpersonal relations, that we are what we say and do and do not do - then by God we're better take pause and be more considerate in everything we say and do, and how we react and respond to this fundamental dilemma, that to be alive is to be attached to an outcome in the gap of the divided middle between what is and what ought to be.

In this context, of everything bearing down upon us and emerging upward from the depths of the human heart, who and what are we that God seems to be mindful of us, while upholding the true standard of Justice and Mercy at the very heart of the law of love and life.

Is it safe do you think, to laugh and play under the stars of freedom, protected as untouchables from the predation of powers and principalities whether on Earth or in the heavens above, does God have our back in all of this to you think, whether a simulation or not?

Or are we like specks of dust floating in an ocean of meaningless absurdity? Is the entire controversy and predicament that I just described rendered moot by a dead and impersonal universe?

Oh the lengths to which people will go, to avoid the implications of the challenge we face in how to meet life and existence in a way and a manner that's formative and functional and in alignment with the living Spirit of Truth & Life, myself included!

But what happens when we really get present to the domain of possibility and freedom that life presents to us, regardless of how breathtaking the implications and significance, what happens when we get present to the fear that this can evoke, the necessity of action in pursuit of an object or an ideal, or even of inaction in the willingness to first receive inspiration as the fount of creativity?

Takes courage I think, to be filled with the Spirit and with Hope in better things as yet unseen than to be filled with mere opinions and subjective interpretations that make us feel safe, but that form a shield against having an authentic spiritual experience.

So you see, if you've read this OP, that the question posed in the title is intended to draw you into the predicament, while raising awareness of the degree of absolute uncertainty in the face of a marvel and a wonder of wonders.

Thus, the reason why the responses are certainly to be playful and humorous.

People are either moved, or unmoved, enthusiastic or unenthusiastic and it's funny either way from both perspectives, imho.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:25 PM
Blessed are you who laugh out loud but for all the right reasons.

Best regards,


posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:32 PM
Or, in the words of Buddha, Ghandi, or someone like that...

Shiznit Happens!
edit on 4/12/2018 by Lab4Us because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Were just spirit trapped in matter
Or consciousness and matter dancing an upward spiral together in a constant evolving through different stages of trauma or we exist as really intelligent plants and the earth is our mother or the planets are higher conscious bodies (gods) and they created us by making us conscious....etc etc.
I like to ponder any possibility tbh

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:52 PM
What's really going on?

Quantum is the flavour of the month these days. But I think there is a deeper process.

Chaos theory, with it's Mandelbrots, strange attractors and butterfly effects seems to reflect actuality over the realities of quantum physics.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 06:53 PM
We are like little eddies that naturally collect in the vast waves of real and virtual energy that make up the universe. There is no conspiracy, since there is nothing for anyone to gain from it. It will all eventually decay to flatline. There's no money in that.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I think if it would eventually decay to flatline, that that would have already happened "by now".

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:07 PM
IMNSHO, everything that is going on is going through someone else's lens before I get to see it.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:14 PM
Just a hunch, but I think most people if given a credible preview and limited summary of what's really going on would not want to know more.

It's either far more frightening than you can imagine, or it is far more insignificant that you've imagined this way. At least until the reality becomes unavoidable.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

Evolutionary spiral.

I think "it" the cosmos has intentional design parameters built into it by anticipation from a first/last cause in which case it's an intelligent subtraction from and addition to the absolute potential, from which it came and relative to which everything is hurtling towards like a strange attractor and eschaton at the end and beginning of time or the alpha & omega of existence.

intentional by anticipation from beginning to end. This denotes a design and a plan, that's both open and superdeterministic both.

I don't think we'll ever learn precisely how it was done lest it spoil the joke and the fun.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

And whatever it is, is it fair to call it a "conspiracy" at some level, even if we're talking about existence and the meaning of life itself?

Etymology of the word "conspire":

"from Old French conspirer (14c.), from Latin conspirare "to agree, unite, plot,
" literally "to breathe together,"

Soooo......... We are all breathing each others farts.
We are breathing pig farts, dog farts, cow farts.
Whatever goes into the atmosphere,
We are breathing it... together.

I have this conspiracy fantasy where all the people on earth
connect to internet of things somehow and inhale/exhale
at the same time and same direction for some length of
time in order to change the weather.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:30 PM
The reality is we are not equipped nor capable of grasping any larger aspects of "Reality"... in our usual waking consciousness, anyway.

We are always late in our perceptions, seeing pitifully small fractions of old news through scratched lenses usually held and aimed by another with the same limitations. Even our very thoughts are determined by preconditions.

That said, I'd like to hear other's best guesses as to what is really up... and going down (English slang idioms).

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

This species isn't equipped to grasp reality with such limited sensibilities and cognition.

I think the time tested analogy applies....

"It's like trying to teach a pig to play poker, it's futile and annoys the pig."

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I don't think we'll ever learn precisely how it was done lest it spoil the joke and the fun.

That put a smile on my face. I like that.

I think "it" the cosmos has intentional design parameters built into it by anticipation from a first/last cause in which case it's an intelligent subtraction from and addition to the absolute potential, from which it came and relative to which everything is hurtling towards like a strange attractor and eschaton at the end and beginning of time or the alpha & omega of existence.

intentional by anticipation from beginning to end. This denotes a design and a plan, that's both open and superdeterministic both.

A little over my head. But I wonder if the Mandelbrot is the pattern of the status quo with it's endless repetition with us caught in its web.

If so, then it would be a challenge to free one's self and perhaps learn to move at will within the iteration. Then the challenge would be to stand as a separate Being and maybe throw little spanners in the machinery here and there to change the Mandelbrot to a slightly different pattern.

The big challenge would be to observe the strange attractors at work.

I wonder if the strange attractors can be destroyed and new ones created? A simple change in the values perhaps where a one becomes a zero.

Like adding a tiny grain of sand to a spinning gyroscope. Placed on the vortexual axis, nothing happens, yet place that grain of sand on the edge of the biggest and most complex gyroscopes that grain of sand can change everything and the machine destroys itself.

Perhaps the inverse of newtonian law where every action has an equal reaction.

Evolutionary spiral.

Does such a thing exist?
edit on 4-12-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typo

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 08:11 PM
It's simple...

(it's can turn it UP!)

edit on 12/4/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 08:36 PM

there is a great cosmic struggle between Good (God the Creator) and Evil (satan the destroyer)

much of this struggle takes place on Planet Earth.
Human beings are both warriors and battlefield.

sadly, a great many people are doing the devil's work without realizing.
the enemy is trying to nullify the USA as a force for good in this world, and causing all the commotion it can around the rest of the world.

each of us has the choice between helping good (God) or opposing.
I suspect many will consider this to be a simplistic Bible-thumping philosophy
but every day I see more and more the truth here.

God bless you as you seek the truth. 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...'

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 09:01 PM
A billion years in the making. Hundreds of thousands of life forms, each special in its own way, especially against the probability of survival at all. The joy, the sorrow, the depth, the shallows, so much introspection and lack thereof.

"And in all the excitement of the moment, no one noticed the single flashing red light on the panel near the words "Self Destruct"..."

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 09:20 PM
Earth is nothing more than a Colosseum where the Emperors and Overlords can watch mankind do battle to the death. As immortals, they have plenty of time to watch. One warrior will prevail and, in the course of their battles, they will rise to the status of being worthy to see the path of enlightenment.

It is how it has always been; and so it shall always always be.

edit on 12/4/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 10:01 PM
Pro Tip:

We never really existed in the first place

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: dashen

How about, once we find ourselves in it, there is no escape, and that at some level we also have ourselves to blame & to congratulate for the democratic choice to exist in the first place where God knows/knew it was the right thing to do since it's better for there to be something and varied experience than nothing at all, forever. The creation made certain that everything didn't totally suck, always and forever. No good, good for nothing nothingness.

Some talk about simulation theory..

Consider this.

Whether a material reality or simulation, what we appear to have is a thoughtform and a "word" ie: let there be light and there was light - arising from well, eternity! - since we are sandwiched between eternity where one believes in the big bang theory or an eternal recurrence or forever existing at some level because you can't get something from nothing. (Plato).

IF one were looking for a breakout point from a writhing ocean of absolute unlimited potential from the formless void, would not every possible universe be first simulated (no this won't work, that's won't work) before arriving at the one that does, namely, our own. However, if we're talking about a creator God as game designer, perhaps every other infinite possibility was not tried in the fullness of eternity, since it would appear that it/He begins with the end and THIS EXPERIENCE in mind, by anticipation from the origin of creation or "before the foundation of the world". Thus, it could very well have been arrived at after everything that didn't work was tried or at least simulated in advance.

Or maybe the sacred Geometry arising from the Vesica Pisces

That said, to be honest, I don't really knows what's really going on. What is that so funny, and so wonderful both?

This is what I'm looking for, is the access to an inkling of a kind of humor of understanding as a personal knowledge even if it's the knowing of unknowing, and there, if I'm not mistaken, arises the opportunity to meet and get to know God and ourselves and one another in a kind of table fellowship, where "what's going on" could be some story about the most mundane thing anyone could imagine - and then we all burst out laughing and for all the right reasons. koinonia.

Therefore, this is what's happening, me talking to you and beyond that it's all up in the air! Beautiful!

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