posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:12 PM
I get e-mails from Netflix for movies hand-picked for me. Yesterday I got a recommendation for an older movie called "The Witch".
The movie is about a pilgrim like family in New England who left the reservation to go out on their own. They lived in solitude in the woods in a
small farm house, a farm, animals, mother, father and four kids - son and daughter and twins (son and daughter). Movie opens with an infant child
disappearing... it was pretty slow moving at first but I found it to be wicked suspenseful. It was like a train wreck... I was sort of regretting
getting into it but I couldn't look away. The accents... omg! I couldn't understand a word they were speaking at first but after a little while I
was able to understand, and then I got sucked in and loved the way they were speaking. Anyway, it was one of those movies that managed to keep me in
suspense and scare me even though nothing truly scary really happened. Anyone else see it?