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Overtime work should be banned...

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posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: olaru12
Oh you're in that profession. Who you know heh. The one where an up and coming actress gets asked "drop your knickers for me and I'll get you the million dollar part". Then 10 years down the line she remembers WHO "helped" her and forgets she agreed to it and frys the guy.
Is that the one.

Yes, that's the one.

If you are that triggered by the entertainment biz. Boycott us...don't watch movies or TV shows or any mass media.....

You do know that Trump is a SAG/AFTRA union member though don't you? at work now Union proud, Union Strong
edit on 12-8-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Cabin

I can't say that I would be in agreement because there's lots of people that work over time just to pay their bills, cutting that lifeline off doesn't make sense.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 11:43 AM
It's great that you've never worked ot. How ever most people who live and work in the real world have had to work over time. I have had 60 to 70 hour weeks. The pay makes it worth it... oh and I have a supportive girlfriend who understands that overtime is inevitable in my line of work. I think the fact that you are questioning your relationship due to her working late shows incredible immaturity and selfishness.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Cabin
Just to clarify, the problem does not lie in the fact that she wants to work due to relationship problems or she is cheating. She is hoping for a promotion this year and the opposing people are also putting in enormous hours. She hates it but its her choice to choose work at this point I know for sure, she spends the extra time at the at the office, as I usually pick her up, just she is late. Everything is very good in the relationship except and I see how much it weighs on her that she has to work so mucj. When we agree that I come by 6, she commonly comes out at 7 or 8 due to extra work she puts into.

I'm going to be extremely blunt.

You suck as a boyfriend and she deserves better than you.

She's busting her ass to earn a promotion, to move UP the ladder, and the best you can freakin' muster up is "I'm thinking about dumping her because OT sucks."

GTFO, holy s#. The problem isn't her, it's YOU.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
GTFO, holy s#. The problem isn't her, it's YOU.

This is one of those times where a woman says 'it's not me, it's you' and it really is about you and not her.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: Cabin
I have always been supportive of good work-life balance. Even the fact, that company needs somebody to work overtime, means mismanagement, setting unlikely deadlines etc. For me, work-life is extremely important. Personally, I have never worked more than 40 hours per week, usually 30-35, although currently I am having issues with my girlfriend. This whole summer, she has been working more than 60 hours per week and that is unacceptable for me. I have had to wait hours behind her office, because she told she would finish earlier. And I am getting tired of it... No company/job is worth sacrificing personal relationships, friends, family. Now she decided to even work on Saturday and I am waiting for her, so had some time to write this post. I have even asked her to quit, as my salary would easily cover both of our needs, although she wants "independence".

Overtime is something I personally am highly against. It is something that too often gives unfair advantage to people, who have "no lives". There is a huge difference, when a person has family, social life vs single somebody whose whole life goes around their work. In the end, the first person would have to sacrifice their personal life or the second person gets advantage. In the end, such choices lead to immense amount of divorces, loss of friendships and all this, because of a freakin job. No job is worth such sacrifice.

Another problem comes with the fact, that when one person is willing to work overtime and other is not, then the company pressurises the second to either work overtime or they will just find somebody who will. And there is always somebody desperate enough to take the job. Using people´s desperate situations, need for money to, to pressurise them sacrificing their health,personal relationships, family,is not right thing to do.

In the end, when one works overtime, this leads to loss of productivity due to tiredness. Long-term different health issues might come up, which might become extremely expensive etc etc. It becomes negative for the economy as a whole.

If a company needs its employees work overtime, this means the deadline have been set too tight, that is managements problem not employees. If a contract says its 40, then its 40. I remember, couple of years ago, France enacted a ban on overtime in certain sectors. I wish my country would do the same. There is work and there is personal life.

Sorry for the mistakes, waiting at the taxi for my girlfriend right now and had some time to kill. If that behaviour continues in her, I think seriously calling it quits with her soon.

she's cheating on you.

posted on Aug, 13 2018 @ 08:38 AM
I used to make £250 an hour ($318 at today's exchange rate), so if there was such a thing as overtime in my industry, I'd have ridden out those extra hours like a madman riding Seabiscuit.

I don't agree with any proposal to outright ban overtime, but I would agree that it should be on a voluntary basis only.

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