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Overtime work should be banned...

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posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
There is only one rule you should live by and that's "WORK TO LIVE NOT LIVE TO WORK". When you've worked that out let me know.

I'm letteing you know now.....You have no idea how hard I worked to put myself in this position. Like they say, "it's not what you know but WHO you know.

I would work for free at my job. It's that much fun; Sitting around BSing with people like Natalie Portman, Renee Zellweger, Will Eisner and Frank Miller... and getting paid for it. I'm at work now...dream job!!
edit on 11-8-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:04 PM
Hmmmm OP I think I know the problem with this.

Its Wimin folk.

You see its been like this ever since we gave them the vote and what should really be happening here is that you should be out doing a days work and she should be at home, in the kitchen getting your dinner ready for you coming home. The only over time she should ever be doing is after you have had a particularly hard day at work and you require a extra long foot rub.

Now don't get me wrong, you are of course correct in saying that overtime should be banned because how dare anyone think that just because they are prepared to work harder than you that they should be paid more. Its utterly crazy to think that a employer might want to actively encourage their employees to work harder to get more out of them. Its pretty much common sense that yes, if you pay your workers to work over time productivity will fail because if they're working more hours how can you possibly expect them to do more work and be more productive....wait...

Ahhh yes wimin!!!!

What is the world coming too that they partake in this overtime now aswell to try to get ahead in life.

Jesus, next they will be thinking that because they have done all this extra work over the regular male employees who just can't be bothered with all that extra work that they deserve a promotion and a a bit of a career.

Honestly it was much better when you could just show her the back of your hand and send her back into the kitchen to make you a sandwich pour you a beer then sit in silence looking pretty until her services were required for furthering the strong male bloodline and raise you some kids.

edit on 11-8-2018 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:06 PM
I used to like working overtime to help to pay for things I wanted and needed. I would try to put money away when I worked overtime at time and a half.

Lots of people need the overtime just to live, calling to ban it is not right till we totally redo our economy so it will work. Being a Builder I would pay my help time and a half for any overtime, they could bank the hours if they wanted to so when there was less work because of weather, they would have a full paycheck. I only allowed banking of twenty hours. Some of the guys utilized this others did not want to work overtime, they were free to go home. I also considered overtime time and a half pay when they went over forty hours a week, we often put in four tens especially in the summer. They got a three day weekend that way sometimes but many times we did have one crappy day and had to work that Friday anyway since we had half or full rain days sometimes.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:19 PM

Personally, I have never worked more than 40 hours per week, usually 30-35,

I used to have a part time job too!

I'm of the opinion that if a company can support a large percentage of their workforce to have or demand overtime then they are mismanaging along side of not paying a proper wage.

Overtime should hurt to the point that it is an encumbrance on the bottom line and in turn is not the norm. I'm also of the opinion that I like to make extra money. Can't always have it both ways I suppose.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: olaru12

"it's not what you know but WHO you know.

I remember that line being a tad different...and since you happen to be in 'the biz'........

I kid, i kid!

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Cabin

Maybe she just wants to stay away from your needy ass as much as possible. Did you ever think of that?

edit on 11-8-2018 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Cabin

Ill work overtime no problem. The only thing I hate about it is Uncle Sam has his way with me and doesn't even give me a kiss.
My question to you is ........Has she always worked overtime even before you two hooked up?

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: JinMI

Personally, I have never worked more than 40 hours per week, usually 30-35,

I used to have a part time job too!

I'm of the opinion that if a company can support a large percentage of their workforce to have or demand overtime then they are mismanaging along side of not paying a proper wage.

Overtime should hurt to the point that it is an encumbrance on the bottom line and in turn is not the norm. I'm also of the opinion that I like to make extra money. Can't always have it both ways I suppose.

I am sure many old farts like me got a chuckle out this OP for a few reasons. I won't go over the personal issues of the OP but address the foolishness of youth. As I was young once, I remember the days of being carefree and thinking my personal and party time came first before being a slave of someone I worked for demanding I work overtime. Hell, we used to chastise our friends for not being able to go out and party with us because they chose to work overtime. We were cool!

Now I can honestly say, "We weren't cool at all! Those we made fun of for busting their ass working OT and 3 jobs now have their own businesses!". They are the ones in my small community who now are very successful because instead of being free and partying they chose to WORK their ass off and make money while they were young and now in their old age are living quite comfortably, while those of us who did the opposite are now scraping by.

But what do I know, I am old and need to die, because I just don't understand the issues our youth today are facing.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: olaru12

"it's not what you know but WHO you know.

I remember that line being a tad different...and since you happen to be in 'the biz'........

I kid, i kid!

It's who you blow....

I don't swing that way but many do and it pays off bigly. I don't think it's only applicable in the "biz" if you know what I mean.
edit on 11-8-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Cabin

Whenever I have been asked to work overtime in the past it was always my decision. If I could use the extra money and wasn't worn out I'd say yes, if I had plans or just didn't feel like it I said no. Thing is that if you really want to advance at your company you always say yes because if you don't your competitor will.

Maybe you are quite happy with your position at work but perhaps your girlfriend is aspiring to a higher position. If the shoe was on the other foot and she was a man she would be praised, but because she is a woman it is frowned upon because Lord forbid she should be dedicated to building a better career for herself. It's bull malarkey and double standards at its finest!

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Some are also still hooked on the demon that they were feeding (drugs, alcohol, cars/toys or worse the neverending debt cycle) as well.

Not all who work hard are smart....ask me how I know!

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 12:57 PM
Paid overtime is a luxury anyway. If you are in a "professional" position, you are salaried and not subject to wage and hour laws at all. You work to get the job done. And if you are in the military you work, then you have duty, which is your other job. OP would be laughed out of the barracks complaining about overtime.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: seeker1963

Some are also still hooked on the demon that they were feeding (drugs, alcohol, cars/toys or worse the neverending debt cycle) as well.

Not all who work hard are smart....ask me how I know!

Agreed. I don't think personal demons discriminate.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 01:30 PM
The funniest thing in all of this is that you're demanding she quit her job, while waiting outside her job in a taxi. You ever think that maybe she'd like a car one day?

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 01:59 PM
Dude, you should appreciate a hard working woman.

She is probably making that extra money to kick your ass to the curb where it belongs.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Cabin

Overtime is not the problem, your relationship is the problem.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: CabinI have always been supportive of good work-life balance. Even the fact, that company needs somebody to work overtime, means mismanagement, setting unlikely deadlines etc. For me, work-life is extremely important. Personally, I have never worked more than 40 hours per week, usually 30-35, although currently I am having issues with my girlfriend. This whole summer, she has been working more than 60 hours per week and that is unacceptable for me. I have had to wait hours behind her office, because she told she would finish earlier. And I am getting tired of it... No company/job is worth sacrificing personal relationships, friends, family. Now she decided to even work on Saturday and I am waiting for her, so had some time to write this post. I have even asked her to quit, as my salary would easily cover both of our needs, although she wants "independence".

Sounds like she's perfectly fine with keeping busy. Maybe you're just unpleasant company off the clock. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm putting it out there to consider. Some people would much rather work, work, work instead of dealing with the nag at home, KWIM?

Oh, and there's also the possibility she doesn't want to be your stay-at-home, some people don't find that appealing. If that's the case, you're mismatched in life goals and probably should go your separate ways before it gets nasty, because it's going to get nasty. You can't mash a square peg through a round hole just because you like your idea of life better than hers.

Overtime is something I personally am highly against. It is something that too often gives unfair advantage to people, who have "no lives". There is a huge difference, when a person has family, social life vs single somebody whose whole life goes around their work. In the end, the first person would have to sacrifice their personal life or the second person gets advantage. In the end, such choices lead to immense amount of divorces, loss of friendships and all this, because of a freakin job. No job is worth such sacrifice.

And I disagree, OT should remain available within reason to whomever wants to work it. My husband works 6pm to 6am in a factory, 4 days one week, 3 days the next, lather, rinse, repeat. During standard hour weeks (84 hour pay periods) we have MORE than enough time for personal family life fun, 7 days of free time per pay period.

When it's available, he's happy to pull an extra day/half day or two a week, and I'm happy he's happy. It's not about money, it's about doing something you really like and being thrilled to do it. His position involves a lot of paperwork, money-managing, product movement, and a great deal of math. It's a balance that needs meticulously kept and he loves it. When you find a job you love some day, you might understand where people like him come from.

Now, the catch to not getting divorced with this in mind -- just MY opinion here, not as a set-in-stone rule -- is not having a partner who works if you don't desperately need the extra income.
Yes, I went there. Now watch people get pissy about it.

I've seen far more friends in dual-job marriages, who don't need the second paycheck by any means, end their marriages in divorce versus when one of the two is a stay-at-home. It doesn't matter which one stays home, simply that domestic rock spouse holding down the fort & tending the home front in your absence matters.
When two people are dividing their time between work and home, you're both going to be equally stressed, and at that point, what are you anymore? Room mates with benefits?

However, like I already said, if the other half doesn't agree with this lifestyle, they're not GOING to agree with it, ever. Hang it up, you can't make someone be the stay-at-home any more than you can make a stay-at-home work when the finances are stable enough to give a free choice in the matter.

Another problem comes with the fact, that when one person is willing to work overtime and other is not, then the company pressurises the second to either work overtime or they will just find somebody who will. And there is always somebody desperate enough to take the job. Using people´s desperate situations, need for money to, to pressurise them sacrificing their health,personal relationships, family,is not right thing to do.

My husband is not pressured to go in for OT. He has to request it. Then it's either approved or denied based on whether or not they think he's truly up for it, or needs downtime. More companies are conscious of this stuff than you realize,

I worked a buttload of OT in my day, though I did have to strong-arm my way into it now and then. If I say I'm good to go for more hours, I'm good to go for more hours. I worked housekeeping and front desk at a hotel for many years, it was well worth it to pull FD overtime. The people I'd meet, stories I'd hear from them, that's priceless stuff. That and no matter how busy it was, it was hard for me to feel pressured and overworked doing either because I really liked what I did.

In the end, when one works overtime, this leads to loss of productivity due to tiredness. Long-term different health issues might come up, which might become extremely expensive etc etc. It becomes negative for the economy as a whole.

Depends entirely on the person. My husband could work 7 days a week indefinitely and be no worse for wear physically or mentally. Though it's a given that 7 days a week would take a toll on our marriage via reduced time spent together & with the kids, so I'd be comfortable with 6 day work weeks if he could take them, a day to recoup and reconnect is good. It's all part of thoroughly knowing and understanding your other half and respecting what makes them happy. If you can't manage that, move on.

If a company needs its employees work overtime, this means the deadline have been set too tight, that is managements problem not employees. If a contract says its 40, then its 40. I remember, couple of years ago, France enacted a ban on overtime in certain sectors. I wish my country would do the same. There is work and there is personal life.

Hey man, I don't know how s# works in your world, but I took advantage of slacker coworkers to get my OT. You know, people like you who refused to work a full 40, let alone 30. That was my window of opportunity there -- lazy people.

In my husband's factory experiences, its not a matter of over-scheduling, it's a matter of a customer company placing an order for X amount of product and needing it by Y date, and therefore Z number of minimum hours of machine operation & assembly where applicable is needed. This is how the world works, you have to be willing to bend a little or you get nowhere fast. If bending a little to allow an order to be produced and shipped quickly means allowing some OT for a day or two to meet that quota and shipment deadline, so be it. Scheduling everything to the nanosecond never works. ANYONE who's ever worked anything at all knows this.

Sorry for the mistakes, waiting at the taxi for my girlfriend right now and had some time to kill. If that behaviour continues in her, I think seriously calling it quits with her soon.

It might be an optimal idea. She can obviously do better than a grown man who has hissy fits over her job.
edit on 8/11/2018 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Now, the catch to not getting divorced with this in mind -- just MY opinion here, not as a set-in-stone rule -- is not having a partner who works if you don't desperately need the extra income. Yes, I went there. Now watch people get pissy about it. I've seen far more friends in dual-job marriages, who don't need the second paycheck by any means, end their marriages in divorce versus when one of the two is a stay-at-home. It doesn't matter which one stays home, simply that domestic rock spouse holding down the fort & tending the home front in your absence matters. When two people are dividing their time between work and home, you're both going to be equally stressed, and at that point, what are you anymore? Room mates with benefits?

My last marriage ended because the ex was very materialistic. Our combined income at times was $250 k. I hated working over time. I value my time more than money. I was so unhappy, I felt like just ending it all.

I am now the happiest in my life because of the woman I married. I don't care if she works or not. I just want to spend as much time with her as I can without both us being tired and worn out all the time. I just work 40 hours a week and that's it. She works part time here and there.

I chose to live a simple life and get to retire in a few years with a nice benefit package that I worked hard for when I was younger.

Putting in extra hours when you are young is step in the right direction. I'm glad I did, and now I will get to reap the rewards of my youth.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Cabin

You get paid a salary at 30-35 hrs/wk and can support two people on that? Good God man, what do you do?

edit on 8/11/2018 by scojak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Groot

You actually nailed a point I ran out of character room in my post to make (I hit the limit, lol) Materialism drives a lot of people to go for that dual-income life. And for what? A bunch of stuff you can't take with you when you die.

They grind for the money to get stuff they don't truly need, whether they like the jobs or not, and that stress of grind, grind, grind, buy, buy, buy eats at them until all comes to a head & they drift apart, everything in the relationship goes past the pear-shaped point of no return, and they divorce.

Some people remarry & do it all over again, repeating the same patterns of mistakes. Others (like you) learn from it and figure out a better way to view living, more in line with how they actually think & feel, or a more compatible partner type to seek if they're really into the grinding (which I guess is still figuring out a better way of living, finding someone more compatible)

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