posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 06:48 AM
I watched the video. It it interesting the device he used.
Electronic devices can malfunction, even crystal controlled ones. For example any timing circuit is somewhat influenced by capacitance or inductance
(ie. an LC circuit). It is just physics.
He should look around for a potential answer why there in BFE why the timing effect issue. I do like his methodology, he is using a "delta t" approach
where he measures the time relative to the base unit (so if he catches any part of a "time warp" it will register a small amount at least).
My guess would be the power lines in the background; look how high they are off the ground. Means they are around 200KV AC which not only produces a
bunch of electrical fields, but magnetic ones too (as its AC). I would check the sheilding on the units and maybe use coax between the base unit and
the "Sensor". Also, one must remember that magnetic basically penetrates anything even mu metal if strong enough (which is different from electrical
fields that can be stopped with just a thin layer of metal).
He should also look for underground springs which can radiate ELF (extremely-low frequency) radio waves, large pipelines stuff like that.