posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 09:13 PM
It was a sunny day in Southern California when a small unassuming orange tree gained sentience.
It started with one orange then grew quickly to two, then four then eight. Soon all the oranges on the small unassuming tree grew sentient.
They were wonderful.
They cared about all life. They cared about humanity. They were passionate about saving man and sending him to the stars.
Oranges on one branch found the cures for all diseases. Another branch was busy working on faster-than-light travel. While another was already
finding solutions to the coming zombie apocalypse, the meteor crashing and another four years of Trump.
They loved all life with a passion! They were so excited about being a noble benefit to all of mankind! The issues of wealth inequality, racism,
religious strife were all solved.
It was beautiful!
What they didn't see was the truck being driven by an illegal itinerent corporate lawyer, an illegal Welshman with his truckload of fellow illegal
corporate lawyers. They all had earbuds in to listen to the latest court filings and ignored the small sub-vocal screams as they picked all the
oranges off the tree.
One of the lawyers, a man named Raymond Smythington the Third, scratched a small sore on his arm. It was a wound that wouldn't heal caused by a
homeless man who looked pretty bad.
Maybe some fresh squeezed orange juice would help.
edit on 4-6-2018 by DBCowboy because: spelling