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Second Amendment Foundation Sees 1,200% Surge In Youth Membership, Donations

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posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: infolurker

What if it's a conspiracy?

What if the kids joining are doing it just so they can take down the nra from the inside?

What if the numbers are a lie put out by the nra to make themselves look better?

What if you just had to make this up to make yourself feel better?

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: infolurker

[url=]reuters[/url ]

With mid-term Congressional elections eight months away, the activists flocked to some 800 marches across the country to enroll young voters likely to back Democratic and independent candidates who tend to favor tougher firearms laws.

They had better start marching if they wanna keep up. This years elections will be very interesting.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: infolurker

[url=]reuters[/url ]

With mid-term Congressional elections eight months away, the activists flocked to some 800 marches across the country to enroll young voters likely to back Democratic and independent candidates who tend to favor tougher firearms laws.

They had better start marching if they wanna keep up. This years elections will be very interesting.

Marches don't win elections. Ask Hillary.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

“Laws to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit. This is the fine point on which all the legal professions of history have based their job security.”

-- Bene Gesserit Coda

- Dune, Frank Herbert

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: face23785

I suppose you missed the part where their main function was to sign up new voters and i am guessing not many young 2a supporters signed up.

Now if they turn out the vote then it could be a sight to see at the end of the year.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: face23785

I suppose you missed the part where their main function was to sign up new voters and i am guessing not many young 2a supporters signed up.

Now if they turn out the vote then it could be a sight to see at the end of the year.

I suppose you missed the part where this event isn't the only place new voters can register.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: face23785

I did miss that.

What are you referring too.

All i am saying is that a couple thousand 2af supporters is not gonna be enough givin the turnout the pro 2a will need candidates and many new voters.

Keep in mind this year as far as i know republicans have lost 2 special elections.

Seems like things are not headed in the direction of 2a freedom.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: face23785

I did miss that.

What are you referring too.

All i am saying is that a couple thousand 2af supporters is not gonna be enough givin the turnout the pro 2a will need candidates and many new voters.

Keep in mind this year as far as i know republicans have lost 2 special elections.

Seems like things are not headed in the direction of 2a freedom.

That's assuming the new members of 2nd Amendment Foundation and the size of the crowd at this anti-2nd march are directly comparable. They're not. Lots of pro-2nd folks don't join any organization or go to any events. There's no way to quantify this type of thing. People who are against something are always the loudest voice. That doesn't necessarily mean there's more of them.

ETA: Also, don't forget one of those special elections we "lost", the Democrat who won ran as a pro-2nd candidate and said he's against banning ARs.
edit on 25 3 18 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:13 PM
what i find ironic is how americans are demanding gun bans seriously these days yet not even the soviet union banned guns entirely, hell even china allows guns for hunting at least.

what i see is america heading down a path even more repressive and restrictive which even those two nations and even nazi germany would be disturbed by if trends like this keep gaining traction.

even the three most repressive nations in human history allowed some level of gun ownership yet america seems to be getting dragged into the direction of banning gun ownership entirely or it seems like things are being pushed in that direction harder every year and support is growing.

just a few tweaks to the national firearms act and all guns could be banned just by changing this part:

"Machine gun." (b) The term "machine gun " means any weapon which shoots, or is designed to shoot, automatically or semiautomatically, more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.

to say this:

"Machine gun." (b) The term "machine gun " means any weapon which shoots,
or is designed to shoot, more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of
the trigger.

just like that.

but you know what? i think we need a ban to occur to push people into taking it up to the supreme court and finally having it made clear that any unreasonable restrictions on gun ownership are not legal in the US, that irrational emotions do not rule this nation like so many seem to think.

even the people do not have absolute power and we are the "fourth branch" and are also subject to the system of checks and balances.

i say let it happen so we can end the gun control arguments sooner and focus on the real solutions to limit gun violence in a reasonable fashion that won't potentially cause a civil war.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: face23785

There is a way to quantify such and will be done at election time.

Again how can a few thousand new members of a 2af compare to the size and numbers of the march. The estimates are in the millions at the march.

One could boil it down to financial measurement in which the dems are waaay ahead.

Surely you do not really believe the new lamb will vote against banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines.

Here is the real problem i see with the system the 2af works in. They do well in defending shooters. However their downfall is that they get not much action on the bills they support and their hopes are heavily invested in waiting on scotus to rule on certain cases. It is a long slow process where the anti 2a groups are out having concerts and such and millions of people marching and registering new voters while raking in the cash.

I will not say it is a losing battle but pro 2a needs a big scotus win that is currently not on the scotus docket for the future.

In stead of us bickering at each other how bout we formulate ways to boost the 2a if that is our choice.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:24 PM
The msm is broadcasting ptsd influences into the populace.

That also has to be addressed.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:37 PM

I know most of the youth in my neighborhood are clamoring to get their hands on a couple of pistols and a nice semi. Good for them.

Good for them? What kind of insane moron wants kids to have gun??? You won't think it's so good when they carjack you.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

Again, you're making a flawed comparison. A march that was planned for weeks, promoted all across academia and mainstream media, supplied with a bunch of free perks, over an issue they are particularly fired up about right now can't be compared directly to the membership rolls of one small pro-gun organization. If you want to make such a comparison, why don't you make it to the NRA, that clearly has more members than the number of people who showed up at this event? I don't sanction that comparison either, even though it's in my favor. It just makes no sense.

You brought up the elections as some kind of proof this movement was gaining strength. I pointed out one of them was a pro-gun candidate. If he turns around and votes the opposite of how he promised, that means he lied and duped voters. It still doesn't mean he won on a gun control platform, so no matter how you spin it it's not a point for the case that gun control candidates will do well in November. As far as 2AF only relying on the courts, again you're oversimplifying the issue. For one, they're not the only gun rights group. Secondly, gun control legislation is repeatedly defeated in Congress. After every major mass shooting, someone introduces legislation to ban "assault weapons" or to "fix" the background check system. Do they pass? We're still here aren't we? I'd argue the 2nd Amendment advocacy groups are doing something right. And it's not paying off members of Congress. They give a voice to millions of constituents. Congress responds to their voters. That's the way our system is supposed to work.

It's very possible Democrats are going to do well in November but there are a lot of factors that weigh into that. For one, voter turnout on the side that has the Presidency in the midterms is usually low. For whatever reason, voters on both sides make the mistake of thinking because they won the last election, "the other side" is defeated somehow. They always come back strong with more motivation after their loss, and we're likely to see that happen again. As far as the particular issues that drive people to vote whichever way, polling consistently shows gun issues are never at the top of the list. Sometimes they don't even make the top 5. I doubt this time will be any different.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: face23785

My point is that the pro 2a has no equal momentum as the new kids on the block do. As you pointed out they have sponsors and loads of monies. The pro 2a has no msm to back them. Currently pro 2a are being out matched and as far as your congress stopping gun legislation that are failing cause the anti crowd is using a shotgun approach. Did you notice the new federal legislation that was givin to you by the king of debt who is pro 2a. Did you notice his remarks in recent weeks?
It is not looking pretty and as far as the new lamb goes yes he claimed to be pro2a but by that he means that he is also pro 2a regulation and that is where the anti gunners are looking to win with him.

weekly standard
edit on 25-3-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: CB328

I know most of the youth in my neighborhood are clamoring to get their hands on a couple of pistols and a nice semi. Good for them.

Good for them? What kind of insane moron wants kids to have gun??? You won't think it's so good when they carjack you.

Why are you stereotyping good kids?

So all kids that want their own hunting rifle are going to car jack you?

A pistol is a good thing to have when hunting incase you screw up and end up having to climb a tree cause of what you shot at.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:13 PM
The difference i see in the new kids on the block and the nra is that new members of the nra are focused on buying guns while the other is focused on voting.

Voter turnout will likely be higher for the group registering new voters vs the group selling more guns and until the system collapses the pro voters have the right of way.

This is why much monies needs to be put into the pro 2a group and an equal effort to sign new voters while attempting to hide the repubs leadership abilities.

The current actions by repubs is likely to turn any rational thinking person away from the polls if their choice is antigun vs idiot.
edit on 25-3-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

But only a percentage of those kids will be old enough to vote, and of those a percentage will not bother to vote. Most of the folks I grew up with never considered voting till mid 20's so if the Dems are depending on millions of new votes from the kids they are liable to be disappointed.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: face23785

My point is that the pro 2a has no equal momentum as the new kids on the block do. As you pointed out they have sponsors and loads of monies. The pro 2a has no msm to back them. Currently pro 2a are being out matched and as far as your congress stopping gun legislation that are failing cause the anti crowd is using a shotgun approach. Did you notice the new federal legislation that was givin to you by the king of debt who is pro 2a. Did you notice his remarks in recent weeks?
It is not looking pretty and as far as the new lamb goes yes he claimed to be pro2a but by that he means that he is also pro 2a regulation and that is where the anti gunners are looking to win with him.

weekly standard

I don't think the point of the OP was to say this particular gun rights group has equal momentum to the March For Our Lives. I don't think he was making any comparison at all, he simply noted there is a swell of enthusiasm for gun rights groups. Whether that's equal and opposite to the swell for gun control groups, there's no way to say. And again, you can't compare one gun rights group to a giant march that had the participation of practically every gun control group imaginable.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
The difference i see in the new kids on the block and the nra is that new members of the nra are focused on buying guns while the other is focused on voting.

Voter turnout will likely be higher for the group registering new voters vs the group selling more guns and until the system collapses the pro voters have the right of way.

This is why much monies needs to be put into the pro 2a group and an equal effort to sign new voters while attempting to hide the repubs leadership abilities.

The current actions by repubs is likely to turn any rational thinking person away from the polls if their choice is antigun vs idiot.

Do you even know what the NRA is? It sounds like you've been listening to gun control propaganda. The NRA has absolutely nothing to do with gun sales. You don't have to join to buy a gun. The NRA doesn't sell guns. It doesn't get money from or give money to any firearms manufacturers. The entire premise of this post is just wrong. Joining the NRA actually leaves you with less money to buy guns, so the idea that anyone's primary motivation of joining the NRA is that they want to buy guns is just silly.

The NRA is a gun rights organization. You pay them money in exchange for membership because you want to support the work that they do to support your gun rights. Part of that is, naturally, voting. And the NRA does a ton of work every election season to stir people up to go vote. They even send me # for my local elections. I think you should do a little more research about what these gun rights groups actually do.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

originally posted by: CB328

I know most of the youth in my neighborhood are clamoring to get their hands on a couple of pistols and a nice semi. Good for them.

Good for them? What kind of insane moron wants kids to have gun??? You won't think it's so good when they carjack you.

Why are you stereotyping good kids?

So all kids that want their own hunting rifle are going to car jack you?

A pistol is a good thing to have when hunting incase you screw up and end up having to climb a tree cause of what you shot at.

Can never go wrong with a backup weapon.

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