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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART 4

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posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:29 AM
Have all these helicopter crashes been as fake as the one in New York?

5 dead?

Pilot used a raft? After confirming all 5 passengers were dead Im sure.

Multiple angles make it look like the pilot descended into the water rather than crashed.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I have doubts they will drop the market under Trump. The Globalists don't have him under control and they fear a backlash by Trump.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher
I'm kinda thankful a few 100k from one of my pensions is stuck in a holding account in mid-transfer.

Let's see what the morrow brings!

edit on 12-3-2018 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:51 AM

Holy #. I have a lot of buddies in Oz and I remember some absolutely vicious tirades being launched at mothers on facebook who refused to vaccinate their kids. I'm talking militant mom vicious...just unbelievable. Like it's any of their business in the first place. I've seen it on here, actually.

I wonder how many will come back and apologize for their behavior when they realize what they've been allowing their trusted health organizations to get away with. That they sign a medical consent for, without thinking twice about what they're signing, much less read it first. A form that warns about potential dangers up to and including death, that they sign for themselves and their kids voluntarily, releasing the health organization from any liability.

I hope people are starting to really put these individual horrors together and see the grand scale of all of this. Why they couldn't just release all of this information at once. It's hard enough to take in one at a time.

I've witnessed what amounts to bullying and coercion right here in the good old USA numerous times at the mobile vaccine stations that have cropped up everywhere since the H1N1 scare, magically offering a booming surplus of something that previously was so difficult to make that it was only offered to the elderly and small children at highest risk. I actually intervened when I heard one nurse tell a young mother that if she didn't get her kids vaccinated, they would most likely be among the first to die that season because the "new strain" was "more deadly than usual". I wish I was making that up.

People don't understand that this year's flu vaccine is only truly effective on last year's strain. That's not actually the case, because they created it and can cure it, but that's the official accepted expectation.

If you've got a nifty virus like the flu that is spread via multiple vectors with a high viral load, you can tweak that sucker six ways from Sunday and if you control the vaccine, then you control how many people are likely to die. Make them think it's scarce for years and years, repeatedly scaring the # out of them for a good long minute. Then, bring out a truly terrifying strain that there is NO vaccine for.

By the time you're done, you've got people begging for the flu vaccine. And when you miraculously have MORE than enough of that magical elixir and make it both free to all AND convenient, the frightened sheep will show up in droves to accept the needle.

And attack those who don't, because we have a penchant for attacking what we fear.

These people are more SICK than anyone can readily imagine.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: FauxMulder

There's a few. We haven't touched on the secret space program the moon base or the Mars base or that aliens might be using us for our endocrine secretions.
To serve man. It was like a cookbook or something

Anyone remember this -uhm- gem from 1990 ?

Talec shoots his victims full of synthetic heroin and then uses alien technology to extract the resulting endorphins from their brains, synthesizing them into a drug called "Barsi" to be used by addicts on his home planet. 
I Come In Peace (Dark Angel)

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: tigertatzen
What worries me is the damage it will do to millions of people's pensions if there is not a reasonable recovery after a crash.

I got the inference that a dead cat bounce was a double drop - I.e slight recovery then fall deeper. Could be wrong though.

No, you're right...I went back and read the definition again after TPP explained the difference. It's just me misunderstanding what I was reading.

You know, I've been reading some interesting stuff about that, actually. I'm trying to remember the name of this person who talked about a financial reset and new currency...the rest of his article was behind a pay wall.

But he was talking about there being a reset and a new system that was more fair and wiping out credit debt...all kinds of stuff. It sounds fantastic, but I am not getting my hopes up.

At this point, I have to agree with you. It is very concerning. And what about people who rent their homes or have a car loan? Will they end up homeless and without transportation to work, etc. if that happens? Would it affect medical care?

I wonder if it could possibly be something like the White Hats knowing the Black Hats will try to crash the economy, and instead of stopping them they just let them do it and take the opportunity to roll out a new currency and...I guess if it were backed by actual gold it would be worth more, right?

I'm just spitballing, speculating off the assumption that what that guy said was really valid. If I remember the name I'll drop a link. And of course, if it sounds too good to be true, it often is. So there's always that.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: Greenanon
Have all these helicopter crashes been as fake as the one in New York?

5 dead?

Pilot used a raft? After confirming all 5 passengers were dead Im sure.

Multiple angles make it look like the pilot descended into the water rather than crashed.

They obviously drowned not being able to get out of the helicopter quick enough

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Greenanon
Hi Infowars!

Can you confirm?

Alex Jones = Mossad

I’ll wait.

Hello Greenanon.. Gd to be back!

Do not worry about Alex Jones best to just separate the wheat from the chaff.

Who do you think Mossad works for. (Supreme court Israel below)

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Why is this thread polarizing to anyone who isn't forced to be here? Why does this "frustrate them" or "anger them" or "force them to demand answers" if being here is as voluntary as it gets? Who volunteers to see a movie and then demands everyone in the theater leave half way through because they think it's stupid? 

THIS !!!

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:22 AM
Do NOT perform this test:

do not enter "img src" into Bing or Google search box, do NOT switch to img tab

Holy crab this is insane ... common html tag (well, part of it), no coder will switch to img tab ...

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I've read that people with sickle cell anemia require a lot of blood transfusions in some people 300+ in one lifetime. due to antibodies I think they would give you a transfusion from someone of your own race. There are numerous diseases that require blood transfusions 6 mil+ Americans per year for starters. There are other diseases that require transfusions:

anemia: aplastic, hemolytic, thalasemmia & fanconi.

I think it depends on what part of the blood you would need.

There are all sorts of reasons you would need a transfusion.

I'm no expert far from it I only know what I can research.

The word sickle is interesting in itself most people when they hear the word sickle wouldn't think of the grim reaper or of a farming tool.

It always perplexes me why so many people go missing from that continent and are never found I have often thought where do governments get enough blood for medical transfusions? Then I think where does the dark occult get people for their rituals/sacrifices?

Then there are white blood cell disorders such as your cancers.

There is a company called Ambrosia that sells blood (corpse medicine) to those who can afford it and there are many more companies (I believe it is luciferian in nature)

If people start trading in blood to the general public where is all the blood coming from?

Where are all these missing people? They're not all slaves working slaves you can't hide minimum 200 mil+ working slaves in any part of the world unnoticed.

Phlebotomist? what would their role be in human trafficking?

Foundations set up in countries for children? Could they be fronts for human trafficking?

Here is a link to what blood types can accept what for anyone who is interested:

Blood type frequencies by country:

Has anyone heard of "special abilities" that people with RH negative blood type have in some cases?

RH negative blood types cannot be cloned.

Research Rhesus

O- type blood is found widespread in Africa and is a universal donor could this be why so many people go missing from the continent?

RH- Genesis 1 RH+ Genesis 2?

Would be worth researching the people with the highest standing in society ie. stature, wealth etc. My money would be on the fact that they are of a familiar bloodline (RH-)

Do you believe in Nephilim?

RH- have a lot of health disorders.

edit on 12-3-2018 by TRUEAWAKENING because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Have you heard of Mike Adams from CWC labs I think he has some great information on vaccines.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What if we went about this "what's the point of Q" another way. A way that simply has no denial point rooted in personal truth. I find folks are setting up their own strawman over and over again here and thinking that's good "reason" and "logic."

I'm shocked at folks insulting posters here saying things like "you haven't proved anything to me..." as if we're in that poster's personal class. I'm confused by folks who post things like "you all are like a cult" yet they post, and demand answers from us poor cultees over and over again. Insult and then demand???

Who does this in physical exchanges? Can't something provide something different for everyone? Can't exchanges we have here be simply nothing more then the same exchange people have over a beer, or a meal? Are conversations solving the world's problems in a pub a time-crime too? Should we stop that?

Why is this thread polarizing to anyone who isn't forced to be here? Why does this "frustrate them" or "anger them" or "force them to demand answers" if being here is as voluntary as it gets? Who volunteers to see a movie and then demands everyone in the theater leave half way through because they think it's stupid?

Incredible conditioning has forced people to run for a polarity the minute ANYTHING is expressed, you can see it here. If Q is representing X then I have to represent Y right now! Good God, some dared to pick a polarity point on the child trafficking!


Yes. These are identity level beliefs, that we are asking/cajoling/convincing people to change. Basically, people...especially normies...are being told that almost everything they have been told by trusted sources...parents...teachers...clergy...judicial system...have been lies. And that is fundamentally shocking.

Last year, when the pizzagate stuff came out, I...who am practically a life-long conspiracy buff...had to force myself to delve into the evidence. And I had to take breaks because otherwise it was just too horrible to think about, on a systemic and organized level.

Lately I've been spending a lot of time helping my 83 year old mom, move into a retirement community, with her husband, who stroked out and is now seriously cognitively impaired. She is a very religious woman, and her faith in Jesus is probably the only thing allowing her to keep her sanity through it all.

With the death of Billy Graham, she has been expressing how much she believes he was a good man...and it has been hard to bite my tongue, and avoid trying to red pill her about it. But, it would not be a loving act to undermine the very thing that she is heavily relying on to keep her going during her current struggle and adaptation to her new circumstances.

People are waking up. I've switched my own approach now, from being a guy who tries to alert people to the systemic evil, to a guy who attempts to comfort those who are realizing it. Maybe if you know someone who is scared and angry, because they are finding out about the men behind the curtain...instead of fighting back when they express that...we can maybe just lend a sympathetic ear while they process...and maybe make them some coffee...

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork

originally posted by: Millions
a reply to: dashen

No, of course not. I've been following these threads on and off since the start, so the idea wasn't to appeal to someone like me. And the indexes are very helpful, but not something approachable and 'user-friendly' that can be read in an article format by an outsider. I'm thinking something like a brief Wikipedia article, that kind of thing. Please don't think I'm criticising you, I'm not. I'm trying to figure out a way to get your good work out to more people, by being more accessible.

Great idea: Somehow the threads themselves need to be broken down and the relevant data added to the Q Wiki that these threads and the Q phenom have inspired.

Some day soon that's going to be a valuable resource, however difficult it might be to index and add to the data base.

ATS Q journey immortalized... that would be super cool and groovy.

I imagine that one day, in the not so distant future, these threads and the wiki will be taught in college level classes, as history of how mankind turned the corner on wars and control.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 07:51 AM
Another plane crash and what a coincidence the aircraft appears to be a Bombardier Dash-8 Q400. Dozens killed in US-Bangla Airlines crash in Kathmandu RiP.

Kathmandu, Nepal -- At least 49 people have been confirmed dead, when a plane carrying more than 70 people crashed at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in the Nepali capital, Kathmandu, according to authorities.

The US-Bangla Airlines "caught fire after it careened off the runway during landing and crashed onto a football ground near TIA", the Kathmandu Post reported on Monday.

Manoj Neupane, deputy inspector general for the Nepali police, told Al Jazeera that at least 40 people were killed at the crash site, while nine others died in the hospital.

At least 22 passengers are undergoing treatment in various hospitals in the city, he said.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 08:01 AM

 I wonder what it does to your DNA?

Nothing. DNA is DNA you can't change it. It was an issue when the jury in the OJ trial thought the police altered DNA in blood at the scene by stepping in it. The failed in their understanding of DNA. I know the reference is not relevant in Australia. Sorry I don't know of any cases in your country.
Vaccines do change things inside your body. They deliver a dead or weakened version of a disease. They force your body to produce antigens that fight disease. That way if you come in contact with one of those diseases you won't get sick.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme

 I wonder what it does to your DNA?

Nothing. DNA is DNA you can't change it. It was an issue when the jury in the OJ trial thought the police altered DNA in blood at the scene by stepping in it. The failed in their understanding of DNA. I know the reference is not relevant in Australia. Sorry I don't know of any cases in your country.
Vaccines do change things inside your body. They deliver a dead or weakened version of a disease. They force your body to produce antigens that fight disease. That way if you come in contact with one of those diseases you won't get sick.

Horizontal transfer does not exist? What is the most common way among humans? Intercourse->fetus. Google it.
edit on 12-3-2018 by JanAmosComenius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

uv radiation, chemical exposure, viruses, fungi, and even Stress can change dna structure in individual or blocks of cells .

thanks Dr Silly for stopping by again

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Well things should be perfectly clear then. Right? I'm excited. I can't wait to see this.
PM me if it looks like I've missed it. Thanks!

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Fight the good fight. Stay vigilant. Any day now.

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