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U.S House Prepares Contempt Action Against FBI DOJ After Leaks Show Mueller Probe Collusion

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posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:13 PM
Well now it's obvious why the FBI stonewalled the HIC. Peter Strzok softened Comeys gross negligence claim to the matter part. You seriously can't make this # up anymore. Stzok also interviewed Flynn before he was demoted. The whole SC is falling apart. Yeah it's CNN but whatever. I'm suprised they even reported it.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

The FBI is in tatters.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That proves Nunes was right to pursue the contempt charge against the FBI. Now i wonder if McCabe is on the indictment list aswell. Trump's ability to turn things around in his favor is getting kinda scary. I'm really impressed.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
Well now it's obvious why the FBI stonewalled the HIC. Peter Strzok softened Comeys gross negligence claim to the matter part. You seriously can't make this # up anymore. Stzok also interviewed Flynn before he was demoted. The whole SC is falling apart. Yeah it's CNN but whatever. I'm suprised they even reported it.

Form 302.

The FBI is nothing but a political weapon as long as they are permitted to take notes and transcribed them to Form 302 instead of recording their interviews.

They can make an interviewee say what they want them to say...or not say what they actually said.

It's ridiculous that the FBI is even taken seriously. Until they record their d*mn interviews, I have no reason to believe petty partisanship & confirmation bias doesn't affect their *cough* note-taking.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:27 PM
Sounds pretty serious to me and oh boy Nunes and the HIC are pissed. This could be the end of the russian probe. Peter Strzok was just some guy they said. Wow that backfired tremendously. Again. /04/fbi-supervisor-removed-from-special-counsels-office-had-interviewed-michael-flynn

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
Well now it's obvious why the FBI stonewalled the HIC. Peter Strzok softened Comeys gross negligence claim to the matter part. You seriously can't make this # up anymore. Stzok also interviewed Flynn before he was demoted. The whole SC is falling apart. Yeah it's CNN but whatever. I'm suprised they even reported it.

This is worth it's own thread.

Forget about rather strzok is biased or not for a minute.

Isn't it amazing that the very person that interviewed Hillary without recording it, was the same person that ultimately changed the language to extremely careless to avoid crimnal charges for her,

And this is the exact same person that started the investigation into trump and russia, and managed to get appointed by Mueller for the investigation?

That is unbelievable!

Even if he wasn't a hillary fan, given all of the accusations of the fbis mishandling of the Hillary case, why would you leave the very person at the heart of these accusations be one of those leading the way against trump.

And sure enough, it now seems as if strzok was 8ndeed a supporter of hillary, and hater of trump.

Which taints both investigations!

On top of tjat, Mueller stonewalled Congress and NEVER disclosed why strzok was demoted.

We only find out about it through a leak.

This means that Mueller knew there would at least be the appearance of a conflict of interest, and instead of doing the right thing and getting out ahead of it, he tried to bury it and ignore congressional questions.

All of this furthers the idea that the fbi is corrupt and out to get perceived outsiders like trump while protecting establishment people like Hillary. Keep in mind the constant leaks from the fbi and muellers team to hurt trump in the media.

There needs to be an investigation into the fbis handling of the Hillary investigation, and i,to Mueller investigation.

Its getting absolutely disgusting.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Just catching up here, I saw this on Drudge and thought that deserved a thread
of it's own. I wonder if this guy is going to be the scape goat?

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Just catching up here, I saw this on Drudge and thought that deserved a thread
of it's own. I wonder if this guy is going to be the scape goat?

Well he certainly was susceptible to blackmail. Hint Lisa Page hint. Why would the director of the FBI listen to some grunt?
edit on 4-12-2017 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: burntheships

When did that happen? Lol. Maybe one more time for school house rocks I'm just a bill.

The next step is it goes into committee. Then it's sent to the president to sign.

THEN... it's a law.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Grambler

The way it sounds right now....Trump is standing and holding the leash, giving it a good hard snap. Whether the dog comes to heel or is going to lash out....I do not know. But its gotten that much more interesting.

I think the whole thing has been castrated. The FBI looks like a band of grifters and nothing more.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Grambler

The way it sounds right now....Trump is standing and holding the leash, giving it a good hard snap. Whether the dog comes to heel or is going to lash out....I do not know. But its gotten that much more interesting.

I think the whole thing has been castrated. The FBI looks like a band of grifters and nothing more.

Look at how divided the country is right now.

Mueller and the fbi had to know that they needed to be as impartial and on the up and up as possible for the public to have faith in what ever decisions they came to in their investigations into trump and russia.

Instead we have meetings on tarmacs,

refusals to recuse,

the same agent being in charge of almost ever crucial point in both investogations, and him having an affair and discussing his dislike of trump and liking of hillary,

unprecedented immunity deals that produced no further prosecutions,

comey acting as a prosecutor instead of investigator,

comey announcing some investigations and not others,

unprecedented leaks against trump,

comey leaking to ensure a special prosecutor into trump,

Stonewalling congressional Questions on the investigations,

And many other things.

There is no faith in these agencies at this point.

And so, whatever conclusions they reach, no one will be swayed by it.

It is time to clean house at these Intel agencies.

They have grown too political and out of control.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Grambler

No argument from me. I've called for the end to all federal intelligence and law enforcement for the last decade. Let military handle intelligence. Keep a few federal marshalls to handle prisoners, let local and state law enforcement do all investigations.

And then go after the US Penal Code with a weedwhacker.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 05:33 PM
Is Strzok the fall guy now?

Was this how Team Hillary planned to slink away if wvwrything in the plan started to go south?

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: burntheships
well duh who in their right mind didn't know this was a political vendetta designed to interfere with workings of executive branch

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Wouldn't we love to see her texts hmmmm.

I read and viewed that Peter's wife has a Facebook full of
Pro Clinton he was getting it on both ends.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Is Strzok the fall guy now?

Was this how Team Hillary planned to slink away if wvwrything in the plan started to go south?

He had to have approval from one or both Comey or Mueller.
So fall guy seems likely!

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 10:05 AM
Sad part is that we're going to have to pay to house and feed all these criminals. Corrupt politicians and officials deserve nothing more than a free room on a ship we're about to scuttle.

Not kidding, either. I'd like to see Trump literally make these failures disappear. They've been a wart on the ### of our country for far too long. They've turned our federal justice system into a laughing stock and a joke. All of these corrupt Obama/Clintonites must be purged from the ranks of government and the courts. Even judges with lifetime appointments must be removed.

We can't leave any of "them" in office, lest we accept some corruption in government. I'm not willing to accept any, personally.

Take down the deep state - with extreme prejudice

Keep in mind, we live in an unprecedented time. The President of the United States of America has revealed the existence of the deep state conspiracy. This is a constitutional crisis, and it is also a security crisis. Since the traitors are embedded in the security apparatus itself (who ever thought they wouldn't be???) the entire system must be purged and overhauled with as few people as absolutely required. This will ensure they never have enough power to act in any meaningful way, without cooperation of local assets and without the presence of lawful orders subject to maximum oversight.
edit on 12/5/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Grambler

No argument from me. I've called for the end to all federal intelligence and law enforcement for the last decade. Let military handle intelligence. Keep a few federal marshalls to handle prisoners, let local and state law enforcement do all investigations.

And then go after the US Penal Code with a weedwhacker.

This, exactly. All US Citizens have the right to make arrests under the common law, so what is the purpose of having specifically paid and armed federal LE?

Abolish all unconstitutional fake federal law enforcement and fake intelligence, with very specific and few exceptions. The chief executive could do it at the stroke of a pen, since the vast majority of bloat in the federal government has been built by executives. We don't need the fake brand of LE offered by Uncle Sam. Plenty of real cops as authorized by state governments. All this federal government nonsense started barely over 100 years ago. Those a-holes shouldn't have a standing army either, other than the US Navy and the Militia (both organized and unorganized). The Constitution is clear on standing armies. All these organizations do is directly take power from the true leadership of this country and gives it to the government.

We lost any need for a standing army when we developed nuclear weapons.

Other agencies, like CIA/NSA/DISA/DIA/DSS are entirely useless having failed to really prevent any major attacks against us. They've done nothing good for us other than levy accusations against our elected President and interfere in his lawful orders and investigations. Recently saw the President was planning to form his own private intelligence service with contractors - and this is the best outcome we could hope for. They could lead a major inquisition against the intelligence agencies, and purge anyone that even resembles a deep state operative or sympathizer.

Fired, no pension, no insurance, Citizenship revoked, and promptly escorted to the gallows. There is a reckoning coming. Corruption, criminality, disregard of our laws/norms and lies cannot sustain for this many years, and not result in major consequences. When the CIA was caught running drugs, it should've been disbanded. When ATF/FBI was caught running guns, they should've been arrested/disbanded. The fact these jokers have been permitted to exist is an insult to American freedom and sovereignty.

Let us not forget Clapper lying to congress, under oath about illegal NSA spying. Professional liars, drug dealers, gun runners and assassins: IE the CIA, NSA, DEA, ATF have no place in a free society. These "agencies" should be abolished, with all investigation falling under the jurisdiction of local LE. Intelligence can be accomplished by the US Navy or a militia. We don't need these "professionals" feeding us lies and misinformation - as they do every single day.

It has been a slippery slope, but really went out of control around the same time of the highly unconstitutional and impractical NFA. Anyone else remember how entry to the White House used to be? Free and untethered. Now you can't even get on the sidewalk next to fence. How about classified information? Which has expanded massively in the last few decades. The NFA not only illegaly took military weapons away from US citizens, but it gave the Bureau of Investigation permission to carry weapons and act as law enforcement - all in the name of fighting crime THEY ENTIRELY CREATED with their illegal laws ie: prohibition.

Just like the millions of dollars being wasted to supply federal agents with the new Glock Gen 5 platform. Why are we wasting money? Federal agents form task forces, that utilize local law enforcement assets to serve warrants or otherwise execute their business. Federal agents do not need new guns, since a vast majority will never use theirs. However, that hasn't stopped them for getting the money.

No new guns for federal agencies. All such publically purchased guns should be sent to the citizen militias and US Navy immediately. I'm sure these groups would be happy to carry out any order from POTUS to bring down the deep state and its co-conspirators.

They've also usurped the power for Citizen grand juries by their illegal federal criminal procedures, which all but made the grand jury an actor of the state instead of guardian of the people and persecutor of government. They've done nothing but solidify their existence at the expense of our rights and freedoms, while pulling the wool over the eyes of those living during those times. Shameful.

ANY federal agents or associates involved in activities that would constitute criminal behavior must be charged and arrested immediately. Otherwise, the justice system at the federal level is a farce and I can't see recognizing it any longer.
edit on 12/5/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: burntheships

Some experts think this will have compromised the
Special Counsel investigation and will allow Manafort to
claim this is all a political vendetta.

Yeah, but what Manafort is in trouble over took place during the Obama administration and in concert with the Podestas, so...

I do wonder what the warrant affidavit signed off (or authorized) by Strozk said though. All I can find is that it was said to be 'broad.'

I've also heard they seized records that were protected by attorney-client privilege. Manafort's lawyer is challenging this in court. If either or both claims are true, then the case against Manafort could collapse entirely.

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 11:52 PM
This is a go according to last news update

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