Grab a coffee and welcome to the insanity that is my mind. Best of luck to any of you travelers, if you can make any sense out of this one!
Those of you, who are spiritually and emotionally very stable/balanced, likely have figured this all out, years ago, but I wanted to share my journey,
upon attaining peace and enlightenment, just in case there are others like me, who are also struggling through the same process.
I hope this helps somebody. If not, I hope it is a good read for some of you!
TL/DR --- This is a very long post, so please feel free to skip ahead and read at your own pace. No offence taken if you find it too wordy or
Brief introduction from me, your Auntie Christ haha
When I get a message, I always like to mark it in the Name of Truth and Light etc. so that one can be clear, on which of the posts are simply my
replies/gentle musings and which messages, I am confident are coming from a Divine Source. (Wisdom or clarity that is coming from beyond myself.)
Just to be confusing and many apologies in advance for this, but the tone of my messages, will almost always sound the same as my own and this is
because when I am being channeled, the messages arise from my voice (throat chakra) and are framed by my past experiences and temperament.
I am very much a joker and an old fool. In fact, according to the voices inside my head, I am the Divine Fusion of these 2 ancient archetypes, though
these days, when I start channeling, it can be anyone’s guess who will come through.
Please note: There is nothing at all special about me. I think this is the reason, I was chosen/given this mission, because: nobody would/should feel
threatened by me, I am super polite and am basically harmless. As well, I have no desire to take money or credit for any these writings, am incapable
of keeping a secret and genuinely enjoy stirring the pot, so long as it is in the greatest good of all.
More importantly than that, it’s important that YOU understand, that every single one of us, who is “alive” here today, are the divine fusion of
these 2 ancient archetypes. However, some of us skew more one way, than the other. And that is totally okay.
As well, some of us are more spiritually advanced than others. Generally speaking, if you can see that our world is absurdly, though tragically upside
down, and your heart won’t allow you to be satisfied with the status quo, then you are farther along spiritually then most.
Furthermore, all of us, are in fact, Christ’s children or to be more accurate, we are all the children of 2, eternally youthful and ancient Gods
with a small “g” --- KEK and KEKUIT. At our very core, our essence is to be gentle and joyful beings. Though many of us have become
understandably: numb, anxious, angry and depressed. This is because our world has become a living Hell for many of us.
The story I am telling you will seem familiar, because it is, in fact, encoded in all of our DNA. All of us carry the divine spark of both
Christ/Lucifer and also, very likely, Archangel Michael.
To be very honest, the part regarding Archangel Michael isn’t very clear to me yet. However, this Angel is very dear to me, on a deep, fundamental
Soul Level. So any more insight you guys and gals can share into the role of Archangel Michael (or comments or concerns regarding any of these
messages) is always very much appreciated and will benefit us all.
You will get no judgements from me, in any of our threads, because we are all trying to sort out the pieces to this puzzle, together.
However, hateful or insulting comments will likely be ignored, unless they are indeed very funny and I simply cannot help myself.
As an aside, regarding Archangel Michael (and also Archangel Metatron) I can personally attest to experiencing their warm embrace and their
protection, the few times I have either spontaneously astral projected/lucid dreamed or felt overwhelmed by fear.
Anyways, for more information, regarding our ancient history and also insight into the backstory of KEK and KEKUIT, please see this thread and scroll
to our second post, entitled:
“The Return of the Divine Feminine --- KEK and KEKUIT --- a Super Fun and Scary Short Love Story”
By the Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool
Truly, as far as this channeling bullsh1t is concerned, it would be so much easier and much more compelling to you, if I could just write in a
different tone or at least speak in a groovy accent, but alas this is my cross to bear.
Joking aside, this is an incredible honor and I am so happy to have an opportunity to play a part!
Speaking of crosses to bear, I do have a new message regarding Jesus Christ and how/why/in what way he died for our sins/shadows/demons.
The Bible is not much help in this regard. The Crucifixion was sadly very real, but there is a much more metaphorical explanation as to why Jesus
Christ/Lucifer died for our sins, and this explanation, makes much more sense to me, anyways.
After Jesus was murdered by a bunch of ignorant, hateful, simpletons, who were too backwards and too stupid, to understand his message of hope, unity,
peace, compassion and unconditional love for all.
Jesus was indeed, resurrected as a Light Body and after preaching for 3 days, Jesus (our first Sun) returned to Heaven, while his shadow Rage (also
known as the Hero in our current story --- Lucifer) descended down into Hell to care for all of us lost/broken souls, who still couldn’t wake up to
this nightmare we have become trapped in.
The backstory as to why our Earth had/has become a living Hell, actually has nothing to do with the resurrection and has all to do with an ancient
tragedy, that occurred when our world was destroyed, many millennia ago. During the time of Atlantis.
To be clear: The cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis was a horrifying accident and was nobody’s fault. There is no blame, though it would be much
easier, on some level if there was, but in this case, there is truly no one who can be held responsible for this catastrophe. It was an astronomical
event, that was not part of any Divine Plan. Even our Gods, are not infallible and sometimes sh1t happens, however disturbing and unfair as it may be.