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Berkeley protest, Bay Area Rally Against Hate live feed(s)

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posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 11:23 PM
From a 2012 publication:

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has kept track of such groups for 30 years, recorded 1,018 hate groups operating last year. The number of groups whose ideology is organized against specific racial, religious, sexual or other characteristics has risen steadily since 2000, when 602 were identified, the center said.


posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 11:39 PM
I am having difficulty understanding the counter protest when there was no protest. Maybe it's just a chance to prance and look revolutionary for fascists named Anti. I also don't understand why the peaceful Antifa protesters need to wear masks to prevent identification. I do not suffer fools lightly and AntiFa seems to have an abundance of them who try to outdo one another safely hidden as anonymous thugs; much like the keyboard commandoes on the internet.

I try to avoid trouble. I am an old man with the usual infirmities of old age. I don't give a rats ass what you want me to think and say. I travel my own path. There are two genders in my universe so don't expect me to remember the however many genders you think there are or your preferred pronoun of the day. My idea of an education includes science and engineering and not bs courses that do not prepare the student for a career. I call things as I see them and people disagree with me when my take is not what they want to hear but so far, no one has tried to beat me to death for that or because I look like the limping antelope and am easy pickings for the predators -- I do have a blue polo shirt. If you pick on this literally limping antelope you might beat me down but I intend to take a chunk out of you on the way down.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 11:54 PM
They "hate", "hate" so much. Kind of like they "hated" themselves out of existing. Nobody worth their own weight, even cares about them idiots. I could make them "hate", in less than a minute. But it'd be against the "law". And I "hate" that!

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 12:22 AM
This is one area I can never really get behind conservatives on.. Have there been and are there Muslim terrorists? Yes. Did old-school Islamic countries/society sweep across the ME and North Africa violently? yes.

However, such an argument like yours ALWAYS fails to note that outside of the USSR, Japan, a few regional powers such as the Aztecs, the Mongols, etc, the other major bloodthirsty imperialists countries were all Christian majority.. You know, like in WWII? WWI? Crusades? Colonialism by European powers?

For most of the colonial era, those countries self-identified as Christian, and the majority of people in them were. They even used Christian justifications for colonialism. Columbus and the Spaniards enslaved and slaughtered people in the name of terror.

Do you not see how this undermines your arguments about muh "Muslims" and "Islamic Terror?"

Before you say that was back in the day, a majority of political and military leaders in the US in the 20th Century, presiding over all of our coups, bombings, regime changes, and proxy wars, self-identified as Christian: Bush, Obama, Reagan, etc.

a reply to: rollanotherone

edit on 28-8-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

A terrorists strikes randomly, destroying people's general sense of security. Like anxiety about going to the mall, concerts or night clubs after an attack on similar venues.

I would consider Bush and Obama terrorists to entire nations though. Who knows what country might be next. Lock them both up. It's just a coincidence that they identify as Christians though. They were not encouraged to kill people by their faith or for their faith.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 01:19 AM
"Join our 'rally against hate,' where we beat the sh#t out of anyone who disagrees with us, and set cars on fire."

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: TinfoilTP

How many Anti-fa members do you think there are?

Hard to count how many are in moms basements, never being part of the work force, never paying taxes, just milking off the teets of society then pretending to be against it. Wasted their free college years on social classes, mom voted for Trump, their world is crashing down lol.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: Kromlech
"Join our 'rally against hate,' where we beat the sh#t out of anyone who disagrees with us, and set cars on fire."

We hate hate around here.

When we beat the # out of hate , hate dies, we kill hate with hate.

Join us in creating hate, so we can eliminate hate.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 03:21 AM
They seem so "emotional" about "hate". It's kind of hard to take any of them seriously. Wasn't the "new ice age" (tought in 1975).. supposedly, it would've froze these/them, people by now?!!? Here I was all giddy about it! Ounce again "science" has failed me! All I have left is truth, to believe in.😳 so sad! Thousands of Americans, crap a Southern California every morning..."Berkeley"? Don't they make sporks? KFC wouldn't be the same without SPORKs. Strange, now Berkeley seems important. Nah!.. I can carve my own spork. The last movie I saw, a bunch of apes srarted living just North of SF...You Berkeley folk, need to learn to not be so, "emotionally" challenged. Them apes won't give a hoot about your "feelings". Just like the rest of America.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Yet, there is still slavery in Muslim countries. More slaves worldwide under Muslim rule. Funny you should mention the crusades too. A Christian response to the mass slaughter of Europeans across the western world. But ok.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
Funny how it's almost exclusively Liberals and Leftists on ATS that can admit both sides have their violent morons.

Really? Trump literally said that after charlottesville, and you and everyone else on the left lambasted him. Get out of here with your self-righteousness.
edit on 28-8-2017 by Wardaddy454 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Kali74
Funny how it's almost exclusively Liberals and Leftists on ATS that can admit both sides have their violent morons.

It's equally telling when it is those on the left calling anyone a Nazi simply for defending free speech.

I'm still trying to figure why people are still pushing that particular nonsense.

The Left calling anyone a Nazi for defending free speech?

That's pure drama and hyperbole.

I've said everyone has the right to free speech, even the Neo-Nazis/WS's. No one has called me a Nazi. There may be a few out there that has done so, but not to any noteworthy extent.

Seems to me that people such as yourself have fabricated that particular argument as a straw man in order to shut down any reasonable debate.

Denying it won't make it any less true.

What is there to deny? The Left is not calling anyone a Nazi for simply defending free speech. The conversations I have read on such a topic has had much more context to it than just, simply, a Leftist calling anyone a Nazi because they defended free speech.

Again, you are being hyperbolic.

They just don't want people to speak at all.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

So Trump uses ATS? Or should I bold the part where they said

"on ATS"?

You can't even comprehend what you read, do you really see both sides?

You're trying to turn their statement into a completely different argument. Or you're illiterate. But it's one of them.

Pretty easy to admit antifa is 'retarded' and 'bad'. And I really hate fascists as a liberal, so there you go, ultimate irony.

Hating fascists includes nazis though dipstick. They are antifa's more violent ugly inbred cousin and you're so busy defending them for whatever unknown reason, 'to prove the left is bad' is hopefully the innocent level of your ignorance.
edit on 28-8-2017 by CarlsBad because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Christosterone
Hey, when are those lazy hippies gonna secede?

I'm waiting for the petition...
I'll speak for Texas and say we would be glad to amputate the rotting carcus that is California from our beloved America...

Plus no California means the electoral college would [likely] never see another ruinous, effete, weak-spined democrat in the White House...


first....."hippy" is a term from a half a century ago, try living in the present....second....California is the 8 largest economy in the world, providing over 13% of GDP for the entire U.S.....third.....we here in California send MORE money in federal taxes than we get back, and most southern states (not Texas) send less than they get, as far as I'm concerned most southern states are on welfare paid for by Californians.....maybe you could go after those "welfare queen" state governments run by republicans, we here are getting tired of financing their s**t

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: CarlsBad
a reply to: Wardaddy454

So Trump uses ATS? Or should I bold the part where he said

"on ATS"?

You can't even comprehend what you read, do you really see both sides?

You're trying to turn his statement into a completely different argument. Or you're illiterate. But it's one of them.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. Many people on ATS have stated that there are violent morons on both sides, and kali made a baseless claim for stars. I invoked the President (the "biggest Nazi bigot") to further show how ridiculous the statement was.

Question though, are you an alternate account for KrazyShot so you can make fallacious posts?

edit on 28-8-2017 by Wardaddy454 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: Christosterone
Hey, when are those lazy hippies gonna secede?

I'm waiting for the petition...
I'll speak for Texas and say we would be glad to amputate the rotting carcus that is California from our beloved America...

Plus no California means the electoral college would [likely] never see another ruinous, effete, weak-spined democrat in the White House...


first....."hippy" is a term from a half a century ago, try living in the present....second....California is the 8 largest economy in the world, providing over 13% of GDP for the entire U.S.....third.....we here in California send MORE money in federal taxes than we get back, and most southern states (not Texas) send less than they get, as far as I'm concerned most southern states are on welfare paid for by Californians.....maybe you could go after those "welfare queen" state governments run by republicans, we here are getting tired of financing their s**t

Hipster then.

Second...None of that matters when more people start to leave and the local economy collapses.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 11:59 PM
Bush claimed he was guided by Jesus or Christianity, whether honest or not. And yes, they should be locked up for their imperialism and warmongering, like many leaders.
a reply to: AutonomousMeatPuppet

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: rollanotherone
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Yet, there is still slavery in Muslim countries. More slaves worldwide under Muslim rule. Funny you should mention the crusades too. A Christian response to the mass slaughter of Europeans across the western world. But ok.

One can criticize many Islamic countries, without any doubt, and also realize that our side has done great evil too.. Do you realize that fact?

The reality is, in the past 3-400 odd years, the major power of colonialism and imperialism has been western, and Christian majority. This is demonstrable. This is not a function of the West being somehow unique, it is a function of us being the first to industrialize and hence have a power differential. And again, these countries that did so self identified mostly as Christian until very recently.

This doesn't excuse Muslim atrocities, nor let's say that of the Japanese, nor the Rwandan genocide.

But ya'll need to stop acting as if the west hasn't perpetrated it's own evils.

That is just as ignorant as the SJWs who claim that ONLY white people or the west have oppressed others or engaged in imperialism.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 10:11 AM
Berkeley protest, Bay Area Rally Against Hate live feed

Berkeley birthplace of the free speech movement.

Berkeley the final resting place where free speech goes to die.

Some call it HATE.

But since when have WORDS ever hurt anyone.

It's PEOPLE doing ILLEGAL SNIP that does that.

Antis are thought nazi's.

Can you HEAR me now ?

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: rollanotherone
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Yet, there is still slavery in Muslim countries. More slaves worldwide under Muslim rule. Funny you should mention the crusades too. A Christian response to the mass slaughter of Europeans across the western world. But ok.

One can criticize many Islamic countries, without any doubt, and also realize that our side has done great evil too.. Do you realize that fact?

The reality is, in the past 3-400 odd years, the major power of colonialism and imperialism has been western, and Christian majority. This is demonstrable. This is not a function of the West being somehow unique, it is a function of us being the first to industrialize and hence have a power differential. And again, these countries that did so self identified mostly as Christian until very recently.

This doesn't excuse Muslim atrocities, nor let's say that of the Japanese, nor the Rwandan genocide.

But ya'll need to stop acting as if the west hasn't perpetrated it's own evils.

That is just as ignorant as the SJWs who claim that ONLY white people or the west have oppressed others or engaged in imperialism.

Hey, I'm all for isolationism. I say bring all our troops home, shut down our foreign bases, and focus on our own backyard. Screw the rest of the world.

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