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posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: eirgud

Even for a rough sketch we will have to start with presenting many advanced ideas from generally known mediative(not meditative) arts. After this exploration we must enrich the picture by not so easy swallowable and explainable religious concepts. And in the end add a pinch of Greek philosophy. The first problem that will occur is that it will take me weeks to sketch it. The second is that it will be so messy and incoherent that most of you will be totally lost. I've been on the other side, so I try not to do mistakes that I find dull.

Sometimes we need not to feed our intellect to achieve something. Not all power is encoded in words. Those who walk many doors need little light to see. Make difference, I say "seeing", not knowing. Perception is the key. To walk the doors however it's not an easy task. One must let go of some habits.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

two-fold, three times (does not equal) six-fold.

... and what axis do they fold upon?

... and is that axis also folded toward another?

i like your thinking here and wanted to show support. thanks for your work here at ATS.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: tgidkp

The whole concept lies between unity and infinity. For some reason 3,6,12,36 are important numbers(models, concepts, archetypes) in this gap.

Trinity is not only Christian religious symbol, it is very basic geometric concept. It's the point where we add the third angle to form a triangle, or if we can make that allegory: Trinity is where prime matter is formed.

Six is the most intriguing key concept. I see it as feeding the others(3,12,36...there is more) as well as collecting them back into itself. The cube is the most associated form of complete matter and it has six sides. But there is even stronger sign Six is very big cornerstone. Please take a paper and a compass. Draw a circle. Take the radius(actually it is already on your compass), choose a random point at the drawn circle, make a stroke until your compass hits the edge of your drawn circle. From this mark repeat in the direction you already started. You will notice the number six. There we have the most omnipresent universal idea of "completeness", talking to us in two-dimensions. And it's word is Six.

Here is the proper time to smuggle duality into the post.

Two, four and five are interesting numbers by themselves, but are quite different than the common character of 3,6,12,36. Two for example, is the most profound phenomena we encounter. Duality literally galvanizes every geometric idea. We need to look ourselves at the mirror just for a second and it becomes clear as a day. My theory on why duality is so ever present is that by itself duality is the base motor of the holographic experience all life has. Duality and its expansion(space-time itself) is the necessary phenomena so we can be observers, a life forms. Without duality we have non-existence, a Nirvana, place lacking of reference point to our observation, thus prohibiting the act of observation and life. If nothing is perceptible in any way or manner there is nothing but the dreamless sleep of the universum. That I explained just to show the importance and the profound role of duality. So we got Six... let's go ahead.

Twelve. This is the galvanized Six. But let me go back to Three for a moment. Six is the galvanized Three. The Six I presented here, you very well noticed is based on axis. I did not put the Six Words(strength, art, etc.) only on three rows in the OP without reason. Each of this three axis is a separate being, a separate idea, a separate archetype, so much etheric in essence that the best way for human mind to understand it, is through it's dualistic form presented in the Six. Now you won't be surprised that you were right about that there are axis within axis and so on. This is the situation with the relation of Six and Twelve as well.


posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: tgidkp


After we expanded the three archetypes to six, now we expand them once more to Twelve. What we can see from here? Well, most people nothing. But I am astrologist, I see the Zodiac. Isn't it strange that it has twelve signs, not thirteen or eight. And if we ask why the division is done exactly so, we will find that somewhere back in Alexandria some wise asses decided to be like that. And thousands of years actually, astrologist kept blindly to that division. Well I am never content with that type of imbecilic way of following half understood ideas, so I had to test it myself. Sounds easy. It's not! First there are no sources you can trust in this field. Ancient astrologers had big holes in their concepts and could be misleading. Modern astrologist ate generally swayed by rumors and sweet-sellable concepts which basically ruins them as artists. You'll be surprised how many divisions of astrology exist, and how much contradictory they are... and every each of them is pretending to be accurate in front of the public. This is impossible. Astrology is not like religion, or a woman's opinion. There is only one truth. So I had to test the methods I use for their credability. And if you think it's so easy to see, only at first sight - it's not. In astrology a theory might sound true(let's say about the influence of a certain planet at specific position) and it might even looks like to be real(when the planet goes at the position) but in reality it was just mere coincidence and the effect(influence) had been done really by other passing planet lets say.

So nobody for 2000 and more years had really proven anything, the ones(Greeks) who seemed done so were guilty of many blunt ideas in astrology. I blame them not, but I could not fully trust them neither. Yes, there was things in astrology they theorized, and it turned to be the solidest truth. Yet... for example Libra was not even existing as a sign for a long time as astrology was making it's transition from Egypt to Alexandria. That is right, there were 11 signs only! And they just added one later, like... that. As I've said before, I don't agree with such maneuvers. So I extensively paid careful attention to events, influences, magnitudes of transiting planets to make my mind on the twelve signs and their importance.

The situation I was in was not about to test astrology itself. Astrology was fine, I was working primary with the 36 decans which I never ever had reason to disbelieve in their resonating abilities(because they were always working flawlessly), however it could be a situation here where the twelve signs had no etheric importance by themselves and only existed as simplification created by human mind out of the 36 decans(each 3 make a sign). This was the dilemma, is number 12 an universim number, a harmony, or is just a well passed through the centuries simplification of the 36(rooms of Shao'lin).

And my research found a definitive answer. Yes 12 is universum. After many methods failed to give impenetrable and decisive answer, later with the help of Koch house system, the moon and synodic astrology methods I found what I needed to feel content.

More proof to this is that the twelve zodiacal signs are each with it's competitor on axis. As example the Art axis is Virgo-Pisces and the Knowledge one Leo-Aquarius. In the model of Six these two are sitting in common axis, quite unheard statement for astrology, but as I said before with the proper meditation all things become clear and understanding widens.

About the number 36 I can only say that it is used on it's own axis which transforms it into 72. 72 is Six Twelves. I am still searching the reason for it. However ni doubt, it is universum. And the most interesting thing is that is shows hidden glitch. The 35/36 glitch which I think will explain the idea behind the number 7. I'm afraid however it will take several lifetimes to get that glitch's reasoning. You see, the higher we get the more complicated it goes. Some quantum computer might give you better answers than me, but still, he'll meet his limits. It's not so easy to measure yourself with the architect. And what about us, mere mortals?!

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

okay. i understand better and agree that the way you have it set up is true according to six-fold. but i am truly wondering about the wisdom of getting stuck into a certain geometric manifold without sufficient justification. (your model feels stuck to me.)

for example, in your description i am hearing lots and lots of 'horizontal' valuation. but according to duality, vertical valuation gives meaning to horizontal. (we could replace "valuation" with "axis")

i can help you establish this in a couple of ways.

first, take your initial three dialectic groups and attempt to find a stacking for them. this does not imply that any are 'better' or 'more important' than the others (necessarily). but perhaps consider the evolution of these traits in time... development... usefulness.... or some other objective relation? the "outsider's perspective", so to speak.

another interesting way to take what you have into another dimensional plane is to imagine the single point of intersection among your six-fold (the center, obviously) and drawing the vertical axis there.

in the first example, you will arrive at shared central/vertical axis that implies the presence of a 'hidden' 7th stop within your concept model (the peak of the pyramid). in the second example, the total number of positions in the concept space equals 13 (the 'slicer' of the pizza-pie).

i cannot say that any of these will be useful for your exploration, but i have a personal fondness for the prime numbers and both 7 and 13 are lovely in that way.

it is also important to not forget that because the concept space boundaries are ALWAYS between "unity and infinity" no matter if there are 12 or 36 or 72 positions. in this way, subdivision beyond 36 may not have significant utility if you have achieved your goal at 36. this is not to say that such divisions within the system do not exist, but that the process will become more and more contrived via the exponential increase of positions which will need to be assigned meaning.

re: complete vs complex

very few people attempt to model reality in this way and i look forward to keeping up with your proposed hypothesis.

posted on Jul, 19 2017 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

... phone problems...

edit on America/Chicago39Wed, 19 Jul 2017 19:39:56 -0500700000019 by eirgud because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: tgidkp

Expanding in three dimensions is indeed a curious step that might bring some new insight. It might turn to be a golden key, but it might be a blunder too(3, 6, 12, are not two-dimensional in essence, that's only the way I explore them). That does not mean that it is obsolete to try go in that direction. Yes, I right away see some problems that will occur by doing so, but this very easily could be only a problem coming from my lack of understanding. I'll definitely keep that idea for further research.

Seven pointed pyramid indeed is the first one that must be explored. However I would need a reason for drawing the vertical axis. Does the "three" justifiers by itself the existence of vertical axis? Maybe, yet I could not certainly say. The best way to approach the subject then is to assume it justifies it, and explore the seven pointed pyramid to see if we can reverse engineer something to get a theorem going. If nothing else at least the curiosity will be satisfied.

I'll give a heads up if anything pops up in that direction.

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Argentbenign

Hey, nice, thanks for expanding on your thoughts. I also noticed you started explaining it better to tgidkp and I can definitely get a better Idea of what you are thinking and where it is coming from.

I feel somewhat what you are saying, I have contemplated a lot on this number-word-concept-archetype-stuff (not being condescending, it´s like you say; hard to describe exactly what one is talking of), and after many years have started to feel like this rabbit hole /understanding leads to a place not meant for us mere mortals.

I submit, by your writings indicate you have really thought hard about all this. But in the end, (if only for me to stay sane) like you agreed to earlier in this thread, you ("you" as in "everybody") know nothing...

When you say Perspective is key, that is very true. But be careful when playing with it and it´s deeper concepts- it easy to abuse. Example: The Titanic sinking was a gift from the heavens! ... to the lobsters in the kitchen waiting to be cooked alive.

Thanks again for expanding on your ideas!

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: eirgud

No fimd aleader or become one life will chang second..

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Argentbenign

You would be doing the Order of the Golden Dawn proud with your six-fold model.I accords well with three pairs of Sephiroth of the Tree of life .

I feel you are on the right track, especially given that you worked out such a thing by yourself through meditation.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Argentbenign

Six is the start of the primordial function: 2*3. The function is all the multiples of the prime numbers.

You are tuning in! Good luck on your journey!!

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