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Why no women presidents?

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posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:11 AM
Just a question. Why is it such a taboo subject to talk about having a woman run for President of The United States? England and other countries have put women in charge of government for centuries. Why is it that you have to be a white Catholic or Protestant male to be President of The United States? Is this a covert form of sexism, racism and anti-semitism.......or is it that the right candidate has just not come along yet? This has always baffled me. I personally believe that a female president would make for a less dangerous foreign policy and a safer domestic environment. Consider how well a woman keeps the peace in your own home, only on a much larger scale. There is an inherent quality in a woman in charge that just makes everyone sit up and listen. And with a woman in charge, whether it's your Mom at home or your teacher at school, men are much less likely to jump up and fight each other. Any thoughts? Could this be the only thing that could save us from WW3????

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:23 AM
Interesting post, however when you say look how a woman keeps peace in her own home....think of it like this....if america is her home.....than what do you think she's going to do about the neighbors kids....i.e.: iran, iraq? not to mention the fact that a woman is very emotional and that could hurt the desicion making....say for example a woman was president when 9-11 happend.....i can't see a woman handling that much carnage. women aren't allowed to battle in war....they shouldn't be presidents either....i'm sorry i'm not being sexist, i'm being realistic. but if a woman was going to run....or win an election i think it could be hillary there may be some hope for you woman after all. all of this in my opinion of course.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:30 AM
I can always rely on you to stretch my brain in a different direction, Dog. I really don't know the answer, just thought I would stir the pot-that is the American Way isn't it?

Paraphrasing: "If we we had a woman President, there would be no more war.........just heated negotiations every twenty-eight days!" Robin Williams

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:41 AM
well it was a great many think of often just don't speak of. Just curious what are your thoughts? My opinion is that of everyone elses....just an opinion every one has one.....i just love to give mine!

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Don't really have an opinion. If the person is up to the job, why try to shoot them down? Just like with Condy Rice....She is one heck of a smart lady and down with all the current events of the world. I don't understand why people like Ms. Boxer punked her out and called her a liar in the Senate hearings..........jealousy maybe? Tell ya what, I wouldn't want someone like Condy pissed at me. She could make one phone call and make your whole family disappear.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 11:02 AM
they say hell hath no fury like the family.....when they say family i think they meant the mama!!!! and i believe that hell hath no fury like a woman...especially a scorned one. thats why i love me some women
!!! lol!

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:36 PM
1. Men are stupid - not overall, but more so from socialization where they don't learn to apply patches to the holes blown in their egos, like women do.

2. We have a "fundamentalist infection" , equivalent to a herpes sore, that boomerangs back every time we momentarily kill it.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 05:11 PM
First Ill say that there has only been one catholic president. JFK. The best one though. Second ill say that there havent really been that many women that have run for pres.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 05:52 PM
i personally say no there should not be done for the same reasons that dog posted in his first post however like he said hillary clinton may havea shot at it who knows? only time will tell

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