Part III
Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
As stated towards the end of Part II, the soul must be rehabilitated. Knowledge can be forgotten, but never lost. Even forgotten and repressed
knowledge can resurface with the aid of hypnotherapy, but there is no known way to
unknow something. Therefore, the next best solution would be
to counteract corrupt knowledge by flooding it with superior knowledge. A simple way to do this would be to study and apply the Word of God in our
every day lives. This involves going to church under a divinely appointed pastor-teacher, group Bible study, individual Bible study, reflection upon
learned knowledge, and prayer...but, can there be a way to accelerate this process? Perhaps a way to "download" the Word of God (so to speak) directly
into the deepest recesses of the soul? This is a possibility that I have started experimenting with.
Hypnosis and Eastern style meditation share many similarities. They often utilized specialized breathing techniques designed to relax the body,
causing the brain to enter altered levels of activities. This tends to open the subconscious mind to suggestion. When the heart embraces these
suggestions, they take root and begin to grow. This allows smokers to stop smoking with hypnotherapy. It allows people to change their habits and
perspectives on daily life. If suggestion can have this level of power, why not use the Word of God?
To put it simply; meditation, deep breathing, coupled with prayer and Biblical "mantras"...
The Bible, in its ancient languages, was designed to be memorized and chanted/sung. Most people don't realize that the Bible is metered in heptameter
(syllable counts divisible by 7 per syntactical paragraphs). The text uses recurrent phrases and terms distributed in heptameter to form a poetic
cadence to aid in memorization. When all these factors are taken together, the Bible becomes a long book of spiritual hypnotherapy. Very few people
understand this, because very few people study directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts. I myself am just beginning to explore this new world of
So this is what I have started doing. (You must be a believer in Christ for this to have the desired effect. Simply believe that Jesus died for our
sins, and you are saved. Then the lifelong process of soul-rehabilitation can begin.)
1) Sit down (or lay down) in a comfortable position, and use 1John 1:9 to confess all known sins directly to God the Father. This is done in thought,
in the privacy of your soul to establish an open line of communication between you and God during prayer and Bible study. Use this as often as you
need often as you sin.
2) Inhale over the course of 10 seconds, and exhale over the course of 10 seconds. Repeat this throughout the duration of your meditation session.
This will slow your heart rate, and encourage mental and physical relaxation. The goal is to clear your stream of consciousness so that you can focus
solely on the Scripture(s) and prayer.
3) Begin to recite your Bible scripture mantra. Choose a verse from the Bible, that you understand. One that has significant value and meaning that
you believe will do good in your soul. I prefer to recite it in Hebrew/Greek, for metric purposes, but as long as you have an accurate translation and
a clear understanding of what you're reciting, you should be fine.
4) As you are reciting your scriptural verse, commit it to memory. Think about it as a seed entering healthy soil, sprouting and taking root in your
soul (Luke 8:4-8). Think about what the scripture is communicating. Ask God to reveal what it means, and how it ties to other scriptures, how you can
apply it in your life.
5) Repeat this process throughout the week until you feel confident that you have absorbed the knowledge deep into your soul, and move on to another
scripture. Choose something related, so that you can build precept upon precept, line upon line.
Here is the mantra that I use. I started with one verse, and added more until I formed a blended scriptural paragraph. These are scriptures that I
have memorized while working, but I just recently started mixing it with meditation.
Prov 25:2 It is the glory of God to hide the Word, but the glory of kings to seek out the
Prov 25:3 As the Heavens are high and the earth deep, so are the hearts of kings
Prov 20:27 The lamp of the Lord is the breath of man, inspecting every hidden chamber of the
Prov 20:28 Mercy and truth preserve the king, and by mercy is his throne upheld.
The next verse I plan on adding to this will be Psalm 23:3.
Psalm 23:3 My soul He restores. He leads me in the entrenched paths of righteousness for the sake
of His name.
This will be a work in progress for me, and it will likely take some time for me to notice any change in my thinking patterns, but I think it will be
effective. I will be updating this thread form time to time with tips and observations as I go along. I encourage you to let me know how it works for
you, should you choose to try a similar technique.