posted on Apr, 23 2017 @ 02:56 PM
originally posted by: Aazadan
originally posted by: CB328
In a sane world Trump wouldn't be reelected, but then in a sane world he wouldn't have been elected in the first place.
Hindsight is 2020. He won't get a second term.
Who are the leftists going to run against him -- a 71 y/o fake Indian squaw? Truly creepy Tim Kaine? Alec Baldwin and his booze...?
Maybe they can drag Bill Clinton's wife out of her deathbed, pump her full of amphetamines and psychotropics, and hope she doesn't go into spasmodic
convulsions in public again.
But the Left has even bigger problems than all that -- Trump is getting more popular.
A new Washington Post poll shows that voters have flipped Big League since the election. The poll was taken among a group that voted 46% to 43% for
Bill Clinton's wife, but responded that if the election were held today they would go 43% to 40% for TRUMP.
Trump STILL Beats Bill Clinton's
Leftists continue to vastly over-estimate their core support in the American electorate.