posted on Mar, 26 2017 @ 07:04 AM
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It is a chain something that can bind us all together or tear us all apart. Thats what a name or label is; it is a very powerful thing that often gets
used and abused for just that very reason. It can bind ourselves to something or someone in the recognition of it in attachment; but that comes from
the feelings of the entire mass one of trust, something that feels right on the whole mass of experience up to that point.
Of course such a thing comes with great responsibility; having so very much power... Body, speech, and mind all three of those are a generation of
force and power, so controlling all three of those domains becomes mastery of the vehicle, it's out put, and course. Of course others will want to
harness that for themselves in others for some intent; such a thing is control... it only exists because of the power of words that others have formed
attachments too.
Santa Claus etc may not be real as a tangible entity just what one would call "the Christmas Spirit" but as a concept it holds just as much power as a
natural force, when set into motion as one when people embody it... when such things are embodied then that might as well be said as existent... of
course the danger is in how such things get embodied. None of the concepts may be real; but the effects of those embodying it? Very real... even if it
does not represent it accurately at all... such as the concept of "love" when people embody it or say it... relative in it's expression by what
someone percieves that to be. That is where personality arises in that embodiment of whatever it is one is expressing through a so called self.
The ego or mind; holds a ton of these attachments as an expression of a "self" when obviously it is just ideas of that expressing through them called
a self; so of course? Pressing such things onto others is like pen territory or real-estate how many times have you heard "indoctrinate" in politics?
It is people and groups vying for that influence or power; and those jealous that they may be swayed in some way other than where they want them to
go... so freewill? In such a manner it may seem like there is no choice, but when realizing there is no self just an expression of energies? Then
freewill becomes apparent. That will not put a halt to mob mentality anywhere except in oneself... as when the ego self or mind dies? All there is is
simply the all.
But until such a state is realized in non-attachment; then names and words are going to have power to control; flowing right on through as energy
itsef; of course one can embody many energies feel those personalities coursing through them and in such a manner what self? It is lost going through
everything that has no self just the same or has realized such to some degree. Some personalities of course; one may find abrasive and unwelcome...
simply because of the energy they embody is too unpleasant like that of hungry ghosts/hell beings or basically the overly attached to one facet of
life in an expression of obsession. When there are far more facets to living than one taste... seeing life is suffering as one taste was the kick in
the pants to say well if there is another taste after looking at all of this? Lets have it; and well that's all anyone has ever pointed too from
realization he other flavor always there always present just the same.
But that's how name and labels get, keep, and have the power that they do as they are formation to ideological realities either formed by an
individual as a self or in total as some group... it is like a river with several different currents; when the goal is to cross? Any one of them can
sweep you away.