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OP/ED: The Final Solution

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posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:39 PM
The facts are real...
in 25 years... most people will live on or next to a land fill in america...
in 30 years... food will be so rare, that most people will be on a high protein "people chow" made of food bi products, that is similiar in quality to dog food (if we are lucky).

in the past 5 years the world has cleared over 10% of its land mass for agriculture (once changed, takes forever to change back). for those that don't count, that means in 50 years... we all live in a parking lot (on top of a land fill)

its bad people... real bad... the powers that be, won't even tell us the harsh truth...

Immediately, we need to push india, africa, and the other asian countries (china is doing good now) to only have one child per couple... this will help reduce the overpopulation there now... anyone who disobeys gets fined and imprisoned...(china method)

In the catholic countries, the pope needs to talk to god, so that god can tell him to stop his loyal followers from breeding like bunnies...

everywhere else needs to have a maximum of 2 children

these things need to happen immediatley... or else we will have a war or a plague... there is no option... it is natures way...

rarely does the virus die of starvation, due to the host not providing food, it dies becuase the host dies of damage from the virus... and the virus dies because the host has died...

We are a virus to the earth... we can live like a harmless virus and only take a little here and there, or we can breed rampantly and kill our host...
I like our host...

population controls would have to stay in place until colonization of other planets or space colonies were available for expansion of our species.

we can't pick certain groups to wipe out... they might just be the group that is immune to a new plague, so our diversity is important

then with a few plagues help, we might be able to keep from killing the world and ouselves for a few more decades...

or we can breed the way we like, do what we want and then go into the soilent green processing center on our 40th be turned into food fro the rest of us...

we have choices, now, but if we wait much longer (a few years) then the soilent green option is our only one that doesn't involve war or plague

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:40 PM
So we're all in basic agreement that these Prions are a formidable foe. So back to the basis of this thread, is this the "Final Solution"?
It's public knowledge that a plan has/does exist. Are we seeing it being implemented?

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:44 PM

First off, just let me say that you absolutly amaze me with the thought and research you put into every article you put out

The looming energy crisis is heralded as many different things by many different factions. The NWO's first steps, Armageddon, and so many other labels that I cant even remember them all. The fact is, no matter what catagory you put it under, it is happenning, and it is happenning faster than we ever thought it would. Every winter, fuel cost sky rocket. Some country you have never heard of closes a port that births an oil tanker, and gas goes up another 35 cents. It is here now, and we are seeing the beginning effects on our society.

Something will have to be done about our energy consumption, or we will have to do something about the population. Those are our only two options. Cull the herd, or find a different energy source. I hate to be so blunt about the matter, but times like these require less beating around the bush and more out right truth.

I wish it was an easy desicision to make, and I am doubly glad I am not the one to have to make it. I dont think we will find another source of energy in time to avert the coming crisis. I think we are to stuck in our energy sucking way to change now. It would take a massive restructuring of society in order to avoid this, and I dont think we will give up all the things we have come to enjoy at the expence of our earth. So this pretty much only leaves culling the herd.

Sofi. Now would be a good time to let loose your info.
It might enlighten a few by showing a path that is being taken by the Government to reduce the population.

[edit on 2/1/05 by Kidfinger]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:12 PM
as far as deciding which people to get rid of first, maybe we can have a "logans run" scenario, when you turn 30, you're outta here.....

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:19 PM

as far as deciding which people to get rid of first, maybe we can have a "logans run" scenario, when you turn 30, you're outta here.....

Nah, wouldn't work. At least not in the near future anyway. It would be compared to the Nazi Death Trains. Imagine seeing all of the people being herded to their deaths......
But if the age limit was 30 - imagine how much partying you could do
1) you don't have to worry about longevity
2) You don't have to save any money for the future....

Seriously now, this really does seem as though we are witnessing the beginning of world de-population.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:25 PM
Its scary stuff, the overall global trends are all bad, and I don't see any hope of reversing them soon......pollution, oil spills, war, famine, disease, nuc-yah-ler proliferation , Aids, terrorism, climate changes.....ok, now I'm depressed....

mother earth may well just shake us off her back like an unwanted flea.....

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

its bad people... real bad... the powers that be, won't even tell us the harsh truth...

we have choices, now, but if we wait much longer (a few years) then the soilent green option is our only one that doesn't involve war or plague

I think you're buying into the myth that overpopulation is the real problem - when the real problem is really a world wide prion plague, being left untreated and unaddressed to cull the herd.

It's bad magic - divert the attention, execute sleight of hand...


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:42 PM
FYI - I am having an interesting conversation about the nature of infectious prion diseases with DrHoracid on this thread:

Just to recap:

Prions cause "Mad Cow" and other diseases - many more than are officially acknowledged;

Prions are almost impossible to kill, which is one of the reasons they're now spread everywhere;

The first prion disease in humans is called fibromuscular dysplasia - it appeared in the USA in the early 1900's - it makes normal proteins mutate into "a-smooth muscle actin" and creates fibrosis and holes in the body's tissues;

DrH is now saying that prions may result from electro-magnetic fields interfering with protein production, at the genetic level....


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by radagast
Its scary stuff, the overall global trends are all bad, and I don't see any hope of reversing them soon......pollution, oil spills, war, famine, disease, nuc-yah-ler proliferation , Aids, terrorism, climate changes.....ok, now I'm depressed....

mother earth may well just shake us off her back like an unwanted flea.....

Cheer up radagast. The first step to solving a problem is admitting it exists.

There are LOTS of possible solutions, many things we can do, and much hope.


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:46 PM
Simple solution: let every women have five husbands.........patriarchal societies that allow more than one wife serves to increase the population...the opposite should be true to decrease it right???

ohh...five husbands, five paychecks, I wouldn't have much problems with resources for a long time....time might be a would be like having five more kids to wait on hand and foot....but, well, it would serve a good purpose.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:50 PM
The prion plague in perhaps a problem... but it only serves the need for culling the herd, so it is more of a solution than a problem...

clarify if you would sofi:
how is this prion disease different from heart disease?
the effects seem to be the same, and the death stats seem to mimic each other...
could it be that heart disease is the prion disease, and we have known about it by another name all this time... and just now realize it is what heart disease is...?

I have read your other leads into this from other threads (it seems to be a crusade for you) and i do compliment your research...

but isn't your stand that this was accidentally released into our population by vaccines from WW1?

If so, I would think they are using this as a method of herd culling... (your point) but is that bad?

same is true in africa... the civilized world has left the large part of the continent to its own destuction for decades... this is because they had hoped that it would solve its own problems with war famine and disease...
if sally struthers wasn't involved... then it probably would have already...

india is the next big challenge...
how do you tell a civilized country to keep it in it's pants? the only way we can... and that involves threats... if they wont take the steps themselves...

In fact... if a prion disease was rampant in the population... it would be a good thing for mother earth... and our children...(the ones arising from immune couples)...

in another thread, i pointed out that science does have a cure, but can't use it until the population of the world is stable...(and nothing will be done before that)

much like many of the longevity medicines will coincidentally be released when the population can handle the stress...

if we want good health, and a good life, then we need to get off this rock, or start culling the flock soon...

facts are facts...
this world ain't big enough for all of us, and our health...

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:14 PM
Soficrow: Excellent thread. You are on to something massive here. More and more, I am impressed by the Titanic analogy. The people below deck had no idea of their plight while the first-class folks were already rowing away.

If this is true, I'm probably doomed (lifetime of burgers) but there are worse deaths. What's this you say about mixing diets? Where can I read more about fighting prions by mixing them inside me? Wouldn't it be better to try to stick to organic or home grown foods?

I wonder how the elites can ensure that they will not be affected by prions? Is there some prion-ade that they drink which immunizes them or causes the proteins to begin folding correctly again? Also, how do they ever eat out at a restaurant without worrying about prions? Are all the chefs similarly in on the conspiracy with requests for "clean food" being code for non-prionic meals?

It has occurred to me that the John Titor thing may have actually been just some clever scientist weaving a compelling tale so as to alert us to the REAL issue: BSE and prion diseases.

The information is very scary and we are seriously screwed if it is true. Researchers are independently finding that something like 20% of Alzheimer's cases are actually CJD. It's not just being avoided, the subject is being surpressed.

Here's a good text about early Alzheimers detection

I watched Soylent Green the other day and was reminded of how far-fetched I always thought the premise was, and then it occurred to me: If prions are true and the research about cannibal tribes and BSE is true, then it would make total sense to secretly feed humans to each other, just as this movie depicted. The result of actual Soylent Green would be massive prionic brain trauma at some preselected age, say, fifty or so. Alzheimers at an early age.

In fact, maybe that movie was an early attempt to warn the masses about prions and brain tissue consumption/cannibalization.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:25 PM
The one question I would like to ask is this, if the "elite" are truly trying to de-populate the world, why would they use something like prions? I mean think about it - yes it can and may very well take out a significant portion of the worlds population, however it it is also going to be killing a wide variety of different species as well.
Isn't that counter productive?
Due to the fact that the Feds are stopping any advances on this disease I have to assume that there is something more to the picture than we might realize as of yet.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:33 PM
according to the consumer action commitee
prion diseases occur in a herd population largely due to the feeding of their own bi products as well as other animal bi products...

stop that and we will stem the flow to a trickle...

Have you joined the CONSUMER UNION ?
they will help you with tools to reach your legislators, and they already have a huge following of people who are insisting on better control of cattle products and better protection and better testing...

it is thru these type of methods that information becomes education fueling ACTION...

btw: I'll have my soilent green well done, on yeast toast with lots of onion flavored maggots!

[edit on 1-2-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by superdude
The one question I would like to ask is this, if the "elite" are truly trying to de-populate the world, why would they use something like prions?

...The creation and introduction could very well have been accidental - but the situation is being milked for profits.

...and the depopulation policy only needs to be a "non-intervention policy" - iie., instead of fixing the problem, it's left to ride it's course. ...The wealthy elite have options, but ordinary people do not. ...In government, it's called a 'policy of benign neglect' - meaning you don't do anything to cause it, but you don't do anything to stop it either...

Due to the fact that the Feds are stopping any advances on this disease I have to assume that there is something more to the picture than we might realize as of yet.

Not sure what you mean?

Prions may be created by electro-magnetic fields, including fields manufactured in laboratories in experiments that have absolutely nothing to do with prions - once, created, infectious prions are not killed by any of the sterilization and decontamination methods currently in use - they're released into the environment, and they're infectious. Then they respond to different toxins, temperature changes, chemicals and cells by mutating into new strains...

President Bush, aka "the Feds," responded to the prion crisis by stopping research designed to help people:

The Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, which terminated infectious prion research in the USA in all but two laboratories; Prion Gag Order 12958 (amendment to Executive Order).

* Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
* Executive Order 12958 [Prion Gag Order]
* Interesting testimony before the Judiciary Committee:
* Bill Summary and status:
* Current text:

“Mad cow as bioterrorism? Scientists worry that US gov't classification of BSE prions as ‘select agents’ could hinder research”

“US blocking prion research”

“US amends ‘select agent’ regs,” The Scientist, November 10, 2003. J.M. Perkel,

The Clinton administration was all over the problem - and was investigating the way the environmental contaminants trigger disease, cause mutations and speed disease progression. EPA regulations were expanded and tightened up, the Environmental Genome Project (EGP) was established in 1997 and followed by the creation of the National Center for Toxicogenomics (NCT)...

...Bush gutted funding to all the relevant programs, and basically instituted a non-enforcement policy in the EPA - our first line of defense and protection.

He chose to protect international corporate profits, at the expense of ordinary peoples' lives.

The Feds are on it all right, like flies on honey.


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:04 PM
What I meant by saying "more to the picture", was I believe that the government is aware of the problem, and are intentionally letting this run rampant. What other reason would there be to stop advances which would be designed to help people? Maybe I'm missing something, however I can't come up with a single reason.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
according to the consumer action commitee
prion diseases occur in a herd population largely due to the feeding of their own bi products as well as other animal bi products...

stop that and we will stem the flow to a trickle...

Pure bull puckey, and part of a strategy designed to leave independent cattle producers holding the bag. ....International corporations have spent the last 30 years pulling out of agricultural production, covering their butts and protecting themselves from liability.

Prion diseases occur in most domestic and wild animals populations, and are present in soil, groundwater, waterways and tap water. Implementing feed bans and bankrupting our cattle producers are not going to solve the problem.

For more info, scan these two threads - with attention to my and DrHoracid's post for relevant information:

"Mad Cow" Disease Uses Immune System to Spread in Body

"Mad Cow" Found in Goat

Have you joined the consumer union?
they will help you with tools to reach your legislators, and they already have a huge following of people who are insisting on better control of cattle products and better protection and better testing...

Inappropriate scapegoating - and damage-control bureaucratic papcrap.

it is thru these type of methods that information becomes education fueling ACTION...

Not. Public awareness and a grassroots groundsweel are vastly more effective.


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by superdude
What I meant by saying "more to the picture", was I believe that the government is aware of the problem, and are intentionally letting this run rampant. What other reason would there be to stop advances which would be designed to help people? Maybe I'm missing something, however I can't come up with a single reason.

....Me neither. Time to stand up and be counted.


posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:14 PM
I think that those who want to kill Billions should be the first to go if they are so convinced this is necessary, then the rest of us who think that they were are a bunch of genocidal maniacs can live in peace.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Ranger
the rest of us who think that they were are a bunch of genocidal maniacs can live in peace.

Agreed. But how? ...What steps need to be taken? ...The plan is well on the road - and people are buying into everything from the hate agenda to the idea the oil crisis is the biggest priority on the table. How do we turn it around?


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