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Ben Swann Going Dark

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posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: onehuman
Yeah, you should see the looks I get when I tell people I do not own, nor want to own a cellphone haha. Kids these days, they need to get off my lawn, and put down the cellphones

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

Hey, if we could just re-educate these folks from the propaganda and sugar coated turds they've been fed, then we might just have a chance at keeping our freedoms and spreading equality.

I grew up half and half, so when this tech came around, I saw it as the bee's knees and a means to connect myself to information and abilities that otherwise would of remained in the science fiction movies and shows I enjoy.

Even to the kids, it's new fangled tech, but they don't fret, they research how to use it and become pros, that's pretty hopeful, a generation of Matrix learning people, more please.
edit on 28-1-2017 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Tranceopticalinclined
Lol I am not really old, also not a luddite or I would not be on a PC and have an interest in various 3D programs and 2D programs. But I really do not own or want a cellphone, I don't feel the need to be connected 24/7 like a lot of people my own age and younger seem to.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

Sounds like he's been threatened. Maybe Ben is reporting and pushing into areas where the powers that be don't want him snooping. He may be ruffling the feathers and getting to the truth in some of his investigations. I'll be keeping an eye on this to see if anything develops, great find.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 07:28 PM
This is written by a professional writer? A wordsmith?

There are only three possibilities that I see.
A) It's a code to a certain group is most likely. A pre-discussed plan set in motion with a combination of words and images. As such, no one can " break " it.
B) The "sign off " was effected under scruitiny or duress. This would then just be what he could work in swiftly on the spur of the moment to gain attention to a " situation " .
C ) Or least likely, someone signed off for him.
I have ruled out sensationalism as a motive because anyone can go bonkers at any time, and then logic is useless.

edit on 28-1-2017 by VenatiusFortunatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 08:28 PM
i know that this comment is definitely obvious and the sentiment is already shared, but i feel that it still has to be expressed:

this is truly strange.

strange because we're clearly in the grips of a pattern, and it's not even hard to see. that pattern being the shilling and derailing of threads, articles, stories or general acknowledgment of events surrounding the podesta emails and consequent investigations.

strange, also, because there appears to be a hedge here between "is this really happening?" and "looks like this is all an elaborate misdirection."

case in point, this series of events happened right around the re-opening of the FBI investigation:

NYPD To Blow Whistle On Hillary Emails

notice the edits in this thread, stating it's best to back off for now because this story was DOA.

i'm genuinely mildly nervous for whatever february 1st brings.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: LuXTeN
I came here expecting a 30 page thread on this already lol. Or maybe some sort of announcement in Ben Swann's own section here. Hopefully it's nothing, but the alarm bells in my skull started clanging when I woke up and saw his facebook post. I had already found it strange with the sudden stop of his ISIS piece out of the blue like that.
Sadly there's been no activity in his section, I believe that was due to conflict between member's posting his stories-prior to his forum or around the same time I believe- and him posting his own.

I would have shared it, being I shared the PG thread, but haven't had the free time at the moment.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 09:20 PM
I'm assuming he's been told to "clean up his act", so to speak.

originally posted by: jaws1975
I have this feeling in my gut that Swann is connected to the silent coup that Dr. Pieczenik described. A rebel alliance would be an apt description of what is going on behind the scenes. I don't think that Ben Swann would have touched the pizza story or the Isis origins piece if he didn't feel like someone had his back. I think things could be getting very interesting shortly!

That might just be that he figured someone had his back. Hopefully so in these muddied and concerning circumstances with the press, but an surely interested in what the next step will be that he's mentioning, will have to see from there.

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

He has only done what any investigative journalist would/should have done if a quasi patchy censorship wasn't in full swing, the only reason why they haven't is because it reaches into the top echelons of the present power structure. In fact hardly anyone has the balls to touch it, if they do that's their career gone just like the Hollywood hopefuls. Ben Swan can always go back to RT so he doesn't give a toss.
ATS VOAT and GAB are structured to contain it in their own ways, but its still reaching mainstream because the gut feeling is that it needs to be investigated. If their is nothing to hide what harm can be done? At the moment a good percentage of the population think the people that govern them are up to numerous nefarious activities. Not only here, in the UK and Europe as well , but their is good reason, as all serious investigations in past cases like P gate have been buried. Which only goes to confirm the gut feeling.
America is at the moment showing signs of a nervous breakdown, its gone from war with Russia to war with China, overnight, the problem as I see it, it is suffering from a neurosis or a psychosis?

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

Now this is definitely interesting. No way was it a typo that happened twice on two separate posts, and no way did he just accidentally get the day wrong, either. Twice. Very intriguing...

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

Ben is the epitome of what's left of true investigative journalism. A very sad day indeed.

I have respected his stories for a long time.

Thanks for posting this troubling info.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

Maybe they want you to buy more pizza. I'm certainly thinking about pizza now.

Pizzagate? Really, sigh... what happened to Climategate? Lost its popularity and marketing-value for those who like feeding people with the stuff mentioned in my signature? You know, this black gooey stuff (figuratively in this case, as described in my signature):

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Snarl... have you seen Tulsi Gabbard's interviews on TV in the last month? She flat out says ISIS is a creation of the United States... she pretty much CONFIRMS what Ben Swann says about ISIS.

RT is certainly an arm of the Russian State... but much if not most of the U.S. content they produce is decontaminated fact that American Media propagandists won't report on. RT doesn't HAVE to manufacture a ton of U.S. propaganda... mostly they only need to report the facts about what is going on in U.S. government... because that alone is so damning.

We LIVE in a giant propaganda addled police state in America... a giant human cattle ranching operation... where all the "cattle" generate profits for the farmers by producing on the one hand, and then selling themselves into slavery through debt and interest on the other.

Pretty clever gig, I'd say... if you don't mind the morals of being a slaver.
edit on 29-1-2017 by dasman888 because: Zombie gerbils eating keyboard

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 02:30 PM
Maybe because he's a lying piece of #.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Mike.Ockizard

It probably means for now

Regarding the hidden message

I think the OP may have something here

Points and possibilities:

If he is giving messages through that picture-- which the rebel sign seems to indicate—then the number 7 is on his right knee. This is a sign indicating he’s in some trouble with the number 7 lady’s people.

We all recall the number 7 lady from the IMF

Reference to FEB 1 may be him saying something big is up then regarding the people the 7 lady works for

The thing about Swann is that he is enough of a Mainstream guy to know that they don't allow his kind of journalism anymore.

He has to sever his mainstream connections or he truly is finished

edit on 29-1-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: onehuman
Whatever it it, it's very low resolution.

That's at 100% large

That's the best my photo enlarging software could do with it.

One more enlargement under a different algorithm, not really all that much more clear I am afraid

Not trying to make random tinfoil hat links but.... to me that image reminds me of the old Starbucks logo that when turned upside down it supposedly showed baphomet...

Great post op! You seem to have a reputation that gets people listening, well you now have my ears 😊 and also interesting to get snarls view, good to get some critique to make me stop and think

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: LuXTeN

Star envy? LOL

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:31 PM
Also, Feb 1 isn't a Tuesday. It's Wednesday.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:49 PM
Things are going pretty fast folks. You get the feeling some great revelation or tribulation is right around the corner...maybe both.

Sometimes I really believe everything in this country is a huge scripted fraud as if we in America are living in a giant Truman show.

And you have to follow the rules...

If you’re in the MSM and talking the kind of stuff Swann was talking, I don’t care if you’re in Alaska, they don’t like that.

If you’re in the MSM and want to go alternative you have to follow the rules and go out on your own like Jeff Rense, who use to be mainstream reporter. You don’t hang around where the sheep must stay dumb.

Those are the rules

I hope this isn’t Ben Swann’s swan song…

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:49 PM
What if Tzuday refers to Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, rather than Sun Tzu's Art of War?

Aren't there specific meditations for each day of the year?

Which one corresponds to Feb 1?

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