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Why The Donald's promise to make American Great Again is pure hogwash failing to hold any water

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:53 AM
First, let me bring to your attention an excerpt of what I wrote in another thread at: There’s more than meets the eye about the net worth of The Donald and Company

People seem to believe that laws, laws, and more laws filter out the worst people from rising through the ranks to the heights of business success thus making it possible for only the best, most upstanding, honorable, and reputable people to rise to such heights.

This is absolutely false!

Lots of laws cause the best people to lose interest in being involved in the competitive fray, and they tend to drop out leaving the realm totally to the worst ilk who don’t give a flying you-know-what about the existence of such laws...

... Next, consider the ilk who have ascended to the heights of success in the business world under the illogical and illusory institutions of political correctness and “equality.” They can’t be termed “high society,” but rather “LOW SOCIETY.”

Trump’s premise about “Making America Great Again,” fails to hold water because it conveniently omits an absolutely necessary action without which building all the walls in the world and effectuating all the deportations in the world will do nothing to make America great again.

So, what is this absolutely necessary action that must be taken?

It is the purging of ALL of management in the private sector because over the course of the last five decades or so, the total infestation of substandard people taking over all managerial positions has become complete. All managers must be purged; all managers must be replaced.

As far as the private sector goes, I define a manager as one who has responsibility for and supervisory power over people who can be termed, “subordinates,” who report to the manager.

Things are a bit different in the public sector.

Because all of government, as a big glob of an entity, has managerial power over the populace by lording over the populace in one way or another (taxation by the I.R.S. comes to mind as a convenient example) ALL OF GOVERNMENT HAS TO BE PURGED AND REPLACED right down to the janitor who [maybe] cleans the toilets in a reputed-to-be-filthy V.A. hospital.

Another way of looking at this is by way of a social dynamic, to wit, when a realm goes over a threshold of badness, all the good people exit and go running somewhere else, leaving the entire realm to the bad ones. This is the way it is in corporate management hierarchies in the private sector. This is how it is in government at all levels: local, county, state, and federal. If a good person finds himself by quirk of fate finding himself as a private sector manager or as a government worker, HE WILL NOT LAST LONG. Either by his own initiative he will propel himself out, or else, he will be like the bee that enters the wrong hive: HE WILL BE STUNG TO DEATH.

Think of the NYPD which has a humdinger of a reputation for corruption. Who in his right mind would join the NYPD unless he wants to get in the game for fun and illicit profit?

You don’t even have to think of the NYPD. Years ago, in the suburbs (where further back in time, things were so much better than in the big bad city), an elderly woman whom I hardly knew struck up a conversation with me. Then, out of the blue, she said that her son worked as a cop in a different suburban town down the road. She said that in that town (as was the case, I am sure, in the town in which we were) “if you were part of the ‘web’ [of corruption] you could do whatever you want and get away with it.” She went on to say that her son did very well financially under that system as did her daughter-in-law who was also in the employ of that town government.

So, is making America great again as simple as purging and replacing anyone and everyone in a managerial capacity. Not really. For one thing, DONALD TRUMP WOULD HAVE TO PURGE AND REPLACE HIMSELF!!!

Secondly, can the purge and replacement be done fast enough to save the day before the social/economic system implodes? I think not.

Thirdly, are there enough qualified replacements in the pipeline especially when you consider the fact that institutions of higher learning have become binge drinking and orgy clubs?

Ok, that’s the long and the short of it. Prognosis? Grim!

edit on 11-1-2017 by theworldisnotenough because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:56 AM
First off, It is too early for anyone to make any assumptions, he isn't even in office yet. Second, it wasn't really "we want Trump" rather more of "we DON'T want Hillary".

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:56 AM
So to clarify, you're against enforcing current immigration laws by both failing to deport illegal citizens and also by not securing the border. Also, you're against jobs for Americans.

Those two things alone are a massive jump start to MAGA.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

All managers must be purged; all managers must be replaced.

Just go talk to your Boss, I'm sure the two of you can work it out.

And that would be a win-win for wouldn't be so butt-hurt and we wouldn't have to read another thread on the topic from you.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Thanks you for a well argued post. It is probably wasted on some of the dullards on ATS. Yes Trump is a veritable hogwash factory. His boorish antics have scandalised the rest of the world. Now his followers are saying the Liberal elite controls the media (including the right wing press) and are picking on the poor baby! Now He is saying let bygones be bygones and unite under his leadership! He gets into Twitter spats with any detractor. I am waiting for him to attack me!!

The Problem with hogwash is that it is very tasty to his followers so he just keeps producing it for them to chow down on! I doubt he will make a second term unless he grows up!

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:27 AM
Seriously removing a whole tier or two of management will just lead to chaos

edit on 11-1-2017 by Tiger5 because: typo

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:27 AM

edit on 11-1-2017 by Tiger5 because: double post

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:27 AM

edit on 11-1-2017 by Tiger5 because: double post

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:30 AM
I like all these declarations of failure being made before Trump has even taken office or done anything.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
So to clarify, you're against enforcing current immigration laws by both failing to deport illegal citizens and also by not securing the border. Also, you're against jobs for Americans.

Those two things alone are a massive jump start to MAGA.

I don't know where that came from. Gee, it happens all the time. People read things into my write-ups that are simply not there.

Let me now clarify. Having jobs back in the U.S. is good. I am actually against illegal immigration. HOWEVER, these actions to bring back jobs or to enforce laws against illegal immigration will not be nearly enough to make America great again without the total purging and replacing of management in the public and private sectors.

So, the swamp is much, much more expansive than you may have thought; the swamp needs a much bigger draining than you may have thought.
edit on 11-1-2017 by theworldisnotenough because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:41 AM
I wish people would not start threads based solely on their opinions. ATS moderators are still on holiday vacation?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
I like all these declarations of failure being made before Trump has even taken office or done anything.

My Dear Friend I hope you do not drive as you obviously like wait until the Car crashes BEFRO considering any corrective action. Anyway from time immemorial people have pontificated on future events. This was what happened with the previous Guy and the guy before. It even happened to Hilary who lost!

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

We didn't have much of a choice.

The DNC was caught strong arming Bernie out, and they got caught in collusion with CNN to prop up Trump.

They undermined ever facet of this election, so when a candidate has to cheat their whole way through, most times I'll pick the other.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:12 PM
Progressives kicked out of power up and down the food chain, America is greater already.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:56 PM
He says America.

He means Russia.

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