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Quake Watch 2017

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posted on Sep, 7 2017 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: AlexanderM

Hi Alexander,

I couldn't remember the name of it.

Jaded was the one who remembered.

Bath's Law.

for you
edit on 7-9-2017 by crappiekat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 12:00 AM
8.0? off the coast of Mexico? Anyone with more details than my simple app can provide?

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: NiteNGale2

Wow, yea. about 10 mins ago.

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 12:18 AM

The USGS said a magnitude 8 quake struck 123 km (76 miles) southwest of the town of Pijijiapan, at a depth of 33 km (21 miles). Widespread, hazardous tsunami waves were possible, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said. Residents in Mexico City reportedly fled into the streets as buildings shook. More updates to follow.

Stay safe folks.
edit on 8-9-2017 by JinMI because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 12:38 AM
Some interesting graphics here:

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 05:44 AM
Sorry I missed it guys.

At least 61 aftershocks. One was a 6.1

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 12:09 PM
Here is one of the screen shots I got this morning of the 8.1 in Mexico. To see the full video you can go here.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 12:54 AM
"210 earthquakes detected in Idaho, experts say M7.0 possible but not likely"

A total of 210 earthquakes have been detected in Southeast Idaho near the city of Soda Springs, Caribou County since Saturday, September 2, 2017. Experts say that they can't guarantee there won't be a larger quake in this area, but 'the possibility is extremely low.'

The U.S. Geological Survey registered a total of 210 earthquakes between 23:26 UTC on September 2 and 12:18 UTC on September 9, including M5.3 at a depth of 6.5 km (4 miles), the strongest so far. Magnitudes ranged from 1.6 to M5.3 at depths between 0.6 to 12.9 km (0.4 to 8 miles).


posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 10:03 PM
This is the latest movement of the aftershock of the 5.3 in Soda Springs.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 12:56 AM
Here's a screen shot of the last 30 days at Soda Springs.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 07:35 PM
I missed the first one on the 12th!
Both offshore of Oahu.
Not in a usual place.
The one today had 709 felt reports.

Felt on all of the islands.
Oahu had the most, even felt in Honolulu.
The whole time I lived there, never felt a quake!

33km NE of Kaneohe Station, Hawaii
2017-09-16 06:40:37 (UTC)
10.1 km

49km ENE of Kaneohe Station, Hawaii
2017-09-12 04:04:40 (UTC)
8.5 km


posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: crappiekat

7.1 main aftershock we've been waiting for?

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Anneke
Not sure that's an aftershock of the bigger quake, nows when we need muzzy. Looks like a different area maybe?

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Anneke

It's a separate main shock, on a different fault system with a different movement mechanism.

Here is Potsdam's moment tensor solution.

By looking at the beachball plot, one can see that it resembles a normal extension type of fault rather than a reverse thrust type of movement.

TA's current stream where Muzzy can be often found as well since he left here:

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

If this is a new main shock, the lack of aftershocks is alarming!!

I hope a 9.0 does not lurk in the shadows.

By the way...What happened to Muzzy??

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: radpeteage

I was thinking the same thing, where are the aftershocks?

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: radpeteage

Check your PM.

As to aftershocks, we're still waiting. I hope they hold off because aftershocks can further damage already weakened structures and people that are pinned or trapped could be further injured or worse.

On the other hand, the longer we go without aftershocks the more worrisome it becomes in terms of a possible larger Quake looming in the shadows. Back in 1985 there was an 8.1 very close to where the 7.1 was. I don't know off the top of my head if there was a foreshock to that 8.1 however.

Interstingly, this Quake today happened on the anniversary date of that quake and approximately two hours before today's event there was an actual earthquake drill in which everybody evacuated their buildings.

Mexico does have a warning system and the sirens went off prior to the shaking beginning so there may have been lives saved thanks to both the drill and the warning system.

edit on 19-9-2017 by jadedANDcynical because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 02:47 PM
I havn't been on ATS for long time but I came here just to see if someone else was asking this question!

The 1985 quake "The sequence of events included a foreshock of magnitude 5.2 that occurred in may with the mainshock on 19 September (8.0) and two large aftershocks. The first of these occurred on 20 September with a magnitude of 7.5 and the second occurred seven months later on 30 April 1986 with a magnitude of 7.0."

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

So there haven't been aftershocks for the 7.1?? If this is the case I would think there could be something more coming.
edit on 20-9-2017 by AlexanderM because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: LadyTrick

That's one of the things that we looked at when we were discussing the 7.1 and apparent lack of aftershocks. I went looking a bit and found that the 1985 8.1 was a reverse thrust (subduction) focal mechanism whereas the recent 7.1 was a normal (extension) focal mechanism which results in a different series of aftershocks.

There was a smaller event to the west about 9 hours before the 7.1 but I don't know if it would be close enough location wise to be considered a foreshock.

Magnitude M 4.2
Date time 2017-09-19 09:58:26.0 UTC
Location 18.47 N ; 101.38 W
Depth 70 km

And one to the southeast:

Magnitude M 4.2
Date time 2017-09-19 09:29:14.0 UTC
Location 17.03 N ; 96.87 W
Depth 66 km

Both of the above two referenced quakes preceded the 7.1 but were kind of far away to be considered foreshocks.

There have been smaller aftershocks reported, but nothing over M4 as far as I know.


originally posted by: AlexanderM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

So there haven't been aftershocks for the 7.1?? If this is the case I would think there could be something more coming.

See above. Still waiting on larger ones, but there have been some below M4 reported. See also this post.
edit on 20-9-2017 by jadedANDcynical because: additional reply

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