originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
originally posted by: MagicCow
It goes against everything they are to realize that we live under Satans rule.
And what about people who do not believe in this Christian fairy tale boogeyman? Whose rule are we under?
So, this is a good spot for me to enter here.
First, this is a
chaos thread, due to the number of collected single evidence of symbolism. There cannot exist unity in opinion about the
proof/validity of the OP statement. It is just impossible to judge over a thesis like this "with easy feather". For that task, if to be done properly,
we need to investigate throughout every single symbol he posted, then comprehend, evaluate, summarize, and such... which is tough job even for a novel
writer. The OP decided to save himself this job and presented in quite unscientific manner his thesis. Therefore chaos arises. And the real talk goes
in the sink, exchanged for "table-talks", which in no case I find boring. Exactly these "table-talk" jokes kept me to the point where I decided to
write this post.
Nevermind I would not agree with the way the OP presented the information, he is very much on the spot. There is
something around which many
celebrities and big-timers revolve. Well, some gutter-rats do revolve in that area too, but we miss to paint them on the canvas. What I talk about
should be well-know to Augustus, as he is a mason, and should be with above the average intelligence. His quote I will use for my own purposes in a
The "Christian fairy tale boogeyman" is a very true one. However quite naive in its own form. That's why many scholars try not to involve that modern
cliché "Satan" in their works. Let's better call it - "The Bartender". Sound better, right?
What the bartender does? - He pours you drinks, for a price of course. After time you might even become so obsessed with his cocktails, that you would
just throw away all else, even your own soul(whatever that is mom) for a glass of his magic. Yes, Satanism is no different then Alcoholism. Then, why
should we hate our brothers and sister who just like the bottle a bit too much, or worst.. be afraid of them, which is pure nonsense...
Yes, most of the symbols OP showed have meaning. Occult meaning. Some even have two or three meanings, some even more, some have meanings as many as
many are the small villages in India. Understand? There is a lot of hype about this "symbolism affair". It sounds very sensationalistic and the fish
bites on it. It swirls around and drains your brain, while you try to understand what is happening...
But yet, I must admit, behind it lies a stone hard truth of ages. There are circle of people, as also ungrouped individuals who love Bartender and
they stick to him with all they have. But that is in no way a deed of evil-hearted persons. In reality it is a deed of confused drug addicts. They
believe with their lives in the "liberation" of lucifer a.k.a. spiritual alcoholism, other half-brainers mostly Jesus-freaks believe in "the
salvation" a.k.a. spiritual nihilism, third ones, like most ATSrs believe in "the utopian dream", a.k.a. spiritual naivety, fourth believe in... you
get my point. Everybody believes in some extremity. Confess it, right now, right here! Yo do too! I am personally Artistic Extremist, a.k.a.
"painter-idiot-syndrome" I believe in "The way". Or, one of my close friends has "The butcher syndrome" - he worships all things that grow and are
edible and usable - nothing else. Every second woman I meet has "The connection syndrome", every child "The power-syndrome"... and of course there are
the guys with the "Satan syndrome". But who cares... take the stick first from your eye before cursing others - Jesus said it, or was it Eminem?
Or my mom?
Mom is that you?