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The Shed 13

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: Night Star

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

It's time for Nitey Nite Nite.

Sleep peaceful and compfy
edit on 27-1-2017 by crappiekat because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2017 by crappiekat because: your the only 1 that matters

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:11 AM
Now everyone's convinced I need help and am an idiot.

I just wanted to be friends but I always wreck.
Nothing's worked for me since my wife left me.

It's just been downhill man.
Straight down into hell.

I deserve it.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Dude, I think you should switch off your computer and come back to this tomorrow when your head has cleared.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

I'll never come back.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:29 AM
Ok, I'm up.... Jings!
"Is it safe?" - (***Name The Movie for a bonus point!!)

Where to start?
Errollorre - Tom, I'm LOVING the time-slip posts and I appreciate the wee bit of nostalgia too. I also "get" what you meant to say, but it did come out a wee bit squiffy!! LOL

nightstar - Raine, no one, and I do mean NO ONE is upset at you, how could they be? You are our shedsis, shedmom, hostess, aunty and friend rolled into one!

muzzleflash - Muzzie, It's not nice when people "gossip" about you in secret, I KNOW from previous experience here. But you maybe need to take a deep breath sometimes... step back and analyse how you handle situations like this.
You said that whoever had a problem should have come direct to you? Well, If you are aware of who was bad-mouthing you... well, shouldn't you have followed your own advice and sorted it out in private with them? Or bring it to attention of the Mods or ATS Staff?
I can assure you that we do not ALL LIKE DRAMA!! Some people in the shed are gentle and vulnerable souls, and while we all welcome EVERYONE sharing their thoughts and feelings (good or bad), we have to consider the effect of HOW we post that stuff. You see EVERYONE in the shed received and felt your earlier "angry" smash the place up posts, and that might not be exactly... fair? It's nice to see that you are a bit happier now! But take nightstars advice (trust me!!) she knows what she's talking about!

Pheonix - like nightstar, I have never heard anyone say a bad word about you at any time!
You are a great contributor here and I look forward to your posts! Don't just Lurk!!

kat - were you calling for me because of all the trouble in the shed? or was it something I've missed?? PM please!! LOL

To everyone,
The Shed is in fact just an abstract concept!
It is a virtual space on an interwebs conspiracy forum site.
It isn't actually "The Shed" that is special. It is the people who visit the Shed who are special.
You. Yes YOU! make the Shed what it is... and THAT is why it changes.
People come and go and the dynamic changes. GREAT friendships are made and sometimes lost.
Personalities sometimes clash, and people may have different views on life, the universe and everything, but the ONE THING that always shines through (for me) is RESPECT.


Unlike other forums, we don't harbour a culture that promotes aggression or hate, we don't encourage personal attacks or rants at other people (although we can all let off a bit of steam about our Real Lives from time to time!!!)
We have created, developed, fostered, maintained and grown a place of tranquility, safety, peace, companionship, friendship, compassion and yes, even Love!

It might not be perfect (what is??) but it's THE BEST thread on the web IMHO and we need to look after it.

Now.... on the question of "Why is it called the Shed"???
waaaay back (before the first shed) we all met in a Valentines Day thread created by Angelchemuel (Jane).
She always signs off her posts with the word "rainbows".
So, collectively - we gradually became known as the Rainbow Warriors and we initially told stories centred around us meeting up in a Rainbow Coloured Log Cabin with a Rainbow Coloured Campervan AND a Rainbow Coloured Shed!
A LOT of the fun stories centred around the Shed - which was Magic and had Dragons and loads of other stuff in it.
jacygirl and a few of the other girls "lived" in the Shed.
The ATS staff weren't sure where to put our threads back then because it was such an unusual mix of chat and storytelling, and we actually thought that we'd Lose our threads for good when we were moved again and even shut down!
Through negotiating with the mods... jacy (and others) eventually got permission to set up a new thread, and because many of us were already "in The Shed" most of the time in our stories.... Our "Home" became "The Shed" thread!

That's roughly how I remember it anyways!!!! (But I may be off a bit... it was a loooong time ago and I'm Auld & Tired and miserable with some weird man-flu just now!!! LOL)

Did I beat kaelci's record for babbling on yet???? ROFL



posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Thank you Gordi! I kind of got lost and didn't know what to say or how to say it.

Yes, I remembered the rainbow van, but couldn't remember exactly the shed and how that started. I figured it was what you just said but I wasn't sure. HUGS!

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

I should take the advice of the person who caused all of it?
Go eat poison? Yeah, eat poisons... that'll solve it.

Why so she can put a knife in my back again?
Next time I'll be too brain dead to react at all?
I'll be so docile that I'll be like "nah it's cool".

Don't think so.

I took the blade out and put it in my own heart.
I knew the right place to put it, the front side.

So everyone can go run around and speak hurtfully about someone else and they are suppose to be psychic, figure out who's doing it, and then take it up with them in U2Us right?

How about people just stop speaking hatefully about others altogether, in private or anywhere?

I think I handled this just fine.
I proved we aren't, cannot be, and will never be - friends.
Yall treat me like crap.
Always have, always will.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:51 AM
She'll claim "I was just trying to help", but here's what happened.

Someone else came and informed me she was saying negative hurtful things about me in private.
Yet to my face, she acted all super nice and friendly right?

I threw a fit and didn't even mention her name.
She started crying and threw a fit too.

I thought hey, I feel bad now, I'll forgive and we can be friends.
Nope, not gonna be my friend.

It's my fault others speak negatively about me behind my back.
They were just trying to "help me", by saying things I'd never find out about if it wasn't for a nice honest person who felt guilty and wanted to inform me what was secretly going on.

How does it 'help' to be double faced and hide your real feelings about someone while speaking down on them to others when they cannot see or hear it?

Yeah, I'm the one with the problem.

The only problem I have is that I'm still bothering with it.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I think perhaps you should take hoppers advice then?

Just step away from your computer, take a break (and a deep breath) and come back fresh tomorrow and actually read what you've typed today. ALL of what you've typed today...

You don't have to respond here if you don't want to. That's up to you.

btw - a Mod once gave me some sound advice, when I had been on the receiving end of the PM gossip mill...
he said:

"Water Off A Ducks Back"

Simple as that.
At the end of the day, what anyone says in a PM to anyone else matters not a jot in the grand scheme of things.
We can rise above it.

and... Karma is a bitch! and usually comes back around to even things up a bit!

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Thank you Gordi.

I knew you would have the words, and the wisdom to turn those words into something that would make sense to all of us.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

I ain't a duck.
I'm a human being that deserved to be respected but was not.

It mattered a lot to me, I really truly believed that person liked me and was my friend that I could trust.
One of the only people in the whole entire world I felt like I could trust.

Why is that not supposed to matter?

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: crappiekat
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Thank you Gordi.
I knew you would have the words, and the wisdom to turn those words into something that would make sense to all of us.

Great! Now, could you explain it to me please?? LOL

Maaaan, I am feeling lousy today!
Ugh! My legs were all shaky when I got up during the night to go to the bathroom, like REALLY shaky!
I've had a terrible nights sleep too... OK, who's on Shed Soup duty??
Although, I think I need a coffee first...


posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: crappiekat
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Thank you Gordi.

I knew you would have the words, and the wisdom to turn those words into something that would make sense to all of us.

Doesn't make sense at all to me.

Just sounds like hypocritical attack the victim bs.
Marginalize, downplay, deflect, distract.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Meds are poison to you and helpful to others. Anytime anyone mentions meds you get angry. I would think they are trying to help. I know it isn't for everyone though so I understand.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:13 AM
Gordi, I hope you feel better soon! Pixies are making a nice chicken soup for you.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Gordi. Sorry your not feeling well.

Here is a hot soup for you.

And then sit back in bed and drink this. I hope it helps.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: muzzleflash

Meds are poison to you and helpful to others. Anytime anyone mentions meds you get angry. I would think they are trying to help. I know it isn't for everyone though so I understand.

Every one of those meds gets removed eventually for all sorts of terrible side effects.
It's not only damaging your brain tissue it's damaging other organs as well.
It isn't helping anyone, except maybe the people that benefit from their "problem individual" becoming a "zombie".

Can't you see my issues are with principalities?
Pills never solved that. They never will no matter how high you get off them.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Night Star

I put so much trust in you, my hopes were so full.
I thought you were one of the only true solid friends I had in my life.
I never thought you'd call me insane behind my back.
I thought you looked up to me.

But I was a fool.
I don't even know you.
You don't even know me.

See I misjudged you too.
Just like you misjudged me.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:28 AM
No I'm not going to hate you.
All you had to do was admit it and apologize in front of everyone.

This cannot be resolved in private messages.

I wanted the people you spoke negatively to me about (a lot of people here) to know you changed your heart and wanted to apologize in public and be good to me.

You apologizing privately is meaningless.
Yall will just continue talking crap on me in private.

A public apology where you admit straight up that you messed up is correct.
No confusion, excuses, twisting, or bending of the facts.

It's not me who hates anyone.
I'm upset cuz I found out yall hated me in private conversations yet pretended to be my buddy to my face.

That's all. I don't hate anyone or wish ill upon them.
I tried my ass off to be friends but I never fit in, I'm always this freak that just simply isn't good enough.

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