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Government Extermination Operations in Venezuela

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posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 05:23 AM

Since the beginning of the Chavista regime in Venezuela a surge in crime took over the nation, impunity, violent language of the president, corruption, gun laws that prevent lawful citizens obtain weapons but won’t prevent criminals from obtaining any military grade weapon, dismantling of police forces for fear of having armed groups challenging the regime, all have been attributed as a contribution to this phenomenon.

The truth is whatever the reason is, Venezuela went from having some of the worst jails in the continent to sanctuaries from where criminals control their regions

Hierarchical gang leaders known as “Pranes,” are at the top of the prison heap. They often have an easier time conducting their illicit activities behind prison walls than they did outside of them. They do not just traffic drugs and arms and organize kidnappings from behind bars, they also dictate what prison guards do, and in some cases have influence up to the judicial level, deciding which prisoners will be set free or not.

Pranes have weekend visitation rights, the free use of cell phones and internet to conduct their business. They also regularly get to leave the prison to exercise, show their face about town and saunter back in when they please. There are usually between one and three Pranes per prison, those that execute their orders are known as “Luceros.” The rest of the prisoners shut up and do their jobs, often paying Luceros up to 1,000 Bolivares (between 100 and 230 USD) just to stay alive. Many don’t succeed however

This was the farewell to one of such pranes after he died early this year, this was recorded by inmates in the roof of the penitentiary

In the end delinquents that were used as an outside of the law armed force by the regime began to control the entire country to a point it was out of control for the regime. After 10 or so plans to cull the violence, President Maduro instated the people’s liberation operations (operación de liberación del pueblo or OLP) last year, in OLP special forces enter an area and “attempt” to capture the targets that cause the most crime in the zone, the group is mostly composed by federal police and military forces and sadly most of the criminals die in confrontations with the OLP, in the link bellow you can see what exactly means confrontation with the OLP…
If you are unable to see the video, in it an unarmed civilian is escorted to a hallway that already has a corpse present, after a few seconds a police officer unsheathe his gun while two other officers grab the young individual by his arms and the officer proceeds to execute the civilian.

Venezuela ceased to present official statistics of the results of these operations, but estimates are that 750 “criminals” have died in “confrontation” with the authority since them began.

Since the beginning the OLP were highly irregular, the first big success was the murder (in confrontation) of one of the worst kidnappers in Venezuela, except that instead of giving the corpse for proper burial to the family, the government mysteriously prevented access to the morgue and cremated the body; a remarkably similar official began to work in the Venezuelan embassy of Madrid the same month…

Past week 12 bodies found in a common grave of people detained in a OLP in October sparked new outrage over the state of human rights in the country. The bodies were found in advance decomposition state past Friday, the families of the victims claim they were farmers.

Due to the fallout 11 low rank soldiers has been detained, but Maduro still defend the necessity of the operation that have not had an impact in crime, and defense minister still claim the dead are criminals and the OLP are just claiming back territories from violent groups.

Locals claim OLP are just extermination groups that raze entire populations, there has not been a decrease in homicide or kidnaps since the operation began, even if all of the 750 killed are criminals they deserve due process according to the laws of the country that don’t even allow death penalty; what kind of lawful operation place deceased in clandestine unmarked common graves.

Are they all criminals, or you become a criminal once you are killed by the government?

In the mean time pranes still control crime from their fortress known as jail to the rest of the world, and no special operation acts against them

Sources: Pranes,OLP, atina/venezuela-es/article117745948.html" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Barlovento Massacre 1,Barlovento Massacre 2,Crime charts

edit on 1-12-2016 by Indigent because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 05:46 AM
Some of the prison stuff reminds me of certain prisons in Mexico where the crime syndicate and the prison crime boss really does run the show.

The other point I might make is any government that works on the principle of a government for the government, by the government always seems to finally break down to this crap. Absolute power corrupts absolutely whether it is an individual or a governmental cabal without the people's voice or restrictions to hold them back..

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:11 AM
This all sound like a leftist wet dream. Let the inmates run the prison at the same time bring the prison culture to civilization. What could go wrong?

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:22 AM
Venezuela has become a total nightmare. The other day, I read that hyperinflation has made their currency so worthless, people literally use it as toilet paper. It's cheaper.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Supposedly the paper is good to make fake dollars and you can sell the bills by weight in Colombia.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: Indigent


Never knew it was THIS bad in Venezuela. I knew it was bad but...

Actually what usually happens is I read a short story about what's going on out there ad then I forget all about it 20/30 mins later. I wonder if that's what most people do? Or am I just ignoring the facts? I dunno ... I just forget and get on with my life!

I don't know if that's strange attitude or not... am I alone? Who else in the World just gets on with their own life whilst this stuff is going on?

But anyway I'm in England, nothing I can do about it.
edit on CSTThu, 01 Dec 2016 10:06:45 -06000000003110x045x0 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: Correction

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 03:37 PM
That's horrible of the government I can't believe there haven't been any well known human rights group have brought this to attention. It sounds like what's going on in the Philippines and the drug users getting killed by extermination squads

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: JakeR777

I was about to mention this. And the fact that several members here on ATS praise Duterte for his extermination program.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:32 PM
S&F. This information dovetails well with a thread I made here about the situation n Venezuela.

Here is a link to that thread.

Venezuela - A Real Time History Lesson

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Indigent

This is the same type of tactic used by the communist regime in Cuba. Criminals are released to work for the government by keeping taps on law abiding citizens by snitching on citizens if they show any type of non-compliance with "socialist/communist ideology".

It is a known fact that the castros have used criminals, and criminal activity to get more money, and more control over regular people in Cuba.

But in this case the Venezuelan government seems to have even gone a step further than Cuba did. Because in Cuba one of the first thing the communist government did was "gun control". The government knew who had weapons, and they went house by house and took people's firearms. But in Venezuela it seems they allowed criminals their firearms, meanwhile taking the firearms from law abiding citizens.

There is another difference between Venezuela and Cuba. That is that the Cuban regime was able from the start to control news sources completely. In Venezuela Chavez did the same but Chavez was not able to control information as much as Cuba has done because in Venezuela before Chavez more Venezuelans had access to the internet and social media, and to this day there are more citizens in Venezuela with more access to the internet and social media than in Cuba.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 04:14 PM
Now the cops in the operations use new mask


posted on Mar, 12 2017 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: JimSmith

There's no extermination squads I saw on any of the 50 days I was there on 5 different islands. It's a totally different situation then Venezuela.
Venezuela is almost in a state of complete breakdown where the Philippines is actually getting better and safer.

posted on Mar, 12 2017 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: Slickinfinity
a reply to: JimSmith

There's no extermination squads I saw on any of the 50 days I was there on 5 different islands. It's a totally different situation then Venezuela.
Venezuela is almost in a state of complete breakdown where the Philippines is actually getting better and safer.

Everyone who lives there that I know says the same thing. Crime is way down and they feel safer... The PI seems to be getting along with China now so I will expect more stories about how bad everything is in the PI

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 07:25 AM
The EU is renewing its subversive operations in a few countries around the globe in the hopeless task to overthrow regimes in color-revolution like activities. Philippines, Turkey, Venezuela and other balkan countries are targeted.

Effort is hopeless.....


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