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Blatant Pedo symbol in music video by Comet Pizza band

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posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Greggers
Well, just to be clear, I personally am not homophobic, racist, misogynistic, a witch, or an illiterate. In case there was any confusion.

Neither am I. I'm a straight, white, male, heterosexual, conservative, and Christian.

In case there was any confusion.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: ThereforeTheMeh

Sounds like every other racist hunt, sexist hunt, homophobe hunt, islamophobe hunt, etc.

Is it any surprise then, that the owner of comet pizza is gay, and the band is pro feminist and LBGT?

Could this all just be an alt-right hate/troll fest?

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
Is it any surprise then, that the owner of comet pizza is gay, and the band is pro feminist and LBGT?

Could this all just be an alt-right hate/troll fest?

It could be.

It could also be a reaction to a lifestyle that people are tired of supporting through silence.

Because you know... that's something people get to do. Like when people got sick of all the indirect evidence of pedo garbage in the Catholic Church despite all the official denial of all the people that would be hurt if the accusations were true.


posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:11 PM
I don't think some of you know how angry some of us are at how true we know this problem is.

So every one of you trying to pass it off as nothing sound like Catholic Priest apologists.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Hiya TB! Ye infectious bastard ye.

I was wondering, have you looked into this whole pizza thing at all? Just curious what that mouth of yours would have to say about this whole fiasco. I've delved into the threads here and elsewhere and I'm stunned, silent. It is unbelievable, but seemingly undeniable. I only hope that if it is an ugly truth that it is cut down quick-sharp.

Tinky tinky

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: ThereforeTheMeh

I don't think they want peace at the price that is being asked.

Hell of a conspiracy theory but I don't think it makes much of a difference to the LGBTQ community. Much like young american men fight and die for a government that doesn't really care about them. It's probably the same group of people you are talking about.

They will say that they don't fight for the gov but for nation and family.

I can see the members of the LGBTQ community singing a similar tune.

edit on 25-11-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: ThereforeTheMeh

As far as I'm aware, no victims have come forward.

That's the difference here.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
As far as I'm aware, no victims have come forward.

That's the difference here.

Then perhaps you aren't equipped to understand this group. As a victim... oh... yeah... I turned out straight white male christian my perspective doesn't matter because I didn't turn the right #ing direction.

That's the difference here.

originally posted by: daskakik
I can see the members of the LGBTQ community singing a similar tune.

They will sing a tune that seeks to create more non-straight-humans.

Why would they not? I would be surprised if they sang any other song.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:41 PM
A mate of mine got #ed by the scoutmaster when he was ten . He was left depressed about it for the rest of his years their was not a day when it didn't bother him. It caused a lot of psychic damage. It really sounds like a joke, but its not. It shames the victim into silence. But this stuff is even way beyond that, theirs obvious government involvement.
Under the present statutes for abuse, they would get a few years inside and then be placed on a sex offenders list. In fact the time inside would be spent with your peer group,firstly you would suffer humiliation and shame. But then it would be normalising the practice, along other like minded individuals, who shared the same turf.
No something more sinister is going down here, certain politicians are being filmed doing something so way beyond the normal,that it would seal their loyalty. What it is, is purely speculation. However its not all Politicians, or their would be no charges or publicity showing up at all. But those few seem to be in the blocking positions to keep a lid on anything getting out.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:42 PM
God damn it straight white male victims are pleading to be heard but because we are straight white men you shut us #ing out.

This is what is going to cause severe eternal damage if it isn't dealt with.

I can't possibly plead with you any other way to avoid the god damn war you are demanding happen that you will lose.

I hated everything that people from your community subjected me to as a child. You can tell me all you like that it's not what you represent, and I believe you as an individual, but it was the Christian community that I had been told was the perpetrators of the things I was told I was escaping from that gave me a legitimate escape. And they did for a while. Their offer was better than yours as a hurt minority experiencing ingrained bias.

Then I became an atheist. Because they were also full of a different kind of crap. But they were FAR better than you to me as a child trying to not feel terrified of adults.

Then I became... something you would have to have a phone call with me to possibly understand.

But Jesus #ing Christ I'm a guy coming to tell you I hated everything your community pushed on me in the 80's and 90's and I still struggle with nausia at the encounters I had with members of your community.

So when you ask me for compassion and community and I see pride parades in San Francisco and I think about the people you tell me I should overlook because they don't represent your community... you are failing in your agenda.
edit on 25-11-2016 by ThereforeTheMeh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: ThereforeTheMeh
They will sing a tune that seeks to create more non-straight-humans.

Why would they not? I would be surprised if they sang any other song.

I was talking about their personal reasons for fighting. Just like any soldier that justifies his sacrifice. That is why they are not accepting your offer of peace.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: TheFlyOnTheWall
I put this in my other thread but it's going to get buried and I think this deserves it's own thread because it needs much exposure. Comet Pizza has two main bands that play there for "all ages" shows. All ages means under the legal age for the record. Their bands are Heavy Breathing and Sex Stains. Heavy breathing's videos are loaded with cp innuendo and their front woman MajesticApe has been caught on video making suggestive remarks about people having their 'preferences' for children. Comet pizza has been busted having a pedo symbol. Their franchise Besta pizza has been busted having a pedo symbol. The restaurant across the street has been busted with a pedo symbol. Now, the band Sex Stains has been busted having a pedo symbol.

This is not a coincidence.

Is not a coincidence
edit on 25-11-2016 by imd12c4funn because: post error

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
I was talking about their personal reasons for fighting. Just like any soldier that justifies his sacrifice. That is why they are not accepting your offer of peace.

They have never offered me peace.

If they supported State's Rights and Constitutionalism and Freedom of Association and Speech and Defence then we might be able to build a nation together. And I would LOVE to defend their right to love whoever they like that consents. I'll stay the # out of their way so long as I don't have to keep them alive at the point of a gun.

But that is NOT what is being offered. What is being offered is their way or the violent way.

They will lose the violent way, so I can only assume they are trying to get away with bluffing the threat like they are used to for decades.

But the conversation isn't so clear anymore.

I am resisting the mentality that encouraged my own child molestation. For 20 years, I've been told my molestation is just a speed bump on the way to progress.

K. If you want. Keep following that narrative. See where it ends up. Or maybe... stop and start asking some poor straight white men what the hell they saw as children.
edit on 25-11-2016 by ThereforeTheMeh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: ThereforeTheMeh
They have never offered me peace.

I didn't say they did. You said "we walked into the camp and tried to make peace."

You offering peace to them, not the other way around.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: ThereforeTheMeh

originally posted by: Greggers
Well, just to be clear, I personally am not homophobic, racist, misogynistic, a witch, or an illiterate. In case there was any confusion.

Neither am I. I'm a straight, white, male, heterosexual, conservative, and Christian.

In case there was any confusion.

There was. There has been confusion from the moment you first posted. I still don't know why you directed any of these posts at me, or what point you're even trying to make.

This has been, quite honestly, one of the most puzzling exchanges I've had with anyone since joining ATS.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
I didn't say they did. You said "we walked into the camp and tried to make peace."

You offering peace to them, not the other way around.

We did offer them peace. We offered Ron Paul. We tried for years. Then we *stopped* blocking the meme assholes. We also stopped blocking asshole candidates. Suddenly "they" started hearing our complaints.

So "we"... the reasonable straight white men... stopped getting in the way of jerks who were willing to say things we weren't because our abuse at the hands of child females and adult females and SJW men who defended them as children had rendered us fearful for our very existence because as a child male adult and female opinion is what you are and will become.


Yeah. Totally unfair. Should be fixed.


So men like me, who understood they were playing a rigged game tried to get get good honest decent men like Ron Paul in. We failed. We started producing funny images. Suddenly a man came around who seemed to get our dank jokes. He rode that wave, but he's just another meme.

The dankest memes are men like me who know the truth of our abuse. Our nice politically proven and non-offensive candidate was laughed off the stage.

Oh now an asshole candidate is there and you are scared?

Well guess what... he's still just a mirage on top of a much bigger movement.

I hope you will work WITH us... but you will NEVER remove the sexual abuse from my mind exacted by the demographics you tell me I should give blanket empathy and sympathy for. Ever.

Hard conversations for a long time because the Internet Is Awesome.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Greggers
This has been, quite honestly, one of the most puzzling exchanges I've had with anyone since joining ATS.

Willing to accept that I latched on to a tiny portion of your post and inflated it far beyond your intent.

So I'm saying outright... I'm going back to re-read the 2 pages preceding your comments at a minimum... and will return with whether I latched onto an idea that you weren't really expressing.

If so... I will apologize to you personally, and extract the nugget into a purely rhetorical structure to respond to.

So starting off assuming I have associated you with a point of view that is unfair in full context and that I have overly blanketed you with rhetoric that while I support... you merely provided an accidental opportunity to launch into it.

So to state again... I am assuming I've pegged you wrong and re-reading.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: ThereforeTheMeh

I see what you are saying but the real problem is the two party system.

Ron Paul ran for the party which includes the part of america that stands against the LGBTQ community. That is a hard sell.

I also don't think Trump is as much of a threat. The threat is this backlash that you are talking about. That was going to happen no matter which republican won. Maybe even if a democrat had won.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:24 PM
Another damning thing many are not aware of is that less than an hour from the start of pizzagate the super creepy heavy breathing video was removed from YouTube, it is only because of quick archiving and reposting by a Reddit user that people even started looking into these bands.

I saw the post moments after it appeared on Reddit, watched it on YouTube and ten minutes later it was gone from comet pizzas YouTube channel.

These images are really the final straw for me, I was already leaning towards the comet pedo rumors being true, but this is just too much too ignore, I now have no doubt.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: ThereforeTheMeh
I don't think some of you know how angry some of us are at how true we know this problem is.

So every one of you trying to pass it off as nothing sound like Catholic Priest apologists.

But in the case of the Catholic priests, there were actual accusations. I get what you're trying to say but it's very different. In that case you had victim testimony, in this you have some loosely interpreted writings and symbols, and there is a gigantic gulf between those two things.

To me, there is only one right answer: Are you prepared to live with yourself if you are wrong? If you are wrong saying they are not pedos, or you are wrong and saying they are pedos. In the first case, you enable pedophilia by shutting down investigation, in the second case, you ruin people's lives based on poor evidence. The only answer to me is to trust that this has gained attention at this point and leave it up to the people who spend their lives investigating these things.

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