So this happened
After this, the woman deleted her entire twitter
And this went private.
So let this sink in.
official representatives for Telegraph went on a widely popular social media service and said this stuff. this is pushing already volatile people to
plan on assassinating a president.
you can comment now, the next bit is me just on a rant. read or not, I just feel the need to do a bit of bitching:
So up until a couple years ago, I considered myself a pretty strong liberal, edging on progressive stances overall. I like to think I had some balance
overall, but I did do the identity politics a bit, and I still do want to genuinely help out when I can if people are being jerks. If I see racist
bullcrap going on, I will start hammering the racist jerks (actual racism though, not the watered down nonsense. I live in the deep south and racism
to me is a pretty specific hardcore thing, not discussing "white washing movies" and nonsense like that. (although dammit, motoko shoulda been
Japanese..thats beside the point).
About 2ish years ago, I realized just how far and deep the fringe leftists have gone, identity politics became not just a consideration, but the
centerpiece and so encompassing that that's all there is. from there, anything white was bad, anything masculine was toxic, anything cis was bigoted,
anything not on the outermost fringe left became a right wing mentality..and it went mainstream.
fitness became fat shaming, pride in country and family became colonialism and patriarchy. etc...and its only been getting worse.
Well, what happened in this election sucks, we got a president who is installing a creationist as the department of education. a GW denier as the EPA
chief, I expect the Marlboro man will be the surgeon general.
And you know what..good..GOOD! because the left has gone soo far off into insanity that this is a much needed punch in the nose to get them back to
the center and sanity.
But whats going on here and now is remarkable.
There are mainstream media now starting to tweet out murdering a elected president. this seems more than just a ideological difference, this seems
like a very gigantic movement that lost something and is now in a murderous insanity.
We needed a 4 year punch to get sanity back..but this is making me wonder if the left should ever be considered capable to hold office again if losing
means rioting, calling for murder from the media, etc.
ok, rant over..its unfocused and just really steaming me now because the left is where my home is, and its been taken over by a bunch of anarchists,
communists, and the most vile people ever created from the bowels of demons.
Anyone who is left in the liberal party with a bit of sanity should step away and help me throw rocks at these enemies..because as long as they stay
there, I will be helping make sure they are neutered